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Lilly at the all black ABS, part 1

  • Thread starterwillypeter
  • Start date


When my wife and I were first dating, I suspected that she had had an active sexual past, but I couldn't pin her down. Like most women she didn't like to talk about her past lovers, and like most men, I was curious. Of course, in my case, I was curious in a very lascivious way in that I was dying to see her fuck other men. We were in that feeling out stage where neither of us was confident enough in the other's reaction to just come out with it. She was such a good-looking hot bodied woman that it was impossible to think of her without sexual connotations. I saw it in the way she dressed, flirted, and the constant attention and reactions of other men from 13 to 80. Lilly was a bombshell, and though she tried to play demure during our courtship, I suspected that she had a pretty promiscuous past in college and the dating scene. Hell, it was the early 70s and the sexual revolution was in full swing, AIDS and Herpes were unheard of, most women were on the pill, and the worst that could happen was that someone got a disease they could cure with a few injections in two weeks. Oh, the good old days.​
We were living in Miami where I was the youngest corporate VP in my company at 29, and Lilly was a paralegal in a up and coming law firm. Even in professional dress there was no hiding her assets. She had a beautiful face, long brown hair, big perky tits, a small waist, a delectable ass, and legs all the way to heaven. If she even half way tried to dress sexy, she could stop traffic downtown when we went clubbing at night, and on the beach, forget about it. She stole the show. To my way of thinking, she was way too much woman for one man to hoard, and though she seemed pleased and entertained enough by me in those early days, I sensed that she'd had much better than me in her past and sometimes missed it. I dreaded the day when she finally spilled the beans and told me I wasn't doing it for her anymore, but I hoped I could head that day off by letting her fuck other men, something I secretly longed for.​
Lilly was from Chicago and had gone to college at the University of Alabama, a choice I could never understand.....until later. You guessed it. Lilly had a thing for black men and not just any black men. She had a real Mandingo fantasy going since her teenage masturbation years, and some ghetto Chicago hoodlum had cashed in on it before she was 16, fucking her silly in his ghetto crib regularly. Unfortunately, he'd knocked her up, too, and she'd had a black baby at 16. Her parents insisted she put it up for adoption, and she acquiesced and broke off with the father, but the die was cast. I was merely one of many attempts she'd made to go white since, and I wasn't doing any better than the others. Outwardly, things were fine. We were a handsome, in demand couple, and she was a local hottie who all of our male friends lusted after. It was sometimes so obvious that it was impossible to ignore, and all of this finally came out after a party at our apartment one night when one of the lawyers in her firm attempted to grope her in the kitchen. I threw him out, and it sort of killed what was left of the party. When everyone was gone, we were left alone in the living room, at least two sheets to the wind, and she broke down crying and apologizing for the lawyer's behavior.​
I consoled her by telling her he was only doing what every man who looked at her felt like doing, and I didn't really know how she put up with it as well as she did. She cried even harder, saying, “I know. I know. Men take one look at me and see a fuck hole, not a woman. It's been that way since I grew boobs!” There was no consoling her now. She was on a roll. I held her and let her sob, but she surprised me by suddenly straightening up and saying, “You know, Jim, sometimes it's just too fucking much. Sometimes I'd just like to be the ***** everyone already thinks I am and fuck every man who makes a pass at me.” My dick immediately went bone hard, and I stammered without answering. It must have been a comical reaction, because she began to laugh at my expression. Then she saw the bulge in my pants. She reached down and grabbed it and said, “Oh my God, what happened to little Willy?” We both laughed then, and the door of opportunity flew wide open. I stepped through it and never came back. It all came flooding out of me, how I'd dreamed and jacked off thinking about other men using that amazing body of hers and how the reaction of little Willy was completely involuntary on my part. She now had not so little Willy out and was stroking him as she listened. I went on and on, about how I wanted my first girlfriend to fuck the star black halfback on our high school football team and how I had no idea where these thoughts came from or why but they were as much a part of me as little Willy. The black halfback got her, and she started stroking harder. Finally, she said, “I believe you, Jim. I can see how it affects you. This unhappy party may be the happiest moment of our lives if we can trust each other. Can I trust you not to leave me if I tell you the truth about me?” I said she certainly could if she wasn't going to leave me after what I'd just said. She smiled and melted my heart. “Leave?” she asked. “Honey, we're just getting started.” And she told me all about her black man fantasy, her black son in Chicago, and her many black lovers in Alabama, where she was known, she said, as a black cock slut, a label she took pride in. She'd tried to go white, she said, but she found the white men at her law firm and around Miami annoying as hell. They were so fawning and lame about seduction while black men just came up and took what they wanted from hot white girls like her. She'd known since junior high, she said, that she wanted to fuck black men and black men only. She said she'd known there was something different about me, but she hadn't been able to pin point it until tonight. It was the same for me. We had the potential of being a match made in heaven. She needed a white husband for her family's sake, but she'd never dreamed that she would find one who would let her indulge her insatiable appetite for black men on the sly. I never dreamed I'd find a woman who would understand my darkest desires and indulge me in them.​
Why no comments?

I notice that 155 people have read this post since I first put it up two days ago, yet no one has commented. More than 250 have read another post I put up several days ago, and no one has commented on that one, either.

