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Advice for New side of wife

  • Thread starterjakeandkate4ever
  • Start date
Slytherin20 said:
haha inject that shit with steroids lol. well if u need a friend to take care of ur wife then i volunteer lol. atleast u somewhat know me lol. i'm a good 8 inches
One specialist tried to inject me with something and that crap hurt like all get out. With little to no effect. Well desired effect.

Thanks for the offer, but I will let her pick the guys. I dont want in on that part of it for sure. Yeah we are like old buddies from the war. lol

Im sure that she would enjoy.
I talked to Jill a couple times tonight. She said they were going out for drinks. It was the first time they had been out together just her and Matt. She asked if I was good with them kissing. I said yes I guess. She asked if I had told her that. I said no and I don’t plan on it. She did tell me to make sure to text her before I went to bed. She said Kate felt better with that kind of stuff.

I sent her a text just like last night. She said she would be in late and not to wait up. I told her it was fine and be careful.
There are also "penile implants" I have a friend that had a Prostatectomy one put in and likes it OK, His wife too
Cheers, Harry
I dont think that would be something i would ever think of doing. Not even sure how it works.
Well, We all have empathy for your condition and also for Kate who according to what you write would be happy with a sexual relationship with you, her husband. You are 45. It is not unusual for men at your age that have conditions that cause erection difficulties to go the route of implants. Your wife has Breast implants. A penile implant is a simple non life threatening operation that works well to fulfill it's purpose. Wh not ask Kate if she would prefer you to do that rather than for her to get into serious relationships with other men.
You may like her answer.
Cheers, Harry
Sorry it has been a couple days. Busy at work. So here is a long one.

She got in around 2 and went straight to the bathroom to pee. She then went to the sink and washed her face and then wiped between her legs. The first thought that went through my head was she did something, but she didn’t. I checked her panties when I got up to pee later. They were wet, but it was not cum. I felt really weird looking and smelling.

She got in bed and snuggled up. I said hey with her apologizing for waking me up. She was just cold and wanted to snuggle. I told her it was fine and asked if she had a good time. She said she did. Work was fine and then Matt followed her home and they left the car. I never heard them drive up, but that isn’t unusual with the way our house is laid out. She didn’t want to drive after drinking. I told her that was smart. She told me they went to the bar and had a few drinks and danced a few times. I knew she loved to dance.

I asked if she still had the moves and she laughed and said yes. I asked if they did anything else and she said no. they just drove back to the house and talked in the drive way. I asked about what. She said just different things. Just learning about each other. I asked what she told him about herself. She said a lot of things. I said like what. I told him what I liked in guys and he did the same. I joked and said he likes guys. She said no goofy girls. Oh ok.

So does he like you? She was really quiet but said yes he does. Was kissing all you did? Who said we kissed. I figured you had since you did more the other time. Well I kept my clothes on.

What else did he ask you? If I wanted to maybe go out on a date sometime. She told him no. That we hadn’t talked about it like Sandy and her husband. I told her I wanted her to take the lead on what she wants to do and how to handle this, but I knew we probably needed to talk about it at some point. She agreed and said she would think about it. She knew from the past that I would want her to take more authority in this area. I told her I wasn’t saying anything at this point, but I would like to know what she wanted and how she wants to see it handled. She said she would get with Sandy and try to put something together. I asked her to just write it out and let me know when she wanted to talk about it.

I asked her if she wanted to play around and she was really blunt in saying no. She said sorry, it was just that it didn’t feel right after going out like that. She said she was sorry, but I told her I understood and it was up to her. I made sure she knew I was happy with her making the decision and she smiled and kissed me goodnight.

Monday around 10 Jill came rushing in. She closed the door and wanted to know what I knew. I told her. She told me Kate was having lunch with Sandy and she was going to help her with what we talked about. She told me that this is happening Pooh. Are you sure you want to go down this road? You know if you don’t that I will support you and we can get you out of this. I told her I knew that, but I was happy to see her take a little control. Jill knew that was something I wanted from Kate for a while. She just told me to be smart about it. I told her I would.

