Jim and Erica were finishing up packing their house up. They decided that with the cost of homes sky-rocketing that now would be a good time to sell. They had only been living in their modest home for a few years and already the asking price had doubled and they were sure that what happened at the last housing bubble would happen again. They wanted to cash in at the top of the bubble before it broke. They only had their house on the market for three days before it sold. Now they only had two weeks to pack-up and move somewhere.

Jim hated packing and often went slow on purpose. Erica would look over at him and he would either be staring at her watching her pack a box or he would be playing games on his phone, both of those upset her since they needed to be moved out soon. “Hey, let’s take a break and get some lunch, I’m starving, and we only have half the house to go.” Jim said as he stood up. He looked down and patted his small belly. “It’s time to feed the beast.” He said playfully as he patted it.

Erica laughed jokingly at his dumb joke but acquiesced and stood up. He loved looking at her. She wasn't tall in stature, only standing 5'6" but her body was built like a stick of dynamite. When you walked into a room that she was in, you knew it. Your eyes would immediately see her small frame and her body that she worked so hard to achieve. The hours of lunges and squats had formed an ass that bartenders could mix a drink on. It was tight and round. For a white girl she was an anomaly and befit a mention by Sir Mix-A-Lot. While her breasts were small, only 32A, they were made all the better by the pink nipples extending from them. When she was excited, which seemed to be all the time they would stretch out nearly an inch from her chest.

Another benefit of her smaller breasts was that she defied gravity and likely always would. She could wear skimpy tops with barely any material and even though she is now in her 40's she can still vie for the attention from 20-year old’s and she's even been hit on by a group of high school boys. But her body aside, her face was equally as beautiful. Her eyes held a life and an energy that made both men and women want to be near. They would give you life and take away your breath at the same time. Below those her smile was broad with thick lips and when she was happy her entire face would tell you.

His friends would always tell him that she was built on a small frame but that she was clearly built for a hard ride. He wasn’t sure what that meant but it was probably sexual. He knew that his friends all wanted to see her naked and often tricked him into giving them his phone so that they could try and find pictures of her. She was wearing one of his shirts that looked like a tent on her. It was dark red with the logo of a cartoon character, but it was unrecognizable since it had gone through the wash so many times. Now it was thin and worn and he loved when she wore it. Her nipples always poked through and he could swear that he could almost see through it in the right light. Paired with that she had on her black Lululemon yoga pants. She hardly ever wore a bra when she was around the house because she said that no one was going to see her, and it wasn’t like Jim cared.

Without taking stock of what they had left remaining Jim and Erica grabbed the keys to their car, some money, phones and their sunglasses. As they started to drive away, Erica finally took stock of her outfit. “We have to turn around. I look like shit and I’m not even wearing a bra!” She told whims he drove. He glanced over at her chest and saw the pronounced outline of her nipples against the fabric.

‘Holy shit, she’s never shown off outside. I hope I run into my friend Mark. Maybe I should call him and ask us to meet for lunch.’ Jim thought as he turned back to the road. Lately he’s had a fantasy of Erica being with other men. He likes to fantasize about his friends coming over and getting him so ***** that he passes out and they take turns fucking her and covering her with cum. “It’s fine honey, no one’s going to care. We’re just going over to Chic-Fil-A. We don’t even have to get out of the car.” He told her.

She glared at him for a moment then pulled down the visor and started to run her fingers through her hair. “I can’t believe you pushed me out the door looking like this. I look like one of those hood rats on the other side of town. Speaking of, I never want to live over there.” She told him as she continued to mess with her blond hair. Each time she ran her fingers through, it seemed to smooth out a few more wild blond hairs then settle at her shoulders. When they got to the fast food chain there was a long line of cars and they sat at the end of it. “We still need a place to live. You know that, right?” She asked him with a quizzical look on her face. He glanced over and nodded to her.

“I have that list of apartments in town. The houses for rent are astronomical and we can downsize for a bit, right?” He told her as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a small notebook that he always kept on him. Then he handed her the notebook and found a pen in his center console and handed that to her as well.

She opened the notebook and found the list of places. There were 10 listed, Jim had written down the name, address and phone number. He found this all last night and was planning on calling around today after packing. She looked at the names and addresses of each. “Jim, some of these are in the black part of town. I told you I don’t want to live over there. It’s not safe.” She said and put a line through the bottom two places. She then picked up her phone and started with the top number. Jim heard the Erica talk happily with the person on the other end and write some random numbers down then once she was off the phone, she put a line through the name. “You wouldn’t believe what they want to charge. There’s no way we would make any money.” Jim was doing the math in his head, three down seven to go.

She made more calls which resulted in more lines through the list because they were fully rented out. Only two names remained on the list and Jim knew they were the worst when he found them and added them to the list. He put them on the bottom for a reason and they were only followed up by the ones in the black part of town because he knew that a shitty apartment may still be better than one filled with black people.

She called one of the last two places and a man with a loud voice came on the phone and talked with her. Erica asked questions about the rent, availability and amenities. She was all smiles until right before she hung up the phone. Jim heard the man say something and immediately after that Erica displayed a startled and disgusted look and without saying anything else, she hung up the phone and threw it down into the floorboard, like it was contagious. She then used the pen and drew five lines through that properties name and for emphasis, she wrote NO WAY IN HELL, over top of the lines. Jim glanced at the list and saw just the single lonely name remaining. “That man was a pure pig. He asked if I was planning on being home alone a lot and if my husband minded if I had a little company from time to time. What a disgusting pig.” They were nearing the front of the line and after they ordered their food and waited for it, Erica reached down and picked up her phone.

A young man who couldn’t have been older than 17 handed their food through Jim’s open window. He then handed them their drinks as well. Jim saw the young man look across at Erica. Look may be too loose of a word for what he was doing. This kid was staring a whole right through her shirt and at her pronounced nipples. Jim glanced over and noticed that they did seem to have hardened considerably after that last call. It made him wonder if there was something else going on in her head other than disgust. The young man broke his gaze in time to catch Jim’s eye. “Beautiful isn’t it?” He commented.

They both understood what it meant but as Erica looked over trying to figure out what they were talking about the kid recovered fantastically. “Sure is. Man, I hope I get a ride as sweet as this one.” And he tapped the window-sill of the car before smiling at Jim and returning for his next delivery.

“You men are weird, always comparing cars and dicks.” She said with a look that told him that she was only half-joking. She then looked in the book and dialed the remaining number. As she was talking, she pointed to the address in the book and indicated that he should drive there. He looked at the address and began driving there. After she got off the phone, she told him that they were reasonably priced and the woman on the phone seemed friendly. She told her she was going to be there shortly, and they ate on the way. They arrived just as they were finishing their lunch, and both got out at the same time to stretch. There didn’t seem to be anyone around, and Jim walked around the car to look at the place with Erica. As they let their eyes wander around the property, they felt like it was rundown but livable. There were mature trees and shrubs to give it a green look, but it was clear that lawn maintenance wasn’t a top priority here. They saw weeds and tall grass in every open patch of land. The playground that they were parked next to, was bleached of its bright blues and yellows from too many summers in the sun.

Since they didn’t have kids they didn’t care much. For them this place just needed to be manageable for a year or two until the housing bubble burst and they could reap the rewards. They walked in and the woman that Erica had talked to on the phone came right out. She was a short, heavy-set Latina woman with black hair that looked wet and she ignored Jim and went directly to Erica. “Buenos Dias, Señorita. How are you? I’m Marisol and we spoke on the phone. May I say that you are more beautiful than you sounded on the phone.” She said as she shook Erica’s hand. Jim stood next to Erica and he felt ignored because Marisol never even looked at him. “Come, Come, let me show you the apartment. It’s very lucky, you coming now. This is the last one and it’s right next to mine. We could be neighbors and maybe even good friends.” She said as she led Erica forward by placing her hand at the small of her back. Marisol finally acknowledged Jim as he walked behind them when she turned and faced him, “And this must be your husband.” She said as she plastered on a fake smile which lasted just a moment before he watched it turn to a scowl as she turned forward.

He then watched as Marisol looked his wife from head to toe. Jim said nothing as he saw her open her phone and point it at Erica’s back and he saw that she was taking pictures as she walked. He was about to say something when she announced they were there. The apartment in question was on the ground floor and Marisol pointed across the hall to another door. “This one’s mine!” She said proudly. Then she held her phone up and said, “Alright Erica. Let’s get a picture of you in front of your new apartment.” Erica stood awkwardly in front of the large beige door with the eyehole at the level with the top of her forehead. “Come on, Bella, with how pretty you are, you gotta know how to pose.” She said and Erica complied. She raised an arm and placed a hand behind her head and the other she put on her hip. As she pushed her hip out, she also pushed her chest forward. This last movement was what Marisol wanted and she took multiple shots of her. Jim watched Marisol behind her phone, and he saw her lick her lips. Then he looked at Erica and she was laughing and enjoying herself.

“Let’s go inside, shall we?” She said to Erica as she walked toward the door. She handed Erica the keys and let her open the door. “You’re about 40, right?” She asked.

“Great guess, that’s it exactly.” Erica said with amazement as she opened the door to the apartment. Both Erica and Marisol then tried to walk through the door at the same time and it looked like it was done as a comedic skit.

When they knocked into each other Marisol placed her hand on Erica’s ass intentionally and pushed her through. “Get your tight ass in there, little lady.” She said as she looked back at Jim and smirked. Jim wanted to leave but he couldn’t think of a good reason. He knew that Marisol was up to something and Erica seemed to be oblivious to it. “Wow, Erica, you must workout a lot. I was only joking but your ass is rather tight. Let’s see that shall we? You didn’t put the work in to not show it off a little. Am I right husband?” She turned and asked him. Erica also looked at him and waited for his response. When he didn’t say anything, Erica lifted the back of the shirt and Marisol breathed in sharply “Ay, Dios Mio! Mamacita el fuego!” She said. She then commended Erica on her work as she blatantly stared at his wife’s ass. She also took sneaky pictures with her phone that Erica didn’t notice but Jim was familiar with that technique. He had done it to his friends’ wives and his friends had done it to his wife. He was about to say something when Marisol pushed them further into the apartment.

As she showed Erica around, Jim was left as an afterthought and broke off to tour the small space by himself. He poked his head into a couple of the spaces and noticed the same inattention that plagued the outside of the building. When he caught up to Erica and Marisol, they were in the Master Bathroom and Erica was standing on the vanity. Marisol had her camera pointed up with the flashlight on. Erica was reaching for something high on the wall and it looked like Marisol was making sure she had enough light for whatever it was. As he got closer Marisol sensed him and tried to shield her phones screen and when he looked, he could see she was recording a video of her. He walked closer and heard Marisol say, “estúpido hijo de puta!!” She then put her phone down and scowled at him as she walked out of the room.

Jim’s Spanish was rusty, but he was pretty sure that she just called him a stupid motherfucker. He looked up at Erica to find out what she was doing and saw what Marisol was recording. She was looking straight up her shirt and videoing her breasts. Jim was angry but also intrigued and excited at the brazenness of this woman. Erica seemed to be done with whatever it was she was looking at and Jim helped her climb down from the vanity. They then walked through the rest of the apartment together and Marisol walked them out. She now seemed to be in a sour mood and hastily locked the door behind them. “Would you both like to sign for the apartment now?” Marisol asked as sweetly as she could muster but Jim still felt her shoot daggers at him with her eyes and that frightened him.

“We need to talk about it. Can we call you when we decide?” Erica asked.

“Marisol smiled broadly and simply said, “Sure honey, give me your number so I can text you a reminder later, in case you forget.” Erica told her the phone number and Jim watched as Marisol typed it into her phone. Erica then told Jim to give her his number as well and he gave her his number.

“Now you can reach either one of us.” Erica said happily. She truly seemed oblivious to the lecherous nature of this woman. They walked back to their car holding hands. As soon as they were in the car and the doors closed Jim saw Erica looking out at the property with the intention of imagining herself living there.

Before they left the apartments parking lot, their phones pinged with a message. “Thank you for visiting me at the Longarm Apartments. I hope that you both decide to come live with us and join our community. - Marisol”

“That was nice of her. “Erica said with a smile and looked up from her phone at Jim. They then drove out of the apartments parking lot and were on the highway before Jim’s phone dinged with a new message. Erica picked up his phone and checked the message. She then turned to Jim and screamed and started hitting him. “YOU SON OF A BITCH. YOU”RE CHEATING ON ME WITH SOME FUCKING SPIC! AND SHE AS BIG AS A FUCKING HOUSE TOO!” It took all of Jim’s skills as a driver to not wreck the car on the highway and to pull off to the side of the street. Once on the side he grabbed his phone from Erica who released it grudgingly and looked at the message.

The message read, “Sé que me viste mirando a tu esposa y no puedo esperar a que quede atrapada entre estas piernas comiendo mi gran coño descuidado. Solo sacudirás tu pequeña polla. Yo la poseeré.” The message was from a number that wasn’t a contact and the only indication of who it was came in the form of the attached picture. The picture showed a very tanned woman. Erica described her as a Spic and she very well could be Latino. The woman in the photo was fat and naked. She had her legs spread wide on the floor and her fingers of one hand spreading her pussy. Her other hand she used to hold and lift one of her large breasts with a brown nipple that looked bigger than a half-dollar.

While Erica fumed next to him, Jim started to type in the search function of his web browser on his phone. He copied the text in the message over to the translate site he found and read the results.

I know you saw me staring at your wife and I can't wait for her to be trapped between these legs eating out my big sloppy pussy. You will only ever jerk your tiny little dick. I'm gonna own her.”

“I hope you’re telling her you need a place to live because you aren’t living with me.” She told him with hatred.

