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im having trouble cumming

  • Thread startercdlola
  • Start date

cdlola said:
My wife has talked about a black lover when we discussed it, but if she's to have a baby should I suggest a white man so people will think its my baby?

That would be my suggestion. It would save you and your wife, not to mention your son- or daughter-to-be, a lifetime of explanations.

cdlola said:
Or is the point that people should know it's not my baby?

What the members of this forum think about this question is of no relevance to you and your wife. This should be decided in discussions between the two of you.

cdlola said:
I ask this because I know she has a male friend who's white and single and has (in my opinion) liked my wife for a while.

Sounds like a candidate, if it should turn out your sperm count is so low there's only a low probability of you being able to impregnate your wife. You should, of course, determine whether that's the case in consultation with your doctor.

cdlola said:
I dont think she is into him from how she acts around him but maybe if my sperm count is low she will want to act quickly...

Or slowly. Your sperm count might turn out to be normal, or slightly low but not exceptionally low. If so, your wife should simply continue fucking you — and, of course, measuring her temperatures so she knows when she's most likely to be fertile each month.

cdlola said:
I'd like to know your opinions on this also.... thanks.

See above.

cdlola said:
I just had a little conversation with my wife and she told me she loves that I've been doing the house chores. She is even going to buy me a little maids outfit if she can find one in my size.

Great! That would be a very positive step for your wife to take, and for you as well. It should enable you to feel more inspired as you do your housework (IMO), and help you to maintain your view of this being your natural role in your marriage. It would also help her to recognize doing the housework as your natural and permanent role, and assist her with avoiding any backsliding, either by you or by her. I suggest encouraging your wife by asking her from time-to-time if she's made any progress finding your maid's outfit. You might suggest she google "shemale maid clothing for men." There's a lot out there for men who cross-dress and/or become attractive shemales in their own rights.

cdlola said:
My wife also said she likes making me jealous when we're out and that's why she enjoys dressing sluttier now. She says I notice guys looking at her and it makes me jealous. (That's true but I also like it.) She also notices guys checking her out (which is a good thing, I think).

Excellent! It sounds like your wife fully understands the underlying principles and value of wearing revealing clothing when she goes out. I suggest encouraging her by telling her, and also reminding her from time to time, that although it makes you slightly jealous your feelings of jealousy also cause you to feel very attracted to her. Indeed, you too get the hots for her when she wears revealing clothes that cause other men to look at her lasciviously.

I suggest giving your wife a lot of positive feedback about her wearing revealing clothing, and emphasize the positive effects on your feelings toward her when she "dresses slutty," especially when she goes out in public "dressed slutty" so other men are titillated.

thanks custer

ive been encouraging her as much as i can how much i love when she dresses sexy while were out together i told her in detail how good i think she looks i even tell her while out "hey that guy is totally checking u out", ive been trying to get her to dress this way even when im not with her but she seems hesitant to do so
as for the maids outfit i dound 1 online that i will show her tomorrow if she likes it i can order it in a few weeks
and for my sperm count i have an apointment next week to give them a sample,then i have to wait to get the results which im not sure how long that takes
She has been noticing that she turns men on, and she knows she has your permission to date other men and get pregnant by them.

It is possible that even if your sperm count is normal, that you and your wife may still want another man to get her pregnant (instead of you) - but if you choose a guy, you need to still get him to have a health check and a sperm count; and he needs to be keen to give your wife more than one baby, so all the children look the same.

If your wife gets pregnant to different guys, it will be obvious to your friends and family that she has been jumping the fence. If it happens, stick by her and those who notice will just have to "get over it".

Write a list of household chores that need doing, and get your wife to add things to the list, and even score your efforts out of ten marks for how well you have done each task. This will give you the feedback you need in your efforts to persuade her that you are fully capable of "reducing the amount of housework she needs to do". The more chores you do, the freshen her mind and body can be, and the more time she has to devote to her sexual expressions and fantasies.
thanks sahara

Saraha said:
She has been noticing that she turns men on, and she knows she has your permission to date other men and get pregnant by them.

It is possible that even if your sperm count is normal, that you and your wife may still want another man to get her pregnant (instead of you) - but if you choose a guy, you need to still get him to have a health check and a sperm count; and he needs to be keen to give your wife more than one baby, so all the children look the same.