Around 3 Jill popped in and said to let Kate know if I was working late so she could tell Todd. He wanted to go out. She was at my desk and picked up my phone. She asked if she could send it. I said yeah I guess. She is like lightening on the phone. She went too it and I was working. I heard her send it and one come in. I thought she was on her phone after that but it was still mine. About 20 minutes later I looked around the computer screen and saw she was still on mine. I asked what she was doing now. Still chatting. She then handed it back and said to read. She smiled and said bye.

She told her I was working late and to give Todd a call if she wanted. She came back with ok if I was ok with that. She sent her back yes. I just want you to be happy and safe you know that. She sent me a thanks and big kiss. She then sent a text back that they were going to do something. Jill sent back to go ahead and make plans for the rest of the week since he is only going to be here this week. Kate sent a message back asking if I wanted to get rid of her. No, just wanted her to take the reins and let her know I was good with that. She said she would and was glad to know it was something I wanted. Jill sent back more than anything. When I picked it up she sent back I love you so much and see you later.

Jill sent me a message as I was leaving work that Kate was more comfortable after the text. I sent her a message back just saying thanks.

I got home around 7 and she was still there. She was in the shower and in a rush. She was late getting home from the gym. When she came out I was on the bed. She had a towel drying off and wrapped it around herself when she saw me. She said I should go to the living room while she got ready. I asked why and she just she would be out a little later.

She came out putting her shoes on and rushing for the door. She said he was outside and she would see me when she got in. She had on a plain skirt and top. She looked somewhat professional looking. Her hair was fixed really nice as well.

I had work to do that evening so I had my hands full and didn’t have time to think about them out. I was up working till almost midnight when she came in. She came in my office and gave me a kiss and asked what I was working on just making small talk. I asked how her evening went. She just said good and tired and heading to bed.

The next day around lunch Jill came in telling me they went out with the owner of the business Todd was going to work for possibly. They had dinner and then all went for drinks. She said the other couple was really cool. Todd brought her home and nothing happened other than them flirting and acting like a couple in front of the other couple. Todd asked her to help him since he was still trying to land the job. She also mentioned that Kate didn’t wear her ring. She couldn’t since she was posing as his girlfriend. The wife apparently loved Kate and has asked that they get together again before Todd goes back.

Around three Kate messaged me to see if I was working late. I really didn’t have to but I told her yes. I didn’t want to in any way appear that I was against this since she is taking the lead. She said ok and would see me later. I stayed at work till just before 7. I couldn’t wait any longer and hoped to catch her before she left. When I got home I found the table set and a candle out. First thing that went through my mind was Todd or Matt was coming over. I didn’t know what to do. Then she walked out in a really short skirt and high heels. She had a huge grin and I asked if I interrupted something. I said I could come back later. She had this look of confusion and said no. This is for us silly. She had made a really good dinner. It was very romantic. Afterwards we played on the couch and she got off twice.

So today I got to work and Jill and I talked all about that. Kate figured out from the way I acted that I would have been good with her having a man over for dinner. Jill said she was still processing that.

I told Kate I had the best wife in the world. I let her know that by sending her some flowers for no reason. She loves that.

Mitch called me this morning as well and wanted to do lunch. We got the business stuff out of the way and over coffee he told me about this weekend. I was trying to ask more questions. One peeked his interest and he totally ran with it. I got it from one of the chats I had on the site. I had not asked what this guy looked like. More on point, was he black. When I asked that he started asking about Kate’s past. I told him about her variety in guys. I knew Sandy had been through a few black guys. He said he would talk to Sandy and see what they could do. I tried to tell him that wasn’t why I said it, but he said it was cool. He liked when Sandy did that as well.

Matt is dark skinned, but white. About 6’5, black hair, black eyes, and in pretty good shape. He is close to her age and they have a few things in common. They are going out with Sarah and Mitch this weekend.

As he was leaving he told me he would make sure to get her to go out with a black guy before everything was over.

Around 3 I got a message asking if I was going to be late. I said yes since I actually needed to today. Jill came by a little later and said Todd wanted them to meet that couple again. This time they were going to their house. It was on the river and supposed to be really nice. Kate texted me to ask if I was ok with her hanging out with Todd tonight. I said yes of course. She said thanks and loved me.