Jim heard her but ignored her comment because he thought he knew who would have sent this and opened the messages to the one he received as a group message from Marisol. He compared the phone numbers and they matched. Then he dropped his phone in her lap. “I don’t have a girlfriend and I’m not cheating on you. It was that sleazy Marisol lady from the apartments. Check the numbers.” Jim said.

Confused by this new development she picked up the phone and looked at the numbers then back at the picture. “Then what does it say? Was she trying to hit on you?” She asked, concerned.

“I don’t think I play the right part in her play. If you open the web browser, you can read what it says.” Jim replied.

“Jim, I’m sorry that I jumped to that conclusion, but you understand why I would think that, don’t you?” She asked him. Then she read the messages meaning and her eyes bulged out of her head. “OMG, there’s no way she meant for this to be sent to you. I better tell her; I mean you don’t even speak Spanish. I wish they would finish the wall already.” She added. Then Jim watched her pick up her phone and start typing then send. She quickly got a reply and laughed and told Jim to take her home.

“What did she say?” Jim asked urgently. He wanted to know how she would be able to justify sending me this message and Erica not care.

“It was a mistake. She was trying to send it to her girlfriends’ husband. I guess her husband likes to be treated like a cuckold?” She said as she had to re-read the text. “She said that she was sorry we had to see her like that and that we will still come there.” As she finished explaining the answer Jim pulled the notebook from Erica’s lap along with the pen. Then as he drove, he found the correct page with apartment names and addresses he lined through the Longarm Apartments. “Why’d you do that? That was the one place left.” Erica asked.

“One, I think she meant to send it to me. Two, that place was unkempt and not suitable for us. Three, could you live there and see her everyday knowing exactly what was beneath those clothes?” He then handed her the notebook again and she smiled weakly and nodded her head in agreement.

She really didn’t think it was as bad as Jim was making it out to be but after the way she blew-up at him and hit him she wanted to give him a win. “If you want to, we can look at the other two I crossed out in the black part of town.” She told him and followed it up with another apology. “Again, I’m so sorry. I know you wouldn’t do anything like that. Tell me you forgive me.”

“Of course I forgive you honey. I completely understand how that looked and don’t even worry about it. I will take you up on those other places though. Give them a call and we will try the one you like best first. Since we are already out, let’s do it now.” He told her.

She looked at the list and called the first of the two numbers. Jim heard a man answer. He could tell that the man had a deep baritone voice and Erica seemed to react to it right away. Jim almost thought she seemed more docile and compliant when she was talking to him. When she got off the phone, she told him that they had apartments available and that they should come by to take a look. Jim put the address in for the apartment complex and steered the car in that direction. As they traveled on the main road through town, they could see the decay of the haughtier part of town they were used to into the disrepair of the urban part. The people on the streets gradually became less and less white until they noticed that they were the only white people visible in a city block.

Neither Jim or Erica is a racist mind you and they would be quick to tell you that. The fact is that they knew they harbored prejudice and that often steered their decisions. They approached the entrance of the apartments. Jim found a spot in the front of the clubhouse and parked. Erica was slow to get out and looked around to make sure that they were safe before she opened the door. When she finally did get out, her body language showed that she was guarded. Her shoulders were hunched, and she was trying to make herself as small as possible. “You must be the couple I spoke to on the phone a few moments ago!” A booming voice said to them. They looked at the entrance to the clubhouse and saw a man with a friendly smile. He was well over six feet tall and seemed to tower above the both of them. His barrel chest stretched his polo shirt tight then it seemed to form around the pooch of a belly he had. When they looked at him, they noticed that the sun seemed to reflect like a mirror on the top of his bald head. “Names Rocky, I take care of the things around her that need takin’ care of. If ya know what I mean.” He said as he shook Jim’s hand and winked like they were old acquaintances.

He then turned and tried to shake Erica’s hand and when she put her hand in his it looked like it swallowed it entirely. Seeing them stand next to each other Jim thought they looked like completely different species. The pure size of Rocky compared to the daintiness of Erica was amazing. Rocky laughed at her dainty hand and then held out a set of keys. “Here’s the keys for the apartment that available. If you like it come on back and we can talk about it.” He said and after Erica took the keys from him and the directions on how to get there, they were off and on their way. Jim saw the direction they needed to head and headed that way. Erica hesitated for a moment. She tried to take the whole environment in. The grass seemed well tended and the buildings all seemed well maintained and new. When she looked back to the clubhouse, she caught Rocky looking out at her and she noticed that his hand was just below the edge of the window, but it looked like he was rubbing something. When she looked at him, he was licking his lips and when their eyes met, he lifted his meaty paw and waved at her. She turned and hurried to catch up to Jim.

Jim and Erica talked about the apartments and about how nice it was. Both of them surprised at how nice it was. The apartment was another ground floor apartment which was fine with them. They didn’t want to carry their stuff up and to many stairs anyway. When they entered the apartment, it was large and spacious. The two bedrooms both seemed like Master Suites with their own connected bathrooms as well as a half-bath in the living spaces. The kitchen was fully updated, and it was more than they expected to get. Without a word between them they knew what the other was thinking and as they left and returned to the clubhouse, they were ready. Rocky was waiting for them in his office. When they walked through his door, he had two pens out and the contract for the lease all ready.

“Looks like you had us pegged from the start huh?” Jim said jokingly.

“I know a new tenant when I see one.” He said.

“When can we move in?” Erica asked.

“Today if you want. Just finish signing here and here and we are officially neighbors.” Rocky told them as he watched them finish signing the paperwork.

“What do you mean neighbors?” They asked in almost unison.

“I live right upstairs from you. Me and the maintenance tech are roommates which is good for you because we aren’t ever around the apartment because we both work too much. We also don’t party like some of the others in here and if you need a hand or four, we are right upstairs.” He said in an explanatory manner.

Jim wrote a check for the first and last month’s rent then handed it to him. In return Rocky handed them a set of keys and congratulated them before walking them out of the office.

On the way home they were happy. They now had a place to move to and weren’t going to be homeless when Escrow closed on their house. “We should start moving stuff over immediately.” Erica said as she sat in the passenger seat. Jim could see her excitement and it seemed to him that it took all of her willpower not to bounce out of the car. When they got home Jim and Erica walked into their home and now that they had a place they could move to, their current home began feeling alien. Jim was already tired from the day and since they had been out since lunch and it was now getting dark, he just wanted to rest. Erica on the other hand seemed even more invigorated. “I can’t believe I almost didn’t give that place a chance. Thank you for making us go. It’s perfect.” She told him.

Jim just made room on the couch after clearing some half-packed boxes and books off a cushion and sat down. He turned on the TV and started looking for what to watch. “What’s for dinner Hun?” He asked her without acknowledging what she had said.

“I’m too excited to even think about dinner. We have a new place that we can decorate and *Christen*” she said as she made air quotes with her hands. She moved to Jim sitting on the couch and straddled his legs. Jim felt her pants stretch across his lap and her breasts rested directly in front of him. “Plus, Rocky seemed really nice. His voice is so soothing. I almost felt like I was being hypnotized.” She told him as she ran her hands up and down his chest.

Jim lifted the shirt she was wearing over her head and dropped it on the floor. Her long nipples pointed at him in anticipation of what was to come. Jim leaned forward and took a nipple in her mouth and sucked on it as she reached down between them to unbutton his pants and take down the zipper. Without taking her nipple from his lips he reached down and pushed his pants as far down as they would go. Erica looked down and saw that Jim was already fully erect. She knew that she didn’t marry him for his prowess at sex but sometimes when they made love and she saw his small dick she wondered how a larger chalice would feel pushing into her. She reached down and began stroking his thin dick.

She could see that he was already near to an orgasm and she felt that she needed to hurry up on the action or she wouldn’t get anything. She quickly stood up and pulled her pants down to the floor then turned and faced her ass toward Jim. While backing up she reached for him as she sat down and with her other hand, she pulled the thong she was wearing to the side. They were trimmed in pink lace with a soft material inside with a flower design. Jim loved to use them when he jerked off and that was a lot. As she sat on his dick and began her normal small motions up and downs could feel that he was there, but she needed to play with her clit to get near her own climax. “Sorry baby, it’s coming already.” Jim said quickly.

It seemed to Erica that the longer they were married the quicker of a shot he was becoming. She didn’t give up and instead she kept his dick inside of her as it deflated and leaned back to her back was resting on his chest. She began to attack her clit with force and pinched her nipples in turn. He looked over her shoulder to see her pull each extended numb away from her chest and his eyes got big. Jim couldn’t remember the last time that she was this tenacious sexually.

Erica was feeling her orgasm approaching and for some reason she kept thinking about Rocky in that window and his voice with its melodic tones telling her ‘If you need a hand or four, we are right upstairs.’ She let herself cum and then laid-back panting on top of Jim. Once she caught her breath again, she stood up and put her hand between her legs to keep Jim’s cum from dripping out of her. Then she reached for a nearby towel they were packing and placed it between her legs.

“How about Pizza for our last night here? The girls at church told me about a new place that just opened up and it’s supposed to be really good.” Erica said.

“Can you go pick it up and bring it back here?” Jim asked in a pleading manner. He really didn’t want to leave the house again that night.

“I’ll go pick it up and while I’m out I can drop off our first boxes of stuff. Would that work?” She asked him.

“That’s fine. How long do you think you’ll be?” He said and looked at her for an answer.

“I dunno, the new place is on the other side of town and the pizza place is a couple minutes from that, so maybe an hour, hour and a half maybe. Have a snack until I get back. Okay?” She answered and Jim nodded. He stood up and kissed Erica lightly on the lips then sat back down on the couch. Erica stretched to the floor and pulled up her pants half way then used the towel to wipe any remaining cum from her pussy and panties before discarding the towel on the floor and pulling her pants up the rest of the way up until she had them tight against her body. She then looked herself over and made sure there were no creases. She then walked to their bedroom where she put on a purple sports bra workout shirt. This ensured that she wouldn’t be giving any free shows by accident like in Jim’s loose shirt from today.

She then made Jim come into the room and grab a couple of their clothing boxes that they didn’t need right now and carry them down with her to the car. Once the boxes were packed in the car they kissed again briefly, and she was on her way.

Jim was happy for the solitude this provided him, and he went and spent some time searching different porn sites. As far as she knew he never looked at this stuff. But truth be told he had fantasies she would never understand.

Erica sang to the music on the radio all the way to their new apartment. By the time she got there it was very dark, but the parking lots and buildings were all lit up. Even at night this place was great. There was more activity around and she noticed some young men she would have categorized as thugs. She parked as close to her new apartment as she could find and got out of her car. “Erica, Is that you? I know I said you could move in today, but I wasn’t really expecting you to. Hold on, we’ll come down and give you a hand.” She looked for the voice and saw that it was the apartment directly about theirs. She noticed Rocky and waved at him with a big smile on her face. He was in the process of standing and tapped the other man on the balcony with him and he stood up as well. In a moment they were walking toward them. From what she saw Rocky’s friend was very small. Although compared to Rocky most men are.

“I told ya about him, but this here is my roommate Jerry. Jerry lets help the pretty lady out.” He said as an introduction.

“Pleased to meet you Jerry.” She said and Jerry only smiled at her and shook her hand. She noticed missing teeth in his smile and a secret in his eyes. She didn’t know if that was good or bad for her and that was the first time she was worried here. The men then grabbed the boxes from her car and carried them to the building.

“Tell ya what Erica. How about we keep your boxes in our apartment right now and when you get in tomorrow, we can bring them down to ya. Your place is entirely safe but sometimes with the new tenants moving in, our youth gets a little crazy and likes to play tricks with your stuff. Nothing big and they won’t bug you once you’re all moved in. I promise.” Rocky told her in his smooth voice.

“That’s really sweet of you Rocky, Thank you.” She said and followed Rocky up the stairs carrying a box. Behind her was Jerry and as she turned to see how far back he was, she caught him staring at her ass. ‘I guess that’s to be expected. A black man checking out a little white girls’ ass. How typical.’ She thought as she turned around and continued up the stairs. The entered Rocky’s apartment and the men stacked the boxes in front of the couch. Erica put her box along with them and then got ready to leave.

“You want to take a load off and share a beer with your new neighbors?” Jerry finally spoke and he genuinely seemed to mean it.

Erica thought about what was left of her night and realized that it would only consist of sitting on the couch with Jim as he complained about what the Democrats were doing and how Trump at least had us pointed in the right direction for change. “Yeah, I think I will. Need to make the right impression and get some good friends and you both seem like the best.” She told them.

Jerry got up and grabbed a longneck bottle out of their refrigerator. When he returned and handed it to her, she looked at the bottle, “Miller? That’s funny, we drink the same thing at home sometimes.” After she finished her sentence, she lifted the bottle and both men enjoy how her slender pale neck lifted gracefully like a swan and they saw her swallow a few swigs of her beer then bend her neck down. The three of them were still standing and Rocky motioned toward the couch and the three of them sat down together. They were able to make small talk easily and after Erica finished her beer, she had thoughts that it was time to go but Jerry anticipated her needs and had already gotten her another beer as a replacement. She didn’t usually drink but this was a special occasion.

She took another drink from the new bottle then sent a text to Jim to let him know that she got held up in traffic on the way to the new place. His response was non-committal and she disregarded it. ‘Sometimes’ she thought, ‘that man can be entirely useless and a waste of space. I love him but why couldn’t he care more. He didn’t even offer to get the pizza.’