If your wife gets pregnant to different guys, it will be obvious to your friends and family that she has been jumping the fence. If it happens, stick by her and those who notice will just have to "get over it".

Write a list of household chores that need doing, and get your wife to add things to the list, and even score your efforts out of ten marks for how well you have done each task. This will give you the feedback you need in your efforts to persuade her that you are fully capable of "reducing the amount of housework she needs to do". The more chores you do, the freshen her mind and body can be, and the more time she has to devote to her sexual expressions and fantasies.

i dont think shes gonna try to find someone until i get my results back if my count is low then i have little doubt that she will start thinking about finding someone who can make her pregnant, if my sperm is ok though im not sure if she will still want to
she will have a chance to fool around this weekend as im taking my yearly trip to see my family im leaving tonight and wont be back till sunday morning ,she has told me that she plans on going to the beach friday while im gone ,and that she is probally gonna go shopping saturday, so who knows what will happen i do know her bathing suit really shows off her full round ass and her big tits last time we went to the beach guys were checking her out alot, when she got out of the water her nipples were so hard and they stick out so much
as for the house work she has me doing about 90% of it now she tells me im doing a good job but ill suggest your idea about her scoring how i do
When scoring your household tasks, she could give you achievement colored stars like kids get at school. A wall chart could have weekly columns to put the stars on (if you meet her standards). Gold could be the best and black could be "shoddy effort".

Her mind will be ticking over, unbeknown to you, and she may even be discussing your "offers" to her closest friends (and getting their encouragement). She might even fuck a few guys as a secret trial to see if she likes doing it - and she probably won't tell you about it in the short term.

I'm glad you're getting advice from helpful people here. This is the right place to share what's on our mind.
Moving forward...


Saraha said:
If your wife is made pregnant by different men (sequentially), it will be obvious to your friends and family that she has been jumping the fence. If that happens, stick by her and those who notice will just have to "get over it."

This is good advice from Saraha.

Saraha said:
Write a list of household chores that need doing, then get your wife to add things to the list (gradually, as time passes). Your wife should then score your housework, for instance rating you 0 (very poor) to 10 (excellent) each day on your housework. This will give you the feedback you need in your efforts to persuade her that you are fully capable of "reducing the amount of housework she needs to do." The more chores you do, the fresher her mind and body will be and the more time she will be able to devote to pursuit of her sexual desires.

This too is good advice from Saraha.

I would add to her suggestions slightly by suggesting that when your wife purchases your maids uniform for you, she make a table on a standard A4 piece of paper with housework tasks listed down the left side (top to bottom) and dates listed across the top (left to right). Then, use a ruler to make vertical columns, one column per date. Also, use the ruler to make horizontal lines dividing the tasks. She will then have a table with a square corresponding to each housework task and date, with enough dates across the top for (say) one month. Then, I suggest she use a copy machine to make multiple copies of her table so she won't have to keep re-making it.

Then, I suggest your wife tape your first "task table" to her refrigerator. Then, each day as you complete each task, check it off in it's "task box." At the end of each day, I suggest your wife give you a score for all of your housework for that day (say, 0 to 10 as suggested by Saraha) at the bottom of the column for that date, or a grade (say, F [very poor] to A [excellent]) at the bottom of the column for that date.

As time passes and you become more proficient at doing your housework — and your wife should, of course, always require you to wear your maids uniform while doing your housework — your wife can add tasks at the bottom of your list on the left side. She will be able to do this easily because she will already have multiple copies of your "housework table" on hand.

At the end of each week, I suggest your wife inflict corporal punishment on you with severity depending on the quality of your housework, as evidenced by your average score or grade for the days of the preceding week, and that you accept this punishment from your wife as her rightful method (or one of her rightful methods) for ensuring you (i) continue to take your housework seriously, and (ii) continue to take seriously your need to obey her and comply with her wishes.

Somewhat later I'll have more to say on the role of corporal punishment of you by your wife in moving her forward in her efforts to become pregnant, and in motivating you to continue your subservience and compliance with her wishes and desires.