I got home around 6 and she was already gone. Jill has called once tonight as well as her little sister. I am trying to do work and keep my mind off it. Would love to hear some thoughts and advice for moving forward. Thanks!
i think it is interesting that she brushed you off and wasn't interested in playing after being out. Sounds like she is preparing to separate her physical needs ( her pussy) from her emotional needs (your love) to come to terms with what she is getting ready to do. Are you okay with that?
Kate got in around midnight and was very tipsy. She got a shower and crashed on the bed. She said we would talk in the morning but was still asleep when I left. I did take note that her wedding ring was off. I looked in the bathroom where she will sometimes keep it. It was not there so I peaked in her purse and there it was.

Jill came in to give me an update around 3. She said they went to dinner at the boss’s house. They hit the wine pretty hard and almost stayed with the boss at his house. Since they all had to work the next day they didn’t. Kate had a great time and loved the house.

I sent Kate a text and she was hung over and felt like crap, but had to work tonight. I sent her a message that she should have just gotten her a room instead of driving back. She said she didn’t, Todd did.

When I got home she was at work. When she came in she crashed after washing her face and changing clothes.

Today I had lunch with Mitch. I gave him a progress report on the account. They were happy and upped the order. He then told me a few things that got my attention. First was that Sandy had two black guys in mind and was going to tell Kate about them before they went out this weekend. He told me Matt was excited to get to see her again. He was hoping for more one on one time, but it was good just to see her again.

He also told the biggest thing. She had worked out the details of what she wanted going forward. He wouldn’t tell me anything, but said it would have some things I would like and some I might not. Jill confirmed it and said we would talk later.

My mind was spinning till I got home.
Lookin forward to hearing more. I can't wait to hear when she will have her pussy filled! You go girl! It's nice that her friends are helping her too. Everyone is going to cuck you and make sure you feel the pain of no pussy!
This is a rather neat situation. It is really nice that your wife's friends and family are so gung-ho in upping the ante. Afterall, it isn't their marriage and happiness they are gambling with.

OP, assuming this is real and not some elaborate fantasy, have you ever stopped to consider the fallout once your wife figures out how you and all her friends have manipulated her into things? Her friends won't pay the price for that. You will.
far2easy said:
i think it is interesting that she brushed you off and wasn't interested in playing after being out. Sounds like she is preparing to separate her physical needs ( her pussy) from her emotional needs (your love) to come to terms with what she is getting ready to do. Are you okay with that?
I am good with her giving her pussy to others and that being something she shares with them. I am coming to terms with it. It has taken a while, but I feel like I am there pretty much. I know she will have feelings for the guys she is with and that is ok too. Just as long as our relationship (non physical) doesn’t change. Meaning as long as she still loves me.
mwc4_cuckoldfun said:
Jake,my man, im not so sure these people are your friends,have you noticed your always at home,when there all out together,thats because your not invited .Dude these people are playing you and laughing behind your back about it. There's a differance between some hot cuckold fun, wife getting some hard cock ,but when some old boyfriend comes to town and is chasing your wife too no end and having her take her wedding ring off after a few dates,one may wonder just what gives,was he there friend before you came along?.................just an opinion..............just sayin.............mwc
Mwc4, I am one of those people that would rather be home than out. That said, I do go out some for drinks with friends and with Kate. I don’t share all of that here because I feel like it is to much to convey sometimes. So, I don’t share that or the little things we do together.

They are not laughing behind my back. Yes there is some joking I am sure, but you have to know the people and see things they are doing to help me with this situation. Mitch gave me a number for a guy to go see about my problem. He has also suggested that I talk to some other cucks he has become friends with through a swingers club. I haven’t gone that route yet, but I think it is coming. I like that I have supportive friends and believe me, Jill would get this stopped in a second if it came to that. I have no doubt there.
Also, thanks for the support. People here have helped a lot.
Jaxunman said:
This is a rather neat situation. It is really nice that your wife's friends and family are so gung-ho in upping the ante. Afterall, it isn't their marriage and happiness they are gambling with.