“Would you like some chocolate Erica?” Rocky asked her and held up a package that she wasn’t familiar with. She looked at the packaging and read Buddies ChocoLogs. The cartoon character on the package was cute and she liked to try new things and these men were already being so nice to her. She opened the package and took two squares of chocolate and ate them. When she finished them, she thought she noticed an after taste that she wasn’t familiar with.

The men both looked at each other and smiled. They knew that between the beers she drank, and the marijuana laced chocolate she just ate, that she would be their plaything in no time. As they settled back on the couch, they started their small-talk again and slowly started to see Erica sink deeper and deeper into the couch. The men used this time to take stock of the boxes they brought in. Erica had done all the labelling and they were, Work Clothes, Bed Sheets, Jim’s Clothes, and Personals.

Jerry moved closer to Erica and placed his hand on her knee as she spoke to Rocky. She briefly looked down at his hand on her leg but didn’t react and instead she turned back to Rocky like nothing was happening. Jerry started to rub her knee and thigh. Rocky took this time to begin the corruption he was hoping for since she called him. He knew she was a bored white girl from her voice. The fact that she was also trim and tight was even better. He wasn’t worried about her stiff lipped husband Jim but right now he wasn’t even here. “I tried to tell Jerry how pretty you were, but I couldn’t do you justice. Isn’t that right Jerry?” He said and brought her attention to Jerry who had moved completely off her knee and was now rubbing the length of her thigh near him.

She looked down, then up at him and he could see the confusion in her eyes as she tried to make sense of his hand. “Sure is, you are one of the prettiest white girls I’ve seen around her. And your outfit is slammin’. These pants are real soft. What are they made of?” He asked her.

“Most of it is a nylon I think but the cloth between my legs feels a little different and stretches more, so I think that's something else.” She said then opened her legs slightly more.

“That sounds nice. Mind if I feel them?” Rocky asked her.

She moved the leg not being rubbed by Jerry toward Rocky and this caused her legs to open wider. They now had a great view between Erica’s legs. Her arms laid lazily at her sides as Rocky approached her. She looked at him with glassy eyes and he reached out his meaty paw. When he placed it on the inside of her knee she breathed in sharply. “Did I hurt you?” He asked her.

“No, I was just startled how big your hand is.” she said.

“Then you will be really startled when you see my cock.” He said then followed that with a laugh that seemed to start deep in his body and resonate on the way out.

Erica laughed along with them and Jerry followed suit as well. “I’ve heard that black guys were bigger but I’m sure that’s just a wives tale.” She said as she glanced down at the crotch of his pants.

“Oh, so you wives like to talk about our big black cocks at your fancy church lunches huh?” Rocky asked her smiling.

“Nooo, those stuffy bitches only complain about all the corruption around us and how our way of life is under attack. I meant that it’s an urban legend. Even if you were bigger it’s not like you would be a lot bigger.” She said while gesturing in a way as to say not a real thing.

Rocky slowly slid his hand up the inside of her thigh, “Jerry you were right, this material is nice.” He commented as he kept moving up. Erica understood where his hand was going and moved her hands down. Her reflexes were slow, and they ended up landing on Rocky’s hands as they reached the crotch of her pants.

“That’s a no-no mister.” She said unconvincingly.

“You said it was a different material and so I wanted to see what you meant. So far it feels the same.” He told her as he slowly started to explore her pants with two of his meaty fingers. He could feel the heat building between her legs, and she held onto his hand tighter and her head rolled back as he put just the right amount of pressure on her sensitive clit.

“Oh My God, what is wrong with me?” She asked Jerry.

“Bitch you high as a kite. You ate two squares of Hydro-Chocolate.” He told her.

“Huh?” Was all she could muster.

“You ate chocolate laced with marijuana.” Rocky told her. “Now you lost your inhibitions that kept your strait-laced white girl persona, and clearly what’s coming out is that of a huge slut.” Rocky told her as he removed his hand from her lap. Erica kept her hands gripped to Rocky’s as he lifted it up and pressed it against her belly then slowly moved it down until she felt his hand move inside her pants.

“no, nO, No, NO! Right?” she said as she willed herself to act. Eventually she was able to sit up and then stand up in front of the men where she turned around and tried to berate them as best she could. “I’m married, you guys aren’t being cool right now. What if …. Jerry finds out? No, wait a minute. Your Jerry. Not my Jerry. Who’s my Jerry? Jim, Jim! That’s his name. What if he finds out?” She finally finished as she stood in front of them.

“Well then how about you take off those pants so I can feel them better.” Rocky said.

Erica held her hand up to her chin and looked like she was thinking about it seriously. “But then I would be in my underwear and that wouldn’t be okay.” She said.

Then Rocky and Jerry pointed at the clothes boxes behind her. She turned around and giggled to herself then asked them if they could open them for her. Jerry pulled out a multi-tool device from his pocket and stood up to the boxes and began opening them all. He started with the Work Clothes box and then as he continued through the other boxes he finished with the Personals. When he opened that one up, he was met with lingerie and different bras and panties. He held up a black mesh crotchless panty. Erica grabbed them from him and then gently pushed him away but kept her hand on his chest as she leaned over the box. She dug around with Jerry next to her. She tried to find something particular, but things were getting in the way.

She saw Jerry standing there and handed him the crotchless panties she was still holding then began pulling out handfuls of her lingerie and underwear and handing it to him. He would handle them and pull out a pair of panties and toss them over to Rocky on the couch who would inspect them then put them on his floor next to the couch. “Maybe after you find what you’re looking for we can have a little fashion show.” He told her from the couch.

“Maybe…Wait, no. I’m married Rocky, come on. Now where is it? There it is. Finally.” She said in a low voice. Then she pulled out a pair of short silk pajama shorts. They were Black with a small whit fringe around the leg holes and an elastic waist band. She then took what was remaining of her underwear from Jerry and tossed them back in the box.

Erica then looked around the room for a good place to change at and decided that anywhere but here would be too far away and take too long. She placed the shorts on top of the box then curled her thumbs inside the waistband of her pants and pulled them down. As she did this Rocky and Jerry were enjoying the show. Her pink trimmed panties came into view as she bent over at the waist and they both stared at how her delicious ass seemed to swallow her panties as they went between her cheeks.

When her pants were at her ankles and she was still bent over Rocky commented, “Looks like your husband got a little cum on your panty. There’s some dried up crusty cum that I can see from here.” He told her.

“That asshole. Oh well.” She said as she stayed bent over but reached up for the edge of her panties as well and brought those down as well where they pooled on the floor with her pants. From Rocky’s view he could see clearly between her legs and the glistening of her excited body pointing back at him. Sadly, for Jerry, all he saw was the top of her bared ass.

Jerry being so close though, he took this opportunity to reach out and feel her ******* ass in his dark hand. He always felt like the stark difference between a black hand on a thick white ass made it look all the more taboo and he loved it. He let his hand enjoy the warmth of her cheeks then, because he wasn’t sure how she would react, he slid down the center of her cheeks and between her legs past her asshole that he felt tighten instinctively to her pussy.

It was emanating heat so strongly that Jerry thought there was a fire during inside her. He ran his finger along the edge then removed his hand altogether. He examined his finger and tasted it. “Grade A Married White Girl pussy. All the niggas in the hood are gonna wanna try this.” Jerry said to Rocky.

Erica didn’t try to stop him, though she didn’t know if she had the faculty to stop him anyway, but once his hand was removed, she stepped into her pajama shorts and pulled them up. Then she stood up and faced Rocky on the couch then over at Jerry. “That wasn’t cool Jerry!” She said sternly and wagged a finger at him.

“The lady’s right Jerry. As a punishment you need to get this woman another beer and one of my special aspirins.” Rocky said from the couch. Jerry nodded knowingly and went for the requested items.

Erica turned her head to Rocky, “How do I look?” She asked him, forgetting that the entire reason she took off her pants was for him to feel the material. She felt the air conditioning in the room freely make its way between the loose openings of her legs and it sent shivers through her.

“The shorts look great but now the top doesn’t match.” Rocky said and he watched as Erica thought momentarily then pulled her top up and over her head. As she stood there topless with her shirt in her hand, she heard an audible gasp from Rocky and Jerry. She was instantly proud of herself.

Jerry returned with her beer and the tab of ecstasy that Rocky told him to get her. “No on the aspirin, I think she’ll be fine, and we can always give it to her next time if she doesn’t play nicely.” Rocky said as Jerry approached her. Jerry held out the beer to Erica who in turn handed him her purple shirt. They changed hands and Erica took a big drink from the bottle while at the same time Jerry once again went for an unasked-for grope.

His hand made a straight beeline for her breasts and the nipples that were standing solidly out from her chest like soldiers at attention. As his digits closed in on her excited nubs, she moaned through her beer bottle. He was still playing the game and removed his hand after the light groping and returned to his seat on the couch. “That looks a lot better now Neighbor. Now how about we keep talking over here on the couch?”

Erica showed a genuine smile at how nice these two men were being to her and she almost sauntered back over to them. She enjoyed the air on her breasts and couldn’t figure out why she didn’t do this earlier. As she sat down, she felt the men's hands fall back on her legs where they had previously been and to her it felt like they belonged there. “Now what were we talking about guys?” She asked with a blank look as she glanced back and forth from Rocky to Jerry.

“You were talking about how you wondered if the size thing was true. If black cocks were a lot bigger than the white boys.” Rocky told her.

“Oh yeah, so is it?” She asked with an, interested to learn more, tone in her voice.

Rocky sat back and opened his pants up. When she looked in his lap, she could see an impressive bulge, but it didn’t register what it was. “Dig in there and find out.” He told her as he removed his hand from her lap then pulled her hand to the opening of his pants where he let it go. With a mind of its own she watched her hand sneak into his pants and gripped what felt like a steel pole covered in flesh. She struggled to pull it out and had to lean over towards Rocky to be able to do it as she needed to use both hands.

Jerry had saw what was happening and already had his cock out and was slowly stroking it as she leaned away from him and her ass came into view. The loose legs of her shorts caused parts of her ass to come spilling out and he placed his free hand between her legs. She lifted a leg to allow him more access without even thinking about it and he found her pussy to be wetter than it had seemed just a moment ago.

His finger slid effortlessly back and forth, and he found the opening of her cunt and pushed a finger slowly into her. “Ugggghhhhh.” He heard escape from her lips as he pushed into her and he felt her push back onto his finger.

Erica was finally able to pull Rocky's cock free of his pants and she celebrated with a short bounce back and forth on the couch as she kept a hold of his hardened cock. As she bounced in excitement Jerry was pushing in and out of her more which caused her to orgasm for the first time tonight. She had a brief recall of earlier and how she tried to climax with her husband but couldn’t do it. Now Jerry; a stranger; was able to make her cum with just a finger.

She looked back at Jerry and saw his cock standing up as well, “Enjoying yourself?” She asked him with a smile.

“Fuck yeah I am. It feels like you are too. Taste this.” He said as he removed his finger and fed it to her. She opened her mouth and accepted his thick black digit which was coated in her fluids.

“Mmmmm, that’s tasty. Is that me?” She said as she unconsciously began stroking Rocky’s cock up and down. When she looked back there was no question that black men had bigger dicks and this flagpole in her hand was amazing. She felt that her position on the couch wouldn’t work for her because the angle didn’t allow for the proper inspection so she moved to where she was kneeling on the couch with her ass right in Jerry’s face which put her own face directly over Rocky’s cock.

His head was wider than Jim’s entire length and as she stroked it, she licked her lips. “Do you want to give it a taste?” Rocky asked her as he placed a guiding hand on the back of her head. She looked at him in the eyes briefly as she lowered down and felt the crown touch her lips. She lightly kissed it and licked it like she would a lollipop. Then slowly she opened her mouth and struggled to fit her mouth around the top.

As she was progressing with getting him in her mouth, she continued to stroke him and felt her shorts being pulled down her legs. She no longer seemed to care, and Jerry pushed his face directly on her pussy and began licking her cunt hard. As she felt him attack her pussy, her eyes bulged wide and the rest of Rocky’s head popped into her mouth. “That’s a good little white slut.” Rocky told her and that made her proud and happy to be commended.

“Now suck it, *****!” He told her as he placed more pressure on her head. She was obeying him and did indeed start sucking him with vigor. She found that she was able to fit more and more into her mouth. Erica saw that she still had a lot of cock remaining but couldn’t fit anymore without gagging.

Jerry continued to attack her thick ass as dove his tongue in and out repeatedly. He was using his tongue to fuck her, and she was reacting like a horny slut and began pushing back into his face. Erica lifted her off Rocky’s cock and turned her head back to Jerry. “Your tongue is thicker and longer than my husbands is. Give it to me hard please.” She said and batted her eyes.

“You got it babe.” He replied in turn. Erica turned and dove back down on Rocky’s cock and while she began to get use to the girth in her mouth once more Jerry kneeled on the cushion behind her. He pulled her thick ass-cheeks apart and lined up his cock with her cunt. He placed the head against her and pushed hard into her. She was tight against his cock and it felt like a vice. “Holy Shit Rocky, this pussy is going to milk me dry. Man, we are going to ruin this bitch in no time. We gonna have to get top dollar for this hoes body right away because if we get even half the boys that I think we will then we about to be rich.” Jerry told him as he started slowly pumping more and more and deeper and deeper.

“Don’t you dare cum in her. That’s my pussy to cum in first.” Rocky told her. Jerry nodded silently then slowly pulled his cock out until both men heard his head come out of her with an audible *Plop*. Rocky then gripped her hair and pulled her up. Once he had her looking at him, he said, “Beg me for my cock!”

“Please Rocky, Can I sit on your big black cock?” She begged.