Since your wife doesn't read this forum, presumably (or maybe she does...?), you will need to take the initiative and suggest the above to her yourself. This may seem awkward, but I suggest holding your balls firmly in one hand and doing so. Sometimes it will be necessary for you to take the initiative to inspire your wife to continue moving you forward (and herself as well) in her female-led relationship (FLR) with you. I suggest this is one of those times. Remember the positive outcome when you recently took the initiative and requested an explanation from your wife of why she was not responding in positive ways to your efforts to make her life better, including by doing the housework and also by giving her sex more closely attuned to what she wants from you.

Please be sure to let us (the forum) know when your maids uniform arrives and you begin wearing it, so we will know you are more seriously taking on the role of doing your housework and pleasing your wife.


Thanks for your positive feedback.

tank_ball said:
Cdlola, I'm glad you're getting advice from helpful people here. This is the right place to share what's on our mind.

A photo of you in your maid's uniform would be most appreciated - you could put a piece of paper over your eyes in the photo so you can't be recognised (if you wish to keep your true identity secret).

Photos help us all to follow your cucking progress much more closely.
thanks for the advice

thanks for the advice everyone
i am still away but i should be back home by tonight

i will talk to her about the housework charts that were mentioned and see how she would like to do 1 ,im sure she will like the idea

she also seems to be getting more relaxed with the idea of her being the dominate role and shes getting alot of confidence lately with her appearance, she sent me this pic xxxcell1-2.JPG ,last night she decided to go out to a bar and have a drink or 2, she made sure to let me know nothing happened sexually but that she is starting to love "her new sexual look and freedom" she told me she had a very good time but wouldent get into details except to let me know that she had plenty of male attention and that she is starting to like the idea of it

also when she drove me to the airport she wore such a sexy locut top that shows off her big breasts ,it drove me crazy before i left and she knew it and loved it, i could tell she was also loving the looks she was getting from other men in the store we stopped at and the airport

thats all i can think of right now ,i should be home by 7pm (eastern) time tonight again thanks for all your advice
cdlola have you given this a thought

I had the same problem, I got hard, she fucked me to her completion, but I was not done, when I was 20 I suffered from premature ejeckulation, later it was the oppisite. I found I like men better than women. You may have told us somewhere what your sexual habits with your wife were, but if so I missed it. Do you prefer a blow job, to fucking her pussy? I bet you dol

Kisses and sweet dreams.

Thanks for the photo of your wife in her hot dress. She looks good.

Regarding Saraha's suggestion:

Saraha said:
A photo of you in your maid's uniform would be most appreciated - you could put a piece of paper over your eyes in the photo so you can't be recognised (if you wish to keep your true identity secret). Photos help us all to follow your cucking progress much more closely.

I second the motion.

cdlola said:
I will talk to my wife about the housework charts that were mentioned and see how she would like to do 1 , I'm sure she will like the idea.

Sounds good.

cdlola said:
She also seems to be getting more relaxed with the idea of her being in the dominate role, and she's getting a lot of confidence lately with her appearance.

Also good. Your wife becoming comfortable with being the dominant partner in her marriage to you (and, by implication, you being the submissive partner) is very positive. Also, gaining confidence in her appearance is essential and positive.

cdlola said:
Last night she decided to go out to a bar and have a drink or 2, ...

That's even more positive. Your wife feeling free to go out to a bar on her own is a big step.

cdlola said:
... although she made sure to let me know nothing happened sexually.

That's OK. Your wife's acceptance of the idea that it was OK to do that and a good thing to tell you about it afterwards is a really important step at this point, as I mentioned.

cdlola said:
She is starting to love her "new sexual look and freedom." She told me she had a very good time, but wouldn't go into details except to let me know she had plenty of male attention and she is starting to like the idea of it.

This too is important and positive; i.e., your wife being fully aware that men look at her and pay attention to her when she dresses sexy, and liking that. You might consider giving her some additional positive reinforcement by mentioning that seeming sexy and attractive to men is mostly a matter of being self-confident, openly being willing to talk with them (while making eye contact, smiling and laughing at their attempted jokes), all of which amounts to be willing to flirt openly, while wearing revealing clothes. By contrast, seeming to lack self-confidence is something of turn-off for most men (IMO). Thus, you might point out to your wife, perhaps with a conspiratorial smile and a "twinkle" in your eye, that she's doing well respect to these things.