OP, assuming this is real and not some elaborate fantasy, have you ever stopped to consider the fallout once your wife figures out how you and all her friends have manipulated her into things? Her friends won't pay the price for that. You will.

Her sisters and Jill no doubt want the best for us and care that we are both happy. I may not always convey that, but they do. She is aware of most of the things said. Jill has told me they talk and her and her sisters obviously do. She is in the driver’s seat. No one is making her do this. It is her choice.
jakeandkate4ever said:
Was sex good before my problems started? Yes. We both enjoyed it.

Do I want her to date someone else? I am fine with it. I don’t know if it is something I would say I want. But I understand it is hard on her right now.

Would I be mad if she had sex with one of these guys? I don’t know how I will feel.

At this point I wish it would just happen. Then we can deal with it.

Todd and Kate - yes, I would like to see them flirt/screw on proper dates on a long-term basis, rather than just hanging out. You will adjust to it in time, and you can still have lots of hugs/cuddles and eat Kate's box out on the nights she is home. (and you should talk openly together).

It would be helpful for Todd/Kate to mate bareback once a week in your marital bed, with you popping out for the evening with your friends, then come home and slip into bed on your own in the guest room for the night, so you don't disturb them.

This will help you/Kate to mentally adjust to the new arrangement, so she can relax and enjoy her time with Todd, knowing you are happy for her to get extra loving until your erection problem can be sorted (eventually).

It is best for the others to be told that Kate has permission, with your blessing to be with Todd (or others of her choice), and that no one has to feel awkward about the new arrangement.
Sorry it has been so long. I had my laptop at home go down and didn’t want to use Kate’s to post. So I have been logging the updates on a file at work. I have tried to keep it all straight since it has been a while.

10. Saturday – Kate went out with Sandy and Mitch on a double date. I thought she would meet them out but they showed up at the house. Sandy went to the bedroom where Kate was getting ready. Mitch came and sat with me in the living room. We talked for about 30 minutes. He was asking me how I felt. It was all pretty surreal. I was nervous, anxious, worried, happy for Kate, and a little excited.

He said that was normal and he felt all of that at times too. He said it would get more second nature as things progressed. He said he would be there to help and had some friends that I should meet soon that could give me some advice. He met them through a support group for his impotence and some through a swinging group.

Then the girls came out looking amazing. Both of them had on skirts that showed off their legs with the high heels. Their makeup was perfect for a night out. Kate didn’t say anything. I think she felt the awkwardness as well. Sandy said they were going out to a movie and then to get a drink or two. She promised to take good care of her. I gave Kate a kiss on the cheek and told her to be careful and have a good time. Sandy said maybe next time we would all do something together. They left out and I did some work. Around 11 I went to bed. On Kate’s makeup table I saw her wedding ring and a pair of panties. I wondered if they were the ones she was supposed to wear or if she just went for a different pair.

I found out later from Mitch that Matt played with her during the movie and they made out on the way home. Like teens in the back seat.

She got home around 1. She had her shoes in her hands and was rushing to pee. She hiked her skirt and I didn’t see any panties drop. That made it clear that she had left them off. She had never really done that before that I knew of. I just acted like I was sleeping and she changed in to a sleep shirt leaving her clothes just lying on the floor. She was out in no time.

11. Sunday she got up and went to the gym. That evening we had dinner and just talked. Not about the situation but about life and bills. Stuff like that. We went out to dinner and then watched a movie at home. We had a bottle of wine and both fell asleep on the couch. I woke up first and got her up and took her to bed.

12. Monday I got up and went to work. It was a good day, but stressful. Our company had been talking about making some changes. The long and short we lost a hand full of people. I got moved to a different position that was has a nice salary upgrade, but it is one I turned down after Kate and I got married. It meant that I have to start traveling again. Pretty much 80 percent of the week I am on the road and 20 percent at home. The area was also larger so more hoping from town to town.

The schedule they gave me would put me on the road starting the last week of March. I knew Kate was going to be pissed. The only two good things were the salary bump and I got to pick an office manager. I told them Jill was a deal breaker for me to stay. They said they would make it happen.