“Get over here and sit on it then.” He told her as he pulled her over to his lap and made her straddle his lap. She reached down and lined his black pole up and sat down, letting it sink into her until all that was visible was the hair around the base of his dick. She leaned forward and tried to kiss Rocky. “A hoe don’t get kissed. Save that shit for your weak ass husband. You just here to make me cum.” He told her as he pushed her face to the side. She started pulling up then dropping back down, then repeated that movement over and over again. She closed her eyes and reached up to pinch her nipples and grope her own breasts and Rocky saw the moment she came all over his lap.

Rocky made her continue riding him on the couch and Jerry climbed on the couch and placed his cock at her mouth. When she opened her eyes, she wasn’t startled and instead she just opened her mouth and took him fully into her mouth. Jerry was smaller than Rocky but still very thick and long. She sucked hard but found it hard to perform well and right Rocky at the same time.

Even though she thought it was a bad blowjob Jerry pulled his dick out of her mouth and painted her face white when he blew his large load. She felt it cover her entire face and opened her mouth to tell him how impressed she was at the size but nearly drowned as his cum pooled in her mouth and drained down her throat.

She began pumping harder on top of him. Erica wanted to feel Rocky fill her cunt up completely. As she rode him, she released her breasts and began wiping Jerry’s cum from her face and feed herself the contents. When she finished cleaning her face Rocky pulled her off his lap and made her kneel between his legs.

“Are you sure you don’t want to fill my empty pussy with your potent black seed Daddy?” Erica asked him as she looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“Shut the fuck up and take this load down your throat. If you take it all then I’ll let you do it again and introduce you to some more friends that can help you loosen up.” He told her.

Erica looked up at him then down at his cock that she was stroking quickly and then back up into his face. Rocky felt himself coming near the end and reached forward and grabbed two headful of her blond hair and pulled her into his lap. She opened her mouth in time as Rocky’s black cock shot a fountain of cum into her mouth. She started swallowing as quickly as she could and got almost all of it down her throat. What little did escape she licked her lips and pulled herself out of Rocky’s grip and leaned down to the carpet where some cum dripped from her lips and began licking and sucking the cum from the carpet.

When they saw this happening Rocky and Jerry laughed uproariously. Erica heard them laugh and began to feel self-conscious. She didn’t know how long she had been there, but she suspected that it was longer than she meant to stay. “I…I…I have to go home. Can I go home?” She asked, looking up at them from the carpet.

“Sure thing babe. We’ll play again tomorrow when you move in.” Rocky told her as he put his well-tended cock back in his pants. Erica got up from the floor naked and stood looking for her pants and shirt. She found both in a puddle near the boxes and when she picked up her pants, she couldn't find her panties. She placed the shirt over her head and was able to get it in place then stepped into her pants. As she pulled them against her pussy, she felt how wet they were, and the pants smelled like sex.

She looked around for anything else she left behind. She grabbed her keys and walked out as the men laughed and waved at her. She walked to her car and started it. It was 3am as she started to head home, and she didn’t know what she was going to tell Jim. The entire way home she tried to think of a good excuse. By the time she got home she decided that she would just tell him that she helped a homeless man near the pizza shop and that he was having a religious crisis.

As she walked in prepared to have Jim ask here where she’d been, she saw Jim right where he left him last night. He had fallen asleep and she hurried to the bedroom. Erica looked at herself in the mirror and didn’t recognize the face looking back at her. She saw streaks of dried cum in her hair and on her face. Any make-up that she was wearing was now streaked down her face.

‘That was the most amazing night of my life.’ She thought. Just before her phone notified her of an incoming message. She looked at her phone and to her surprise and amazement she saw that an unknown number had texted her a picture like it had to Jim earlier. This was showed a picture of her with a cock in her mouth and one in her pussy doggystyle. She looked like a cheap *****. She looked at the picture and nearly forgot that there was a message as well. Erica brought the message up and it said, “Make sure you wear a short skirt with nothing under it tomorrow.

‘Oh my god. Can I do that? I can’t do that. Well, maybe if I just wear that beige dress. It’s cute and sexy and I think it will really make him happy.’ She thought. Erica then stripped down and climbed in the shower as she let the water spray the night away and make her look like the clean and honest wife that Jim knows. Erica felt the water drip from the ends of her nipples she found herself rubbing her fingers between her legs remembering the night. She began rubbing her sore pussy and teasing her clit until she was moaning loudly.

Once she had cum to her satisfaction, she stopped the shower and climbed out. She put on her pajamas she still had at the house and then walked out to the couch. “Honey, it’s time to come to bed. You’ve been out here for hours. Don’t you want to sleep with your wife honey?” She said to him.

Jim was slow to wake up, but he looked at her and said, “Honey, Where’s the pizza?”

“I tried to call you but you didn’t answer and so I didn’t know what pizza to get but when I got home you were already asleep, so I just left you there and fell asleep watching TV in our room. I’m tired of waiting for you to wake up so I decided to come and get you.” She said lying.

Jim apologized and got up. He hugged her and apologized again and walked to their bedroom where they fell asleep until moving day to their new apartment.

Ch. 02 - Cheerleader

Erica was still asleep the next morning as Jim got up and padded around their house for one of the last times. He had to maneuver around the boxes that were already packed and also the ones that were empty. He made coffee and the rich aroma filled the house with the smell of the coffee. He loved that smell and couldn't remember a time that it didn't fill him with joy. As he was getting his first cup, he heard the tone of Erica's phone as it received a message. He walked over from the coffee machine and picked it up from the charger.

He noticed that it was from a number that wasn't programmed into her phone yet. When he opened her phone, he read the message and all it said was, 'When are you and the husband moving in today?'

Intrigued, he responded to the text and said, 'Who is this and why are you texting my wife’s phone?'

To which the response followed shortly after. 'This is Rocky from the apartments. When I saw her last night, we exchanged numbers like good neighbors are supposed to share, and told her when y'all start moving in, that me and Jerry would help.'

Jim thought that was really kind of him and made sense. He thanked Rocky and apologized for his confusion before inputting Rocky's name into her phone for safe keeping. He then made a second cup of coffee and took it to the room. As he approached Erica’s side of the bed, he put the coffee down and pulled the covers back. The first thing he noticed was that her shirt had bunched up and her left breast was fully *******, and her right nipple was on the verge of making an appearance. He thought she looked so sexy when she wasn't aware that she was on display that he slowly uncovered her other nipple then just stood there enjoying the view.

Jim lightly shook Erica's shoulder once he had time to enjoy her quiet ******** and as she woke up, she realized her breasts were out and looked at him incredulously. "Pervert." she said with a playful laugh. After she fixed her shirt she sat up on the bed and Jim gave her the cup of coffee he made and also handed her the phone.

"Rocky texted." he said casually.

Erica's mind raced as she remembered the texts from last night. The picture and the crudeness of them. She was so tired she didn't remember if she deleted everything. She needed to play it cool until she knew what he knew for sure. She needed to know if Jim was aware of how big of a ***** she had become in the span of a night. "Oh Yeah? What did he want?" She asked innocently.

"Wanted to know when we were going to start moving in." He replied.

"Right away! Just let me get dressed and eat something and we can start.” she said as she put the coffee cup down. She picked up her phone and after unlocking it, she brought up the messages and to her relief the previous night's messages were indeed gone and all that was there was the messages from this morning that Jim just told her about. 'Hey Rocky, this is Erica and we are going to be heading your way in a few hours. Thank you for the help last night and a preemptory thank you for today.' She texted Rocky.

As she was getting dressed and Jim was making some breakfast for them, she got a text from Rocky again. 'Let's see that body I'll be wearing as a cock sleeve today.' It said as she was standing naked in the bathroom. She held up the phone and took a picture of her reflection and sent it along with a smiling emoji. 'Remember, no panties. When you get here you can come upstairs to get the boxes and I will check to see if you listened and to check your outfit out. Now get my ***** over here.’ He texted her.

She reached down and felt her pussy and pulled her hands back up and was amazed at how wet she already was. She then turned her back to the mirror and rested her ass on the counter then opened her legs as far as they would comfortably go then put her hand back between her legs and started masturbating in earnest. She opened her eyes and saw that she had forgotten to close the door and reached out with her foot and closed it.

As she rubbed her clit, she used her phone to search for pictures of big black cocks and pictures flooded her phones screen. She was amazed at how great they all looked. Her mouth was watering, and her nipples were so hard that they ached. She reached up and as she was putting pressure on her clit, she pinched her nipple and almost ********** from the orgasm she had just imagining being used again.

Once she was able to recover, she finished in the bathroom and pulled her hair into pigtails before walking into the bedroom. She found a white ribbed tank top and put it on then pulled out a pair of denim overalls and climbed into them. Once she has them buttoned over her shoulders, she looked in the full-length mirror in their room and thought she could pass for a proper Christian woman still. Her slutty side was still hidden under her shirt and in her pants, neither region had underwear covering them.

When she was satisfied, she walked out of the room in time to see Jim walking boxes out the door. She followed him and they carried box after box and loaded it into the truck until there were no more boxes then they worked on moving the furniture and finally gave the house one more inspection before locking the door and getting in the truck.

Jim reached over and held Erica’s hand. It was the same hand she used to play with her wet pussy while thinking about black cock. He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. “Time for a new adventure. Are you ready?” He asked and then a strange look passed his face and kissed her hand again and as he did, she saw him smell her hand.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as she pulled her hand to her own face. “You don’t like the smell of my lotion? I thought you would enjoy it.” She said, hoping he would believe her.

“No, it smells nice. Kinda familiar but I just can’t place it. Is it new?” He asked.

“Kinda, I don’t think you’ve smelled it in years, but it’s been around. I’m hoping to keep using it a lot from now on though.” She enjoyed using the double entendres with Jim even though he didn’t know it was happening. “Let’s go home.” She said and they drove away from the house they had known to the apartment that they would soon either love or hate.

The trip seemed quicker than the night before and as they approached Erica texted Rocky that they were almost there. Then as then approached their apartment Jerry and Rocky were waiting for them in the parking lot.

They parked in front of the building and Rocky and Jerry both moved to the back of the truck and opened it up and right away started to unload the furniture with ease.

For Jim, he was ecstatic to have these extra hands to help make this happen quickly. As the furniture was quickly getting moved off the truck and filling the new apartment, they could see the boxes start appearing. “Oh yeah, you still have those boxes in my apartment from last night. Let’s go get those.” Rocky told her.

“Why didn’t you just put them in our apartment honey?” Jim asked her.

“I thought I told you. Last night I couldn’t get my key to work and so I asked Rocky if I could just leave them there until today and he said that was alright.” She told him as Rocky was walking away toward his place. “It shouldn’t take us long. You and Jerry take a break and we will be right back.” She continued then turned and ran to catch up with Rocky.

“Man, you’re a lucky motherfucker. That wife of yours, sure is fine. If I was you, I’d never let her outta bed. Know what I mean?” Jerry said as he sat on the truck’s platform.

As Erica turned the corner to the stairs that led up to Rocky’s place, she found Rocky waiting in the hall that contained the stairs and the doors to the apartments lined up in a neat row along both sides of the hall. Rocky wrapped a meaty paw around her throat and pinned her against the wall.

“I thought I was explicit that you wear a skirt today with nothing on under it!” He said with anger in his face. It was clear to Erica that Rocky didn’t like to be disobeyed.

“I’m sorry sir, I know you wanted me to wear that skirt, but I promise this is better. Look.” She said as she reached up and unbuttoned the top of her overalls and the entire top fell down and then she lifted her white tank top up, ******** her breasts and her willing pink nipples.

Rocky looked down and reached out to them with his meaty paw then a smile crossed his face as she felt his hand slide down her stomach and into her pants. She lifted her right leg to open enough space for him and he took that opportunity to push into her as far as this position would allow. She heard footsteps on the landing and Rocky didn’t react.

As the steps grew closer, Rocky pushed harder into her with his fingers. Erica tried to look out the side of her eyes to see who was approaching them and to her amazement it was an older man. He must have been in his late 60’s or early 70’s. This man looked at them with wonder and he walked up to Rocky. “Watcha got there sonny?” He asked.

“Hey old timer. Just got me a new sweet peach. Want a taste?” He asked the man.

“I don’t know, at my age I can’t be messin’ with these whores of yours.” He replied.

“I get it Willy. But this here’s a new addition to the stable. In fact, this is just the second time she’s been brought out of the pen.” He told him as he removed his hand then held the top of her overalls open to allow Willy access if he chose.

Willy stepped closer to Erica and first he looked closely at her face then let his eyes roam down her body. “Never did taste a white woman before. Where’d ya find her?” He asked Rocky.

“She’s movin’ in right downstairs from me. Her and her husband but we gonna, keep that useless fuck in the dark.” Rocky explained.

The old man simply listened to Rocky then pushed out his hand and Erica could see that it was wrinkled and gnarled with age. It was clear that he had worked in a tough job and used his hands a lot. He then allowed his rough and calloused fingers over her nipples and pinched them hard. A wicked smile crossed his face when she screamed at the pressure he could produce with just his two fingers.

He then let his fingers travel down her stomach in the same way that Rocky had done, and she wondered if they were related. When he put his hand in her pants, he let them gently run through the light hair covering her pussy and noticed that her clit was extended, and she was lightly moaning as his fingers got dangerously close to pushing into her.

“Alright bitch,” Rocky started. “You’re gonna make your penance with this first load. From now on, if I tell you to do or wear something then you will do it. Now get on your knees and show Willy your skills.” He told her.

As soon as Rocky released her neck she dutifully dropped to her knees in front of Willy. Without trying to put her top up she reached out and unzipped his pants. She then reached in and pulled out his dick. It wasn’t nearly as big as Rocky’s but still way bigger than Jim was. She slowly began stroking him near her face and saw that all of his wild pubic hairs were white, and she realized that this man was easily her dads age.

