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Ground Rules?

  • Thread startercuckedbyblackman
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I've been experiencing performance problems that come and go and because my wife has a very high sex drive, its made me considergiving her the green light to find sexual gratification elsewhere should the day come when I can't meet those needs. To that end I have compiled a list of ground rules. Have I missed anything?

Ground Rules
Nothing in or about this agreement should be construed to mean my desire to have sex with you is gone or wanning. I still expect for us to continue to have or attempt to have as normal and thrilling a sexual relationship as is possible under the circumstances.

1. Nobody that knows ME. I don't want anybody thinking their getting one over on me, or shaking my hand as a friend and thinking they're screwing you behind my back. Quite a few guys get off on that (I know, I was one), but this is not about giving them a thrill.

2. Nobody that knows people we know. Again, I don't want anybody telling me that they found out you're screwing someone behind my back and having to put on a show of doing something about it.

3. No emotional attachments. The second you think one is developing, whether you for him or him for you, you break it off. This is strickly about you getting sexually satisfied. YOUR HEART BELONG TO ME and I AM VERY JEALOUS AND PROTECTIVE OF THAT! IT IS BECAUSE OF OUR HEARTS THAT I AM WILLING TO DO THIS!

4. No Ex's. It's far too easy to fall into trouble with #3 regardless of how much control you think you have. The only exception is the ex-football player; he wasn't really a boyfriend, he doesn't know me, to the best of my knowlege he doesn't know anyone that we know, and he really rocked your world and that's what this is all about; you getting sexual satisfaction that I cannot provide.

5. No one can know about this agreement. Not Jen, not Kari, NOBODY! This is just between us; it's about you getting sexually satisfied.

6. WE must do whatever is humanly possible to make sure that the kids NEVER find out about this. That means we have to agree on cover stories when you're on your "dates".

7. Not really a rule, just a strong preferrence; stick with married men. It lessens the chance of falling into trouble with #3 and lowers the chance of bringing something unwanted home.

8. In the event you find out you have brought something unwanted home, you tell me IMMEDIATELY!! Unfortunately, this arangement has some risks as far as this is concerned. I am awhere of them and so am prepared to deal with it should it happen so PLEASE do not hesitate to tell me as SOON as you become aware of a problem.

9. Using condoms will GREATLY reduce the risks of #8 and PREGNANCY. The vast majority of STD's can be treated while nobody is the wiser. Pregnancy shows and everybody we know, knows I've been snipped. I really don't want either of us to be put into a position where we have to try and explain an immaculate conception and/or the exceptional amount of melanin in the skin of "our" child.

10. This agreement does not begin until we both agree that we have exhausted all reasonalble alternatives and we explicitly agree for it to begin.

11. I have no interest in meeting your "dates" or hearing about how well we would get along or how cool they are*. If at some point you feel it would turn you on for us to meet, we can talk about it. But for now, I think that might be a little too much for me to handle, at least in the beggining. Telling me you had a good time or how sore or exhausted you are is fine and encouraged if you're comfortable with doing so. I'd like to know that my efforts to insure your satisfaction are working.

*An exception to this is in the event of an emergency. You MUST tell them that you have a mild health condition and what to expect or do in the event you have an episode. At the very least, tell them my speed dial number on your phone and to call me and that it is alright to call me, in the event of ANY emergency REGARDLESS OF WHO IT IS! Yes, this means telling them of our agreement and that it is actually my idea, but this is much more important. Assure them I will not be pissed!

12. Be completely honest with me. If you're going on date, tell me.

13. No one picks you up or drops you off at our home. I don't want trouble at our home with potential stalkers and you do seem to draw them like flies. If you need a ride, tell me or call me and ESPECIALLY if you've had too much to drink. But even if it's for convenience sake, tell me or call me.
"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH", with all the Ground Rules why even bother?
Mac has a good point and the Ground Rules are valid.
So Much Good Advice

Have you ever heard the old saw, "in for a penny, in for a pound"? I only want to add, once you start, things tend to get out of hand, and your ground rules are way to strick and numerous to work in real life. People talk, and you have described your spouse as much more liberal than you, I mean her drinking etc. By the way condoms are better than no protection, but not fail safe by any means.

I see why you want the ground rules you have listed, but will you consider, Black Men do not want to share their pussy unless thay are compensated. You say cucked by a black man, and when a white woman takes a black man she is said to be blackened. Do not think for a second others are not going to find out, and once blackened a white women changes emotionally and is never as concerned with being descreet as you wish.:eek:


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You obviously love your wife very deeply, and most certaintly have given deep thought as to the reasons you wish to give your wife a wonderful sex life. As a female, I thank you for wanting to do your best for your wife.

I suggest you discuss the list in detail with your wife, and let her add her ideas. Over several weeks, you both can continue to refine the list until it "feels right" for you both.