Jill came in at lunch and was really excited. It was a bump in pay for her as well. We talked and I told her Kate was not going to like this. After talking for a little while she pointed out that maybe her seeing other guys would help her through this. That was the first time I thought about it.

I went home early to catch her before she went to work. She was pissed and didn’t believe that it wasn’t my choice. She went to work mad and I didn’t know what to do. I called Jill and she said she would talk to her. They messaged each other, but she was still mad. Just a little less with me now and more with the company. She did like that Jill got to work with me. When she got off work she went to Sandy’s house. They are getting pretty close and talked about the situation. She got home around midnight and didn’t say much as she went to bed.

13. Tuesday I went to work before Kate was up. Jill caught me that morning as she was moving her desk items. She said Kate was going to be ok with it. Sandy talked with her last night and pointed out some of the bright side.

Mitch called and wanted to do lunch, but I couldn’t. So instead he asked me to come to a group meeting with him. I said I would. I have been to a couple to help get through things in the beginning. Jill thought going was a good idea with all that was going on. I let Kate know that I would be home a little late and she was fine with it. I could tell by her tone she wasn’t happy.

The meeting was weird as they all are, but it is odd how it can be helpful. After it was over Mitch and I went to grab some food. Two of the guys from the meeting came with us. Mitch was blunt in telling them about my situation and they told me theirs. It was similar. Their wives were sleeping around. One of them was older with a wife that kept things discreet. The other had a ***** of a wife from what he was telling us. She had guys over all the time. She had a couple of steady guys as well. His wife was a friend of Sandy’s and knew of my wife.

Both were really nice and shared what they were going through. When we left I felt a little better that I wasn’t the only one. Mitch said they were the more soft core in this area. He and Sandy fell in between them and his other friends from the swinger group they hang out with. He promised to hook me up with some of them.

When I got home Sandy was there with another lady. I didn’t know her but found out she was the wife of the younger guy at dinner. I went to the back and when I came back out they were gone. Kate was still pissed and went on to bed. I followed once I thought she was asleep.

14 Wednesday when I got home Kate was at the table in her work outfit and asked me to come in and sit down. She had an envelope on the table and slid it over to me. She said before I opened it, she wanted me to know that she loved me more than anything. She said we were going to talk about this, but if this was going to happen it would be on her terms and she would not take no for an answer. If I didn’t like it, then everything would stop right now. This was the first time that I can remember in all this of actually being turned on. It was because of her taking control.

While I was reading she sent me an email with it to so I will share it here. She wanted me to remember everything and make sure I was clear on it.


First you know I love you more than anything in the world. That is the reason I am writing you this letter to let you know what it is that I want right now. I know this is what you were wanting in a way too with me taking more control, so understand that has played a big part in me sharing this.

So I would like to start dating again. Up to this point it has not been something I was considering as dating and the guys were under the understanding that I was not looking for that. I would like that to change. If you are ok with this, then things will need to change. Below are my rules and they are not negotiable. If you are good with me doing this, I will be in control completely. The only thing you can do is ask me to stop and I will. That will always be the case because you are number one in my life. So here goes.

1. You must always love me and never let this change that.
2. You must let me take this at my own speed.
3. When I am going out with someone that night, we are not going to have physical relations as you put it.
4. That night you will also treat me like your friend which means no watching me get dressed.
5. The last is one I know you want. I will be in control and take things how I want to. The only way to get me not to do something is to ask me to stop, but that will mean it all stops.

That was all of the email and we talked more. I agreed to her terms and told her I loved her. She did the same. She then rushed off to work.

15 Thursday Jill and I had lunch and talked about everything. I told her I was good with it all. She asked me some hard questions and I answered them all and she told me she was convinced I was ready at this point. She assured me she was there to talk me through any thoughts I had.

16 Friday Kate went to work and then to a bar with some of the girls. Nothing really happened while they were out.

17 Saturday Kate went out with Sandy and a guy she is seeing. Sandy had a guy for her to meet. I found out later that he was black. They went to a club after dinner. She got in around one and true to her word that day I didn’t get to watch or participate in her getting ready. Also when she came home she was on her side of the bed and didn’t cuddle like she usually does.
Jake, How are things going lately. I've been wondering where you are at now and what is Kate doing?
Cheers, Harry
Sorry it took so long. Here is an update that doesn't even get me close to telling everything that is going on. wow things are really rolling.