She felt especially dirty thinking about her dad and his friends doing this to her. She opened her mouth and dove down on his cock like she was starving, and he was going to feed her with his cock. She looked up his body and into his face. She thought he looked like such a cute old man as his eyes rolled back in his head. She reached around him and pulled him into her mouth as she gripped his asscheeks for leverage. She was close to gagging on his dick but found that she could fit him inside of her mouth. As she came up and drove back down, she would smash her face against his crotch and his pubes would invade her nose.

She sucked his cock harder than she could recall and her effort was well worth it. Erica had only been working on him for a few minutes, but she heard him yell, “Oh Sweet JESUS!” Then he held her head lightly as he thrust his hips forward and she buried her face in his crotch and let him empty his load directly in her mouth and down her throat.

“Rocky, thank you for letting me sample the goods my boy.” He told Rocky as he backed away from Erica. His dick slid easily from her lips and both men watched as she closed her lips and swallowed the remaining cum in her mouth.

“Anytime Willy. You know that I’ll always take care of you.” He told him then looked down at Erica. “You got more bitches we could string up along with you for a fuck parade?”

“I don’t know sir. I mean I have three sisters and my mom, but they are all prudes and would be hard to convince. Oh, and Jim has a daughter. She’s a Senior in High School. Maybe her.” Erica told him.

Rocky looked down at her as he processed what it was she was telling him. Sisters and Daughters. How truly perverted. He could get any price he wanted for an entire family of Phillies. “So, his daughter doesn’t live with you?” He asked her as he walked to her and helped her up. He then pulled her shirt down over her nipples and lifted a strap of her overalls. He buttoned it to the front then left the other one undone.

“No, she lives with her mom, but she visits sometimes. She supposed to be visiting soon though.” She told him. She tried to reach for the other strap that remained hanging.

“Leave it. I like you better this way. Just tell him that it keeps coming undone and this will be fine.” Rocky coached her. “And let me know when this daughter and these sisters show up. We gonna train them to line up right next to you. Now, go help Jim and Jerry bring boxes in. Be sure to let Jim carry the first box, then put Jerrys hand down your overalls so he can enjoy your clean cunt.” Rocky instructed then walked up his stairs and Erica walked out with Willy, then as their paths parted, she waved to him and walked over to their moving truck with a smile as bright as the sun in the sky above them.

“Did you move all the boxes down?” Jim asked.

“Rocky’s grabbing the last of them now. He said I should come out and give you a hand.” She told Jim as she passed him and saw Jerry sitting in the truck. Jerry knew what she had been up to and simply nodded at her. “Here you go honey. How about you take this one in?” Erica handed Jim a box then climbed into the truck with Jerry as Jim walked toward the apartment with the heavy box in hand.

Erica quickly approached Jerry and asked him to stand. Then she grabbed his hand and shoved it in the gap on the side of her overalls. Jerry found his way between her legs and began violently fingering her. He was pushing and pulling with such force that she fell back against the wall of the truck and a loud crash came emanating out of the truck.

“Honey, Are you okay?” Jim turned and asked as he started to walk back to the truck.

Jerry just wanted this dumb as husband out of the way. He wanted to get his dick wet. “Tell him to get lost.” He commanded her and pulled his hand from her pants. Her pussy suddenly felt empty and she wanted desperately to rectify that.

Jim saw Erica’s head poke out of the side of the truck as he approached. “All good in here babe. Just your silly wife being clumsy. I love you.” She smiled and gave him an air kiss. While she was talking Jerry had fished his cock out of his pants and had placed Erica’s hand around it. She stroked him gently while talking to Jim.

“I love you too.” Jim returned before turning around and heading for the apartment.

Erica turned to face Jim in the small cramped truck then looked down at what was in her hand. “This was in me last night? OMG, it’s so big. I must have been really fucked up. I wonder if I can get it all in my mouth. I swallowed all of Mr. Willy’s little mr willy.” She told Jerry as she wrapped a second hand around his cock and started jerking him off.

“That old crazy coot always gets to sample the goods before anyone. I only get to skip the line because I live with the man but even still, some of the best ones get that old man stink on them first. I want you to jerk me off then eat all my cum and feed some of it to that useless fuck of a husband.” He told her as he was looking down at her face.

She only nodded before dropping to her knees without letting his cock go. She held his dick firmly in her hands and she laughed to herself that it looked like she was holding a black baseball bat in her hands.

As she stroked him faster and faster, she talked about how much she wanted him to fuck her. She wanted to feel his cock sliding into her. Erica explained Rocky’s plans for her entire family and…

“Stop talking, you useless cunt. Here it comes.” Jerry interrupted her and she complied. She placed her mouth at the head of his cock and waited for her present. She wasn’t made to wait very long as soon her mouth was flooded with his cum. So much filled her mouth that she had to swallow twice just to make it manageable.

Erica then held her head back slightly, to keep the small remaining cum in her mouth. “Now it’s time to go kiss my husband.” She said as she grabbed a light box out of the truck and then exited the truck and headed inside.

Jim had found Rocky coming down the stairs with an opened box that had Personal written on the side. “Why’s that box open?” Jim asked confused.

“Erica thought she had a picture in here of when she was younger. She said that she looked almost the exact same as she does now.” He lied to Jim as he walked.

“Oh yeah, I know that one. She loves to show off her old college cheerleading photos from when she went to University of South Carolina.” Jim said off handedly. He didn’t expect any reply and just walked in front of Rocky into their apartment where he placed his box in one of the open rooms.

The men talked together in the apartment for a few moments because Rocky wanted to give Jerry some alone time with Jim’s wife. After a couple minutes Erica came into the apartment and put a box down at Jim’s feet before reaching over and kissing him deeply. Her tongue quickly invaded his mouth and he was accustomed to this side of Erica.

He pulled her off of him and scolded her. “Babe, Rocky’s right here. He doesn’t want to see us making out.” Jim wiped the corners of his mouth. He was surprised at the amount of saliva in Erica’s mouth. It seemed to rush in when they started to kiss. He swallowed and didn’t think any more of it. Then Jerry walked in.

“Did I miss anything?” He asked the room.

“Not much, just our newest tenants making out like some college kids and I found out that our favorite new neighbor use to be a cheerleader. Guess where?” Rocky asked.

“It can’t be the University of South Carolina!” Jim said as his eyes began to grow wider.

“Sure as shit was, wasn’t it Jim?” Rocky said and turned to Jim for acknowledgement. Jim simply looked between Rocky and Jerry and nodded. He was amazed at how hospitable these men were being. The group talked for a few more minutes about different topics before unloading the rest of the boxes.

“Can I order you guys some pizza for the great help today?” Jim asked the men.

“Sure thing, and could you pick up some beer as well? Tell you what. I’d really like to take her over to another neighbor’s house that went to the school at the same time as yours did and see if they ever crossed paths.” Rocky said to Jim.

“Imagine if she wore her old school uniform! Wouldn’t that be a shock to them when they opened the door and saw a 40-year-old college cheerleader.” Jim said and laughed at the ridiculousness of his comment.

“Do you still have it?” Rocky asked Erica.

“I sure do, it may be too small on me now though.” She said and her eyes told them all of her disappointment.

“I bet you look fire in it still. Let’s be the judge, alright?” Jerry joined in. “Then if we agree then no harm, no foul. If we think you’re crazy, then we can go over to Chester’s apartment and blow his mind.” He said.

Erica seemed to be thinking about it for a few moments then made a decision. She removed herself from the group and rooted around different boxes until she found the right one. She opened the box then pulled out a uniform. It was Scarlett and silver. The top had long arms and the bottom was a skirt, so short that you couldn’t hide a pack of Mentos in them. “Nope, this is high school. Hahaha. We’d have a better chance of getting Vicky in this than me.” She said as she held up the small uniform for Jim to see. Jim laughed uneasily. He quickly imagined his young daughter as a cheerleader, and it made his dick jump at the thought. Then he admonished himself for that thought.

“Whose Vicky?” Jerry asked. He already knew from Erica telling him in the back of the truck while she jerked him off, but he wanted Jim to tell him.

“She’s my little girl. Well not so little anymore. She’s 18 and graduating this year. She’s a fiery redhead with an attitude to match. I think she gets it from her mother.” He told them as Erica kept digging through the same box, she found that first uniform in.

“So, Erica’s not the mom?” Jerry asked and Jim shook his head no. He was about to say more but Erica pulled her hand from the box in triumph.

“Here it is.” The men noticed it was a similar color scheme as the first one. This one also had long-sleeves, but the colors were crimson and white as opposed to the silver on the other one. She then excused herself behind a closed door and the men stood around for a few moments in quiet as they each looked at each other.

“This isn’t going to work.” They heard her say from the other room.

“Come on honey, I’ve seen you in it. I know it works.” Jim yelled through the apartment.

“Alright?” She said with a question as she opened the door and walked out. She was still very aware that she still didn’t have panties on. She had found the ones for the costume but decided against it because she knew Rocky wouldn’t want that. As the men saw her, she could see the affect that she was having on each of them. She walked over to Jim and kissed him and made him embrace her. He wrapped his hands around her lower back and picked her up as they kissed.

Rocky and Jerry stood behind them and enjoyed the sight of her bare ass coming into view. “Hold it right there you two.” Rocky said as he pulled out his camera and took a bunch of pictures of the unsuspecting husband and his slut of a wife showing to men her ass in a uniform three sizes too small.

The uniform had an entire red front and a red back. There was an eight-inch strip of white on each side that went from the arms of the top and traveled all the way into the skirt. When Jim finally brought her down, she turned to see the picture and the men saw the logo of the University of South Carolina. The “Gamecocks.” The men shared a look. It was a look that said ‘How fitting that this easy ass white girl would have cocks emblazoned so readily across her chest.

“We definitely have to get you to meet Chester. He’s gonna blow his mind. All he ever talks about was how great that school is. If he found a friend that also went there, then he might stop yapping about it. You don’t mind if we steal her while you go out for the pizza and beer, do you?” Rocky asked him, he made it sound sincere even though he wasn’t.

“That’s up to her. I don’t see any harm in it though. It’s not like she’s gonna, get scouted by the coach while she’s out there.” He chuckled to his own joke. The other men didn’t laugh but they did know she had already been scouted for a team earlier. Their team.

The three of them watched as Jim walked back to the moving truck. “Would y’all mind if I took an extra few minutes and returned the truck?” He asked.

“Naw, take your time. If we get back before you then we can help unpack a bit.” Jerry said. Then they watched him climb in the empty truck and drive away.

“Let’s get you over to Chester’s.” Rocky said as he placed his meaty paw on her ass and led her away from their apartment building.

“Chester’s real? I thought you just said that to get me in the uniform then make me do a cheer before you fucked me again.” She said. She found that she had to almost run to keep up with the pace that Rocky was pushing her with.

“Oh, that’s definitely gonna happen. Now, you gonna act like a sweet little college girl, got it?” Rocky asked her menacingly.

“Yes sir.” She said.

“Here we are. Now, Jerry and I are gonna be on the side here while you talk to him.” Rocky told her. She then approached the door shyly and knocked against the large door. It didn’t take long for the door to open and a smart looking man answers the door. He was wearing thick black framed glasses and a green and blue buttoned-down shirt that was tucked into a pair of tan dockers.

“Can I help you?” He asked looking up and down this woman who was clearly too old to be a college cheerleader.

“My friend told me that you use to go to the same school as me and he wanted me to see if you still liked our uniform.” She told him. “Oops, looks like my shoe’s untied,” she continued and turned away from him and bent over at the waist. Her ass became fully ******* and Chester enjoyed the site of her thick white ass being pointed directly at him

He reached out with conviction and placed a hand on the top of her ass and his other hand went directly between her legs. ‘Hold still. You’ve got something on you. Let me help.” He told her as his hand between her legs quickly found it’s mark. He slid his hands through her folds and placed his thumb on her ass hole. As he slid his hand up, he pulled her pussy juice from her cunt and coated her asshole before applying pressure back to her hole with his finger. “I remember how easy the cheerleaders were back in the day. I remember that they all liked to come around the black kids and flaunt their little bodies then get all uppity when we would make a move. You were one of them, weren’t you?” He asked.

“Yes, I was so mean to you in college. Would you forgive me?” She asked as she pushed her ass back against his invading finger.

“Sure thing. Just come on into Chester’s house, will you?” He asked. He didn’t expect a refusal from her because as he asked, he began to pull her into his home by curling the finger inside her ass. She walked backwards gingerly and before the door closed behind her, Rocky and Jerry walked through.

“I should have known this was a trick from y’all.” He said as he pulled his finger from her asshole. She tried to chase the escaping finger but that was fruitless as he pulled it out completely then used the skirt above her ass to wipe his finger clean. “You can take this ***** out of my place of business.” He told them and turned back to the interior of his apartment.

Erica stood up with a sad look on her face and looked around the dark apartment. There were pills in different piles throughout, as well as the smell of marijuana finally hit her hard. She thought that Chester must be some sort of drug dealer or something.

“Don’t be like that Chester. I’m here bringing you fresh white meat and you are turning it down? She’s still in her fresh packaging. Not scars, tattoos or piercings, take a look.” Rocky said. This was the first time that she had heard Rocky be anything other than the leader. It seemed in this relationship that Chester was the more dominant and she began gravitating toward that power.

Chester turned back towards the three of them then looked at Erica in her outfit. “Lift up the top and the skirt.” He commanded and flicked his wrist up as he pointed at her. She struggled to get the tight top over her breasts. Though they were small the top still struggled to climb over them. Once above her breasts it seemed to smash them down and as she looked down it made them look strange. They appeared to be swollen and red. Her nipples were again extended and excited. She then held her skirt up to her hips and stood with her legs open as far as they would comfortably go.