You might also encourage your wife to continue her weight-loss program and give her positive reinforcement for eating less while eating healthy. If she's lost 20-25 pounds that's very impressive; let her know, from time to time, how much better she looks. From her photo, I would say she needs to continue this effort. Perhaps it will motivate her if you mention, on occasion, the more she loses the better she looks — and in addition (this is important), losing excess weight may assist her with getting pregnant.

cdlola said:
Also, when my wife drove me to the airport she wore a sexy low-cut top that showed off her big breasts. It drove me crazy before I left and she knew it and loved it. I could tell she was also loving the looks she got from other men in a store we stopped at and at the airport.

Excellent! It's very good that your wife is now dressing sexy for routine activities like taking you to the airport.

cdlola said:
That's all I can think of right now. I should be home by 7 pm EST tonight. Again, thanks for all your advice.

You're welcome. It sounds like you and your wife are doing well, after your earlier posts to the effect that it seemed like your relationship was going downhill. Will look forward to continued updates.

ok if she does get me the maids outfit i will post a pic for u to see
she picked me up at the airport tonight she had on a tiny white skirt w/a red lace thong on and she had her red n black corset on which she knows drives me wild (it also seemed to drive some of the guys walking in and near the airport wild) she was enjoying the looks and even a few whistles and comments from guys(i was surprised i was with her and they still commented) when we got home she had me do some of my chores then rub her feet now shes relaxing in the bath for a while ,im amazed how much shes allready getting into this
little update

i was talking to my wife last night once i got settled in and we got to talking about what she did while i was gone and she showed me this pic Picture 525.jpg and tole me she also went out saturday night but this time she went to a club/bar about 45 min away from where we live where its a much more mixed crowd she told me that when she went out friday night she had fun but there werent alot of people at the local bar, and that where she went saturday night was pretty crowded and she mentioned that there was alot of black men there and that she danced with alot of them and she said how surprised at how grabby and feely they were with her, i asked her what did she mean and she told me that most of the guys she danced with had their hands all over her, she said it surprised her but she kinda liked it, she also mentioned that she "knew and could feel" that some of them were excited by dancing with her, she told me nothing really happened though cause she didnt want it to ,"that she was just seeing how it was out there"

Thanks for the update and the new photo of your wife.

cdlola said:
My wife picked me up at the airport tonight she had on a tiny white skirt w/a red lace thong on and she had her red and black corset on which she knows drives me wild (it also seemed to drive some of the guys walking in and near the airport wild)...


cdlola said:
When we got home she had me do some of my chores then rub her feet ...

Very good...

cdlola said:
I'm amazed how much she's already getting into this.


cdlola said:
... My wife also [told me she] went out Saturday night but this time to a club/bar about 45 min away from where we live, where its a much more mixed crowd. There were a lot of black men there and she danced with a lot of them; she said she was surprised at how grabby and feely they were with her. I asked her what she meant by that; she told me most of the guys she danced with had their hands all over her; she said it surprised her but she kinda liked it.

It's very cool your wife felt free to go out to a mixed club alone and dance with black men, and very cool they felt free to feel her up on the dance floor and she could feel their erections in some cases and found she liked all that, and also very promising she felt free to tell you about it. It sounds like a big step forward for your wife, IMO. She is making very good progress and you are too.

how do u think i should procede from here im kinda excited and nervous how fast shes moving, should i just keep quiet and see what happens?, should i encourage her to go out again this weekend?
i wonder what shes thinking of how her weekend out was?
small update

today my wife and i went to do a little shopping at the mall, she wore her tight locut flowered top and her short white skirt with her knee high black leather boots, and her makeup looking really slutty ,she was looking real good
when we get to the mall she tells me to stay in the car that she wont be long that she is just gonna pick up a few things
2 hours later she comes out with a few bags of mostly sexy panties and bras and a sexy new dress
i loved that she was in there without me ,knowing how good she looked and al the guys i seen walking around i can only imagine how many stared at her ,if any talked to her if she flirted with any of them the thought had me hard the whole time
then we stopped for a guick lunch then went home it was a fun day