When the list has been agreed on, you can both sign it and date it, then put it in a safe place where it won't be accidentally discovered. Occasionally, read it again to see if it needs any adjustment.

Starting building up your wife's wardrobe with beautiful sexy clothes for her dating in the future; and starting talking to your wife about your worries of matching her libido.

You might be able to give your wife "your best effort sex" on 4 days a week but not on 7, so you could agree that she has permission to meet and fuck other men on her 3 days off.

This kind of arrangement reduces the "pressure to perform" from your mind, and lets you feel like a "fully complete" husband when you are "on duty" for your 4 days.

Your wife can take her opportunities as they show up in her life, with quite a bit of texting between you both - but she won't necessarily drop her panties four days a week.

Your wife can go out with her friends and find out on the grapevine which of them are "playing around", and harvest their "tips" in subtle ways without admitting to them that she/you have modified your wedding vows.

Sure there are BIG risks of people finding out, and you are truly worried how you can handle jealousy and other issues - but because you love your wife unconditionally, you will stick by her even if things turn to custard unexpectedly.

If people find out, your love for your wife will get you through. When people see how strong you both stick together, they will actually admire you for giving your wife the gift of a fantastic sex life.

After a few week's "heat", people get on with their lives and just accept the way your wife and you choose to express your sexuality.

You would be most surprised if you were to notice how many other marriages are moving towards "openness" for one or both spouses. Not talked about much, but it bubbles along in discreet circles.

You need to discuss with your wife how you will remain monogamous, fully committed to keeping your marriage as strong as you can grow it.

If your wife gets pregnant, you could explain that you developed a craving for more children after you had the snip - so decided to do artificial insemination.

If she does get pregnant, then go for two pregnancies to make a point with friends.

I know you will accept any extra children that accidentally arrive, and will bring them up as your own with all the care they need. And if you know the Father's name, you could allow him to visit his children even if the children don't know it is their real dad calling until they are much older and can understand/accept the truth.

Best of luck, please tell us what happens - your wife is so lucky that her needs are more important than yours in this matter.

It will become easy to adjust your list when you and your wife open your hearts and speak the truth to each other. She definitely needs the extra loving, and can easily choose instinctly which guys will turn her on - and put her in a happy mood when she cums home to you.
I have been to the doctor. The equipment is fine. The problem appears to be that I'm physically desensitized from excessive masturbation and psychologically from excessive amounts of porn due to an addiction. I kid you not. It may sound funny, but it is a real issue. And then of course that has lead to performance anxiety. I've been abstaining from both and it seems to be helping greatly, but the fact remains that I may not ever fully recover and that I may not be able to meet her almost insatiable needs. I love her dearly and am willing to do anything to make sure those needs are met. I realize this is not the type of post that is going to make anyone all hot and bothered, but that's why I posted it here in General Cuckoldry and not on the XXX Stories board. Now having said that, the fact that I am posting on this site shows that I'm not exactly turned off by the prospect of her having sex with someone else. And yes, she has complained and even stated that although she doesn't WANT anybody but me, she knows how she is and that she will find it somewhere else eventually. About the name; she has been with black men before. Her last boyfriend was not a man she could just break up with. She had to make sure it was his idea, so she was seeing both of us at the same time, but only I knew. Its a very long story and a lot more complicated than I want to get into, but the short of it was my girlfriend and future wife was fucking a black man with my full knowledge and consent. Thank you Saraha, everything you said is what I felt and had in mind. That was what I was trying to get at; maintaining communication.
It is a lot of rules, but if she is in agreement with them and does feel the need for a purely sexual relationship to fulfill her needs then it may work. I look forward to hearing her take on this idea.
cuckedbyblackman said:
1. Nobody that knows ME. I don't want anybody thinking their getting one over on me, or shaking my hand as a friend and thinking they're screwing you behind my back. Quite a few guys get off on that (I know, I was one), but this is not about giving them a thrill.

2. Nobody that knows people we know. Again, I don't want anybody telling me that they found out you're screwing someone behind my back and having to put on a show of doing something about it.

Great. She might as well try to find a unicorn to fuck.
I agree with Tammy and Fries and CoffeeGuy. I think, and this is my own opinion, that you like the idea but want it completely on your own terms. It doesn't work that way. I can only speak for me of course but in my case my wife dictates any rules.

