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Fun in our bed

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
Hey everyone,

Well, as I'd said and others suggested, I started a new thread.
And, from the title of it, you can guess at how things went!

Yes, I gave in and said "okay" to using our bed and now, in retrospect, I'm happy that we did. It really wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be, both the bed-thing as well as the whole evening.

I'll make it a brief as I can be right now and will follow-up with more info later. But while it is still as fresh in my mind as it can be, here goes.

Both Sue and I got home a little earlier than usual on Friday - both of us were home by a little past 5pm. She was all aglow and at the same time, quite nervous. She'd opened a bottle of wine and when I got home, we sat down and had a glass together. She looked at me and then toasted "to a fun evening" and then a second later "thank you very much for letting me do this".

We'd already planned to put some steaks and potatoes on the barbeque and to have a relaxed dinner for just the 3 of us. By almost 6pm we'd pretty much polished off the first bottle of wine and Sue was finally a bit more relaxed. She came up to me as I was getting the steaks seasoned up and came up from behind and hugged me and then turned and kissed me. She looked up and said that she "promised" that I would have a good time later tonight and I just told her that I trusted her and that I would be there for her.

That was when she asked me if I'd come to a decision about our bedroom. I looked at her and said "you really want it don't you?". She was quiet as she nodded her head yes. She then explained how she wanted to feel as though she wasn't holding anything back from Don and that she thought it would be very erotic and be a turn-on to know what "we" (meaning him and her) did. She looked at me and said "well, will you be okay?". We fell into a very intense and VERY sexually charged kiss at the end of which I just said "okay, but if it's too much for me, I'm going to walk away". She kissed me again, told me how much she loved me and then promised as she had before that she would make sure I enjoyed the night too.

It was close to 6:30pm when she got a text message from him saying he was on his way but running late and that he was running into traffic (probably "jersey shore traffic"). I went up and changed into something more comfortable (shorts and a t-shirt) but Sue stayed in her work-clothes (Friday's are casual for her in the summer so she just had on a conservative skirt and a comfortable top).

Finally, about 7pm, Don pulled into our driveway and he came in carrying another bottle of wine.

I was very apprehensive, not knowing how things were going to go, but he totally surprised me. He shook my hand when he came in the house and gave me a genuinely warm greeting. Sue came down to the entry-foyer and they embraced and shared a brief but passionate kiss. I had walked upstairs as they started to kiss but they followed me quickly behind. In the kitchen Don offered his bottle of wine but we'd just opened one of our own so he joined us in a glass.

It was awkward for a few moments until he seemed to break the ice and he began to comment on the new stuff he saw in our kitchen and living-room since the last time he'd been over. We moved out to the living room and I sat in a chair while the 2 of them sat on the couch across from me. We actually all relaxed for a bit, drank some wine and sort of got past the awkwardness. Sue seemed to push away some of his more direct moves like putting his arm around her or putting his hands on her legs, at least at first. (she later on told me she wanted to make this easier for me and she knew that in-my-face stuff was something I wasn't totally comfortable with).

We actually just talked, all 3 of us, about lots of stuff. At one point we discussed the nude beach and sort of picked up our discussion from weeks earlier at Don's place. I asked when we were all going and that seemed to put Don more at ease about stuff in general.

But I have to say, he did NOT take on a dominant type of stance towards the evening. If anything, he was downright friendly towards me! He asked me a few things about the beach - after I told him that it was quite a long walk out - he laughed and said that the 2 of "us guys" would be able to bring out a lot more stuff than Sue and I can normally. I told him that would be good if we were going to bring enough stuff for 3 people including the pop-up tent too. He asked both of us again about how many gay people were there and I even asked him if he was a bit of a homo-phobe. He laughed but said that he just wasn't comfortable "around them" - so I told him to relax, that they weren't cruising the beach looking to recruit new members! He asked about open sex on the beach and both Sue and I answered almost at the same time "that's what the tent is for!". That was pretty funny. We talked for a bit longer ending it by saying that "we'll all have to schedule a day soon".

