Do All White Men Love Interracial?

  • Thread starterLittlewhitedick123123
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Ned said:
That is an excellent observation! It would seem that the American male has been castrated. Most modern films and tv shows tend to display the American white male and a bumbling oaf. Many are portrayed as clumsy, lazy, overweight and almost non functional in their love making.

Their wives on the other hand are portrayed as demanding bitches. These women control the marriage with anger and fear.

Perhaps this is why IR porn is so popular among white males. They see men (black men) being powerful and aggressive (something that the modern American white male is lacking in). And they see the demanding, bitching white female being reduced to a slobbering slut for that big black cock.

Freud would probably have a field day here on Dark Cavern!

I have been saying this for years. Feminazis have indeeded ruined the white man.