Listen, it's a lot of work to write and post these stories for everyone's enjoyment, but from a writer's point of view, it's not worth it when one has no feedback at all from the readers. It only takes a second to make a comment and let me know how I'm doing, whether you enjoy my posts or hate them, and if the members of this forum aren't willing to do that, why should I keep posting my stories? I'm not just bitching on my behalf; I think most of the people who take the time to post stories and tales of their sexual exploits would like to hear how they're being received. It's a simple courtesy, and I, for one, would really appreciate some feedback. Thanks.
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Sorry Willy, I only comment on a few of the threads or I would be here 24/7. Your story has potential but so far has not hit any of my hot buttons. Perhaps when you get to the action you will get more responses.
No I love the set up....thanks for fleshing out the background something that makes a story far more enjoyable. Looking forward to how this turns out and hearing about the exploits of the wife.

Thanks and please continue.
MacNfries said:
willypeter, man, if you're looking to get your EGO stroked, you've come to the wrong place. You're more likely to get your own dick stroked before you get overwhelming response. I post pics and stuff regularly, that I think the forum participates will like, and get maybe a few compliments or thanks from a few of them ... you gotta understand, there' are a lot of "drive bys" that come in, check out what's here and move on to their other 100+ sites.
So, THANKS for your contribution, by the way ... that was good. Look forward to the continued story, and seeing more of your stuff. Good "jerking off" material ... lol Mac


oh please Herr Fried .............what about that long wet hot cyber
blowjob i gave you? ( how quickly they 4get ) :p
Thanks for the responses.

I feel better knowing someone is reading them. Part 2 coming up. Thanks again.
Lilly, part 2

So after the most torrid fuck of our lives, there was only one thing left to do: plan our future. I wanted her to go fuck somebody, anybody immediately and come back and tell me all the sordid details, but she was reluctant to do so in Miami, she said. We both had careers that could be fucked up by such indiscretion, but now that it was out in the open between us, she promised me that she'd fuck so many men I'd be sorry I'd allowed her to. “I'm taking a big chance here, Jim, but you have no idea what a wanton slut I've always wanted to be. If you're really turned on by my fucking other men, I'm going to make you the happiest man in Miami because I'm going to fuck more guys than the biggest ***** in town. In fact, I want to be the biggest ***** in town!”​
Her sister was getting married in Chicago the following week, and she was scheduled to fly up the day before the wedding, but she was terrified of flying. She made me a deal I couldn't refuse. If I would buy her a train ticket with a sleeper car, she would fuck her way to Chicago and fuck her way back. My dick went ballistic. Later, we refined the plan slightly. Neither of us had ever been to Disney World, and she suggested that she only take the train back as far as Orlando, and I drive up and pick her up and we do a few days in Orlando, where we could be as crazy as we wanted to be. She also promised to keep a diary of her exploits on the train and share it with me in our Orlando hotel. My dick exploded again.​
She left two days later and called me two days after that from her parents house in Chicago to tell me she had some really good stories to share of her train ride. She couldn't talk too openly or too long, but when I pushed her for some crumbs for the starving, she said, “Crumbs, hell. How about seven horny young sailors on their way to boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Base fucking me one after another in my sleeper for a whole day?” Then she hung up. I practically jacked myself to death that night. I spent that week buying her sexy clothes and lingerie and dreaming up my ace fantasies. At the top of that list was a visit to an all black adult bookstore, and I drove to Orlando a day early just to find one. I found several, one pretty close to the train station and scouted it out. It was in a bad section of town, but I'd rented a car for the drive just to have some anonymity, and when I went in around noon, there were several older black men in the store section and a few younger black men back in the booth section. There were no glory holes I could find, but the booths were large with cushioned benches and plenty of room for fucking. While I was checking them out, a white businessman in his 40s came in nervously, went into a booth and left the door cracked. Within minutes, a hugely hung young black man had him bent over fucking him, and the guy left ten minutes later with a strange look on his face. I went back out to the counter and asked the old man there if white women or married couples ever came into the theater. He said he's never seen a white woman or a couple there, but if one were to show up, he'd let them in free just to see what happened. I took a deep breath and pulled out a nude spread legged picture of Lilly we'd made recently and told the old man I intended to bring her there that night to see how many black men she could fuck. He took one look at Lilly and said, “You best not do that, son. Woman like that cause a damned riot at night. Bring her here in the afternoon, and I'll lock the door and let her fuck all she wants to but I won't let none of them young bucks out to go get they friends. If they does, you be in big trouble. They fuck a woman like that to death.”​
So I picked up Lilly at the platform at 3:00 pm, and she put on quite a show for me by stopping and planting a big kiss on a black conductor as he helped her off the train. She was walking a little bowlegged, too, I noticed, and nearly all of the black men were smiling at her. When we got to the car, she pulled up her dress to show me a red cum-filled pussy and no panties.​
“Christ, I've been fucking non-stop since Chicago, Jim, and I'm still horny as hell. I fucked nine men going up, four men in Chicago, and 13 men coming home. How many is that?”​
“Twenty six,” I said quickly.​
“And how many do you think were white?” she asked.​
“Twenty,” I said.​
“Four,” she answered. My dick went ballistic again.​
“Are you really still horny?”​
“Seriously horny, honey. You may have opened Pandora's box. Something is seriously wrong with me. I want to fuck every man I see. I must have kept it bottled up too long or something.”​
I handed her a dress I picked out for her to wear around Orlando. It was a thin cotton smock of an Indian print, very cool with spaghetti straps and pleated tits. The rest of it was almost totally transparent in sunlight. I also handed her some new platform sandals with very high heels. I thought we'd go to the room I'd rented and she could shower and change, then we'd go to the ABS, but she had different ideas. She stepped out of the rental and stripped naked standing in the now deserted Amtrak parking lot, then put on the dress and sandals and asked, “Where are we going?” With the sun shining behind her, I could clearly see her pubic hair and long legs through the dress, and she liked the effect, too.​
“This is like walking around naked,” she said. “I like it.”​
When we pulled into the seedy parking lot of the black theater, Lilly looked at me and said, “Oh my God. Do you know how many times I've wanted to go into a place like this naked and fuck everyone inside?”​
“Well here's you chance,” I said, and before I could say another word, Lilly opened the door and started striding boldly across the parking lot. In that bright afternoon sun, she was naked as a jaybird for all practical effects, and two teenage black boys riding low rider bicycles, threw down their rides and followed her into the place. I had to trot across the parking lot to catch up, and when I got in Lilly was already standing by the play list for the peeps, looking at the titles while a crowd of maybe 5 or 6 young black men crowded in behind her. Lilly was letting them bump and jostle her already and pushing her near naked ass back against their crotches. I looked at the old man at the counter and nodded. He went over and locked the front door and called me to the counter. He handed me a stack of tokens and told me to be careful. When I went back to the peeps, Lilly was walking naked down the dark corridor with a strong teenage black man. He had his hand on her ass, and she was sashaying it for the crowd behind her.
MacNfries said:
dukie ... you're such a SLUT!