It must have been about 7:45 or so when we decided that the potatoes had baked long enough on the barbeque and that it was time to put up the steaks. As I got started, Don joined me out by the barbeque and Sue said she was going to go and get changed. She looked at me for a moment and I went over to her and she asked/said to me "are you going to be okay if I get changed?". It took me a second to realize that she probably was going to come back not wearing very much and I just said "okay". She giggled and almost ran upstairs while Don and I brought the steaks out to the grill.

I came back in to get a clean plate to put the cooked steaks on and Sue came back down wearing one of her camisoles (similar to the leopard one she was wearing in some of the earlier pics I posted) and a pair of panties. I actually breathed a sigh of relief at that as I wasn't sure I was ready for her to be totally undressed or to be eating dinner in the buff!!! I was wondering if she'd have enough "courage" to go out on our deck dressed like that (at least while it was still light out) but she stayed in the kitchen. When I went back out to the grill and told Don that Sue was in the kitchen, he went inside.

I stayed outside at the grill for a few more minutes. Partly to flip the steaks over but also because it just felt like a good time to give them a little time alone. Sure enough, when I went in a minute later, the kitchen was empty and when I looked around the corner into the living room, I saw them on the couch kissing passionately and that Don had his hand down her panties already. I didn't make any noise and went back to the grill. I figured that in another minute or two I'd just yell in that dinner was ready.

Sure enough - a minute later as I brought the steaks in, they came in too from the living-room. Don was straight-faced but there was no way to hide the passion on Sue's face or the darkened crotch on her panties.

More in a few minutes.
Oh, boy...things are heating UP! I like the fact that STB, goes from being teased to teasing us with his breaks in the story :) Can't wait!
Despite the obvious sexual tension in the room, dinner was fairly calm.

The steaks and potatoes were good as was the wine that continued to flow.
We finished off our second bottle over dinner as we talked about random stuff.

I guess it was probably close to 8:30pm by the time we were done with dinner. Sue came up to me and kissed me on the neck and then turned me to her and asked if I would clean up from dinner as she wanted to "show Don the house". I knew what was going to be happening as I said "okay" and then I added "don't get too far ahead of me" and she just giggled and turned and left me.

I know I should have rushed through cleaning up but we had some music on and I had a nice mellow buzz going from the wine so I gave them a bit of time. I heard them go downstairs where Sue must have showed him the basement including our son's room. I didn't hear them come back up all that quickly but I also didn't go running down there. In my mind (and later confirmed with Sue) they wound up lying down on our son's bed and kissing and making out a bit (until Sue later told me that she felt weird letting Don feel her all over lying on our son's bed). I heard them come back upstairs a few minutes later and both of them came in the kitchen which was when Don started asking about our pool in the backyard and whether Sue ever skinny-dipped. She giggled and said "when no one is around"....

After that they went upstairs and by then I was done with putting the dishes in the dishwasher so I followed them up from a distance. I heard her explaining/commenting on each room - what we wanted to do when we re-did the kids/guest bathroom - that our daughter wanted to change rooms - and then I heard her say "and here's our room". I was still at the bottom of the steps when I heard the door close with them in our room.

A part of me wanted to barge in on them but another part of me wanted to just keep quiet and listen to see what I could hear. Sure enough, I heard them talking quietly with Don saying something about ".... he's okay with us staying in here tonight?...." and Sue replying ".... that's what he said but lets be nice to him....", which was punctuated by the sounds of kissing and then more.

I was about to go in when I heard Sue say something about "being right back" and then the door opened and she gasped in surprise that I was standing right there.

She was quiet for a moment until she said "are you okay with this? I think he wants to get started already?". I looked through the door towards our bathroom on the other side of the bedroom and I could see him at the sink with the water running. I asked her if she'd leave the door open and she said "you can come in silly" and something like "I'd love it if you'd be here with me". I told her that I'd be back up in a few minutes with the bottle of wine that Don had brought and she smiled and said that'd be good.

I swear - the few moments I stood in our kitchen, knowing what I was going to go back upstairs and see - had me almost frozen in anxiety and angst. I hadn't really thought much before then but it seemed like that was the moment of reality. I think I stood there with a million thoughts going through my mind until I heard some noises from upstairs that pulled me out of my trance.

