
The next day we were shopping for outfits to wear to Nicola's wedding.

Rachel was looking through dresses while I stood beside her.

"George, I got up the courage and called Fred".

"Do we really have to do this Rachel?" I said desperately.

"Yes George, we do."

"Well are you going to meet him," I asked.

"Yes George, I am going to see him."

"Are you going to meet the guys he's pledged with?"

"No George, just Fred first."

Rachel stopped going through the dresses and looked up at me.

"George I really want your help with the first date, I want it to be successful. I don't feel sexy anymore and I need you to give me advice on what to wear and how to look".

I didn't know how to give this sort of advice!

"I don't know anything about women's fashion Rachel, I don't see how I can help."

"You don't have to know anything George, you just have to look around and tell me what you think will look good on me".

"I guess I can do that."

"Okay George. Well, let's go. We'll get something for the date first. Excuse me, could we have some help please." Rachel asked the shop assistant, who was a young attractive woman in her mid-twenties.

"Yes Madam, what can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if you could help my husband and I, I have a date with a new boyfriend and I was wondering if you would have anything suitable for me to wear".

"Well what were you thinking, something sexy or something smart-casual?"

I said smart-casual at the same time as Rachel said sexy.

"Okay, sexy it is. Please follow me."

She brought us downstairs to an area of the shop that was lit up with neon signs saying things like "sexy" and "high heels". The dresses and skirts looked skimpier here and there were shoes that screamed sex at me. I immediately felt excited and breathless.

"Perhaps something from this area would be more suitable?"

"Yes, I think so," said Rachel.

"So where would you like to begin, shoes, dresses, skirts, or tops?"

I looked at Rachel, but she looked at me and asked, "Where should we start dear?"

I was feeling uncomfortable at feeling excited.

"Maybe I can help you, what sort of date is it," asked the assistant.

"It's a dinner date," replied Rachel.

"And is there a chance your outfit could be coming off," asked the assistant.

"Yes, it's possible."

"Very well, lets start with lingerie. "

We followed the assistant to the lingerie section.

"What's your bra size," asked the assistant.

Rachel replied that she was a 36DD. I always thought she had the most amazing breasts, and now someone else's hands had been all over them, and would be again.

"These are very popular for dating wives," said the assistant as she held up a red sheer bra and panty set.

"You have three options to choose from, see-through, skimpy or braless."

"Which should I pick darling," Rachel asked me.

My heart was fluttering. I was trying to think of which was the least sluttiest because I didn't want to seem like I was encouraging her. If I picked the see-through or braless, it would seem like I wanted her to be a slut, so I said skimpy.

The assistant put down the sets she was holding and picked up another set, which had barely any material on them.

Damn, I thought. These are almost worse.

"Okay, lets ad them to the basket Rachel said.

Next she took us to the skirts and dresses and the assistant asked were we thinking of a skirt or dress.

I looked at the skirts and they were very very short, so I said dress. Then the assistant picked out some dresses, and put them out. She pointed at a gold minidress with thin straps and she said that she thought that would look good on her and she asked wouldn't I agree. She gave me a look like she was daring me to disagree with her.

I felt a moment of fear and I almost agreed with her, but I decided to fight back.

"No I think maybe something a bit less sluttier might be better Rachel."

"It's not slutty, it's sexy, there's a difference, Rachel is a beautiful woman and she is meeting someone she likes , so she wants to flaunt a piece of her sexiness to him".

Rachel gave me a disappointed look and a shake of the head as she took the dress and went to pay for it.

We were in the car on the way home. Rachel was driving.

"What was all that about in there," asked Rachel.

"I'm really disappointed, I thought you were beginning to accept things.

"I'm trying Rachel, but it's so hard."

"It's different at first, but everyone gets used to it George."

When we got home and we got settled in our pyjamas in the living room watching tv, Rachel asked me something.

"George could you please do me a favour?"

"Why yes Rachel what is it?"

"Could you meet with Paul and talk to him, he's going to be going through what you're going through, so it might help."

"Oh, I don't know Rachel, I don't know if that's something I need?"

"But George, I really need your help, Nicola is my best friend and I want her wedding to go well, so I really need you to calm him down."

Well I did like to be useful to Rachel, if I was meeting Paul to calm him, I guess I could do that.

It was the next day and I'd rang Paul and asked if he wanted to go for a drink, so we met for a pint.

I met him in a quiet bar down by South street. Paul was a short sleeve, tie, technician type of guy.

"So how's it going with you and Rachel, he asked, "I heard you're in my boat?"

"Well it's a lot to take in that's all."

"Don't worry George, you can find it very enjoyable."

"Oh I'm surprised you're saying that, I thought you were having difficulty accepting?"

"Oh no George, I'm over that now. I've given my blessing to the whole thing ages ago."

I took a sip of my pint to disguise my shock.

"Oh, I'm surprised by that."

"Why's that?"

"Rachel said you were having difficulty accepting."

"Well Nicolla said the same about you and I can help with that George."

"How are you going to help?"

"I want you to listen to my advice. Nicola mentioned you went shopping with Rachel to help get her ready and that's a great start. My advice is that you give her your full blessing even if you're nervous about what will happen and ask that you want to be involved in everything that is happening and kept in the loop, it will help ".

"I suppose I can tell Rachel that. "

"Do more than just tell her, show her by your actions. Here, take this address and tell them that you want to get a gift for your wife's first date. Trust me, this will help big time."

I took his address and finished my drink and left the bar. I walked towards the address he had given me, the address was a church of the sisters, a religious sect that preached group marriage. The sect had grown in recent years to become a part of society.

I went into the church and one of the sisters passed me on the way to the alter, she stopped, turned towards me and asked me.

"Can I help you son?"

I found it difficult to make her out for the church was only lit by candles and she was wearing a hood and cloak.

"Yes, a friend give me this address and advised me to ask for a gift for my wife's first date."

"Ah, I see, your wife has begun seeking more husbands, that is good. But it is one thing for your wife to claim her legal right, and quite another for you to give her that freedom willingly."

"How many husbands does your wife currently have," she asked.

"She has one husband, me."

"You have a very special role in all of this, the first is always considered the cuckold. Your place is to tend to your wife's every need on her journey. Please, kneel and show your devotion and kiss my foot."

Her bare leg appeared through a split in her dark outfit. I kneeled down and gave her sandaled foot a kiss. I noticed her ankle had many chains on it.

"Please unclasp one of the anklets and give it to your wife as a symbol of her freedom. "

This I did. I wasn't sure about giving it to Rachel, but this was happening if I wanted it to our not, I had no legal rights and only a woman could divorce a husband, not the other way round.

Group marriage was becoming ever more popular, with most young women now taking at least two husbands. I thought to myself if this is what Rachel wants then I could be mature and responsible about the whole thing.

I got a box at a jewellers, put the anklet jn it and then I presented it to Rachel.

Rachel was in silk pyjamas lounging on the couch watching tv.

"Oh what is it," she said as she took the small package
"Open it and see," I said.

She tore it open and flipped the box open.

Her face lit up, "Oh honey, this is such a lovely surprise, I really didn't expect this from you, I thought you'd have great difficulty with something like this."

"It is going to be difficult, but I want you to be happy, and if you really want another husband then I want to support you in that."

She kissed me and smiled and handed the anklet to me. She held her foot up to me and I clipped the anklet on.
Next page: First meeting with Fred
Previous page: Overview
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