18. Sunday We had a date night. It was awesome. Dinner, movie, and shopping. She was getting a little warmer to me since the announcement with work. She had talked to Jill more and knew it wasn’t my choice and she was warming up to the extra money. The clothes we bought her went a ways to help. She also mentioned at dinner getting together with Sandy and Mitch the coming Friday. I said yeah sure. I was a little surprised I would get a weekend date, but I figured with me starting to travel, ok.

19. Monday was back to work. Jill told me about her conversation with Kate and she was feeling better she thought. Mitch called and invited us on Friday. He then told me it was a swinger’s social. They have them from time to time for people who want to get in the club. He promised it would not be anything wild. Jill told me she knew and said it would be good for us. Jill cooked dinner that night and we talked and watched tv.

20. Tuesday Was a repeat for me and Kate on the night before.

21. Wednesday Kate went to work and came home right after. She snuggled with me before going to sleep. At this point it felt like things were getting back to normal.

22. Thursday things went back to the way they had been going. Kate went out with Matt by herself. They got a pizza and went to his place. Jill told me she texted her on the way home. She was too nervous to really do anything. She said she didn’t know if she would ever be able to take the plunge.

23. Friday I wound up meeting them at the house/mansion. It was one of the nicest houses I have ever seen. One of the swingers is a realtor and got the place for them and usually gets them places to have the socials. Some of the women were dressed really sexy, but nothing as bad as I expected. The guys were in pretty normal clothes along with me and Mitch.

Kate and Sandy had on short skirts, but nothing they wouldn’t wear out at a club. The music was going but you could talk. The rule was you didn’t talk to your wife. I talked to a few guys. A few women knew Mitch and came over and I talked to them. They were straight up and would tell you what they were looking for and all of them knew about me. The members got a sheet that Sandy filled out on us. Mine told about my impotence and desire to have wife with other men. That got the guys going right to her.

Two of the guys stood out. One was black and really tall named Lamar. Mitch joked with me that he was hung. The other was an average guy that was known for his stamina. Lamar got the most time and I saw her give him a number. He is single and one of the so called studs.

I also met Natalie. She was there with her husband and they are in a similar situation. She has been getting it on the side as she said for two years. She is close to Kate’s age. She spent time talking to both Kate and myself. She told me she could help to get things going if we decided to join the club. She also explained to us the procedure for joining. All the club would vote at the end of the night. If it was unanimous, we would be given an option to join when we are ready. We would then have to get a blood test done and the group would then pick someone to make it official. Basically, we would be in front of everyone and have to have sex with some at the same time. This would prove we were good with others having sex with us. There was also some paperwork to make sure we didn’t go blab.

That pretty much was a game breaker for us, but we did get voted in if we changed our minds. We were also given the ok to visit on guest nights and a few select member nights.

On the way home we both agreed it wasn’t for us, but we might visit again.

24. Saturday I made a really special night for us with a gourmet dinner sent over with candles and everything. We got dressed up and I had candles all over the living room. We ate and then had some chocolates I paid way to much for. Then I put in one of her favorite movies. We watched it and then she went to the bathroom. She came back in a very sexy nightie that she bought just for that night. We went to the room and she took my clothes off. She did a little dance for me and then we made our kinda love. Basically her riding my face. The only difference was I didn’t let her get off. She was so frustrated and begged me. I told her no. I wanted her hot to see me when I got back next week. She said she would be, but wanted to get off. I said sorry. That was partially Jill’s idea.

25. Sunday I got up to Jill having cooked me breakfast. It was my favorite and she did her best to spoil me before I left. That night she didn’t want me to go and was crying. I told her it couldn’t be like this every week.

26. My first day on the road was in Chicago. I called Kate around 5 and she was getting ready for work. She was doing better and told me to hurry home.

27. Tuesday I talked to Jill and she told me Todd was coming back in town next week. He had called Kate and she told him she would be free that whole week. She wasn’t waiting till then though. Jill and Sandy both told her she needed to start dating. It would make it easier.