As I walked up the stairs I could hear the noises more clearly - breathing, laughing, quiet moans and a whole lot of shuffling going on. When I entered the room she was on the bed sitting at the edge, still with her camisole on, but with Don standing in front of her with his pants and underwear down by his ankles and her with one hand on his cock while she sucked at the tip of it. She turned her head to see me in the doorway, smiled and then she just went back to sucking his cock. He had one hand on the back of her head and I was kind of struck by the scene as I know Sue isn't really that into sucking cock!

Damn - need to get ready for a 4pm meeting.

This may have to wait till later tonight - so much for being brief....
Thanks STB for taking the time to share with us ... Sharon and I have had MFM with several guys ... but what I really want is what you experienced this past weekend ... you seem like a great guy who loves his wife and wants her to have a great life ... look forward to reading more when time permits ... thanks again, D
I honestly don't know how long I stood there in the doorway - but the longer I stood there the harder my cock grew.

Sue doesn't deep-throat or anything like that, but between her mouth and her hands, she does a damn good job. Enough that I could see Don's eyes were closed and he was enjoying pushing into her mouth and she was moaning back at him and, at one point, even dropped a hand down to rub herself a bit too!

I don't know all the details of what happened next as it seemed to happen very quickly. As if it was a snowball rolling downhill, picking up speed and size on its own.

As I said, her panties were already off and lying on the floor and it seemed like all of a sudden it was coming up on 10pm and they were lying in our bed now. Don just wearing his unbuttoned shirt and Sue with her cami now pushed up above her breasts. I moved into the room and sort of sat at the far-end of our king-size bed. They were kissing and it was obvious that Don knew his way around Sue's pussy very well - his fingers were buried in her and were visibly wet.

Damn - another phone call and then I need to head home so it'll have to wait till later again...
I'm loving the story so far......:D
STB, This is almost like playing it out in real time ! I know we haven't got to the main course yet, but the entre is certainly full of everything we could want. I am also so glad that you picked the 'bed' choice yourself without stress and were happy with it afterwards. I'm sure you won't regret it. You sure are teaching us all how to eat an elephant (and I don't mean Sue!).
A few minutes while Sue is out doing something.....

It really didn't bother me as I thought it would that we were in our room, in our bed. Seeing "it" unfolding in front of me, the thought of it never entered my mind. I'd seen them before and just as last time, seeing her spread her legs so willingly for him seemed to almost be hypnotic in a way. It very much seemed like our own porno-movie.

They didn't really speak to each other than a short "ohh baby" or, many times hearing "ahhhh, that"s so nice like that".

They just seemed so comfortable with each other that I was sort of in awe in a way at just how easily Sue went with it. I can recall just seeing her eyes flutter closed and her head tip back as Don sort of dug his fingers into her. Seeing his fingers inside her pussy - I was rock hard thinking of how he must be feeling her pussy as she get wetter.

At one point he pushed a 3rd finger into her and I realized this must be his way of getting her to open up and relax - much the same as she likes me to do (and I like it too) when I'll get her started with one of her dildos. I just really liked watching her pushing herself at his fingers as there was no doubt she was turned on. (She later told me that it really turned her on at that point when she thought about it being our bed).

It was sort of a blur to me in a way as I seemed to lose all track of time. I realized it was near 11pm when I saw him reach for the lubricant on the headboard (next to our clock) and I realized he was probably ready to fuck her. She didn't see him, but instead felt it when he put the lube on his fingers and pushed into her again. She moaned out loud that made it clear she wanted him. And it seemed that in a split second he was on her. I'd like to say I watched him enter her or that she made a big deal of how big he was, but it just happened and a moment later she had her legs wrapped around him and he was fully into her.

I moved on the bed to get a better look. Yes, I wanted to see him fucking her, I wanted to see him deep in her. Something about seeing him deep in her just makes me crazy. And I just stayed there. Again, not sure how long it was before I'd moved and not sure how long I sat there on our bed watching him in her. But I do know it was nearly 11:45 when it became obvious that they were close. And yes - it was "they" - from how they were moving, but more from how she had her nack arched for him, I knew she was on the edge of a huge orgasm. She'd gotten louder and louder. I had my hand down my shorts trying to stay calm but eagerly watching at the same time.

