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I am so exited

  • Thread startermark35hull
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Oct 24, 2006
Today I was off work as I was not well. My wife told me she was going to the bank after she had taken our son to school. While she was out it occured to me that she had only gone to the bank yesterday.

When she got back I asked her why she was going to the bank again. She gave me some story about forgrtting to put a cheque in and needing to post something. I knew something was a bit odd.

She walks everywhere as she hates driving so I said I would give her a lift in the car as its really cold and still icy/snowy here, she declined and said it was not fair as I was ill. Which was odd because she had been a bit annoyed at me being off sick.

Anyway when she left I decided to follow her.

By way of explanation we almost never have sex (over a year) and the most we do is that I give her oral and that is like once a month. We used to argue about it as she wants more sex, but lately she has stopped mention it or trying.

So I follwed her on foot, she was not dressed sexy at all, big coat and thick ski type pants and a hat. I did not really think anything was up, maybe she ws doing a bit of shopping for a suprise for me.

It was easy to follow her as the place we live has really long avenues so I could see her green coat for miles. After about 15 mins walking she got to the town centre and there is a car park we often use that belongs to a supermarket and she went into that. This was strange as she would not go food shopping without my credit card. She walked right across the carpark to the area that has recycilng and as she did she burst into a little jog and ran into the arms of another man.

I was literal shell shocked. I felt sick and exited. They kissed really passionately and he pulled off her hat and ran his fingers through her hair she held his face and neck. As they kissed her right leg bent upwards like she used to do when we kissed. After what seemed like an hour of kissing (prob 2 mins)they cuddled and walked to his car.

They got in the front of the car and did not drive off. i wanted to aproach but knew it would cause a scene so I just stood there. Then I had an idea they where right near the recycling area so if I could pretend to be recycilng I could get close. I went into the shop and baught 6 big bottles of lemonade (you know the cheap 3 for a £1) and went into the toilets and emptied them

well I put the empty bottles in the plastic bag and walked over to the recycling area with my coat hood up. As I approached I could see the guy sat in the car but no sign of my wife. I got to the recyling contained and started to put the bottles in as I looked over to the car I could see the top of my wifes coat where the gearstick would be. She was sucking him off in the car park! i caught his eye and he looked worried that I had looked over and he moved his arm to make sure my wife did not lift her head. I gave him a sort of smile and and a nod, he nodded back with a wry smile (as if to say u know whats happening)

I walked away and as I eft the car park I threw up. I got a taxi home and felt awful. But I felt horny too. I wanked off three times.

She came home about an hour later and went straight upstairs to change, and ran a bath because she said she was freezing. While she bathed I checked the laundry basket. Red bra, red thing, red hold up stockings.

I sniffed the thong and had another wank. Its now 7pm and this was all 5 hours ago, everything seems normal.
Well, welcome to the world of cuckoldry! I suppose the next move is yours. Do you tell her that you know about her meeting and it's ok - or not? Some women might be scared if they knew their secret was discovered, but hopefully you understand her well enough to know how she will react. And hopefully she will just be relieved to know that she doesn't have to sneak about anymore. Think about what you want out of the situation, too, in case she asks.

Thanks for your interesting post.

mark35hull said:
.... My wife walked right across the carpark to the area that has recycilng and as she did she burst into a little jog and ran into the arms of another man.

I was literally shell-shocked. I felt sick and exited. They kissed really passionately. He pulled off my wife's hat and ran his fingers through her hair while she held his face and neck. As they kissed her right leg bent upwards like she used to do when we kissed. After what seemed like an hour of kissing (probably 2 min.'s) they cuddled and walked to his car.

Etc. ....

What is your preferred outcome? Do you want your wife to admit to you in a factual way that she's fucking another man, and inform you, also in a factual way, she is going to continue doing that but she won't allow you to participate in any way and you can take it or leave it?

Or, would you prefer the preceding but, after your wife gives it some thought and discusses you knowing about them with her lover, informs you they've decided you can participate if you wish by (for instance) sitting in the hallway and listening while they fuck in your marital bed..?

Love the fact that you have to give your wife credit card to go shopping. Does she get an allowance too...