I have no problem with your concern for safety but at the same time I think you need to have a little trust and faith in your wife. You have to trust your wife that she will exercise good judgement. I have to trust my wife. Not only is she holds a professional job but I work all night.
Yeah I have to agree....ground rules are made to be broken. I have broke every rule we ever made....didn't intend to but in the heat of the moment shit happens. We finally agreed to quit making rules and just have fun.
I have no intention of presenting these as set in stone; they are a starting point for a discussion of the subject. In fact they are useless without her input. Think of it more as a way for me to let her know my concerns and how I feel about it. Although I called them "rules" they are more like talking points to open a discussion on this subject and clarifies my concerns and fears should we decide to venture in this direction. Judging by the theme of the vast majority of posts here, a lot of cuckolds enjoy the humiliation aspect that can come from this type of relationship. It works for them and that's cool. But every relationship is different and those that last are the ones where both partners have found their happy medium and that is what I'm trying to do. These "rules" let her know how I feel about it. It's not like I'm going to post them or site her for being in violation of rule 7.2 of the agreement. I do trust her or I wouldn't have married her or be considering going this route. I'm considering this because I don't want to put her in a position where she feels the need to lie to me. When it comes down to it, I can handle her fucking someone else, but not dishonesty. Once the lying starts, the relationship is distroyed and we might as well start divorce proceedings. Although sex is a significant part of a matrimonial relationship, trust is the foundation and once that's broken, it's almost impossible to repair. I'm considering this BECAUSE I love her, trust her, and want her to be happy and fulfilled even if that means employing a stunt dick to do it.
So one of the things I am getting by the responses here is that I need to remove the term "Rules" from the title?
Dude, find another hobby. You are so not ready for this.
If you allowed yourself to be put in chastity by your wife, with her holding the key to stop you masturbating, you would soon become incredibly horny - and once a week your cock could be allowed out for an hour to EJACULATE in a MASSIVE BURST.

I bet you would find that you can recover from excessive masturbation very quickly. You are young enough to bounce back.

The alternative is to keep your hands inside gloves 24/7.
cuckedbyblackman said:
So one of the things I am getting by the responses here is that I need to remove the term "Rules" from the title?

Well, a lot of these go without saying. Basically you two need to agree that the two worlds must not meet, and that you both take the utmost care to keep you day-to-day lives and sex lives private.

That's basically the only rule you need.
as long as your sitting on the side lines giving her the green light to fuck other guys you have never met or have no interest in meeting she will develop emotional attachments. Not on purpose, but trust me it will happen and she won't be able to break it off with them. you will eventually be dumped for her lover. Those are the hard and simple facts.

Emotional attachments form slowly between lovers and often times without even realizing that it's happening. Once she realizes she is becoming attached to another man it's too late, She can't break it off and you are fucked and not in a good way. You better just work on getting over your porn addiction and I'm sorry if I've contributed that addiction in any way lol.
I do have a CB-3000 and we have utilized it to keep me from masturbating during the day. But I had it on overnight not long ago and I got a nocternal erection and it split at the seam! Pinched the shit out of my dick, but she gave me the key so I could take it off and made good use of the fine quality hard wood I was sporting, so ya, I know that does work.
Wow. Well, I did it. While I didn't break out the rules, I did broach the subject with my wife and her reaction was quite a bit different than what I expected.

Perhaps I should provide a little background. We have dated on and off for 30 years. She has been with a two black, one of whom she dated for 13 years before we got back together. In fact, it was when I originally found out she was dating him that started my interest in interracial porn. She knows this because when she noticed the subject of most the porn I had, and sites I visited like BlackCockChurch.com, she asked me when I became interested in it and I told her.

So early Saturday morning I attempted to initiate sex and could not perform again. This was something that had gone on all week since I had gone up north hunting last weekend (While up north, I had watched interracial porn on my new phone virtually non-stop and jerked off at least 10 times over a two day period, imagining it was my wife getting fucked by those big black cocks). When I finally got my dick semi hard enough to get it into her, I came in 3 strokes, disappointing us both. To make amends I grabbed some lotion and started to give her a full body massage.

I confessed to my actions of the previous weekend and that I had been edging all week. She said she had figured as much and then was quiet as she enjoyed the massage. After a while she spoke. She told me she had the weirdest dream the day before when she was napping. She dreamed she had gone to a bar and got picked up by a black guy and went home with him and fucked him. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I got goose bumps, not for anticipation of her doing something like that, but because it was a scenario of a fantasy I had been edging to that day.

Some may call it coincidence, but we have experienced these weird "coincidences" all our lives. I sat back stunned. She turned to look at me and saw the look on my face and asked "what?" Slowly, I started to tell her about my fantasies.

I told her that whenever I looked at porn, I always imagine that she's the girl the black guys are fucking. This was one of the hardest things I've ever done - sharing this secret fantasy of mine, but I said it. I then told her that the fantasy I was edging to was the same as her dream. She asked me what time that was and I told her about 2:00pm and her eyes got big and she said that's when she had the dream!