He started to go really deep - almost enough that I thought he was going to hurt her but she did nothing but moan more and more. I felt like a statue, unable to move and really not wanting to.

I know it was Sue lying there, my wife, on our bed with her lover buried in her pussy about to fill her and drive her over the edge - and it did nothing but turn me on - I even started rooting for them in my head. She was so wet they didn't need any more lubricant and just as I thought of that he let out a grunt that I know well and he followed it almost immediately by this moaning almost-scream. It seemed like as soon as she felt him cum that she did the same. I will say that I may have been a bit jealous as it's been a long time since I saw her cum like that. Her body shook and her legs flared straight out and then tightly around him as he ground against her.

I knew not to touch myself or I'd have one heck of a mess to clean up....

They lay there for what seemed like forever. I know they were whispering to each other a bit and that Don was still pushing himself in and out of her as they lay there.

I actually felt weird sitting there so I moved off the bed and stood back near the doorway. When I turned back she had tipped her head towards me and was lookjing at me. She saw me smile at her and she smiled herself and closed her eyes and pulled him close again.
Fucking hot! Now it gets good...
My wife plays on our marital bed regularly. Once she played with a Navy Captain on our new bed spread and the crusty "wet spot" stayed visiable (and touchable) for some weeks afterwards. It was a constant reminder that Kristen had been fucked on our bed and that her Navy stud had cum inside her. Hot and humiliating at the same time.
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Hey folks - I just finished my next post here but whatever I hit on the keyboard (backspace maybe?) Seemed to wipe it out.... No more time right now so this will just have to wait till later.
Oh noooooooooo! Damn don't u hate when work gets in the way of our mental masturbation!
"Back Story"

Mr Soon, sounds like it is going to be a good narrative. It is always interesting when you find out how Sue had pre planned the evening. I hope you are "going to be ok" with the after effects. I was a little disapointed that Sue let anything at all happen in your son's bed. Thank you.
System 'times out'

When you are doing long posts like you do, and stop sometimes to get your thoughts accurate, The system will 'time out' I always write in another medium (word processor) then 'copy' and 'paste' it into the 'post'.
Another way is to 'copy' what you write every 5 min, or so. Then if it times out on you, you at least can 'paste' in what you have saved.

I like how the evening went so far. It will be intresting to read out how it all played out. Obviously it was good for you. You have already assured us of that.
Cheers, Harry
DID "I heard them talking quietly with Don saying something about ".... he's okay with us staying in here tonight?...." and Sue replying ".... that's what he said but lets be nice to him....", which was punctuated by the sounds of kissing and then more.
I was about to go in when I heard Sue say something about "being right back" and then the door opened and she gasped in surprise that I was standing right there." mean what I think it meant ? Did Don atay all night ???

Cheers, Harry
What's awesome about this situation is that stb is reliving it as he writes it for us and here it's Tuesday already! After tonight, he is pussy free again. I can't wait to hear how the last few days have been after that night. If it would be me I think I would be shooting blanks by now! Damn HOT!
Let's try this again

"I heard them talking quietly with Don saying something about ".... he's okay with us staying in here tonight?...." and Sue replying ".... that's what he said but lets be nice to him....", which was punctuated by the sounds of kissing and then more.
I was about to go in when I heard Sue say something about "being right back" and then the door opened and she gasped in surprise that I was standing right there."
mean what I think it meant ? Did Don stay all night ???
Cheers, Harry
No - Don did NOT stay the night. That comment was mis-expressed by me and was related to my acceptance of using our bed and bedroom, not about him staying over.

Work is crazy today with conference call after call. Hopefully I'll find time tonight. Although as Far2 indicated - Friday night did lead to more on Saturday, a break on Sunday and then yes, more last night to the point where if it wasn't for knowing I'd have to wait till Friday, that I would probably pass on fun tonight.
Harry, I think we are about to get a heavy dose of reality from Stb...let the master build his story before we start asking questions. I know we are all starting to get chaffed on our peckers with teasers but who doesn't love it!
Stb: better be careful you don't overwork Sue's pussy. She just might say let's wait until Friday...then it might become routine. Them again, that is where this is going any how, isn't it!

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