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A new page in our book....

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
Well, I thought it was time to start a new post to represent what seems to be a new direction, or at least, a new page in our relationship.

I finally did it and owned up to telling Sue that I wanted to experience more of what I've been fantasizing about. I guess I figured - why fight it. It's obviously what I want. I love knowing she's fucking Don and I love her taunting and teasing me about it. As I said, I listened to Jinxypie's videos and they just made sense - if it's something I truly want to experience, it just seemed like the stars and moon and whatever lined up and the circumstances were such that I let it out.

I told Sue that I really got turned on by her flaunting her sexual relationship and desires with Don. I think it took her a bit to realize what I was saying to her but she accepted it in a loving way and I truly believe she is still doing much of this as something to give me increased pleasure - clearly along with hers.

If last night was any sign of what's going to happen, I can honestly say I want to do it. Some of what I shared with her was what she'd already known. Some of what I shared, I think may have surprised her but didn't shock her. I told her that the 2 days of "denial" she imposes on me before she sees Don were in many ways some of the most erotic times I can ever remember and that despite it going on now for several years in one way or another - it hasn't gotten old - it's only gotten more exciting for me.

As I said, a lot of what we talked about was nothing new, but I think hearing it again and re-hashing some old ground, may have given her a new sense of understanding just how turned on I am about all of this. Despite her PMS mood last night, the sex was intense and passionate and incredibly satisfying (unless she was able to somehow fake her rapid heartbeat, being out-of-breath and the cool sheen of sweat that covered both of us).

It actually felt good to me to not have to be so guarded in my responses.

More later - she's just getting home with our daughter from her friends house....
She kicked me out of bed to watch Leno in the den as she wanted to go to bed early - so I took 5 min's to post here before catching the rest of the show on Tivo. For as amorous as she was last night, she wasn't tonight so there's not much more to tell just yet only that I don't feel at all uncomfortable around her as I thought I might be. Maybe a little self-conscious myself, but and I'm surprised, I don't.

To whoever asked about Jinxypie's videos - she has a thread here of her own. She's got a link to her YouTube channel. Maybe it was just her pretty face (of course combined with the rest of her!!!) but it made sense to me. Just like when all of this first started and I convinced her that it was okay, it actually feels like a weight is off my shoulder.
Soon, perhaps you can refer me to some of your past posts where you discuss what more you are asking Sue to do. Thanks.
Stb, it seems like you are entering an unpredictable phase in your life. It is good that you are both content with the developments of late, but Sue has been handed the reins. As long as she puts you and her together as no.1 you will have fun and enjoy. Pray that she does not become influenced into handing the reins to other parties. Thank you for these constant updates.
Shidave, there's been no evidence, at least from what STB has posted here, of Sue being inclined to hand the reins to anyone else. In the beginning of her relationship with Don he asked for some pretty outrageous things (cutting STB off, sharing Sue with his friends, piercing her nipples) and she flat out told him no. Sue seems to have her priorities well in order. STB is one very lucky man.
Good points Marys. I completely forgot about the nipple piercing request... got go back and re-read.
So far pet, you are 100% right, and from what i've read I have tremendous respect for this sexy wife Sue. However, as Sue will try to reach new highs with her cuck she will try new outrageous ideas, that may one day slip the reins. Woman are strong and in this sort of relationship, powerful but she would have to be immensely self controlled to not be led if the outside relationship is longer term.
Hey all - thanks for the last few posts Shidave and Marys-pet.
I do recognize the danger that Shidave is pointing out. Don did make those requests and Sue did say no. I guess part of my curiosity here is whether she said no because of her own reasons or because of me and I guess that defines my "fear" of all of this. But at the same time I can't deny that I am incredibly turned on by it. The thought that she might, as Shidave points out - "try new outrageous ideas" is at once both an incredible turn-on as well as something that makes me worried a bit - but I can't deny that I would want her to try it out but within my limits.

But whatever will happen won't do so for another few days as she's surely due for her period any day now if not already....
Soon--- what would your reaction be if you came home next week and found a chastity devise sitting on your side of the bed with a note from Sue requesting that you put it on and wear it until further notice?

It seems to me from reading your posts that the primary “thing” that’s in this lifestyle for you is the significant level of sexual arousal you get out of “tease and denial” followed by hot sex with your wife. What if she takes this “play” to a new level which involves long term “denial”?

Recently Kristen teased me about wearing a chastity devise saying, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I smiled and replied that it might make for interesting [temporary] role play. But secretly it scared me--- because while the thought of this kind of femdom control turns me on mentally, in reality I would not want to be placed in long term chastity.

The above stated, the question has to be asked, “what would you do if your wife asks you to start wearing a chastity device?”