i went to take my fertility test earlier today but it was rescheduled for monday :mad: so ill let u know how that goes next week
sorry to repost this question but where should i go from here ,shes dressing very sexy ,slutty even,and shes noticing men noticing her , should i just keep quiet and let nature take its cource ? should i try and push her a bit? should i try subtle hints ?i read on a post on here somewhere that i should try to introduce her to porn, start off with some mild stuff then bring in interracial ones and mention "wow she looks like shes loving that bbc" stuff like that
any advice would be greatly appreciated

cdlola said:
I went to take my fertility test earlier today but it was rescheduled for monday. :mad: So, I'll let u know how that goes next week.


cdlola said:
Sorry to repost this question, but where should I go from here? .... etc ....

Be patient... you need to wait until you have the results of your sperm count in hand. Meanwhile, you might start talking with your wife about the problem of what to do if it turns out your sperm count is so low you're unlikely to be able to make her pregnant. Keeping in mind, that is, you don't know that will be the case. It might turn out to be normal.

You might also begin discussing with your wife the possibility of a random black man making her pregnant, if she goes out to bars in the future by herself, dressed sexy, like she did when you were out of town. Since she found she likes dancing with black men (nothing wrong with that), her mixed bar ventures could lead to her fucking one or more of them. If she is also not using birth control because she wants to become pregnant, that (obviously) could result in pregnancy. I suggest discussing this risk with her, in a low key way, to get a reading on how she feels about it.

Another problem (not quite the same) to begin discussing with your wife — not in a tense angry way, but in a normal and reasonable way — would be: if it turns out your sperm count is too low to make her pregnant, how does she want to become pregnant? By artificial insemination? By a white lover both of you agree on (assuming he also agrees)? By a black lover both of you agree on (if he also agrees)? By a lover of some other race both of you agree on (if he's also agreeable)?

If talking about this problem seems to make your wife tense and uncomfortable, I suggest backing off and concluding the conversation with something like: "Well, maybe we could talk further about this some other time."

Custer Laststand said:


Be patient... you need to wait until you have the results of your sperm count in hand. Meanwhile, you might start talking with your wife about the problem of what to do if it turns out your sperm count is so low you're unlikely to be able to make her pregnant. Keeping in mind, that is, you don't know that will be the case. It might turn out to be normal.

You might also begin discussing with your wife the possibility of a random black man making her pregnant, if she goes out to bars in the future by herself, dressed sexy, like she did when you were out of town. Since she found she likes dancing with black men (nothing wrong with that), her mixed bar ventures could lead to her fucking one or more of them. If she is also not using birth control because she wants to become pregnant, that (obviously) could result in pregnancy. I suggest discussing this risk with her, in a low key way, to get a reading on how she feels about it.

Another problem (not quite the same) to begin discussing with your wife — not in a tense angry way, but in a normal and reasonable way — would be: if it turns out your sperm count is too low to make her pregnant, how does she want to become pregnant? By artificial insemination? By a white lover both of you agree on (assuming he also agrees)? By a black lover both of you agree on (if he also agrees)? By a lover of some other race both of you agree on (if he's also agreeable)?

If talking about this problem seems to make your wife tense and uncomfortable, I suggest backing off and concluding the conversation with something like: "Well, maybe we could talk further about this some other time."


she has told me that she just danced with the men at the bars, she knows that she most likely could have slept with most of them,she told me some even openly asked her(which was a surprise to me) she said she doesent want to sleep with anyone else but me
i still dont know if shes just telling me this cause shes afraid we will argue about it or she doesent really want to( i think she does she was so into it when we talked about it) i guess ill have to be patient but its so hard not knowing i wish if she was gonna that she would tell me already (i know it can take years sometimes) im so anxious not knowing, i dont even know if shes really enjoying sex with me anymore, or if she is enjoying it is it cause shes thinking of other men while with me, i quess i just wish there was some way of speeding up her decision and knowing
i almost forgot to mention that shes out right now at the bar she wore the new corset dress i bought her ,she modeled it for me before she left and she looked so good ,i took a pic of it ill try to post it tomorrow and let u know what she says when she gets home later tonight

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