Chester walked up to her and surveyed this new product. He reached out and grazed her nipples lightly then felt along her stomach. He then curled his hand inside of her skirt and pulled her strongly in, toward him, where he whispered in her ear. “I’m gonna fuck you within an inch of your life.” He told her before releasing her. Why’d you bring your new ***** here.” He asked Rocky.

“Seems that this tart has some sister and a daughter that we need to come over and join her. But I think that they will need to extra strength medicine to see things our way. I was hoping that in exchange for a small cut of the profits we make off of her and eventually them, that you could supply our endeavor. Kinda like a Venture Capitalist.” Rocky told him.

Chester stood next to Erica and seemed to be thinking about the idea. “How many we talkin' about?” He asked. His hand reached down and unzipped his pants. He then fished out his cock and put Erica’s hand on it as he thought and talked. Erica knelt in front of him and began jerking his cock with her hands.

His cock was coming to life and Erica placed the growing hog in her mouth. The soft texture of it in her mouth was slowly solidifying and her mouth was becoming increasingly full. She bobbed back and forth along his length. “She’s a great cock sucker for being so green. Give me 10 minutes with her and I’ll let you know for sure. Grab a blunt while you wait.” He told the men before he pulled his dick out of her mouth. He grabbed the base and slapped her hard across the face with the head.

He gripped the shirt of her uniform and pulled her up to her feet. He then dragged her through his apartment and into his bedroom. It was a dark and dingy place that hadn’t been cleaned in years. The smell alone almost made Erica puke. Chester threw Erica on the bed and climbed on top of her. This was the first time that she had been scared since deciding to move in.

As he climbed onto her, he again grabbed his cock and lined it up with her pussy. She kept her legs open and she tried to look down her body as he was entering her. He shoved himself into her completely and she screamed out in pain. He then began pounding into her hard, over and over again. He leaned down to her nipples and though they were still smashed down by the fabric of her top he took nipple in his mouth and bit down. He bit so hard that when he moved to the other nipple there were bite marks and swelling immediately. He then moved to the other breast and did the same thing except to the side of it and not on the nipple. This time though he drew blood and as it slowly trickled down the side of her body, he propped himself up on his hands and did as he promised he would do. He fucked her so hard that she began to black out.

When she was almost out, he would slap her hard across the face. The more he did this the more she started to get scared. Rocky and Jerry did nothing as they heard what was happening from the other room. He then pulled out of her and flipped her over onto her belly with ease. “I’m not gentle like them.” He told her as he placed the head of his cock against her asshole and pushed forward. Though she screamed out he didn’t stop. Instead he pushed harder and eventually she felt his entire cock buried in her rectum.

He leaned up on his haunches and looked down at her irritated asshole then she heard him collect as much mucus and spit as he could, and he let it drop directly on his cock from above her. He then began sliding back and forth inside of her and allowed his spit to be the only lubrication to help her. She still felt the pain it caused her, but she also found herself enjoying it as well.

“Dirty slut, coming over here being me for drugs. I should fill you with cum and make you feed it to your husband for dinner.” He told her. As he continued to saw into her, he grabbed her hair hard and pulled it back violently drawing her head up to face a wall in front of her. “Rocky, get your black ass in here and fill this whimpering bitches mouth up.” He yelled to the other room.

Rocky came in and his eyes went wide at the scene he walked into. He watched as his new prize pony was being destroyed by one cock. He was worried how he could get her cleaned up enough to not make Jim suspicious. Just then Chester began slapping her ass hard with his free hand until it shown bright red. Then he attacked the other cheek in a similar manner.

Rocky walked to where Erica’s head was and saw the tears running down her cheeks, and the mascara she was wearing flowing down with each tear. If Rocky had a heart it would have broken at this sight, but he didn’t, so it didn’t. Instead he pulled out his own dick and shoved it easily into her mouth. Where she struggled last night, she seemed to have no problem today. While she still couldn’t take all of him, she was able to take more and for longer.

As her hair was being pulled and she was being filled with big cocks she came so hard that her juices flowed down both legs and backed onto Chester’s pants that he still wore. She was so embarrassed at her cumming so hard. She then felt Chester pull out of her and then explode across her back. He shot so far that it landed in her hair and Rocky gripped her hair when Chester let go.

He pulled her down and let himself cum in her mouth and pulled out. She collapsed on the bed when both men exited her and stood up near each other. They looked at her and then she watched them shake hands. I’ll give you everything you need but on one condition. I get free shot at all of them and first dibs on Vicky.” He said.

Then he went into the living room and grabbed a few bags and handed them to Rocky before having Jerry and Rocky carry her out of his home.

“Let’s go get her cleaned up in Tara’s place before we take her back.” Rocky told him.

Erica was in and out of consciousness as she tried to recover. The men brought her to a new door, and they knocked gently. A woman answered the door and she was white, but she clearly had many miles on her already. What struck Erica was that when she answered the door, she wasn’t surprised to see her like this or to see Rocky and Jerry with her. “Chester?” She asked as she waved them into her apartment.

“Yeah, he did a number on her and we need to get her cleaned up a little but before taking her back. Don’t need to answer those questions.” Rocky told her as they stripped off her clothes and tossed them into a corner of the room. The men took her to a shower and gently cleaned her body. They took turns holding her up while the other man tried to scrub away the blood or the cum as it dried to her skin. Once the shower was finished, they all climbed out and Erica was finally coming around again. She saw Rocky and Jerry naked next to her and reached over and grabbed for Jerrys cock as it was nearest her.

Her mouth watered and she craved another dick right away. “I remember when I was like that Rocky. Just couldn’t get enough. How new is this toy?” Tara asked.

“Just got it yesterday. You got some clothes we can put her in?” He asked her.

“Sure thing baby, some of them may even fit.” She said as she walked into her bedroom. She came back out with a sundress which seemed uncharacteristic for how this woman looked. It was white with bright yellow sunflowers on it and had thin spaghetti strap shoulders. She let it slide over her head and float into place. She assessed how she looked and found a mirror in the small room. She thought she looked great in the dress

“Thank you.” She meekly said to the woman that helped her and Jerry as well as Rocky guided her out of the apartment. They grabbed the uniform on the way out and walked back across the complex. They arrived at the apartment five minutes before Jim returned and this gave Erica time to finish cleaning herself up completely. She put on a dress that Jim knew she owned but kept the sundress for another day and then came out to meet them.

“So, when’s your daughter coming here Jimmy.” Jerry said to him.

“Her name is Vicky. She’s the light of my life. She’s actually coming next month to visit. Her mom said she’ll be able to stay for a week or so.” He told Jerry.

“That sounds great. We will have to get together when she gets in and have dinner together. I want to get the dirt on you, from her. I bet she can really handle a good load…” he let the comment hang in the air for a moment before finishing, “of conversation.” He knew it didn’t make sense, but he didn’t care. He wanted him subconsciously thinking about his daughter with a big load.

Rocky and Jerry finished the last of the beer as they were talking and got up to leave the Apartment then Rocky turned, “You said your sisters and Mom are coming by next week?” He asked.

“They are. Did you want to meet them? Jim’s going to be gone on business so it will be just us five here. They want to help make sure that I’m safe and to help me unpack.” She asked Rocky.

“I would love that. Jim, you are a lucky man. I wish I had a wife as great as yours. Maybe I’ll just steal her from you.” He said with a laugh as he walked out the door. Jerry followed behind him and gave Erica a wink on the way out.

Jim closed the door and locked it behind them then turned and tried to hug Erica. She withdrew from him then apologized. She told him that a big rabid dog scared her and nipped at her in the complex and she was still shaken up.

She excused herself after giving him a small kiss on the cheek. Jim said, “Alright hun, get some rest and we’ll work on the rest of this starting tomorrow.” Then she closed the door and Jim opened his phone and started blindly scrolling through his work email.

Tomorrow they decided would be worried about tomorrow, but Rocky and Jerry were planning for next week.

Ch. 03 - A Way to Grieve

Will the death of Erica's dad put an end to her debauchery or simply add a new layer to the hedonism? Ericas mom and step-daughter Vicky arrive to complicate her antics. Here's the newest chapter of Ericas adventure in the apartment complex. This one includes incest as well as lesbianism. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing where your fantasies are and what you want to see your wives or other people you know do or have happen. Enjoy the read.


Rocky was sitting in the late afternoon sun in front of the office when he saw Jim’s car pulling in. It had been a month since his new toy, Erica had moved in with her husband. He spent as much time as he could in training her. She was dutiful and quick to learn her place. He would often call her to the office and have her suck his dick while he completed menial office tasks. Today was no different. As he waved at Jim’s car passing, he turned to look through the window and saw Jerry behind his desk and the feet of Erica poking out from under it.

The back of the desk was covered which prevented him from seeing Erica’s ass on full display. He had a large wooden desk and the piece of wood that now blocked his view was meant to protect the prying eyes of perverts looking up the skirts of the girls behind the desk. He could tell by Jerry’s facial expressions that he wasn’t going to last much longer. Rocky continued to watch them, and he saw Jerrys hands go under the table and also noticed Erica’s feet begin to move back and forth quickly. Rocky knew that Jerry liked to shove Erica’s face down his thick cock and shoot his load straight down her throat into her stomach.

When he did this Jerry always enjoyed the choking that happened, and it caused him to cum even harder and only released her head when he was fully spent.

Rocky saw Jerry bring his hands up and push back on the desk which caused him to roll away from it. Once he was pushed back, he saw Erica emerge from under the desk. As she stood up and smoothed her short blue dress down, she gave him a weak smile like a child that was just caught doing something wrong. Her dress was the color of blue jeans and had that same look, but it was free flowing and soft. When she passed him on the way into the office earlier, he asked for a little twirl and when she did as he asked it flew up well past her waist and he saw the lack of panties was quite evident. The dress had sleeves that ended at mid arm and a low scooping neck that Rocky knew would allow for easy access to her breasts with his meaty paw or a good view when she bent over.

As she walked out of the office, she passed him once again heading back to her apartment. He grabbed her arm as she was passing him and spun her around quickly. She lost her balance and landed in his lap with a thud. “Rocky! Don’t do that here. Jim’s supposed to be back soon and Vicky’s with him!” She said as she sat still on his lap and allowed his hands to slide up her ******* thighs and under her short dress. She looked around tentatively at the entrance then she looked into the complex towards where her apartment was. Rocky watched her eyes go big at the recognition of her husband’s car and the backs of Jim and Vicky as they walked towards their apartment.

Erica pushed Rocky’s hands off her legs and tried to stand up before Rocky firmly gripped high up on her thigh which held her in place. “Please Rocky?” She said in an asking and pleading manner as she pouted her bottom lip. “Let me go and see my daughter and husband. It’s been so long since we’ve all been together.” She continued to say. Rocky released his grip and without saying anything he simply sucked his teeth in her direction and nodded his approval for her to leave his presence then he turned his attention back to the front of the Apartment complex and sat quietly.

While she walked towards their apartment, she heard the happy ringtone that she set for her mom. She contemplated not answering it because she was day dreaming about Rocky’s big cock that seemed to be hardening under her ass as he started to play with her a moment ago. After four rings she finally pulled her phone out of a pocket in her dress and answered it.

“Hi Mom!” She said happily. Her mom was silent on the other end for a few moments then sobs filled her ear as her mom began weeping. “Mom! What’s wrong?” She asked her through the phone.

“Your…father…died. I’m so sorry honey.” She fought out the words through tears and sniffles and sadness. Erica received each word like it was an arrow through her heart. Her gait slowed to a halt and she stood on the sidewalk leading to their apartment alone and she felt her own tears begin to well.

“How? Why? When?” She asked her mom as drops started to form then fall from the corners of her eyes.

“He had been fighting a virus for a few weeks and we thought he was getting better but last night he just couldn’t hold on any longer and he was gone when I woke up this morning.” Her mom relayed the information and though each word fell heavy, Erica picked each one up and carried it with her as she began to come to terms with the idea of her father being dead.

“Mom, I have to go. I’m sorry about dad. Tell me when the funeral is.” she said and followed that up with, “I Love You mom.” Then pulled the phone away from her ear and pressed the end button. She stood silently on the sidewalk looking at their apartment but feeling a million miles away. She saw her daughter on their balcony, but it didn’t register in her mind. She saw the person waving excitedly in her direction and Erica tried really hard to focus on the form waving at her. She realized that she was just standing there frozen staring at her daughter and the concern that was growing on her daughters face registered with her.

Erica screwed up her emotions and smiled at Vicky then waved at her and began walking towards her. Vicky was only 18 but retained the looks of a woman in her mid-20’s. Men often approached her and cat-called to Erica and Vicky when they were outside together. Though Vicky wasn’t Erica’s biological child she still felt an innate urge to protect her and take care of her. Her olive skin and dark hair was attractive, even to Erica.

When Erica looked at Vicky, she could see the changes in her body and noticed her legs growing longer and taller and retaining their slender appeal. Her breasts were now a small B cup and Erica remembered the day they went bra shopping for the first time and how tentative she had been in the changing room. Seeing her now was no different and she wanted to shield her from the pain of this loss of her Grandpa.

The tears still fell from her eyes and once she entered the hall of their apartment, she quickly dropped the smile and was met at the door of their place by Jim who had a concerned look on his face. “What’s wrong?” He asked her at the door.

“He’s dead!” She said and didn’t realize that Jim would have no idea who was dead with her use of the pronoun.

“Who’s dead?” He asked her as he looked transfixed on her words.