28. Wednesday – She went out with Jill and some of the girls. They flirted with these two guys all night. Then they went back to one of the guys house and drank some more. They made out with them and the guys hands were all over. Kate got her little pussy felt up but that was all. She told Jill later he was kinda average and she wasn’t looking for that.

29. Thursday night she worked then came home since she was tired from the night before.

30. Friday - I came home around 10 and she was out. She was out with Matt and I texted her that I was home and would see her later. She decided to end the date early and Matt wasn’t happy. But, she came in to see me. I was in the shower and she jumped in with me. She said she was glad to have me home. I told her it was good to be home. I kept touching her and getting her going, but I wouldn’t let her get off. I told her I was tired when we got out so we just snuggled, but only after she put her pjs on. I thought it was a little weird, but it was a little cold in the house.

31. Saturday – We had dinner with some friends we hadn’t seen in some time. So it was a pretty normal day.
April 1.. Sunday – We had lunch and then I went to take a nap. She was really frisky and came in the room with a bottle of wine and a movie. We watched the movie and she downed the bottle almost by herself and went to get another. By the end of the movie she was really handsy. I went down on her and had her really moaning. Just about the time she was going to come I said I have to go or I will miss my flight. She was pissed. I will admit I have never seen her that worked up. She kept trying to pull me to bed, but I knew I had to leave.

Now this is where it really changed. (Note that most of you will think this is fake, but I don’t have an imagination to come up with this.) About two minutes after I left Todd showed up. He was a day early but Jill told him when I was going to be leaving and he wanted to surprise her. He waited down the road till he saw my car leave. Well when she opened the door she hadn’t dressed and both of them got a huge shock. She screamed and tried to cover herself with her hands and he almost lost his breath. Kate told him to hurry up and come in since she thought I might still be out there. He didn’t think twice. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her.

When she came back out Todd was waiting and took full advantage. He pulled her to himself and kissed her while running his hand up her leg to a very wet and horny pussy. When Jill told me all this I knew how I left her and knew she was to horny and ***** to even slow him or want too.

He picked her up and they went to our bed. Now Jill is telling me all this after the week was over and I know Kate wasn’t thinking this at the time, but I was just thinking about it being our bed and how it wasn’t now in some way. She said Kate really gave herself over to him and didn’t leave out many details with her.

He laid her on the bed and the towel just dropped. By this point she wasn’t thinking of covering up. He then got between her legs and got them opened as he went to kissing her. While he was doing that she was clawing at his clothes to get them off. After some awkward clawing she had him naked as well. He was hard and Kate wasn’t going to pass on another hard cock as she put it. She told Jill that he was more muscular than high school and much more experienced. He was really smooth pushing all the right buttons. She said she also thought he was bigger down there. She said she could see the veins more and he was really hard.

He kissed his way to her belly button and then looked up and asked if she was ready to go further. She shyly said yes, but he told her this wasn’t something she could be guessing about. He asked her to tell him what she was wanting. Jill told me that Kate was so hot and just wanted to get the first time out of the way and told him. I want to have sex with you. Now! He laughed and she did too. He said ok. He just wanted to make sure. She told him she was sure. He asked if she needed any lube and she said what do you think. Jill said it was a little pool under her butt. He slid a finger in and she about came then.

He then asked her to lift her legs. She didn’t hesitate spreading them putting her feet and legs straight up to the ceiling. He moved in between them and kissed her. He was baiting her and getting her even more worked up. She told Jill that it gave her a shock up her spine every time it hit her lips. He kept doing that but wouldn’t put it in her. Finally she was getting frustrated and put it at her opening. He then made the final offer, but she said she wanted it all and to give it to her. Jill knew I was weird hearing this by the way. She asked me at least ten times if I wanted to continue and if I was ok. I told her yes.

She then told me that it was official I now had a cheating wife. I know it was April fools and I asked her and she swore it wasn’t so I believed her and know this was the truth. She then finished the story.