One further comment. Some weeks ago when Kristen decided to let me watch she had me write a list of cuckold/submissive activities that I am interested in (such as assisting her prepare for her dates). She also asked me what I did NOT want to do. On that list I wrote (among other things) that I did not want to be made to wear women’s panties or be made to wear a butt plug for extended periods of time, or be ****** to wear a chastity device.

You may recall that on the night Kris let me watch, she made me wear a pair of her dirty panties and a butt plug. Some days later I asked her why the “panties” and “butt plug” since these were things I had included on my “don’t want to do” list. She giggled and said, “Oh come on, you know you liked it--- that’s why panties and butt plugs were on your [DON’T] list”. An interesting interpretation by my astute wife. From the events described above, I now believe that Kris would have had me wear a chastity devise that night if one had been available.

Here’s the bottom line--- the night she instructed me to put on her panties and bend over so she could insert the BP I did exactly what she told me to do without hesitation--- and yes, it was a turn on. With this precedence--- if and when she tells me to wear a chastity devise will I respond in like manner--- with unquestioned obedience?

This brings us back full circle to your new posts--- you appear to be asking Sue to heighten her “tease and denial” play with you. So again I pose the question, “what would you do if Sue asks you to start wearing a chastity device?” (keeping in mind that chastity play would mean an end to the hot sex you now enjoy as a result of Sue’s outside sexual liaisons).

I don’t know about you, Soon, but after the panties and BP incident I worry that next time Kristen let’s me watch the price might be some form of short or long term chastity. Just something to think about as you give Sue more control over your relationship.

(PS--- I could tell from the way Kirsten talked about the “chastity devise” [“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”] that she was getting off on the whole idea of “that” kind of control….made me worry).

I think it's funny (and at the same time gets a bit old) how we all bring our own "thing" to these threads. Me, I'm incredibly turned on by the possibility of Don "sharing" Sue and she going along for the ride. Others, keep bringing up the chastity device thing, which I think STB has pretty clearly ruled out and declared his lack of interest. And yet it is brought up again and again.
Danwcap - thanks. As I've said many times here already, this sort of play is actually quite a turn-off for both of us. Sue finds feminine/feminized men to also be quite a turn-off - so the whole panty/chastity/butt-plug stuff - it's not even worth more of a reply than this. She and I also find m-m sex a turn-off too - and from what I know of Don, he has zero desires that way too.

The same can be said for the reference to long-term denial. To me - and Sue - sex between us is a key part of our relationship. Short-term denial, to the degree that it serves to heighten our desires for each other - is something that certainly works for the 2 days or so we do this each week. I've made it no secret that I'd be okay with it being longer if it was truly what she wanted - and I think I've shown that (and she's enjoyed it) when she's gone straight from her period to being with Don. I don't think either of us knows at what point or how frequently it would stop being a positive thing and become a negative. My own suspicions are that it'd be about 2 weeks for me (but then again, she had to have some unrelated surgery a few years ago and we both endured almost a month then - and before that, I can't even think back to when we had kids how long it was then)....

But I think the whole point here is that I want her to decide what she wants on her own and for her to request them as she wants for whatever reasons she wants (if she wants it because I do - as long as she's taking the lead with it from here - then that would also be fine)...

I guess I'm rambling waiting for my next conference call at 4:30pm to begin.
I've been thinking about denial

It seems that there are at least four kinds of denial:

1. Denial of access to the body. (STB and Sue have already travelled down this path a way...as he says above: the lover having her first after a period, the two days before other visits to her lovers, the panties. STB loves it. Sue loves it. He's told us he'd be okay with more...and he's sure to get more.)

2. Denial of orgasm by will. (STB has already been holding off sometimes to increase his excitement while she is out and when she finally returns. I would guess, he'd like to give her the reins on this one.... I think he'd like it, if at least sometimes Sue, instead of encouraging him to take of himself, would forbid it.)

3. Ownership of the orgasm regardless of the cuck's will--chasity belts are in this category, obviously. (Neither Sue nor STB seem to have any interest in this. Of course we all tend to evolve towards more extreme games. And STB has certainly shown some evolution. But he and Sue have shown very good judgment in going slowly and savoring each step, to keep each other safe and happy. Bravo. But who knows what the next steps might be?)

4. Denial of information. Some cucks and their wives like to play at her "cheating." She no longer plans her trysts with the cuck. She can be as spontaneous as she wants and onlly tell him afterwards, or not at all. He will always wonder if she's fucking someone RIGHT NOW, or in the latter case, at all, unless he can taste a man in her pussy, or find some evidence in her panties or an email "carelessly" left on the screen. It's not really cheating, but rather cuck play, because the cuck agrees to, or even begs for these to be the ground rules....the wife has carte blanche. (No idea whether this has any appeal for STB)

I can't think of other forms of denial right now. But I'd love it if someone else would help me to add to the catalog.

