Ch. 07: An interesting disclosure

November began warming up - literally and figuratively.

I had been making a new tube for myself just about each month, each one a little shorter than the previous model. One day Kylie commented about how short and 'stubby' the tube was becoming. She raised the fact that I was still wearing a tube that was 1 1/4 inch thick, and she asked me if I had considered further decreasing the diameter.

In all honesty I had been thinking about it, and I told Kylie so. But I explained that a tube the next size down in the supplier's catalogue was only 1 inch in diameter, and that I feared the jump from 1 1/4 inch to 1 inch was perhaps too great. Kylie agreed, and I thought that was the end of it.

Two days later, however, Kylie arrived home, and informed me she had been passing a hardware store when something in the shop window had caught her eye. She handed me a package; inside was a short stainless steel handrail that had smoothly curved ends. It was the sort of item you would attach to the wall in a bathroom to aid the infirm or elderly. I noted that the box stated that it was 1 1/4 inch external diameter. Kylie explained that she figured if the walls of the tube were about 1/16 on an inch thick, then the internal diameter should be close to 1 1/8th of and inch thick.

She was right; the internal diameter was exactly 1 1/8th of an inch.

So within 3 days, I had made a new tube from the handrail. My cock slid tightly into the tube with some coaxing and a little baby oil, and Kylie was ecstatic when she saw it; the narrower tube and shorter length cocooned my cock almost like a second skin.

As always, the new narrower tube took a little while to get used to. Nocturnal erections again proved to be a slight problem, and the discomfort was perhaps sharper than it had ever been. But within two weeks these episodes began to lessen.

The Saturday of my two-week release duly arrived. That morning Kylie had gone to visit Michelle, and she didn't get back until late afternoon.

Saturday night slowly drifted by, and Kylie finally suggested that I go shower. Fifteen minutes later I was once more eagerly lying on our bed in a dark room, feeling Kylie tug my briefs down. I breathlessly awaited her warm, soft touch.

"I had an interesting chat with Michelle today" Kylie announced. Her fingers enclosed around me, and I drew a sharp breath.

"Oh?" I inquired with as much nonchalance as I could muster. "A chat about what?"

"About chastity belts, Lover." Kylie replied. I knew that she would have been grinning softly in the darkness.

My pulse quickened. "Really?"

"Yep," Kylie replied. She began stroking me very slowly. "I hope you don't mind, Lover, but I kinda told Michelle that you wear one for me."

My eyes widened in shock. "Jesus Christ, you didn't, did you?"

"I did," Kylie responded.

She then told me that Michelle and herself were just chatting about relationships. Michelle complained to Kylie that Paul had possessed a roving eye - not that she minded, just that he was so overt about it. Kylie had replied that she didn't have that problem with me - and Michelle had asked why. That is when Kylie had told her about me wearing a chastity belt, and therefore my eye only roved as far as Kylie.

"And what did she say?" I asked in a tight voice. Kylie's slow, gently stroking was driving me mad.

Kylie laughed. "She thinks the idea rocks! She wanted to know how it works, and how it's fitted. She was very interested, actually. She wants me to show her one of yours."

I swallowed. Kylie sped her strokes slightly, and her voice was thick as honey in the darkness when she spoke again. "That's ok, isn't it, little one? That my big sister knows your little cock is under lock and key? And that she wants to see one of your little toys?"

"Fuck, yes!" I gasped.

Kylie chuckled and now she began stroking me in earnest. My cock pulsed as her other hand found my balls, tickling and teasing them.

"There's just one problem, Needle-dick," Kylie purred. "If I show her one of your toys, then she is gonna notice something, isn't she?"

My body jolted at the veiled message in her words, and I stifled another moan.

"Yes - you know, don't you!" Kylie continued smoothly. "She is going to notice how small it is, isn't she? She will sit there looking at it - at how narrow and how short the tube is - and she is going to know that in order to fit inside of it, your cock would really have to be so very small!" Kylie giggled. "But I'm sure you don't mind if my big sister works out that you have a tiny little cock, do you?"

"No, I don't mind! I want her to know!" I could barely believe I had said it aloud!

Kylie giggled again. "Oh, if she sees one of your little toys, she will know, all right! She will work it out, and then you will have to watch her face as she tries not to smirk. Or maybe she will smirk, and turn to me with a pitying look that says 'My God, you have to put up with that little thing?' But that's okay too, isn't it, Needle-dick?"

"Yes! I want to see her smirking, and I want you to smirk too!" I cried.

"Aww, Little one?" Kylie carried on. "If that's what you want, then you shall have it! Maybe I will look back at her, and make the 'teeny-weeny' little hand signal - you know the one - me holding my thumb and forefinger an inch apart! Won't that be bitchy of me, Pin-dick? Even if she doesn't work it out, me giving her the little hand sign that you're hung like a fucking hamster will soon get the message across, wont it?"

I screamed and arched my back as climax clawed through my body.