men!! they're all alike AFTER you give them what they want
they call you names :mad:
Holy crap that story is soo hot I have a raging boner reading that. Do share with us the rest of what happened at the theater!!!
Lilly, part 3

My dick practically jumped out of my pants, but before I could follow her entourage down the corridor, the old man called me back over.

“They's four or five older men in the theater, and maybe 8 or 10 young bucks in the peeps. She can fuck 'em all for as long as she wants but when I unlock this front door, you best get her ass out of here and don't come back.” I agreed and went looking for Lilly, and by the time I got to the booth he'd taken her to, all ten of the young black men were crowded around the open door. Lilly was already naked and spreadeagled on the bench, playing with her wet pussy and putting on a show fo the crowd, all of which had out their fine young black dicks and were stroking them. The top dog was taking off his pants and a monstrous black snake popped out, so large that Lilly gasped when she saw it. I eased past the crowd and stepped in behind the guy, and Lilly said, “This is my husband, guys, and he likes to watch me fuck black men. Let's give him a show.” She leaned forward and began to suck the monster cock and the guy looked over at me and said, “You really going to let us fuck her, mister?” I nodded, speechless, and he pulled out of her mouth and drove it into her wet sloppy pussy in one stroke. Lilly came immediately, and the show was on and on and on. She fucked and sucked 10 guys as often as they liked for the next four hours, and the owner kept his word to keep the doors locked. Lilly walked around the place naked except for those sexy high heeled sandals, which made her ass and legs look unbelievably good.
She went and got several Cokes from the machine when she needed a break, blew the owner behind the counter, and went into the theater and took care of everyone there. Around 7:30 the owner called me over and said it was time to get her out of there before the evening crowd showed up and started trouble. I went and told Lilly we needed to go, but she was reluctant. “There's never trouble when a girl like me is giving everyone whatever they want, Jim. Let's stay and see what happens. I might set a record of some kind. It's only 7:30, and I've already fucked 16 men in here plus another 7 on the train since midnight last night. I'd like to at least do 25 or 30, hell, I'd like to do 50! We may never get a set up this easy again. What do you think? ”​
I told her we could come back as often as she liked, and the owner would be happy to have us there all day the next day, but he thought it was too bad a neighborhood to be in after dark with a woman like her. She finally agreed, but not before telling the first guy who fucked her, the obvious top dog (he'd fucked her three more times already, and he was by far the most virile and best hung of the lot) that we'd be back in the parking lot at 10 that night and she'd fuck anyone who wanted her. He split out the door like a scalded cat when the owner unlocked it, as did the boys on the bikes. I knew they were rounding up friends and telling the unbelievable tale of a hot white married woman taking on all comers in a shitty little bookstore, but Lilly had left her sunglasses someplace and refused to leave until she found them. By the time we got outside, it was darkening, and an ugly little crowd of black toughs was gathered around our car. I think she finally caught on to the danger by just looking at them, and I sure as hell did. In fact, I don't think we'd have gotten out of there except for the owner. As I unlocked the car, several of the bolder gang bangers threw Lilly up against the passenger door and began to feel her up and roughly finger fuck her. She was genuinely scared by then, but she remained cool, telling them we were just going to get something to eat, then coming back at 10 and fuck anyone who wanted to.​
“Fuck that, bitch!” the leader said. “We here now and we wants some pussy.!” He had two fingers up her cunt and her dress up over her boobs and was bending her back over the hood when the owner charged out with a crowbar in his hands, yelling at the gang banger to let her go and for Lilly to get in the car. The guy stopped long enough for Lilly to jump in and I hit the gas, dragging a couple of black boys who were holding on to the door handles across the gravel parking lot. It was close, way too close for me, but when I looked over at Lilly she was beaming.​
“That was the most exciting damned thing I ever did in my life, Jim! Jesus that was fun. I'm going to fuck every nigger in Orlando this weekend!”​
The door was open wider than I could ever have hoped, and it didn't close until the fear of AIDS slowed Lilly down in the early 80s, but by then considerably more than a thousand men had had their way with my darling Lilly girl, and she'd taken on all comers in theaters from Key West to Tallahassee and was a regular in the seedy theaters of Tamiami Trail, where we went several times a month. She was also a gang bang queen on nude beaches on both coasts, numerous campgrounds during spring break, and set an all-time personal record in Jamaica of 44 black men in one night at a resort on Runaway Bay. There'll never be another girl like Lilly.​
Coming next: the best cuckold wedding I could arrange. Lilly on our wedding night.
Lilly, part 4