No its just that I normally do all the food shopping and it goes on a credit card then I pay at start of next month, if she wants something special she will ask for credit card.

mark35hull said:
I have met a younger woman recently but nothing has transpired and we have argued very badly on one occasion recently.

Do you mean you and the younger woman you met have "argued very badly," or you and your wife...?

mark35hull said:
In the past when we argued badly she would always say that she has never wanted anyone else but me but last time she just cried and told me she did not want our relationship to end.

You and the younger woman you met, or you and your wife...?

mark35hull said:
It's difficult partly because we have a son.

What's the nature of the difficulty caused by your son? If you confront your wife over her affair and point out your evidence, do you fear that will inevitably lead to divorce?

Or alternatively, do you fear your wife will demand divorce if she learns about the younger woman you met and/or your earlier "one offs" with other women?

mark35hull said:
Also, [it's difficult] because I hate myself for being so massively turned on by this. I probably had the 3 best orgasms I can remember having today just wanking over the thought of her.

Nothing wrong with that. You should feel good about discovering an aspect of your relationship with your wife that turns you on intensively. It suggests you have good potential for finding greatly-enhanced eroticism in your marriage (on a sustained basis) as your wife's cuckold, and she is capable of finding greatly-enhanced sexual satisfaction with her lover — then after him, with another lover... then with another... etc.

You have been together since your teens, and both of you have been having affairs !!!!

Stay together and talk it out together, so that she can be with her lover without guilt.
Tell her you forgive her, don't make each other feel bad.

Put more time into caring for your son, be more of a father and take a bigger interest in helping him find his way in life.

Your experience meeting other women should prove to you how easy it is to have an affair, so tell your wife that her affair is NOT going to break up your marriage - but is a chance for you both to talk freely about how to both have a good future.

She needs more sex and if you don't lust after her body any longer, OF COURSE she will look elsewhere. All her friends will be getting their pussies stroked often, so she needs that to happen also.

Tell your wife you love her, and appreciate all the years you have been together, and apologise for arguinmg with her.

Adultery is not an excuse to smash a marriage, when you have had a lot of good times together in the past.

Buy her some more red underwear, and show you understand that she needs to express her hidden desires in ways that have meaning to her.

If you don't forgive her, and let her continue with her lover, she will soon be in his bed 24/7 instead of a few times a week in his car giving him a blow job.

Age 40 is a time of mid-life crisis for both men and women, so let it be a time when you show your wife that you love her unconditionally. Forgive her, and ask about how you can help her to have a better love life. Let there be two marriages for awhile, and may the best man win.

When you argue with your wife, you actually make it harder for her to remain your wife. Don't automatically imagine you can replace her over night. Focus on the good stuff.

Bit of an undate

I have said nothing but have noticed my wifes mood has been better over the last few days. I find that I do not feel to bad, I have masturbated many times thinking about what has happened and think that maybe it might turn out to be a good thing.

Yesterday she said she was going out to do some shopping, she was planning to walk I I offered to give her a lift and she said that it was OK she would rather walk. My son said he wanted to go along too and she tried to disuade him, but he really wanted to go so we all went out. Just before we went out she decided she needed to use the toilet and I saw her take her mobile phone with her. I am pretty sure she used it to text her male friend.

Anyway today she got dressed really quickly and said she needed to go out (this is about an hour ago), again I said I would give her a lift as it is really cold and it has snowed. She said no thanks and left really quickly.

Just been upstairs and to have a rummage around and have found birth control pills in her wardrobe and a sexy underwear hidden in shoeboxes.

I am imagining them together now, they must be having unprotected sex as why eIse would she be using birth control. I feel bad but very exited.
Just got back after 3 hours out. I am imagining her having sex for 2 hours.

She made no attempt to explian where she has been, went upstairs and got changed. She went to the bacthroom and had a wash and I caught a glimpse of her washng herself. I notices she has trimmed her pussy hair at some point in the past few so its neat and not busy as it used to be. When I saw her using a flannel to wash her pussy I felt so awful inside.

She is now sat in lounge with son watching a film together. I have just checked the laundry basket and her black are panties have obvious signs of sprem in them. This wet streaks of another mans cum, the smell is over powering.