“My Daddy. Mom says he died last night.” She told him through more tears that seemed to start falling like a heavy rain from her face. Jim reached out and embraced her in his arms and she wept hard on his shoulder and it quickly moistened from a combination of tears, snot and the cum that had yet to dry from the blowjob she gave Jerry just a few minutes ago. Erica kept crying on his shoulder and thinking about her life without her dad and she thought about how long her mom and dad were together and how she wanted that with Jim.

Suddenly she thought about Rocky and Jim and she pictured them together with her on her knees with their large cocks in her face demanding attention. She opened her eyes and pushed away from Jim. She was trying to push away the thought of Rocky and Jerry and not Jim, but she could see the disappointment in his eyes nonetheless.

The rest of the day Erica kept herself sheltered in their bedroom where she allowed herself cry and mourn the loss of her dad and eventually cried herself to sleep. Jim allowed Vicky to roam freely around the apartment complex. With how welcoming the neighbors all seemed towards them, Jim saw no reason she couldn’t explore and try to find someone her own age to hang out with.

The next morning Erica emerged from their room and made a resolution that she would once again be a great mother and wife. That she was cutting Rocky and his friends out of her life. There would be no more of their large cocks that felt so good when they were in her pussy or her mouth but instead, she would spend the rest of her life trying to satisfy Jim as best as she could. Erica started this task by making Jim waffles for breakfast. She found it cathartic to make the batter and beat it until it was ready, and then serve it to him.

As she watched him and Vicky enjoying their waffles she smiled and was happy with herself then turned to the sink to wash the dishes she had created and regarded the bananas on the counter. They seemed large and enticing to her. Among the large Bananas there was a single small one and she thought about the size difference between Rocky and Jim’s cock sizes. Immediately she tried to wipe the thought from her mind and sat with Jim and held his hand as she tried to smile through her own pain at the loss.

Later that same day she left her apartment with the intention of going to the store and as she was leaving Rocky caught her alone outside her house.

Immediately she was acutely aware of what she was wearing. She was wearing a simple pair of jeans that she didn’t find particularly flattering and with this she paired an oversized gray sweater that she wore because she felt that it let her feel hidden in her clothes as she tried to be invisible. “Hey Supergirl, I was expecting you in my place last night. What happened?” He asked her.

“Hi Rocky. We can’t do what we did any more. I need to be a good wife for Jim.” She said to him as she cowed before him and looked down at her feet instead of into his eyes.

“And why the sudden change of heart babe?” He asked her.

“My Dad died, and I found out yesterday. I want to be a good wife like my mom was for my dad. They were married a long time and I don’t want to be a ***** for black cock anymore.” She tried to tell him with as much conviction as she could muster.

“Do you know why I called you Supergirl?” He asked in a whisper as he moved his body closer to hers and leaned into her ear to whisper to her. “It’s because your kryptonite is black cock and you can deny it for now, but it will always be in your mind until you give into the inevitable.” He told her, then as he stood back to a fully standing position, he let his hand cup her ass and lightly patted it before walking upstairs to his apartment. As he was withdrawing, he warned her, “By denying me now you will have to make additional payments to get this cock back!” And he held up his finger above his head for emphasis.

Erica watched him go and could already feel a longing to be used by him, but she ****** it to the back of her mind and pushed on with her day.

Two weeks passed since she made the decree to be faithful and each night she dreamt of Rocky, Jerry, Willy and Chester all using her. One night she even dreamed of Rocky making her go down on Marisol; the heavy Latina woman from the other apartment complex they were looking at. With each dream she would wake in a cold sweat but found her fingers drawn to her pussy, and when she touched herself, she would feel her wetness had eclipsed the night before. Erica denied herself the pleasure and told herself that Jim could satisfy her.

Today, two weeks after her father’s death, she had finally talked her mom Rachel into coming to stay with them for a few weeks while they decided what to do with her mom and dad’s house. Rachel expressed an emptiness in the house and Erica knew that with her mother living with them it would make being a good wife easier since she would have a wonderful example of modesty and monogamy.

Throughout the day she found that she was uncomfortable and was constantly getting up and adjusting different things around the apartment. When the doorbell finally rang, she jumped out of her skin and walked quickly to the door and swung it open where she found her mom having a friendly conversation with Willy. Rachels back was turned to her and she saw Willy's face. Immediately she recalled herself back on one of her first days in the complex where she found herself on her knees in front of Willy and wished that she could see and taste his cock and then swallow the cum that came out of its large head.

“You two look so much alike. Could this old man take you two out on a date?” He asked them with a mischievous smile on his old crooked face.

Rachel looked over her shoulder at Erica then back to Willy and laughed loudly. Erica had never heard her laugh so genuinely or loudly and simply stood stunned at her reply. “Well, maybe you can take me out, but I think it would be hard to talk Erica into anything so daring as she’s quite the prude.” Rachel told him before carrying her bags into Erica’s apartment and blowing a kiss to Willy as they closed the door.

Rachel was as tall as Erica and did share many similar characteristics. From their facial structure and their same smile, they were also quite different. Since Rachel was nearing 20 years older than Erica, she showed some of her age. She allowed herself the comfort of some additional weight around her body that didn’t detract from her innate sexuality that she exuded but simply added to it. To pair with this she had large breasts. Her bra said 36DD and she often had to try and hide their size but when she stood naked in front of a mirror, even she had to marvel at their beauty and often held them up, as they sagged from their age and heft.

Today she was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a maroon long-sleeve shirt. She had pushed the sleeves up to her elbows. “Mom, what was that all about?” Erica asked Rachel.

“What are you talking about?” She asked as she leaned her suitcase against a wall.

“You were openly flirting with Willy about a date and insinuated to him you would want me to go on the date with you.” Erica lamented.

“Oh that? That’s nothing. He’s a handsome man and I wouldn’t mind going on a date.” She replied.

“But Dad just died!” She nearly screamed at Rachel through growing tears.

“Oh honey,” she started with softening eyes, “There’s so much to tell you but I know this loss hurts you. Come here and hug your mom.” As she spoke, she walked to her daughter and held her tightly. As they hugged, Erica felt as though she were a child again and quickly became lost in the warmth of her embrace and the comfortable and familiar smell of her mother’s perfume.

Erica showed her mom around the apartment and showed her the small room that she would be sharing with Vicky. When she opened the door, Vicky squealed and ran to Rachel. “Grandma!” She said as she wrapped her hands around Rachels waist, and her head rested on her ample bosom. Erica watched it happen and had a wicked thought but drove it from her mind as she shook silently from the effects of the thought.

“Grandma, I’m so excited that you’re here and that we get to spend so much time together. I don’t start college for another month and dad and Erica said we could just chill together until then.” Vicky said to her Grandma and as they began to catch up on the recent past. Erica excused herself and closed the door behind herself. She then left her apartment to get the ingredients for dinner.

As she was in the grocery store, she received a text and saw that it was from Rocky. Right away she was dizzy, Rocky hadn’t texted her or talked to her in the last two weeks. What could he be texting her for now? She used her facial recognition to unlock her phone and read the text. “I heard your mom came to stay with you for a bit. Can’t wait to get to know her as well as Willy is.” it said then what followed made Erica abandon her shopping cart in the middle of the store and retreat to the bathrooms.

When she closed the door to the stall, she decided to hide in she opened her phone and muted her phone. A picture appeared on the screen and it showed a close-up of her mom’s face and a play button in the middle of the picture. She shook with fear as she pressed the play button. By now the weakness in her knees had caused her to sit on the toilet and her legs to part slightly. The long navy blue, button down dress she was wearing slid effortlessly around her legs and she watch transfixed on the video.

On the video the picture started zoomed in on Rachels face then panned out to show her on her knees and Willy standing in front of her. From the movement of the camera it was clear that there was a third person in the room with Rachel and Willy, but Erica couldn’t tell who it was. As the camera came around to show Willy, he had his cock out and pointed it at Rachels face. Rachel reached out with both hands and smiled broadly as she stroked it up and down and continued her vigorous stroking of his dark meat.

While Erica watched his cock, she recalled her own experience with his cock and her hands found their way to the buttons of the dress and undid them quickly then snaked her hand inside her white full-bottomed cotton panties that she was wearing. She was fully drenched and as she began sliding her hand through her pussy, she felt jealous that her mom could have her hands so full.

Back on the video that played in front of her she saw her mom speak as she looked into the camera and wished she could hear what she was saying but dared not risk being found in a grocery stores bathroom as she played with herself watching her mom with an old black man. When her mom was finished talking on the video she smiled once again before walking forward on her knees until she was inches from having the head of his cock touch her lips. Then she removed her hands from his cock and took him fully in her mouth. She bobbed down and up expertly as she held her eyes closed lightly, and it seemed to Erica that she was smiling as she sucked his dick.

“Oh My God Mom!” Erica cooed silently as she continued to play with herself and watch her mom continue her enthusiastic assault on Willy’s cock. It was clear that Willy was about to cum, just like Erica recalled him doing over her so long ago, and when he did, she played with her clit harder as her mom swallowed his entire load. When she showed the camera her empty mouth, she said something else that Erica wanted to hear, then the video cut off.

Erica crested over her own climax at the same time that Willy filled her mom’s mouth with cum and Erica sat back guiltily on the toilet with her cunt on display as she removed her fingers from her moist clit. She quickly stood up and hastily buttoned her dress then left immediately. Her grocery cart and things gathered left alone. All that she grabbed was her purse before running out of the store. She drove back home as quickly as she could and when she arrived, she walked quickly to her apartment.

As she closed the door to her apartment, she found her mom watching TV in the living room reclining in a chair with Vicky on the couch nearby. Erica didn’t want to distress the naïve Vicky so she tried to act calm as she walked in. When Rachel saw Erica, she got up and approached Erica and took her into a hug before kissing her lightly on the lips and welcomed her home. When their lips touched Erica thought about the video and how Willy’s cock was just inside her mouth and filled with cum. When Rachel withdrew from the welcome hug, she saw Erica lick her lips and raise her hand to feel them before pulling her hand back down quickly.

“Welcome home dear. I thought you were getting groceries though?” She said.

“Umm, can we talk in private? I saw something that made me race home.” Erica told her.

“Sure-thing dear.” She said to Erica then held her hand and led her back down to the room that she was going to be sharing with Vicky. When they walked in Rachel sat on the bed quietly.

“Mom, how could you!? With Willy? You don’t even know him!” She said in a quiet yell as her mom sat emotionless on the bed.

“Well that’s true that I don’t know him, but his cock was delicious.” She said honestly and as a matter of fact.

“What about dad?” Erica said.

“Erica! Stop being such a child. Your father and I enjoyed our sex life and kept you out of it for your own good. But when he died, he told me not to let anything hold me back and he knew that I could be freed, by letting more love into my life. Willy showed me a bit of love. That’s all.” Rachel told her from the bed.

“What about Vicky, you were supposed to be with her, and you left her to suck that old man’s cock! That’s really uncool of you!” She accused her.

“You must not have listened to the video my dear.” She said and stood up then walked by Erica standing stunned near the door. There was enough room for her to walk by her daughter and into the living room. “Vicky, dear, can you put our video up on the TV there for us please? You know your old Grandma doesn’t know how.” Rachel said to Vicky as she handed the young girl her phone.

After a few button presses the start of the video appeared on the large living room TV and started playing. Erica heard the voice of Willy and his expressions of arousal and this drew her out of the bedroom and into the living room. She saw Rachel look at the camera and open her mouth. ‘This is the talking that I didn’t hear. But why is she showing me this with Vicky in the room’ She thought as she kept watching.

“Vicky dear. 18’s too young to handle such a cock but that doesn’t mean you can’t be educated. His cock needs attention and as a woman it’s our job to satisfy them. Look at how happy he is and how much he enjoys a beautiful woman.” Rachel said to the camera before she moved closer to Willy and took his cock in her mouth. Erica watched with amazement and heard Vicky’s breathing increase and her murmuring as she filmed her grandma taking Willy’s amazing cock.

“MOM, HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY DAUGHTER VIDEO YOU!” She screamed as she tore her eyes from the screen.

“Your daughter is becoming a little slut living here. You’re too blind to see it but she’s been groped on a regular basis and has jerked off some of the older guys. So far, the ONLY reason they haven’t actually fucked her was because your manager Rocky said they weren’t allowed to. Why would he be worried about one young girl in such a place? I wonder.” Rachel said to her and then watched as Rachel motioned for Vicky to stand up and then Rachel lifted the blue and white thinly striped tank-top dress that Vicky was wearing and bunched it around her waist ******** a pair of bright pink lace thongs. Erica was stunned at how well they stood out against her olive skin and she thought that she could almost smell her daughter’s pussy through them.

“Your daughter came to me with questions, not you, because she didn’t think you would understand and instead of actually answering her, she thought you would just try to hide her away and not let her be herself.” Rachel continued on before dropping Vicky’s skirt back down.

Erica turned back to the TV in time to see Rachel turn once more to the camera and speak again. “Erica, Rocky said that when you’re ready to thank him, then he will tell you the cost. Black cock feels so fucking good dear.” Then the screen cut like before.

Just as Erica was about to yell at both Rachel and Vicky for their actions and what they were doing, Jim walked through the door as he returned from work. Erica shot the ladies a glare that told them that this matter wasn’t finished and then she turned to Jim at the door. “There’s my wonderful husband. How was work my dear?” She asked him.

“So much better now that I’m back home with my three special ladies.” He told them as he smiled at them through a wide grinned smile that told them that he believed every word he was saying.

