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Getting used to something new

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
I guess I got maybe a bit carried away at the end of the last thread. Still, it was quite enjoyable to re-live it again.

It was this morning that I am posting about now. I had just finished clearing the snow from our driveway about noon when I came back in and Sue was on the phone. She was talking somewhat quietly in the kitchen and I don't think she heard me come in as she didn't come out to the living room. I couldn't make out what she was saying but could hear a giggle every few minutes.

When I realized she didn't hear me, I stuck my head in and she said "oh - here he is, you can talk to him and tell him what you want". She handed me the phone and said "it's Frank". He made some idle talk for a moment asking me how the snow was and how he doesn't have to shovel where he is, etc. Then he said that when Sue "comes over" later that he wanted to know if he could borrow my electric sander, that he'd left his at one of his jobsites and if I was okay, whether I could send it over with her.

I was a bit taken by surprise by how open and calmly he was talking about her coming over and then realized that they must have had quite the conversation before I came back in. It felt kind of odd that it seemed so easy to talk about but I also knew Sue wanted it this way, that it would be okay between us out in the open, so I just went with the flow.

I asked him what he was working on we talked for a few more minutes. He said thanks but the subject of her going over there never came up. But just as he was starting to hang up I asked him calmly what time he thought Sue would be coming home at. I even surprised myself at how calm I was. He seemed equally calm and said that they'd talked about her going over about 2pm and returning about 6pm. I surprised myself even more by saying something like - okay, talk to you later - and then - I added "enjoy". It's something I say at times instead of goodbye but I didn't think about the double-meaning.

So - that it. I waited for her after she took a shower and she teased me by going back to her panty-routine for fun before she left. Our daughter has a friend over and they're busy with some Xbox game so I'm just sitting here waiting for her. It feels different waiting this time than the others, I guess it'll take a little getting used to. Definitely less anxiety, but maybe even more arousal?
SoonToBe said:
[My wife Sue] handed me the phone and said, "it's Frank". He made some idle talk for a moment .... Then he said that when Sue "comes over" later, he wanted to know if he could borrow my electric sander [because] he'd left his at one of his job sites, and if I was okay with it, could send it over with her. .... etc ....

It feels different waiting [for Sue to return from fucking Frank] this time than the others. I guess it'll take a little getting used to. Definitely less anxiety, but maybe even more arousal?

Jeez... I dunno. I hafta' say, feeling more turned on because your wife's lover is borrowing your electric sander in addition to your wife sounds more than a little kinky...:p
It IS an odd feeling - he's borrowing two of my toys! :)
SoonToBe said:
It IS an odd feeling - he's borrowing two of my toys! :)

Yes, I suppose it would be. (You'd better hope Sue doesn't read this forum, and discover you think of her as one of "your toys.")

Anyway, one wonders what Frank has in mind doing with your sander. You might consider searching BDSM sites, and seeing if you can find a sub-community that gets off on "sanded down sex" (or something similar)...
Custer - you're quite the comedian... I suppose it's fortunate that he didn't want to borrow my drill or something else that had a clear sexual overtone to it!

Go Giants!!!

Sorry - had to interject that cheer...

When she got home Saturday evening with our daughter and her friend still preoccupied I thought maybe we'd have a chance for a quickie but she halted me when she came in and said that she'd much rather wait till later. Rather than be teased, I let her get changed alone while I got dinner started. She was all lovey-dovey when she came back down and gave me an awesome kiss and afterwards she just said "thanks" and started to help with dinner.

After dinner when we had some alone time she told me that she and Frank had talked a bit, among other things, and he was - like me - still getting used to how open this all was becoming. She in turn started to tell him that she's been sharing more of their fun with me too and that he was very interested in my response. Apparently when she started to explain the stuff we'd talked about, Frank seemed even more incredulous that this was all good with me.

I was horny hearing about all of this and I think she may have done it on purpose knowing that we'd be waiting till later on. And by 10pm when we said goodnight to our daughter - we were both more than ready for each other.

There is something about having sex with her after she's been with another guy that I don't think I will ever tire of and Saturday night was no different. She told me of how much fun they'd had earlier - and how Frank had, at one point, chased her around his place in the nude and how he cornered her and carried her to his bed. When I finally felt her naked body next to mine I swear I could still feel her arousal from earlier emanating from her. She lay on her stomach and spread her legs - I climbed on top of her and she arched her back so I could enter her in that position. She says it makes me rub against her g-spot. She was still wet from earlier and that knowledge just drove me crazy.