I feel dizzy, but I cannot get the immage out fo her mind. I mean she was out 3 hours, they must have been at it for at least 2! I have not had sex for that long in my life.
What we have here is a lack of communication:

Welcome to the world of Cuckoldry. Mark of course you are both excited but nervous and feel like your world is rocking. It is and you must deal with it. Based on what you have said you really don't care if she is with others, but just don't want it known. Saraha put it in a nut shell, when she said: "Adultery is not an excuse to smash a marriage, when you have had a lot of good times together in the past."

I would tell her she is hot, and lets buy you some sexy clothes, and see if I could get you young thing you met in bed. Every cuck wants a very hot well dressed woman.



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It sounds like your wife has an interesting history of fucking other men, all "without your knowledge" (or so she thinks...) (perhaps...). That's very nice. She sounds like an interesting, strongly sexual, active woman.

It also sounds like you are somewhere below average on the male sex-drive scale, while your wife is somewhere above... perhaps well above... average on the female sex-drive scale.

For a more comprehensive description of this concept (perhaps I should call it a conjecture), see my post #32 of 11 Nov. 2010, here:


It's in the thread started by "just4pleasure" on 7 Nov. 2010 in the General Cuckoldry section of this forum.

I found the basketball analogy very comforting. I agree wholehartedly with it. At first its great fun to play with someone who loves basketball, in fact they raise your game. You play basket ball every day 3 times a day. Then after a while you cut it down to once a day, once every few days. Your partner loves basket ball but its more of a "special" thing now and ... hey who still plays basket ball every day. I hear my friends tellinf me they cannot get their wife "on the court" but I know if I even suggested it a few quick hoops she would be readyt at anytime. In fact my wife told me a few weeks ago that if I ever need a quick game "I am a sure thing", "I dont even need a warm up" hoe many guys would die for a partner like that.

She had in the past told me to "use her as a cum bucket", "just stick it in me even if I am asleep"..... So she has tried to play ball. But this has made me even less likely to play. In fact I even get embarresed when its on tv.

I know its me and I do care for her deeply and in many ways we are very compatable.

Thanks for your positive feedback regarding my "conjecture:"

mark35hull said:
I found the basketball analogy very comforting. I agree wholehartedly with it. At first it's great fun to play with someone who loves basketball, in fact they raise your game. You play basket ball every day 3 times a day. Then after a while you cut it down to once a day, once every few days. Your partner loves basket ball but its more of a "special" thing now and ... hey, who still plays basket ball every day. I hear my friends telling me they cannot get their wife "on the court," but I know if I even suggested a few quick hoops she would be ready at any time. ....

I know it's me and I do care for her deeply, and in many [other] ways we are very compatible.

It's good to hear you found it helpful... particularly the basketball analogy. It seems to me my conjecture (so to speak) provides a straightforward explanation of why extra-marital affairs would be widespread, even if all the other supposedly-important "causes" one hears endlessly belabored were not present. I've received very little feedback about it from others, though.

Perhaps the value (or one value) of my "conjecture," if it's essentially right, is that it frees one from the need to feel crushed by anguish and a conviction one has failed in a profound personal sense if one's spouse is having an affair — or has had, and continues to have, many affairs — because human sexuality is not a matter of "moral strength and courage" and "fulfilling one's socially-expected obligations (or not) to one's spouse." Rather, sex is just something some are better at than others and want more of than most others, so they pursue it more vigorously.

Ergo, if your wife fucks other men and obviously wants and intends to continue doing that, there's no need to view that as a personal failure on your part and certainly not on her part. Rather, having sex frequently with a variety of other men is an integral part of your wife's persona... it's the way she is. You have a hot wife that other men respond to — a lot. You have every justification for feeling proud of her and, if you're capable of accepting this view, she should have no reason for trying to conceal her affairs from you.

But of course, social expectations mostly reflecting (to a large extent, it seems) historical Judeo-Christian religious traditions and "values" (as they're called) tend to make that easier said than done.

How would you ideally like things to play out, if it was to go perfectly for you? ie what do you want out of this?

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