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Any cuck brave enough to try this?

  • Thread starterSaraha
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Subliminal Messages - Subliminal MP3s / CDs is an opportunity for members of cuckolds.com to experiment with an attempt to make your penis grow larger, using your mind power.

Click on sexual enhancement, and then natural penis enhancement and it will cost you (US) $8.38 if you buy before the sale ends on Jan 3 which is offering 30% off. Even if you pay full price, it is still a cheap mp3 to try out.

I would like as many guys as possible to try to enlarge their penises as possible to see if it is possible. A woman on Wendi.com used the same technique over 7 months to make her nose change shape to be like another woman's nose.

I am not trying to promote sales for any particular website, but I am interested in enhancement of cuckolds' enjoyment of life. If your penis gets bigger, then your libido will grow as well, (to nearer stud quality).

Stanford University and other universities around the world have used mind power experiments to increase the size of both breasts and penises, so the technique is peer reviewed and proven to work, as long as you believe it can.

Give your wife/partner the surprise of a bigger cock by trying out the mp3, ideally playing it just before you fall asleep and again as soon as you wake up. At these times, you are receptive to hypnotic suggestion, which speeds up the growth of your penis.

Anyone got the courage to try this?
ROTFLMAO... really...??? Do you own stock in this company??? Not only is this impossible.. but the size of a cock has NOTHING to do with libido... oh my goodness... I would love to see the references for the Stanford studies .......... oh... stop... my side is hurting so bad.... take a class and grow your brain... really,, i'm sorry, i mean this in the nicest way...
plz give us all a break...anyone with half a brain knows that this sort of thing does not work. i would love to see the exact studies you are talking about. please post a link so we can look at them. BTW.. not everythink you read on the internet is true lmao
Why would a Sissy Wanna be (former) Cuck, want a Bigger Penis for? LOL I still trying to get my wife to find a Big Cock on her own!!
Google the websites and ask for the research references. Be a skeptic and make them give you the proof or a money back guarantee.

Tammy, your wish to keep your small one is granted by your own command. You have a strong argument, I can't argue with your reasoning, because obviously being a cuckold is so ENJOYABLE.
i already am a skeptic and such statesments are as Penn & Teller would say Bull Shit
Saraha, you know how much I respect you!

Males, and I use the term loosely, with a small cock, during school years may wish for a bigger one, but somewhere along the line become satisfied with what they have. I know this next comment will draw fire, but it is my view, many if not most are as pleased with cock as gpussy. Many of us learned how to please with our tongue and fingers, and well could care less who the female had sex with before or after marriage. Saraha, remember, be are speaking of Sissy Cock Sucking Sluts, not Alpha men. Less than 15% are in the Alpha class.
I thought that Saraha was pushing WarpMyMind i have used some of there stuff and the ones i have used helped me. They were not the ones to make any part og my body grow bigger. I used the ones that helped me a a better sissy and to make me want to suck more cock. Both my wife and my boyfriend seem to think they worked
If anyone is really interested in this, I have a bridge in London I'd like to sell you. Take your pick which one ..
Saraha, you just demonstrated perfectly one of the twisted forms of logic used by organised religion. You state a proposition (the pope and his meanigless thoughts) then state that your proposition is true because your views on the former are true. AS IF THERE WAS ACTUALLY A CONNECTION.

The fact that the earth is not flat does not mean that you can grow your penis. By all means believe it if you wish. That is your right, but when you try to convince the rest of us, expect some bounce back.
I like it when there is bounce back, coz it proves you have read and understood what I wrote, even if you don't agree.

I reckon the world won't end on 21 June 2011 (or 21 December 2012 when the Mayo Calendar comes to a close), but lots of people who have an excellent education believe it is okay to max out their credit cards because they won't have to pay them off when the world ends on either of these dates. Is that clever thinking on their part?

I believe the Mayo era will come to a close on Dec 21 2012, but a new era will begin which will slowly bring a move towards less wars and an awareness of how we consciously create problems for ourselves by our thoughts, words and actions.

The Ten Commandments are a guide to help humans understand each other, they were never meant to be a reason to hate and kill each other.

It is okay to covet your neighbor's wife IF your neigbor encourages you to become a bull and him a cuckold - but if you do covet her without his PERMISSION, he might punch you in the nose or something even worse. God felt a need to warn you of the risks of not having your neigbor's permission FIRST, because he did say, "love thy neigbour" as well.

INFORMED CONSENT is the biggie these days in just about everything in Justice.

peakmb, why not download the mp3 and test it out AND IF IT DOES NOT WORK then you have suceeded in convincing many that your argument is based on fact rather than theory.

I did suggest the $8 deal, and not the $150 deal from Wendi who has appeared on television shows and demonstrated her magician skills on numerous occasions. And, she is incredibly pretty to boot. and mean often are captivated with her sexy voice.

Quantum physics supports the concept that your body shape can be changed by your thoughts. If you grab a big enough electron microscope and look at your body, you will be able to count 600 trillion holes in it, and it is these holes which allow radiation waves to whizz through your body at 186,000 miles per second without feeling them. Televison and radio waves flow through your body also.

The holes are 99.9% of each cell, which means that humans are tricked into believing their bodies are SOLID. Harry Potter movie is closer to the truth than most realise when he went through the holes in the wall at the railways station. 32 frames per section is too slow to see the holes.

The new era that takes over from Mayo. will bring a lessening of the power of Dictators and a slow growth of democracy, simply because cell phones, television and the internet are lifting the levels of education of people all around the world, allowing them to dream bigger and to believe a better life is possible for all....

...not just the 4% of humans who have tight control of 96% of the wealth in the world. There are powerful men and women who could feed the hungry of the world with a pen stroke on a document, but it is not their interest to do so. I guess they want to own 100% of the world, so all and sundry can be slaves.
I'd carry on. It would be like shooting fish in a barrell but who said the odds had to be fair. So, I would carry on but I don't think I need to. I think you just logically imploded. Q.E.D.
peakmb, you have your secret reasons for not trying to make your penis GROW big and EXCITING and IN DEMAND by the ladies - so I will respect your reasons FULLY; and I definitely will not call you a chicken, a wimp or an alpha personality. But you don't get to paint my toe nails this week or any time soon.

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