I can't even recall the positions we were in, just the intensity I felt when we finally assumed the missionary position and could truly feel all of her. She couldn't scream or moan as loud as she'd wanted as our daughter was somewhere in the house - but there was no holding back on her passionate thrashing about - just as there was no faking the orgasms I could feel overtake her. And clearly - she knew I was right there with her at the end when we both came almost at the same time (she says feeling me or whoever cum in her always sets her off one last time).

Afterwards as we lay there we talked. She was excited about how things seemed to be going between the 3 of us. I told her again that I liked Frank and that I was happy he was getting to have some fun with her. She giggled and hugged me. I asked her what her plans were for this week regarding Frank and she'd said that she wasn't sure just yet and that she was still sorting out what she wanted. I laughed back at her and simply told her to tell me when she knew.
Well, Stb, what were her plans?
I re-read some of my last posts and found them to be awesome from the perspective of recollecting my experience - but found, them, I guess, to be taxing to read if you're not me.

I started an update here several times as the week went by but either never had time to finish, or, that I didn't like what I'd written.

Going back to last Monday - after the weekend, I wasn't sure what to expect until she shared her plans with me before bed. I had noticed that she'd gone back to wearing panties that morning and that night she informed me that she wanted me to wait till the end of the week and that she'd be "seeing Frank during the week". She came home on-time all week long including Thursday night and she kept to the panty-routine all week too. Needless to say, she gave me plenty of alone time to masturbate as well as on Thursday night she asked to watch me - but unlike other times, she did not give me any encouragement other than what was in my head.

She came home on-time on Friday too. Anytime I'd asked her about Frank during the week, she replied that "you'll find out on Friday". I even sent Frank an Email saying she was acting kind of weird and whether he could shed any light on it and he just wrote back saying that she'd asked him to not tell me anything. I could sort of tell from his Email that they'd definitely gotten together but I didn't know any more. In the last exchange Frank changed the subject and said he was done with the sander and that he'd send it home with Sue over the weekend. That was the first clue I had to any plans on their part.

So, Friday night as we were getting ready for bed I started to ask her whether we were going to "have any fun tonight?". She giggled and asked me if I'd wait till Saturday night and then told me that if I'd wait, that she'd fill me in on what they'd done all week. I'd jerked off so much during the week wondering about her and him that I knew I'd need Friday off if we were going to have time together on the weekend - so in a way, hearing whatever she was going to say was only going to make me even hornier for her the next night.

With my agreement to wait, she told me that she and Frank had gotten together several times during the week. From her recap, she'd see him Tuesday morning before work and she told me that she'd "felt him" all day long (just to turn me on!). She said she saw him 2 other times - Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon.

I was awestruck! I wasn't mad or anything for her not telling me but instead, incredibly turned on at what she'd done - knowing it was her that wanted it. No wonder Franks Email to me was lacking info - she'd asked him to not tell me just yet. And to think that I lay there next to her masturbating Thursday night while she was probably still wet and creamy from him!!! She said she'd had fun being "his" and then promised me that I'd have fun with her over the weekend.

I don't know how I slept that night - but come Saturday I was all ears regarding our plans. Our daughter was going to be gone most of the afternoon and the entire evening on Saturday at a school event and again on Sunday. After she left on Saturday, Sue became all lovey-dovey and suggested we shower and get cleaned up - and then told me that Frank was coming over our house for dinner and "dessert". The weeklong denial, even with masturbating was still very much in my head now knowing that the evening was going to bring.

Sure enough he showed up about 4:00pm and the 3 of us were very cordial. When Sue told him that she'd told me of the week, Frank turned to me and said "sorry" that she made him promise to not tell me and I told him "no hard feelings" to which Sue giggled and said that was surely the case after she left him each time!

I barbequed some dinner for us and the 3 of us genuinely seemed like old friends. There was nothing explicitly sexual going on but I did see them kissing a few times when they thought I wasn't there. At one point after dinner when Frank had gone out to the car to get my sander Sue told me that she wanted some time with him to get started and that I should then come and join them. I immediately cringed at what she'd said and she must have seen my reaction because she said that she'd talked with Frank about my issues about using our bedroom - and surprise, surprise, Frank too said he would feel weird about using our bedroom. We'd also talked again about my apprehension about being there as they got started and she'd told me that Frank too had admitted that he felt uncomfortable "seducing" her with me there - so I felt better all around about us all being on the same page.

