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How gorgeous is this Indian beauty?

  • Thread starterslimcuck
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jul 29, 2004
Long talking session, but that's sexy too. Pity its not in English. The fucking's well worth the wait though, she has a fabulous body.

Anyone else got vids or images of lovely Indian chicks?

Indian Pornstar Sex Video - XVIDEOS.COM

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Surprised she doesn't appeal

I'm amazed nobody else is taken by this gem...she'd look amazing taking black cock in that pretty mouth.
MADE for men of African origin! Seriously.

It is such a shame that Asian/Indian men are so prejudice towards Black men. they are such jerk offs. :whatever:

I adore their women though, but they should not go near white cock.
blackcocklover29 said:
MADE for men of African origin! Seriously.

It is such a shame that Asian/Indian men are so prejudice towards Black men. they are such jerk offs. :whatever:

I adore their women though, but they should not go near white cock.

Nice to see racism is alive and well on a site that promotes inter-racial sex and love. :whatever:
_Mark_ said:
Nice to see racism is alive and well on a site that promotes inter-racial sex and love. :whatever:

erm, this site is here to promote Black men, who are very much disadvantaged in this white society.
blackcocklover29 said:
erm, this site is here to promote Black men, who are very much disadvantaged in this white society.
Why slag off Asian/Indian men then say they shouldn't be near whites?
_Mark_ said:
Why slag off Asian/Indian men then say they shouldn't be near whites?

when i say they shouldn't be near whites, i mean that indian women should not actually have sex with whites.

it is unnatural.
blackcocklover29 said:
when i say they shouldn't be near whites, i mean that indian women should not actually have sex with whites.

it is unnatural.

I take it this is sarcasm. If it isn't then you are way out of line.
Indian women love the white cock! Don't be jealous. We celebrate that white women love the Black cock! I would love to see this Indian chick get banged by a dark hung brotha though!!
doesn't look indian to me. very much european i think
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You could be right, moogmug. But whatever origin, she's gorgeous. What a lucky white bear he is to be able to fuck her every which way...she seems to come hard within just a few minutes.
blackcocklover29 said:
I adore their women though, but they should not go near white cock.

Why not? They seem to love it you faggot.
blackcocklover29 said:
bull shit.

in your dreams

Go to college and get an education. On top of that, stay away from people. We don't want you spreading your HIV you infected slut.
I don't disadvantage black guys. I give them an even shake.

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