I told her in my fantasy, I had told her that if it ever got to the point where I could no longer perform, I wouldn't object to her taking lovers on the side and that not long after that, we went to a bar one night. She was on the dance floor dancing and I was sitting at our table (I don't dance). As she was dancing a very handsome, well dressed black guy started dancing with the group of girls that my wife was with. Soon his attention was only on my wife and they were obviously having a good time. When the song ended she invited him back to our table for a drink. Introductions were made, and his name was Brian. The three of us talked and joked and then one of my wife's favorite songs came on and she grabbed his hand and dragged him off the dance floor again. As I watched their dancing got sexier and sexier, as if they were challenging each other to see how far the other would go and at one point my wife had her back to Brian, his hands on her hips, her hands on his, as ground his crotch against her ass. The song ended and they parted and as she spun around a slow song came on and she pulled him close and rested her head on his chest as they began slowly swaying to the music.

As I told her this I began slowly stroking my dick and continued on.

I told her that I could see them talking as they danced, and when the song ended they spoke briefly before Brian left the dance floor in one direction as my wife started walking in my direction. When she got back to the table, she took a long sip from her drink and excused herself to go to the ladies room.

My dick was now hard as I stroked it as I was telling her the story. She grabbed some lotion from the nightstand and said "Here, let me do that. You're going to rub it raw" and with that she squeezed a generous amount of lotion into her hand and took over stroking my dick. I paused for the moment, enjoying her touch. She looked into my eyes and told me to continue. Reluctantly and slightly distracted now, I did.

I could see she had something in her hand When she came back. Still standing, she grabbed her purse and stuffed whatever it was into it and the grabbed her cell phone and started checking her messages. She smiled and started typing a response to one. I asked her if she had fun dancing Brian, and as she was typing said "very much so". I asked her where he went and while still looking at the cell phone screen said "he said he had to leave" and the hit Send on her phone and put it back into her purse. She reached for her coat and started putting it on and said "I want to start the agreement...tonight."

Shocked, I stammered "Tonight? Right now?" She said "Yep", then grabbed her purse and leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and said "I love you." Then quickly said "Oh! Here, I won't be needing these" and reached into her purse and handed me a small moist bundle of silk - her thong panties. She smiled at me and said "I'll see you in the morning or I'll call if I need a ride home." and turned and left.

My dick was throbbing in her hand now and I was starting to thrust into it. Still looking into my eyes she smiled and softly said "That's pretty much how my dream went." I told her there was more. That she finds out that he owns an upscale strip club and that leads to the subject of her tits and how she'd like to get a lift and maybe implants someday (she has beautifully shaped B cups, on her 5' nothing frame, but she's still not happy about them...), and he tells her a cute little blonde like her with a set of D tits could make a fortune at his place. That she'd be like black man's kryptonite there and then offers to pay for them if she'd be willing to "work them off" at his club. She says that dancing at the club isn't her thing and he tells her it would only be for special clients, maybe one or two a night and she'd make $100 a dance. She tells him she'll think about it and when she gets home she talks to me about it and we agree. She sees Brian again and they finalize the the deal but he says that except for her recovery period after the surgery when she'll need me to massage them daily, I'm not allowed to see or touch them until they're paid for because until then, they're his unless I want to pay like everybody else ($200) and that because he's putting them on a credit card, she's also responsible for the interest. And that when she starts working for him, the first night she doesn't make much money because all she did was lap dance for the guys. That she has to fuck them for the big bucks.

My wife grinned at that last part and said "so he's pimping me out, eh?"

"Ya, but you don't tell me that part. As far as I know you're only fucking the Brian guy and dancing at his club until I do come to see you at work one night. When I get there Brian tells me you're with a client and asks if I want to see. I say sure and he takes me into a security room in back that has a bunch of monitors of the private rooms in it. In the center one is a shot from behind of a small woman with blonde, Shirley Temple like curls slowly riding up and down on some black guys big fat cock and I realize it's you."

I spoke this last part slowly because I was getting really close to cumming.

"Did you get hard watching me fuck him?" she asked. "Yes! I could see your cooch was getting stretched so wide by his fat cock that it almost looked painful, but you were picking up speed and started bouncing up and down on it like you were riding a horse and milking his cock. He then grabbed your ass with both hands and stood up with you still impaled on his cock. He started driving his cock balls deep into you and then white streaks of cum started appearing on his cock as he emptied his nut into you."

As I described this she felt my dick swell in preparation for orgasm. She kicked her stoking of it into high gear and I exploded in orgasm as I finished the description.
And I have to say, if it wasn't for jinxypie and her videos on YouTube, I wouldn't have had the nerve to confide in my wife with these fantasies. We spoke about it and both agree that doing so has brought us even closer together than we already are. Thank you so much Jinxypie!
So much for ground rules. She rode to work with me this morning so she could take the car after droppingme off. As I type this, I'm sitting here at work, wearing a chastity cage, and she's at her ex-boyfriends house.

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