Kate told her she lost her breath almost when he pushed it in all the way. She said he hit the bottom and still had a little to go. He told her she felt tighter than ever. She blushed and he began to rock in and out. Needless to say Jill was pretty graphic and I am trying to remember how she put things so bear with me. Todd kept going till he had a good pace. He was going pretty easy till Kate started moaning and that made him pick up the pace. She said Kate thought it lasted longer than it did, but for the first time in so long she felt like they had a good rhythm. Towards the end he was going at her pretty hard and she was on the edge. She came just before him and was grabbing the sheets and almost tore them. When she stopped he started. Kate said she could feel him swell and knew what was coming. The hard part to take of all of this was that she told Jill she wanted him to come in her deep down. She was worried later, but really it was something she wanted.

They sat there for about twenty minutes until he rolled over taking her with him. Jill asked me before continuing if I really wanted to know everything she said. I said yes. She said ok. She told Kate said it was the best sex she ever had. She said it was the most exciting too. She said she felt like she really gave him everything and felt so vulnerable below him like that. Jill asked her how it compared to our sex when I was able. She said oh my goodness really. She said I had never even got her off and was the worst lay she ever had the first time. She let out a deep breath and then teared up. She said she had never told anyone that before. She said she would have never done anything like this if the situation hadn’t come up like it did. But now that it did she felt much more liberated. Most of this was a shock to me.

She told him while they were laying there that it was the best ever and that she had never felt like that before. He told her he had wanted to do that since he came in town a while back. He then got serious and asked about me and what was going to happen. She told him that I wasn’t going to know and that she wanted to keep this up if he was ok with that. She lied and told him we were separated, but still living together. I didn’t want to get divorced so for now, we were still living in the same house. He said if he got to make love to her like that she could do whatever she wanted. He then asked her if she would mind giving him head and she said of course. Once she had sucked him a while she rode him. This time it apparently lasted longer and she got off twice before he shot another load in her.

She asked him to spend the night and he said yes.

April 2 Monday - That next morning she got up and cooked him some breakfast. They would have went at it again, but he was running late. Right after he left she called Jill and they had lunch where she told her everything. After lunch she called Sandy with all the details as well. Sandy told her it was just the first step and to not sweat the little stuff.

Todd called and asked if she wanted to come to his hotel and she said no. She wanted him back at the house. He said it worked for him and they went at it again after they ate some take out. Jill told me Kate was really worried about him cumming in her last night, but didn’t want him to know that he could have knocked her up the first time they were back together. She apparently thought about it all day and was going to ask him to shoot on her chest, but that didn’t happen. She admitted it was a turn on that he might have gotten her pregnant that first night as well.

She told Jill she was cumming and couldn’t really tell him to pull out. They were going to do it again, but Todd was tired and they went on to sleep in each other’s arms. Sandy told her by this point him cumming in her again was just expected and that she was probably already pregnant if she was going to get pregnant. I admit all of this talk of her being pregnant had me worried. Jill said it was probably a safe time and ok. Then in her words, “if she isn’t pregnant I need her luck.”

I don’t know if this is something others have experienced, but I had a little piece in all of this. Deep down I know that this is what she wants and we are both happy. If she gets pregnant, then I am ok with it and will raise it as if it were my own. I told Jill that as well. She said she would pass the message on. Jill also dropped the bomb on me that Sandy was pregnant as well. Just shy of five months. I am stupid, because I thought she had just put on some weight. She has fluctuated since we have known her. Jill didn’t know who the dad was, but it wasn’t her husband for sure.

April 3 Tuesday – I was still in the dark about what was going on but Kate was calling me right after I would finish with my job so we could talk before Todd got there. I didn’t know it, but I figured it out once I knew. Our conversations were short and she didn’t let on that anything was going on and I figured it was the same old stuff.

When Todd got off work Kate had fixed his favorite meal and he loved it. They sat around talking about their day and he asked her to go out with his new boss and his wife. She said yes and he told her a car would pick her up tomorrow to get everything ready. He had a surprise in store for her. She told him she would give him a surprise tonight then. With that they got in our hot tub and went at it. She loves to have sex in the hot tub. It was why I was so adamant about getting it at the time. He didn’t stay the night but promised to the rest of the week.

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