After our close call at that black ABS, we both agreed not to go back there, but Lilly was seriously in heat, and there was no question of her slowing down now that she had the reins. I had booked us into a luxury suite in a fancy hotel near Disney World, and we went back there and cleaned up, then had dinner at an expensive restaurant on site. She was wearing a black Chanel mini dress with nothing under it and 4” black pumps. Men all over the restaurant stole glances at her and smiled every time she looked up. When the champagne arrived she reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

“Jim, you have no idea what you've done for me. I'm such a fucking *****. It's all I ever wanted to be. Really, I'm serious. My teenage fantasy was to find a black pimp and become his top ho on the streets of Chicago. I masturbated a thousand times to that fantasy, but by the time I hooked up with Elmore we knew my father would kill both of us if he turned me out.”

“A smart girl like you want to be a common street ho?” I asked.

“Hey, smart girls are hornier than dumb girls, Jim. Now I know that what I really wanted was just to fuck indiscriminately and often. I realized that on the train on the way up. When one of those sailor boys started hitting on me in the dining car, it was the most liberating moment of my life to be able to just say, finally, that I'd be happy to fuck him and all of his friends in my sleeper. Suddenly I had the means and the permission to do what I'd always wanted to do, and when I did it, things changed for me. I hope it's not going to be a problem for us, because I feel like I'm just getting started, like the way I've been fucking strangers for the last week or so is exactly like I always wanted to do things, like I'm finally getting all the sex I want for a change. Are you really going to let me keep this up?”

She looked so earnest that I wanted to laugh, because my dick was trying to rip its way out of my underwear under the table. I was smiling ear to ear. Christ, what a situation. We'd both gone from bottled up, sexually frustrated singles to a wildly liberated couple in less than two weeks, and looking at her and looking around the dining room, I realized that I was looking at a woman in her sexual prime, a woman who could have any man she wanted with a simple smile.

“Every man in this room wants to fuck you right now,” I said. “Do you realize what kind of power that gives you?”

“Of course I do, Jimmy. I've realized what kind of power tits and pussy have since I was 12 years old and these things began to pop up on my chest and hair began to grow between my legs. I couldn't keep my hands away from that wetness, and the more I masturbated, the more men seemed to check me out. I even caught my father and uncles looking at me differently, and it's scary as hell when your hormones are popping and your body is budding but you still have the mind of a little girl. I didn't know about fucking, yet, but I knew some kind of crazy itch was building in me and it wasn't an itch I could scratch with my hands. Little girls call it love. Big girls know it's lust, but it's not about understanding the power of pussy, it's about having the safety to act on it. You're that safety, Jim, and I'll love you forever for letting me act out my lust and give away freely what every man I meet wants from me anyway. Look at me. Did you ever see a woman better designed to be a slut than me?”

I was speechless again. Finally, I recovered enough to ask, “So where do we go from here, Lilly?”

She squeezed my hand hard and said, “Anywhere you want, Jimmy. Anywhere, anything, anybody, any time. You dream it up and I'll do it. That's a promise!”

“Even in Miami? Even at home?” I asked.

“Fuck Miami!” she said. “I've been thinking about that for a week now. I want to quit my job and fuck around full time. Do you think you can support us if I do that? If I'm not working and trying to build a career, I can make a career out of fucking strangers and acting out our fantasies. And you have to admit that Miami is a pretty sexy place to get fucked if a girl isn't worried about her professional reputation. We could move to an apartment overlooking Miami Beach, and I could spend my days picking up guys on the beach and fucking them in our bed. What do you think?”

My dick was doing jumping jacks.

“Hell, yeah. Of course I can support us. I never liked you working with those lame ass lawyers, anyway. If you want to fuck around full time, I'll be the happiest god damn working man in Miami. In fact, if you were to fuck a couple of my bosses, I could probably be a senior VP by year's end, and we'd be making more than you and I are right now, anyway.”

She smiled and squeezed my hand again. “There's one thing we haven't discussed. I want to get married as soon as I quit my job. I'll give two weeks notice when I get back, so that gives you less than three weeks to plan our wedding.”

“You want me to plan our wedding?”

“Sure. I bet you have some wicked ideas of what a wedding for a couple like us should be like, don't you? If you don't, I do. Especially the honeymoon!”

Her twisted smile was infectious.

“Goddamn right I do,” I said. Ideas were already popping up.

“So did you just propose to me?” she asked.

I thought about it a minute and said I would propose after she met certain conditions. It was time to have some more fun. She asked what the conditions were.

“Are you fucked out for the day or do you still have some energy left?”

She smiled.

“One of my redneck lovers in Alabama.....yes I did fuck some white boys...I like those rawboned country boys....anyway this big ol' country boy with a big ol' white dick once told me something that cracked me up after I'd fucked him dry for a whole weekend. He said, 'Darlin' the next pair of cowboy boots I buy is gonna be made out of pussy. I swear a man can't wear that shit out.'”