So, with that bit of anxiety out of the way - the evening was about to get started.. I'd poured us all another glass of wine after we'd eaten and Sue said to me "come see us in a little bit" as she took Franks hand. He looked at me questioningly but didn't say a word as Sue led him to our guest bedroom upstairs.

I won't, as I did last week, share all the details with you. Suffice to say that for as horny as I was, I also wanted to wait as long as I could before joining them - so that they would be at a good point for me to join them. With no one home I could hear them as I approached and from the sounds, they had moved onward from foreplay more quickly than I'd expected. I entered the room to find Sue on her back and Frank above her - neither looking at all at the doorway.

Without waxing too poetically, they looked beautiful together and again I almost felt like I could have stood there watching them. Something about seeing her holding her legs back for him - seeing him tenderly at times and forcefully at times fucking her. Not just seeing them, hearing them too...

But I didn't stand there for long. After I heard Sue come down from an unmistakeable orgasm, I walked over to her and Frank looked up at me and smiled. He moved back onto his knees to make room for me next to Sue. It just seemed totally natural for her to look over, see me and then take my cock into her mouth.

Frank said something about moving over if I wanted a turn and I have to say, it actually made me feel great to simply tell him "no, you first, then I'll have my fun" which made Sue take my cock out of her mouth and giggle out loud! Frank just smiled and shifted himself on the bed a bit as he continued fucking her. (it's funny, I can remember cringing at this moment in the past and now it felt fine, really fine). Sue twisted her torso towards me and let Frank have control of her legs and lower body. It was erotic to see his hands pushing her thighs back and then watching him - so knowingly - wet his thumb and play with her clit. It's a move I know so well that she obviously told and showed him. As he rubbed the underside of her button she moaned loudly and I guess she was cumming again but all I could do was just get into the moment with her and him.

It must have been a few minutes later when she seemed to suddenly stop sucking me and lay back flat on the bed. She held my cock with one hand but I don't think she even knew it. She did look beautiful though - and I knew immediately that she must know Frank is ready to cum. Forget for a moment that she knew how he felt well enough to know - but seeing her lay there - her legs spread as far apart as they could be - her free hand gently touching her nipples and then down her stomach. And Frank - his eyes closed buried in her and almost not moving. Just like last time - I wanted them to cum together. A moment later I wasn't disappointed. Grunts, moans, squeals - him first and her right behind. She let go of my cock as she thrashed under him until he seemed to have stopped moving.

I guess he's used to it now. When he caught his breath and moved from his elbows to his hands he looked at me and smiled and then he arched his back away from her and pulled slowly out of her. So fucking hot to see his cock slip out of her. So intense feeling good about it and good about them too.

He knelt back for a second before he moved over and I didn't need to be asked - I was kneeling where he was a second later. and barely a second after that, I was in her and she had her legs wrapped around me. Frank was by her side and she was licking the tip of his cock as I started to take my turn.

Between being horny for so long and now feeling her just a moment after Frank was done with her - lets just say I didn't last very long. Fortunately, she was close to another orgasm and the feeling of me losing control so rapidly set her off at the same time as me. I came an obscene amount in her. As I pulled out of her myself a gush of cum followed which led to Sue letting out a loud laugh and slapping at both of us for the mess we'd made!
The three of us were just lying there afterwards. I've never been in a swinging experience or any other group-sex experience (at least not as an adult) so I can't say whether this is "normal" or not - but the 3 of us just lay there talking about nothing and everything for what seemed like 15 minutes or so. I'd move around. Frank would move, up to one elbow or whatever. Sue would move up onto her elbows and then back down - but the 3 of us just hung out there, naked. Sue never even closed her legs.

I can't remember much about what we talked about, I was just enjoying the moment when Sue said that it was getting late and our daughter was probably due to be picked up. I could tell my her inflection that she was hinting that I should go pick her up. I thought about it for just a moment and then said that I'd go. I leaned over and kissed her forehead and said I'd be back in a bit after I got cleaned up - but neither of them moved or followed me. I looked in the doorway after getting cleaned up and dressed and saw that they were now under the covers on the bed and quite busy with each other. I guess, being the good cuck that I am, I walked away and as I got my coat on and found the car keys I yelled back to them that I was leaving and would be back.

