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Does hypnosis work?

  • Thread starterbenboy123
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Sep 6, 2006
White guy here desparate to get my loyal wifey interested in IR --- anyone know if hypnosis is worth trying???
benboy123 said:
White guy here desparate to get my loyal wifey interested in IR --- anyone know if hypnosis is worth trying???

From what I've read on hypnosis, is that you can't make a person do something that goes against what they believe is wrong. She might not believe it is that wrong at all.
i'm tossing the same idea around benboy so if anyone knows how to and/or knows where to get the information i'd be eternally greatful. i'm also thinking of sublimanal suggestions and would like to find out more about that aspect also.
:nono::nono:I cant help but think youre going to get your butt in deep DoDo if you have her do something she wouldent do on her own. Just my opinion
No No!

I would try to see if she could act like a Chicken first!! lol
Only if the object of their attention is long, black and throbbing backwards and forwards
Yes it works and she's got to have the desire to want to sleep with other men, question is do most woman have a core need to want to sleep with other men and at least on the fantasy, dreamy and erotic play this is true as born out in every M&B romance and other womans romantic writing.


Hypnosis purely smooths the way.

I'd drop you some links here but i know i'll only be accused of spamming rather than trying to give you a greater insight which would probably get me banned.

If you pm me or email may be that might be alright, but i'm not too sure
Susan said:
:nono::nono:I cant help but think youre going to get your butt in deep DoDo if you have her do something she wouldent do on her own. Just my opinion

Hi all
i fully agree with Susan...
it is easyer to pull a rope than trying to push it...
P.S. WOW Susan i luv the moving fingers that says NO NO next to those
2 small round figures next to your name... First time i see those !
Edith 26

swipe said:
Yes it works and she's got to have the desire to want to sleep with other men, question is do most woman have a core need to want to sleep with other men and at least on the fantasy, dreamy and erotic play this is true as born out in every M&B romance and other womans romantic writing.


Hypnosis purely smooths the way.

LOL peace edith or were you thinking rest in

Don't you write erotic stories here?
Edith 26
Wanting more Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 146

never been blacked


Originally Posted by Tara
She will never have the guts to do it.

Hi to all
to : Married_discrete_MWF30

Hello Tara, considering your reply, she might just prove you wrong...
If her Inner secret desires is genuine, that she did have dreams to satisfy a True need... given she is not fully satisfied with her hubby's performance...
The only way that IT would happen is that IT must be totally DISCREET, away from home, without any chance that her hubby would ever find out...
Such a satisfied Dream can happen only with a stranger, on a ONE time basis.

Peace Edith
Hypnosis? Hypnosis?! HYPNOSIS?!?!

Geez, this place is really going downhill!
Just wondering what your comments are trying to add to a valued discussion pigtails. Just one more example of the runaway negativity this place is breeding.
swipe said:
Just wondering what your comments are trying to add to a valued discussion pigtails. Just one more example of the runaway negativity this place is breeding.
I do not see runaway negativity here on this site please explain TY
swipe said:
Ive got nothing to explain because if you can't look around and see it well don't come running to me
Number one I don't need to come running to you and with smart ass remarks like this to me this is a negative reply by you as I asked fairly why you thought this.
Hypnosis works best if you CHANGE YOURSELF by deep trance sessions on a willing basis. Change yourself and the world and people around you will change also by the process of Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction.

Never try to change someone else by covert hypnosis, just work on yourself.

Always remember that if you try to change your wife, she might realise how much better it might be to be married to other men she meets and your shortcomings might be magnified in her mind. Just work on yourself to become a better husband and lover - hypnosis can help you to achieve this.
So this is your WIFE... whom you allegedly LOVE and you thinking trying to fuck with her brain to get her to do something she doesn't want to do in order to fulfill your fantasy... is something a loving husband should do?


Have you tried actually looking her in the eye and TALKING to her?

Will & Eve said:
I have NO CLUE why folks are in such an uproar in this thread.

Everyone who has looked into hypnosis knows it doesn't make people do things against their will, but what it can do and oftend does do is help a person achieve that which they don't have an issue with or even want to do but have some inhibition or compulsion they can't overcome.

Stopping smoking for instance, or losing weight.

Let me use my own wife for an example....for all that she has done willingly and with great enjoyment - things that many uninitiated would find shocking - she still has an inhibition about wearing skirts in general and short skirts in particular.

she LIKES how such outfits look, she WANTS to be comfortable in them...but she's not. If I could engage a hypnotist to help her with that, I would. Same for several other things.

On a more fetish level example...she has said to me in conversations on the subject that she wants to be the "extreme slut" that is my goal - she is not being deceived or lied to. but she has an issue with a man coming in her mouth....it just seems "yuvcky" to her and so she has great difficulty with it. On this too, I would without remorse employ hypnosis to help her....because she doesn't have an objection to enjoying it - she has an inhibition about it.

By the same token, a man can employ hypnosis to TRY to spark a woman's interest in this lifestyle and IF she finds it a repugnant idea, it will FAIL.

No harm done.

If, on the other hand, she had a latent willingness but a surface inhibition (due to the quite normal tendency to deny such urges - even to herself - lest she be perceived as a "slut" or "immoral") and hypnosis helps her get in touch with her feelings and overcome that inhibition, then again - NO HARM DONE.

What's the big deal?

As for the "why don't you just talk about it?" suggestion - it's a fine suggestion...but you are quite naive if you don't think that there are a TON of women out there so strongly indoctrinated into the repressed mindset that our culture demands of them that they would have GREAT difficulty having an open mind about the idea that their husband might want to see them do something like this. I can VERY easily imagine there would be far more marital strife arising from the suggestion, openly, of this lifestyle than from a failed attempt to open the subject via hypnosis.

I don't think people within the lifestyle actually give enough consideration to the very real fact that our culture puts a HUGE load of judgment and guilt on the female to be a "good girl" and maintain proper sexual morals (while men screw whoever they want) and if they stray from the "approved" behavior they are judged to be a slut or a ***** and ostracized until they get back in line. For a woman who has not gotten in touch with her "inner slut" (if you will pardon the expression) this puts a tremendous barrier in the way of being open minded to a husband or boyfriend's suggestion that she take up a hotwife lifestyle.

In other words - just because she SAYS she won't hear of it doesn't mean that is necessarily what's behind the mask.

What Will said well and in reasoned depth, at least among the moderators there's hope for seeing through the negative stereotypes society aggressively attempts suppressing the knowledge, methods and techniques one can employ, because one can consider many in society and their views of IR lifestyles, hotwives, cuckolds, 'sluts' and black bulls in just the same light many had wanted here to place hypnosis.
Will & Eyve are correct

As a practicing Hypnotherapist I can confirm that what Will says is quite correct. Furthermore it would be in my view counter productive to attempt to coerce your wife into something that she has no desire for. People tend to withdraw from deceit and become less willing to participate. What you want to build is a relationship based on trust, honesty and understanding. It is these attributes that will develop and environment conducive to achieving your desires.

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