We both laughed. “I take that as a yes, you still have some juices left.”

“More than that, Jim. I'm horny as hell, and this atmosphere and this dress makes me feel like a high class *********. Why don't we retire to the bar and have a drink, then you leave me there and go up to the room and I'll see what kind of trouble I can get into. I've been flashing my pussy under the table to that handsome guy with the prissy blond over there for the last half hour. Let's see if I can get him in the mens room for a quick fuck.”

“You feel safe doing that?”

“Jim! I just fucked 16 black men in the dirtiest goddamn adult theater in town, and you're asking me if I feel safe fucking around in a luxury hotel? Of course I do. I also feel very wet between my legs and horny as hell. Let's do it. But wait! What are the conditions I have to meet to get proposed to?”

“We have four days left in Orlando. I want you to fuck 50 men in this hotel in the next 48 hours. Then I want to take you to different adult theaters around town the next two days and watch you fuck another 50 men. If you've fucked 100 men when we're ready to drive back to Miami, I'll take you to the jeweler of your choice and buy you the biggest goddamn rock you can handle!”

It was Lilly's turn to smile ear to ear.

I signed for the bill with our room number, and when the Cuban waiter sneaked a glance at Lilly's tits as he picked up the bill, she smiled at him and asked him what room number I'd written on the bill.

“Room 1124, madame.”

“Remember that room number Claudio.”

“Of course, madame, “ he said. “Why?”

“Because I want you to tell every man under 40 who works in this hotel that I'm going to be naked in that suite all night and for the next two days fucking anyone who knocks on the door, starting with you Claudio. Would you like to fuck me?”

Claudio blushed crimson and asked what time.

“In about an hour, Claudio. Will you be off by then?”

“Yes, madame. Shall I bring friends?”

“Bring the whole wait staff, the kitchen staff, and any of these horny customers who keep staring at me. I want to see how many men I can fuck tonight. Can you arrange that, Claudio?”

“I will certainly try, madame. Thank you.”

With that Lilly looked over at the handsome man sitting across from her behind my back and subtly tossed her head toward the rest rooms, then got up and sashayed across the dining room while I retired to the bar. Within seconds, the man excused himself from his girlfriend and headed for the rest rooms. I saw Lilly meet him outside the mens room, and put his hand up her mini dress, then drag him into the mens room. I thought of going to the bar, but this was too good to miss. Instead, I headed for the mens room and walked inside. They were apparently already inside a stall, but there were two guys standing at the urinals still shocked by whatever they'd seen before I came in. I unzipped at a urinal and pulled my hard meat out. Fortunately, there were privacy barriers between the urinals so the other two couldn't see my hard-on.

“Jesus Christ! Was she pulling him by his dick?” one asked the other.

I interjected myself, seeing an opportunity. “There's a woman in here?”

Lilly's moans answered me, and I played dumb. “Jesus Christ, is she fucking someone in there?”

Both guys were now stroking as hard as I was listening to Lilly cum. In a few seconds we heard the guy coming, and a few seconds after that, he came out zipping up and smiling and walked past us to the sinks.

“She's still in there, and she wants more,” he said. “You won't get many chances like this, boys. She's fucking crazy hot!”

One of the guys almost sprinted down to the end stall and stepped in with his dick in his hand. The other guy and I waited and a lot of groaning and grunting and a few minutes later he came out smiling.

“Next!” I heard my lovely girl say, and the guy beside me headed for the stall.
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Lilly, part 5

I immediately headed for the bar to see if I could drum up some more business for Lilly. I could hear them fucking as I walked out, and a tall black guy was walking in.

“This is your lucky day, friend!” I said to him. He looked down at me like I was a worm in his salad.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. Go on in. You'll find out soon enough!”

I walked into the bar and immediately knew that we had hit the pussy lotto. There were two tables full of boisterous, well dressed twenty something black men who had not been in the bar earlier. They looked like young professional men, maybe part of an evening basketball league or something. I counted six at one table and eight at another. One chair was empty at the smaller table, and I surmised that the tall guy was its occupant. I debated whether to just let things happen or to try and keep guys heading to the restrooms. I decided to see what happened, and after what seemed like 20 minutes, but was probably only 5 or so, the tall guy came back smiling and immediately began to whisper to his friends. Soon both tables were crowded together listening to him whisper. I heard one “bullshit!” then the guy who said it got up and headed for the rest room. I looked that way and a bald white man was coming out, also smiling. The black guy was only gone maybe 2 minutes when there was a sudden rush to the rest room by the remaining guys. Jesus, my dick was bursting. I did some quick calculations. The tall guy was number four, the bald white guy number five, and fourteen more guys had just headed that way. Soon the bartender and barmaid were whispering, and the bartender headed that way. That would make 20, and she wasn't due to meet Claudio for another 30 minutes. What had she told me? Seven on the train since midnight, sixteen in the ABS, now 20 in the rest room of a fancy restaurant and it wasn't quite eleven yet? That's 43 guys in 23 hours if all these guys nail her, and 20 out of the 100 she needed to get an engagement ring. I couldn't stop smiling and surreptitiously rubbing my dick. Soon the black guys began to drift back in laughing and high fiving, then the bartender came back to the bar where I was sitting.

“Did you get any?” I asked him.

“No, but I'm going up to her room after I get off at midnight. Hey, weren't you sitting with her at dinner earlier?” he asked.

“Yep, she's my girlfriend,” I said. “Soon to be my wife.”