I didn't mind leaving them there. I was still a bit horny and was thinking that maybe when I got home, that Frank would be gone and we could maybe go for seconds and then had the evil thought that it would be more like 4ths for her.

And now that I've written another book - I'll end quickly by saying that I did coax her into 4ths and when I mentioned it, she teased me to get me off! We spent the rest of the evening talking pretty openly about how we were both comfortable with Frank and what was going on.

Thing was, our phone rang about 3pm yesterday afternoon and Sue came into the garage where I was working and said she was running out for a little while and that she'd be back before our daughter was home. She didn't need to explain or say anything further. It was obviously Frank who'd called and sure enough, about 2 hours later she came home and wrinkled her finger at me as she walked in and beckoned me to follow her and within another few minutes, I welcomed her back home by giving her her 6th fucking in less than 24 hours! If this is what I'm getting out of the openness and freedom she wanted with Frank - wow - I'm never going to complain!!!!.

Oh well, sorry for writing another book - maybe it's just another chapter...
STB, You make us 'hold our breath' for days, but your updates are well worth the wait. I feel like I am there in the room too, enjoying it all right along with you.
Cheers, Harry
Thought I'd post this tidbit this morning.
She's gone back to her panty-routine. This morning I asked her why and whether she is seeing Frank again during this week. She looked at me and said plainly that she likes the effect that her wearing panties has on me by the time she "allows" me back in them! She then said that she thought that the arrangement with Frank was that she didn't have to tell me everything when it happened - and she added that she thought I was "quite happy with how things worked out" last week!. She then joked that maybe I"d just be her "weekend husband" if I keep on questioning everything instead of "just enjoying" it - and then she came to me and hugged me (with her bare breasts up against my chest) and said in a sexy voice "you did enjoy yourself, right?".

I was a bit surprised but also quite aroused at her newfound independence. I told her "okay" and that we'll see how things go, to which she replied "you'll be fine..." after which I quieted down and watched her finish getting dressed.

All of which leaves me with this hard-on right now on my way off to work myself...
1912-Newspaper-rms-titanic-849985_400_300.jpg :mad: lol
Frank must feel like he is in heaven, while you seem to becoming the full cuckold. I deduct that you are feeling a little pain with your pleasure. Sue on the other had is having a ball (several actually) orchestrating her fuck fest with Frank while she teases you.
Your posts are wild and so erotic. Thank you.
Well, it's "my time" now as she puts it.
As far as her plans for Frank, all she's said is that she is going to enjoy things at her pace, and yet at the same time, I also know that she is still looking for my approval in a way. I do want to let her do what she wants.

So yes, Dave, Frank is a lucky guy. We have talked a bit both with Sue there and not there and I've sort of said that to him. Granted it's been short sound bites - like me telling him that she's "going through a phase" or something else that's made it more clear to him. And to think I was worried that he'd be calling on her to come over when it's the other way around.

I don't know if she saw him today and she's sort of suggested that I not ask him and he not answer me, at least for now. I was kinda peeved by that until she said "but I'll tell you all at the end of the week if you can wait that long". Such a turn-on know she's playing up the teasing a bit for me and knowing that I'm enjoying it. I joked with her that Frank's not that much younger than us and that she'd better not wear out her new toy and that was my turn to laugh!

So she's asleep already and honestly, I don't know if she saw him today. I'm not one to check her panties in the hamper. To be honest, the idea that she might have is almost more arousing than knowing for sure one way or another. I think back to her weekend-husband comment and in some ways just hearing her even say that on her own to me is such a turn-on that I can't even describe it.
Big thanks stb for these wonderful writeups that allow us to vicariously participate
in your amazing adventure! Sue is just amazing! I don't know how you resist the
temptation to go check those panties in the hamper. I know I wouldn't :)

What a hot hot life! The weekend husband...wonder if you would allow her to control your orgasms? Making you wait and not "have your fun" so often or the excitement of not know when Sue will "let" you. Hmmmm
Far2 - you're hanging out with Saraha too much. She's totally not into it and has shared that it turns her on that I think about her when I'm having my fun.

I received an Email from Frank, to me and not us. It was just a thank you note and said what a "great guy" I was several times and that stuff. I told Sue to check him out as to me, it sounded like he was feeling guilty and I reminded her that she needs to consider both of us and not just herself. She giggled and said she may be a bit greedy.