Stb glad to hear that you and Sue are not into chastity devices. I find them a total turn off.
Maxnmona's definitions are interesting.Each of them would be exciting but could be expanded to sheer emotional cruelty. But that in itself is a turn on for some sometimes.

Rereading my breakdown of denial, number 4 should probably be divided into two.

4a. Denial of advance information. She does what she wants but tells afterwards.

4b. Full cheating mode. Nothing ever said explicitly. He suspects she's cheating, and gets to try to figure it out. If he asks directly, she denies. But can leave as much evidence around as she wishes. I can imagine him going to the extent of hiring a private detective, just like a real, involuntary cuckold might. (By the way, there is a great book about this type of denial, involving two diaries. In which, husband and wife respectively, write their "private" thoughts, knowing that the other will snoop. "The Key," by Junichiro Tanizaki. He is a great Japanese author who also happened to have cuckold fantasies. Highly recommended (by me.) Very literary. But not more eloquent than STB!)

Soon/Dan et al--- forgive me for covering ground that has already been covered. As I have read here before, every "lifestyle" relationship is different. And, I am sincerely glad that your relationship Soon with Sue is very strong and your direction is clear and agreed upon. I view your relationship as "ideal", demonstrating a very sophisticated strength and conviction that not everyone has in the LS.

My relationship with Kristen is markedly different and distinct from yours [Soon] because I did not initiate our entrance into the LS and have been an "unwilling" participant--- though I have mostly worked through this in my own head. Rather than [initially] establishing our cuckold-hot wife relationship, I have had to retroactively learn how to deal with and eventually enjoy it. And, quite frankly, I no doubt have some sexual twists that get tickled by Kristen's activities that are different than some men on this site. I do agree with you about the "chastity" thing (as I noted in my previous post).

All this being said, one thing I have learned about my relationship with Kristen is that it is not static and some of the activities that have taken place over the years indicate "change". Generically speaking--- that someone finds certain activities and experiences distasteful and/or undesirable at a certain place in time does not mean that this person will in perpetuity maintain such convictions. In fact, I have read that there can be an evolution in a cuckold-hot wife relationship that is caused by the need [esp. of the cuckold] for more intense/ extreme play as he becomes less sensitive to the status quo.

Consequently, I believe all of us in the LS should expect change and be on the look out for change that is not necessarily desirable. I think your "new page" Soon is illustrative of this [positive] change. Best of luck!!

Mick - no harm, no foul. I understand what you mean about change. But to me, for things to go in certain directions, I think there has to be a pre-existing inclination or "curiosity" in that same direction.

Sue and I have been together almost 30 years, these ideas have always been a turn-off for her and us since the beginning. It's been very apparent at times as various Penthouse Letters have focused on these ideas and those have never held any interest or arousal for us.

I can't yet say if your evolution theory is right. I see what you're saying but again, I also know what is out-of-bounds and I don't see the 2 meeting.

Gotta run.
Soon, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me... I appreciate what you have to say and your perspectives. Anxious to see where things go with you and Sue.
I am so happy to hear that you both are being more open with each other! I bet it feels great to have that weight lifted, huh? Like there's nothing you can't tell each other. :D

Good luck to you, STB! And Sue!
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I would like to thank Jinxypie for taking the time to tender her input on this thread. While I certainly enjoy the exploits of STB and Sue, I also enjoy the high standard of discourse that is present here. Jinxypie, with her credentials of a bonified cuckoldress, just adds to the tenor. All of us have opinions for STB. I think they are all well meaning and not intended to be hurtful. Perhaps cautionary, but not mean spirited.

Dear Sue is now empowered with a "GreenLight" to push STB'S envelope and comfort level. She will no doubt do that as she feel's thats what is desired of her. She will have her own fun while keeping the spark between her and STB very strong. She may go a little too far as she is still looking to STB for a sense of direction. If she does go a bit over the top I encourage STB to be very gentle in bringing her down. She is still his wife and mother of his children. I encourage STB to stay as involved as possible. I made the mistake of letting my overconfidence in my relationship, with a lovely lady, cause her to begin thinking I was indifferent or I did not love her any more. She did not hook up with any of her playmates, she just pulled back from the whole scenario, including me. I see now that I should have stayed more involved. I got her to do it and then I somehow got used to it and just let her do her thing. I should of realized "her thing" was really my thing. She needed my reasuring and constant support and love and involvement. She felt she was not getting it and our relationship died.
joncondon ... "She just pulled back from the whole scenario, including me" ... "I should of realized "her thing" was really my thing. She needed my reasuring and constant support and love and involvement. She felt she was not getting it and our relationship died."

Good advice that we all need to hear!


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