He looked at me incredulously for a minute. “So what's up with her fucking everybody?

“She's a fucking nympho, man. I can't keep up with her, so I let her do her thing? Would you try to satisfy a woman like that by yourself?”

“But, man, she looks like a rich chick, like some millionaire's trophy wife or something. She doesn't have to fuck guys in toilet stalls to get laid does she?”

“She gets off on it, man. She has a slut fetish or something. Don't look a gift pussy between the lips. She loves it, I'm fine with it. Enjoy it!”

He pushed my drink onto the bar and said it was on the house. In fact, he said, all our drinks and meals would most certainly be on the house for the rest of our stay if she was really planning to fuck the entire staff that night. I assured him she meant to do exactly that. In a minute he came back and slipped a wax paper wrapper under my hand on the bar.

“The waiters took up a collection. There's four grams of blow in there. They don't want her falling asleep tonight. Does she like good ganja, too?”

“It makes her horny as hell,” I said. He smiled and said “good!”

Soon the last of the black guys were back at their table, laughing and congratulating each other, and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Lilly came walking into the bar with cum running down her legs. She kissed me and whispered, “ Nineteen down and eighty one to go, Jimmy. I need to get up to the room before Claudio shows up!” She turned to the black guys and said, “Thanks, boys. I'll be back here tomorrow night, same place, same time.”

When we got on the elevator, I pulled out the blow and told her about the bartender. She smiled and hosed up a fingernail or two of the coke and threw her head back.

“Oh Jimmy. Two weeks ago I was miserable in my job, worried about you and us, and frustrated as hell sexually. Now I have a loving, understanding mate who supports and protects me, a pussy full of strange sperm, and a good buzz going. I've just spent the last three days fucking all my waking hours, and I have four grams of good blow, a luxury suite, and a bunch of horny guys coming up to use me all night. Is this unbelievable or what?”

I just shook my head and smiled, and when the elevator stopped on the eleventh floor I could see a crowd milling around outside our suite. Lilly hit the door close button and told me to give her another snort or two. When she had done three more fingernails of it, she slipped her dress off over her head, put on a sexy haughty face, hit the open button and strode out into the hallway naked on those 4” heels and headed smiling for her fan club. I stood and marveled at the perfection of her legs and ass and my own luck in finding her.
OK Willypeter, you have officially gone into hot territory! A great fantasy, but in real life I would not care for her to be creating a long line to the men's room. Sometimes you just want to pee and not get your ass beat for cutting the line!
Thanks, SS

Hey, there's always a remedy. You just go back to the empty bar and pee in the drinks of the guys who wouldn't let you in. Even cucks get revenge once in awhile.
Lilly, part 6

The night would have been a disappointment except for a couple of things. Only 7 guys showed up, and Lilly was disappointed since she was really into racking up some numbers, not just slow, sexy fucking. Neither of us could believe, in retrospect, that a quick fuck with a handsome man in the mens room had turned into a 19 man train. She told me later that she neither sucked nor looked. She just braced herself against the wall standing with her naked ass in the door and told them to stick it in and cum as quick as they could. To a man they were happy to oblige, though two of them stuck it in her ass for a tighter fuck. That surprised me. Lilly never let me fuck her ass. When I asked her about it, she merely said, "I do a lot of things in the heat of getting fucked well that I wouldn't do if I had time to think about it. Actually, I'm beginning to enjoy getting ass fucked. How can I be a genuine slut and only be a two holer?"

Anyway, the crowd that showed up at our suite was the bartender, John, Claudio the waiter (who went first then left to get home to his wife), three other waiters, a cook, and a mysterious Cuban busboy who never spoke, didn't know English, but fucked like a maestro. He went last, and I could tell Lilly was finally getting tired in spite of the cocaine. It was about 4 am when Ricardo, the mulatto busboy, slipped off his pants and mounted her. His dick was long and thin and didn't seem that hard, but the kid really knew how to use it. Within minutes, Lilly was wide awake and getting that redness in the cheeks she gets before she cums. Ricardo saw it and slowed tempo, keeping her on the edge. It was eerie. He never showed any emotion or excitement, never made a sound, but he watched her intently and adjusted his fucking to keep her aroused in a way I had never seen before. Not only that, but his dick seemed to change with her mood, softening when she was near and thickening amazingly when he wanted to drive her over. It was like a mood lamp penis, and I would say that I was the only one to notice, but when I looked around, all five of the other guys had quit talking and were watching him work her. Lilly came like a banshee about ten minutes into it, and he drove her through it with a hard thick fucking to the very end, then slowed tempo and began to softly stroke her insides. There was no indication he had cum, and she soon realized he was going for more. Her sleepiness was entirely gone now, and she tentatively matched his moves, apparently sure that he would get off soon. Ten minutes later she came again, screaming and digging her fingers into his ass. Same story. Over and over and over again. He gently moved her around the bed and into different positions and stole the best she had left in each of them. Somewhere around orgasm number five or six, Lilly grabbed his head and began to passionately kiss him and pull him into her. If a girl can fall in love in the middle of a gangbang after fucking nearly 50 men in 24 hours, Lilly had just done so. We all were mesmerized by the little Cuban's stamina, and by 6:30 in the morning when he was still fucking orgasms out of her, the performance had become truly world class. Lilly stopped finally to pee and have another toke on the bong John had brought with his fine Colombian pot. Ricardo just sat quietly on the bed with his long uncut cock throbbing in the air. When she came back, he apparently sensed that she had finally had as much as she could stand, and he rolled her over and eased it up her ass. That seemed to be his hole of choice, because his girth grew again and his tempo became his own, not hers. After maybe ten minutes of build up, he grabbed her hips fiercely and grunted repeatedly as he came. We began to applaud, and Ricardo just smiled. As everyone cleaned up to go, Lilly called one of the Cuban waiters over and asked him to tell Ricardo that she wanted to see him again in Miami. The guy translated and Ricardo nodded and told him he had cousins in Miami and was thinking of moving there. Lilly asked me to give him our address and phone number and tell him he could stay with us when he got there until he found a place of his own. I did, and Ricardo later became the first of several "boarders" Lilly brought home, but he was, by far, her favorite.