I did not give in despite wanting to and didn't ask her anything about Frank. Her giggle pretty much gave me an answer and left me quite horny in the process. I did look in the hamper but it was empty so either she did the laundry tonight or she's possibly still wearing them from earlier - if she even saw him today? And so that leaves me with the starting point for my fun after posting here tonight.
She is out right now dropping our daughter off at the movies to meet friends there. She told me to be ready when she gets home - and she still hasn't told me of any of the weeks events. Between being horny and curious - this wait right now is perhaps worse than the past few days!

I'm in a horny mood so I thought I'd post another of the pictures I have of her that I am staring at right now. Its from a few years back but it gets me horny as I've seen the garter belt in the hamper recently.


  • s3-1.jpg
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Well, come 9pm or so when she got home she came into the office and teased me about "hoping I'd waited for her" - I told her that I was wicked horny after waiting days for her. She giggled and said that a little waiting would do me good some times and she encouraged me to turn off the computer and follow her into the bedroom.

Before she'd allow me to undress her she asked me if I was okay with what she'd been doing this week and I told her that all I knew is that it was making me horny all week. She asked me if I was going to be okay if she'd seen Frank a lot this week to which I joked back that he's going to need the weekend off. She smiled and said that he was going to his brothers for the weekend and to watch the Super Bowl with him. She didn't need to say it but I figured she'd worn him out by the end of the week so I just asked her in a very calm voice whether she'd seen him every day this week?

She tried to hide it but the look on her face said I was right and then after a minute or so she said "what if I did?" I was stunned by her saying that - I didn't expect it at all and I kind of stammered and then just said something like "wow" and "you can't imagine how much I want you right now!" upon which I pushed her onto the bed and started to kiss her. I told her how aroused I was thinking of her being so sexually demanding. She looked up at me and said she hasn't felt like this in years and that she felt like she was in her 20's where she'd see her boyfriend most every day.

I probably shouldn't have asked but I said "so, is Frank your boyfriend?". She hesitated for a second - later telling me she was trying to gauge what I was thinking - and then said "I guess so". I think she thought I might be annoyed at that or something worse but instead, hearing her say that, it just made me even more aroused. I am amazed at the change in her - that this is what she now wants and not what Frank wants of her! The fire and desire in her eyes is just amazing. I told her "that's good, I like him" and in a way I felt like I was telling my daughter that I approve of her boyfriend - and in turn, I know she felt relief at my reaction. I joked with her that she must have worn him out and she laughed that they're still in the "honeymoon stage" and I joked back that I can speak from experience. She punched me and we rolled about in bed until I had her down to just her panties.

She looked up at me and teased me about finally having her back. As I started to pull them off she said "turns you on that Frank has been in them all week, doesn't it?!". I swear I wanted her a thousand times more at that moment at that thought. Pulling them off her and seeing her pussy finally after almost 5 days. I swear it seemed more swollen than I'd remembered. Her pussy lips seemed more prominent and also seemed to me to be a much deeper darker shade of pink. She was also totally smooth and that too may have turned me on even more, that she'd shaved all week long to be neat and smooth for him. But pulling her legs back as she took one and then the other ankle out of her panties - her vagina seemed to open up on it's own and I swore it too looked to be open more than usual.

I know it was my mind playing tricks on me most likely but the thoughts were just so intense.

She encouraged me to go down on her and even though she later told me that she'd seen him every morning (yes - every morning) - at that moment I swore I could still taste his cum in her, and with good reason. As I brought her closer and closer to orgasm, she held the back of my head against her pussy firmly and began to tell me of her week. How each morning she'd stop by his place. Sometimes just for 20 minutes - long enough to relieve her desires - and other days she'd spent almost an hour there - as she put it "getting the day started right".

I was getting frantic as she told me more details. I didn't bring her to orgasm though - I could have but I needed to fuck her. There have been few times when I have truly needed to seat my cock deep in her and feel her totally - and this was one of those times.
Sue's Hot

SoonToBe said:
She is out right now dropping our daughter off at the movies to meet friends there. She told me to be ready when she gets home - and she still hasn't told me of any of the weeks events. Between being horny and curious - this wait right now is perhaps worse than the past few days!

I'm in a horny mood so I thought I'd post another of the pictures I have of her that I am staring at right now. Its from a few years back but it gets me horny as I've seen the garter belt in the hamper recently.