Erica was acutely aware of her body’s reaction to the video when she was in the grocery store and now, after having watched it a second time, it was happening again, and she needed relief right away. She wrapped her hand around Jim’s forearm and guided him quickly into their bedroom where she swung the door closed behind her. The momentum of the door wasn’t enough to close it fully and unbeknownst to them it remained ajar enough to allow Vicky and Rachel to peer in if they chose to do so. Erica pushed Jim on the bed, and he looked up at her surprised, “Honey, the suns still up and your mom and Vicky could hear us.” He told her as he struggled to get up as she kept pushing him back.

“Then you better not scream to loudly when you cum.” She told him and straddled his legs around the knees and used her hands to unbuckle his belt then unbutton his pants before continuing onto the zipper. Once his pants were open, she pulled out his dick and stroked it like the wanton ***** that she felt like. She kept replaying the video in her head and thinking about Willy’s cock sliding effortlessly in and out of her mom’s mouth. Once Jim was erect, she moved over top of him and bunched her dress around her waist ******** the panties pulled to the side and she quickly sat on his cock.

Though she bucked hard on top of his cock she still felt unfulfilled and wanted a bigger cock between her legs. She also didn’t want her mom to think that she was right in what she said about black cock on the video. She began moaning loudly and humping his dick harder and kept getting louder as she did so. She wanted Rachel to know that Jim still pleased her and that she was going to be a better wife than even she had been.

“OH FUCK JIM, FUCK ME, I’M GOING TO CUUUUUMM!!!” She screamed and tried to direct her screams towards the door that she just now realized was still open and She saw Rachel standing behind Vicky. From what Erica could see, her mom was sliding her hands around Vicky’s waist and running them between her legs. Erica put a hand on her own pussy to see if manipulating her own clit could allow her some release and she found herself watching as her mom lifted the young girls dress again and looped her fingers through the waistband of Vicky’s tiny pink panties and pulled them down her legs,. Then Erica watched as Vicky raised first one foot then the other until her panties were freed.

To her surprise Vicky kept her last leg raised and Rachel placed it over her shoulder then moved her mouth to cover the young girl’s mound. Erica watched the debauchery and continued moving on top of Jim and pushing his head down with one hand and stroking her clit harder and harder as she watched the quiet moans of her Vicky as her mom continued the assault on the young girls untainted pussy. As she watched Vicky’s own climax it sent Erica over the edge from her own probing fingers and she collapsed on top of Jim and looked briefly at the door before she fell asleep on the bed.

She slept peacefully for the first time in two weeks and woke up feeling refreshed and renewed. As she got out of bed and noticed that Jim was already gone. On her nightstand he had left a note telling her that he didn’t want to wake her because she was sleeping so soundly and how much he enjoyed last night. Erica folded the note and let it drop back on the nightstand then reached under her dress and peeled the panties that were now stiff with cum, down her legs and kicked them towards their laundry basket in the corner of the room. She stood in the full-length mirror and smoothed out the dress she had worn the day before and left her room. As she was leaving her room, she noticed a shock of pink catch her eye and when she looked down at the color, she saw that they were Vicky’s panties that had been left behind.

Erica leaned down and picked them up with the intention of berating the two of them for what they were doing but as she began walking towards their shared room, she found herself lifting her panties to her nose and taking in Vicky’s potent smell. Her tongue snuck out and licked at the gusset of the panties and tried to imagine that it was her between Vicky’s legs and suddenly came to her senses and quickly pulled them away from her face. To her horror she saw Rachel looking back at her. “Looks like Mommy wants a taste of her sweet Daughter. So do I!” Rachel said as she stood naked in the doorway to their room.

“Didn’t you taste her last night Mom? I can’t believe you did that. What if Jim saw?” Erica said.

“I didn’t mean her.” She said as she walked towards Erica who stood frozen in the space between the master bedroom and Vicky and Rachel’s room. Erica watched her mom walked towards her and noticed the way her pendulous breasts swung lightly from side to side and how excited her nipples were. As she neared Erica she reached out and unbuttoned the front of Erica’s dress and then slid it off of Erica’s shoulders and let it pool to the ground. She then pulled her toward the couch where she spun her around and made her fall ungracefully onto the cushion. Her legs splayed open as she tried to catch her balance on the fall.

Rachel saw her legs open and took the opportunity to move between her legs before she knew what was happening. Erica looked down in time to see her mom’s mouth close around her ******* pussy. Rachel pulled up on the light patch of hair growing above her pussy “How many times has Rocky fucked you dear?” Rachel asked her.

“Ohhhh Please Stop mom.” Erica said to her as she closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around her mom’s head. She felt like she was pushing her mom away from her but when she looked down again, she realized that she was pulling her into her pussy instead. Her mom had clearly performed fellatio on a woman more than just the previous night with Vicky. She seemed, at least to Erica, to be a seasoned professional.

“How many times?” She asked again as she took a deep breath before continuing her rhythmic attack on Erica’s clit. Rachel also reached up and pinched her daughters’ nipples and heard her scream as she came all over her mouth. Erica looked back down at her mom as she emerged between her legs and saw that her mom’s face was glistening with the results of her climax.

“Him and a few of his friends were using me as their own personal whores since we moved in until you told me dad died then I stopped it all. I wanted to be like you.” Erica told her mom as she started to tear up.

“My dear, if you wanted to be like me then you would have kept fucking them and even brought them to your dads funeral and fucked them in the pews. God knows I fucked every single one of his friends at the funeral. Your dad always loved it when I’d fuck another man. He was one of the biggest Cucks I ever knew. Your Jim seems like he’s the same type of guy.” Rachel told her as she crawled out from between her legs and laid on the couch next to Erica. As Rachel continued to run her fingers along Erica’s abdomen and slid them slowly around her excited nipples and then down to Erica’s small patch of hair and back again, “Text Rocky to come over now.” She told her daughter.

Erica took the phone from her mom who had grabbed it earlier and set it near the couch. She looked at the phone a moment then texted Rocky, “Rocky, I’d like you to come over and introduce you to my mom Rachel. I think you and Jerry would really get along well with her.” Then she hit the send button and his reply was received within a minute.

“About time you came to your senses. You may not like what you need to do to make it up to me but let’s see. We are on the way.” Rocky said in the text and she was nervous and laid still on the couch. Soon the door opened and Rocky as well as Jerry walked into her apartment with the use of their keys, they kept for all the apartments. They both saw the women lying naked on the couch and approached them silently. As they moved towards the women, they shed their clothes until they were as naked as the ladies were and had their hands already pumping their well engorged members.

“Erica, those cocks are beautiful. I can’t believe you ever stopped fucking them. “Rachel told her as she sat up and reached out to hold each cock in her hands. Her small hands couldn’t even wrap entirely around their large cocks and she stroked them both back and forth and then leaned down to suck on Rocky first then switched to Jerry. The men took pleasure in reaching down and playing with Rachels large breasts.

“Fuck Erica. I wish your tits were as big as your moms, but your blowjob skills are nearly the same. Sit up here with your mom and show her what you got.” Rocky told her and she dutifully sat up next to her mom. Rocky moved over and allowed Jerry to have Rachel all to himself as Rocky pulled Erica’s hair and ****** her mouth over her cock. She let her lips touch the tip first and at first, she slowly opened her lips but as soon as she felt his girth once more part her lips she greedily took as much of Rocky as she could. Soon, both mother and daughter were trying their best to make their respective men give them a large load.

Rocky and Jerry looked at each other briefly before pulling their cocks out and pointing them at the faces of the girls bowed in front of them. The women flinched as the jets of cum shot forcefully from the angry heads of both Rocky and Jerry. The large streams landed on their faces and down onto their breasts where it sat wet and sliding further down. “Clean each other up.” Rocky ordered and Erica turned to her mom and blushed before leaning to her face and began cleaning Jerry’s cum from her face and allowed her hands to slide over her mom’s breasts as she tried to scoop up escaping cum from dripping from her large nipples.

Erica was nearly finished with cleaning the cum from her mom’s face when their lips touched. Both women felt electricity shoot through their bodies, and they let their lips linger together and then started to kiss softly then with more eagerness. Soon they were entwined in each other’s arms as Rocky and Jerry watched. The women seemed ignorant to the audience that was watching and slowly Rachel was able to break the kiss long enough to push her daughters head down and like the obedient slut she was quickly becoming, she allowed herself to be placed between her mom’s thighs. Rachel was on the edge of the couch and her legs splayed open with her feet on the ground. In order to be the best that she could be to her mom, Erica had to kneel in front of her and present her ass towards Rocky and Jerry behind her.

She looked down at her mom’s pussy and had the fleeting thought that she never thought she would ever be here. Then she regarded the few gray hairs in her mom’s sparse bush before she lowered her inexperienced mouth to her mom’s waiting cunt. “Jerry, fill that void and punish her. I gotta go get our peeping tom.” Rocky said to Jerry before walking towards Vicky’s bedroom. When he walked back out, he was pulling Vicky out by the arm. She was wearing just a light pink bra and a pair of light blue thong panties. They were transparent in the front and you could see that they were already matted with wetness from her masturbation.

“Do you like watching your mom and grandma like this?” Rocky asked her as he slid his thick paw along her back and allowed it to slide below her waist and over her thick ass that she worked hard to attain. Rocky watched her nodded as she tried to cinch her legs together tightly. “Are you trying to rub your clit with the pressure from your legs?” He asked her.

“MMhmmm, but it’s not working.” She said to him as she first looked up to him, then down to his cock. Jerry had positioned himself behind Erica and had his cock lined up with her waiting pussy.

“Erica, as punishment for your actions, I’m going to take your daughters virginity and use her at my pleasure, whenever and wherever I want. Do you consent to that?” Rocky asked her as a demand and not a question.

Erica looked up but never removed her mouth from her mother’s cunt. She was savoring the taste and didn’t want to come up for air. As she was about to answer Jerry buried his cock deep inside of her and began pounding her hard. As he pulled her hair back it broke her contact with Rachels cunt and Erica screamed out, “YES, OH GOD YES, FUCK ME PLEASE!!!”

Rocky ripped the light blue panties from Vicky’s body, and she yelped then tried to reach down as he dragged the remnants from between her legs. He then pulled hard on the connecting strap of her bra then pulled it down the front of her body. He discarded her bra into the corner of the living room by the TV and handed Vicky’s panties to Jerry who then shoved them inside Erica’s mouth. Rachel watched on and played with her cunt as she watched Erica’s mouth get stuffed below her.

Rachel then shimmied out from around Erica’s head and invited Vicky to lie down next to her. “Come here baby. Grandma will help you with your first black cock.” She said soothingly like it was the most normal thing in the world to say.

Rocky roughly pushed her down next to Rachel and grabbed one of her ankles in each hand. He then held them up and enjoyed how her pussy looked as it peeked out between her legs as he held them up. Once he was satisfied with that look, he opened her legs wide and then slid his hands down her legs until his thick thumbs were at the edges of her pussy. He let a single thumb enter her and began pumping in and out as she bit her lower lip and whimpered lightly. Rachel slowly stroked her hair and lightly kissed her forehead telling her how good it would feel. Erica reached out and held Vicky’s hand as Jerry kept attacking her pussy and caused her to cum multiple times from his savageness.

Once Rocky felt that she was used to his thumb he added his other thumb and began pumping two fingers in and out of her while slowly spreading his fingers apart. Vicky began to scream from the pulling until Rachel placed one of her large tits in the young girl’s mouth. Vicky readily sucked at her nipple and it seemed to calm the young girl down. Rocky looked down at the young pussy and felt it was time to initiate her lithe body to his growing harem.

He held the head of his cock at her opening and slowly let her feel the pressure of the bulbous head as he entered her. He pushed just the tip in and allowed her to get use to the feeling before he began to pump. He reached up and allowed his large hand to engulf her right breast before he found her small nipple and pinched it. Rachel removed her nipple from the girl’s mouth and then sat up on the couch. Vicky already missed the comfort of breastfeeding from her Grandmas breast when she saw what she was doing. Rachel straddled Vicky’s face and made sure that she was facing Rocky so that she could see Rocky deflower her granddaughter and he could enjoy two sets of breasts, one large and one small.

As Rachel began lowering herself down onto Vicky’s face, she was surprised that Vicky lifted her head to meet her on the way down. The young girl was already very adept at licking a cunt. At least that was the thought that Rachel had as she reached between Vicky’s legs and gently rubbed her clit as Rocky began pumping more of his cock into her. Jerry finished inside of Erica and withdrew himself before feeding his dirty cum soaked cock to Rachel then collapsed on the couch. Erica stayed in a doggystyle pose and felt like she was unable to move from the abuse of Jerry and felt his cum leaking from her cunt and dropping to the carpet below her as well as sliding down her legs.

Rocky seemed like he was also fighting the urge to cum and as he watched Vicky’s lithe 18-year-old body respond to her first climax from a real cock, he exploded inside of her. He then beckoned Erica over and as he withdrew from her, he pulled her head into the newly used cunt. She looked and saw the cum trickle from her daughters cunt and she leaned her head down and began lapping at it like a dog in heat. She kept licking and sucking the cum from her daughter until she felt Vicky cum beneath her tongue and then she sat up and watched her mom cum in Vicky’s mouth. After that she climbed off of the young girls face and sat on the couch. Rocky and Jerry stood and got dressed before they left the apartment without another word.

“I think this may have changed our relationship, Vicky.” Erica said to her. “And ours as well Mom.” She directed towards Rachel. Vicky looked embarrassed while Rachel simply nodded a content nod and smiled at both girls.

“Let’s rest a bit before we worry about cleaning up. Jim won’t be back for another four hours, so we have time.” Rachel told both of the girls next to her. They then found comfort with each other and played together on the couch in each other’s arms and rested.
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