The other thing John had brought was Quaaludes. Most of you are probably too young to remember the days when 'Ludes were common, but that was a hell of a drug, the closest thing to a true aphrodisiac I ever saw. By the time of this story, they were already being misused as simply a way to come down and sleep after a night of hosing down the toot, but on their own, they were a devastating drug. One 'lude would make a choir girl a *****. They made inhibitions fly out the window as if they never existed. I had first tried them at a faculty party at my university when I was a graduate teaching assistant in the English department. It was 1968 and faculties were far from immune from the sex, drugs and rock and roll craze that was sweeping the nation. Anyway, the head of the English department threw a big bash at the end of the semester for all the faculty and teaching assistants, and I showed up alone. Right off I noticed the hostess, his wife, who was a babe if I ever saw a 48 year old babe. She had on a slinky dress with no bra, as was the norm in those days and her long tanned legs looked great in her Birkenstocks. After an hour of drinks and a few joints, one of the other grad students pulled out a bag of blue tablets and asked if anyone would like to try a new drug called Quaaludes. It was, he said, a muscle relaxant that made people feel euphoric. To my amazement every single person in the room took one or two and slogged them down with whatever they were drinking. The results, some 20 minutes later, were nothing short of amazing. Everywhere I looked people were taking off their clothes and fucking and sucking right in our department head's living room. The bedrooms were packed with couples and groups fucking, and I just sat there with an idiotic grin watching. Suddenly, I was thirsty and went into the kitchen only to find Bernadette, the hostess, sitting in a chair at the kitchen table sucking her husband's dick. He looked at me and smiled and I walked over and began to feel her tits from behind. She stood up and shed her dress and panties, and the professor said, "Fuck her, Jim. Fuck that bitch good on my kitchen table." She lay back on the table and I pulled out my dick, but it wasn't hard yet. The prof dropped to his knees and began to suck me while his wife watched, also smiling stupidly. When I was hard he guided it into her, then grabbed my head and began to French kiss me as I fucked his wife. I remember thinking it a little strange that I was kissing a man, but it didn't bother me. Soon he ran off to another room, naked as a jaybird, and a couple of other guys joined Bernadette and me in the kitchen. She was taking all comers, as were most of the women in the house. To this day, I have never seen anything like it. That drug turned a respectable group of intelligent people into a rutting herd of uninhibited apes. Needless to say, there was much silence and embarrassment the following weeks, but my prime memory was of thinking, "Jesus. Where has this drug been all my life?"

Anyway, John the bartender, it turns out was the hotel's prime dealer, and he left us 20 'Ludes to come down with. Lilly had never tried them before, and they worked to put her to sleep that morning. In fact, we slept until mid afternoon, but when she woke up and took another, the die was cast. That night the hotel manager came to my room and asked me to collect my girlfriend and leave his property and no charges would be filed. I couldn't imagine what had prompted that, but it was quite a story in its own right. It cut short our Orlando vacation, kept Lilly from achieving her 100 men, and sent us laughing all the way back to Miami, where I bought her a ring anyway. Our life was entering a new phase, and I had a cuckold wedding to plan.
Lilly, part 7

I should have known better than to give Lilly a Quaalude when she was rested. It was like pouring gasoline on a fire. She had been fucking pretty much non-stop for three weeks, it seemed, and I was very happy to have a few minutes alone with her when we woke up. For one thing, I had never had a chance to show her all the sexy stuff I'd bought for her. Since my role was evolving as the logistics guy for her fuck show, it was nice to take the time to show her the stuff I'd spent at least $1500 on since she took off on the Amtrak to her sister's wedding in Chicago. Also, I had yet to hear all the stories of who she'd fucked on the train and in Chicago, and the numbers were getting out of control. Nine guys on the train going up, six guys in Chicago, thirteen on the ride back, sixteen in the black ABS immediately after she returned, and now nineteen in the men's room and another seven in our room the previous night. Jesus! Seventy guys in a little less than three weeks since we had our discussion in Miami. It was exciting as hell in one way and a little overwhelming in another. Lilly wasn't wasting any time becoming an all out slut, and in that whole time, I'd only gotten to fuck her once on the night of the first time we talked about it. I'd easily dipped into my savings to the tune of over $4K in 1970s dollars, and while I was getting plenty of titillation, I was getting precious little else, including attention from her. That afternoon in our Orlando hotel was no exception. She woke up horny and ready for more and couldn't get over Ricardo and his marathon of orgasms for her. I told her there was plenty of time for more fucking, but I'd like to spend a little time with her.