Thanks Soon, Sue is very sexy and turns us all on. What a beautiful ass, can almost taste that pussy. For sure a true Hot Wife is a real treasure. I mentioned long ago on here that a wife that gets herself some good cock then comes home with a creampie and surprises you with it is the top of the food chain, TABLE PUSSY, :p You have one of the very best, congratulations and a very good move to give her her freedom to choose who and when. Best Wishes You Two.:) ok deacon said it.
Sorry - I was suddenly interrupted earlier and then, well, lets just say that I think she is finally satisfied! I can't believe her - that she wanted it again tonight, but then again I was surprised how easy it was for me to be convinced!

But last night. Even now I can still feel the feeling of needing to have her finally.

Thing was, even today, she seems so calm and yet so incredibly sexual. I mean this is how she and we were back when we first started together. That's the thing that is such a turn-on for me - it's like we've unlocked some new realm for us.

I remember that while I didn't get her off orally, the moment I slipped into her she took off like a rocket. She bucked up against me and then wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in. I can't even describe how intense it was to feel her so aroused. I moved slowly to let her enjoy it all and wow - I could feel her body as she rode wave after wave of a long orgasm. With no one home she could scream as loud as she wanted. I pulled almost all the way out and she would let out this low moan, but pushing back into her turned into this squeal, kind of like oooh-uuuhhhhh and that uhhhh at the end was accompanied by feeling her pussy just open up and suck me in deeper.

She looked up at me as she came back to earth and I could tell by how she looked that she was still tingling all over as every touch of mine brought a moan and a shiver with it. But I knew she was ready for me when she pulled her own legs back for me. She'd cum a lot and I knew she was still wet from earlier, both with Frank and from my tongue - but there was this feel to her that was undescribable. She looked up at me and started to tease me to help get me off and push me. I was getting closer and she kept saying things about how wet she was and how she liked getting fucked so much. But then she said something about Frank having her more than I do and that was it. Just the idea of her saying that is still now just crazy to me - but how awesomely sexy is it to hear that and to know it's of her doing!!!! That she wanted it and then did it and shared it with me (in a way) stuck in my head - my wife - her wanting it - her initiating it - and letting my head think about Frank fucking her. That was it - it felt like it'd been a month with how I'd cum - like a fountain in her - and afterwards, well, lets just say that it was a tender moment between the 2 of us. I don't even remember if we even talked or said anything important. Instead we just lay there in each others arms and have some us-time. The only mention of anything even related to Frank was her simply asking me "are you okay with everything" and my answering that I loved her and it was wonderful.

So - that's also why I'm surprised at tonight's action here! She'd been non-commital about it today when I'd joked with her if she was worn out yet! But when she asked me to open a bottle of wine abut 8:30 I began to have hopes. Our daughter went off to sleep about 10pm and I was surprised at how the wine had gotten to Sue and seemed to turn her on. Suffice to say that by 10:30 she was eagerly sucking me to full hardness and then she proceeded to climb up on top of me and "take control".

If I thought her pussy felt "used" on Friday night, then perhaps the word for tonight would maybe be "tired" but with her on top, it didn't matter - it felt awesome. At one point I'd reached out and pulled her deeper down onto me as I felt her bottom out and grind against me. She seemed to take the lead and would use her full body weight to plunge down onto me. But I could feel she was tiring and soon she leaned forward against my chest and then let me take over. Each time I'd push up into her, she'd push back gently and it drove me more and more crazy. I was surprised at how soon I could feel her start to really respond. And oh my did she.

My favorite position though is on top - good ol missionary position. There is nothing finer than to feel you partner under you giving herself to you. She teased me a bit more but honestly, it was more to get me going than anything else. I looked down at my cock pulling out of her and then pushing back in and it turned me on when she said "you like thinking about Frank in me" and a second later "he feels wonderful like you do". I knew how I felt at that moment, the urge to cum deep in her growing by the instant and I know it sounds crazy - but I thought about Frank being in her just like I was - about to cum in her too. A crazy but awesomely hot thought. And that was all I needed myself - I ground and pounded into her for a few more until I could take it no more and let the moment take me. I spewed deep in her pussy and she says she could feel it and let the moment carry her to cum with me. Oh to have the house to ourselves and the windows closed so the neighbors couldn't hear our passion.

And now, it's like after 1am and tiredness has caught up to me.
G'night all.

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