“Jimmy, really! We have our whole lives to talk. Why would you want to slow me down when I'm on a roll like this. I'm just getting started for Christ's sake. I thought you wanted me to fuck everyone I meet! You're the guy who told me I have to fuck 100 guys in four days to get an engagement ring!"

I was pulling out things from the bag I'd brought for her and laying them out on the bed. When I got to the Brazilian bikinis from Jorge's on Miami Beach, her eyes lit up. Miami Beach was more Bohemian than jet set back then, a distinctly Latin and slightly seedy area of run down hotels full of retired people, many of them retired big city Jews down for the weather. I don't recall any topless areas on the beach itself, and even string bikinis were a rarity. The beaches of Brazil were famous for them, and Jorge set himself up as a custom string bikini maker on Miami Beach. I had taken Lilly's favorite bikini to him for sizing, and he'd sewed up five suits for her, none nearly as conservative as the blue and white one she stopped traffic in. It was sexy but only because of her body. Jorge's concoctions were outrageous in comparison, and she loved them as soon as she saw them. There were four identical ones in pastel colors and one in “nude,” a tan fabric that was translucent when dry and completely transparent when wet. At a distance even when dry a woman wearing it appeared nude, and when it was wet, she was nude in all but technical terms. He called it his Barely Legal string bikini, and he had some difficulty fitting the top. I gambled $400 on the 5, hoping they'd fit her bosom, and though they were designed to cover the lower half of each breast and the nipples, that was about it. The bottoms were a tiny triangle of thin material that just covered the vulva itself before disappearing in a string between her ass cheeks. Shaved pussy was not in in those days, so there was plenty of hair showing around the triangle when Lilly tried on her favorite, the Barely Legal. I begged her not to wear it to the pool that afternoon, knowing it would be trouble. Hell, it might have gotten her arrested on Miami Beach in those days. I had seen two on the beach in the last year, both on extremely hot bodied young women who were sunbathing in them, not walking around, but to think of Lilly walking around a luxury hotel near Disney World where families were staying was a formula for disaster. Lilly insisted that she was not there to appease authority, she was there to fuck, and she liked her tan Barely Legal better than any suit she'd ever had. We had gotten lucky on the top. It fit perfectly, and on Lilly that was saying something. I still remembered well the first time Lilly took off her shirt in front of me, and I saw her naked breasts for the first time. I literally gasped at their perfection, and she broke out laughing, saying she often got that reaction from men. Hers weren't the largest tits around, but in my humble estimation they were far and away the sexiest. She was a 38C, which is plenty large enough, but her nipples were long and located on the tops of each breast so that the effect was of a pointed tit reaching upward and presenting itself for sucking. Even at 23, she could still pass the pencil test, and her tits made men's mouth water. Perfection, perfection, perfection! When she put on Jorge's top, just as he designed it to, it merely accentuated what she had rather than hide it. It was outrageous. At my insistence, she let me trim her pubic hair to keep it inside the triangle, and while I was doing it, she suggested that I shave the vulva “for better viewing and access!” Christ! I trimmed it lovingly and licked it good afterward. When she slipped the bottoms back on, my saliva and her wetness made it semi-transparent immediately. Fortunately, I had bought her a wrap around pool skirt slit up the side to her hip, and with that and her high heeled sandals, she was ready to go.

“Let me try another one of those Quaalude's, Jimmy. I had nice dreams on those things.”

I knew it was a mistake, but I dug one out and brought her a glass of water.

“Wish me luck, honey, and don't wait up for me. I'm feeling lucky in this bikini.”

Grabbing her room key, she sashayed out the door and was gone. For the first time since our talk, I thought I might be in over my head, like my stomach for her behavior was not as large as my appetite had been. How much fucking could one woman do? How much fucking would a sane woman even want to do? I knew she was hot, but for the first time I began to question the normalcy of her libido. I was fucked out, and I hadn't even gotten off since she arrived on the Amtrak the previous day. Of course, it was my own fault. I was the one who had spit it all out and encouraged her. I was totally facilitating her behavior and protecting her in dicey situations like the black ABS and the rest room last night, but I had honestly never expected things to go so quickly or become so extreme so fast. Lilly was even outrunning my imagination, and that was saying something. I decided that I was just feeling sorry for myself because of the excitement and expense and lack of sleep and horniness I felt for my girl. Even calling her my girl seemed strange to me. She didn't exactly feel like my girl. She felt like everybody but me's girl. Why was she not showing any interest in me? What was going on?

There were five pools on the property as well as as two isolated hot tubs, and the first three pools I visited were filled with screaming kids and nervous parents watching them. My heart sank at the thought of Lilly parading around in her Barely Legal string bikini in such a crowd. Surely she wouldn't. Then I remembered the Quaalude, and my heart sank even further. I quickly checked the other two pools and the hot tubs and never caught sight of Lilly. I decided to go back to the room and order a room service sandwich if she wasn't there. She was not, and when the bell hop brought the sandwich, he refused a tip, something I had never seen before. I looked at him questioningly, and he just smiled a lewd smile and said, “Your wife has already taken care of me!”

I lay there in our suite until the manager knocked on my door at 11:00 pm and asked me to come collect my wife and leave the property. I followed him to a small security room, and when we went in there was Lilly, nude and handcuffed to a bench, being watched over by two uniformed female security guards. She was smiling drunkenly at me and her legs were spread as far as she could spread them. Her cunt was oozing onto the bench. I followed the manager into the head of security's office, where papers were spread out on his desk.

“Please sign these releases, sir, releasing the hotel from liability for your wife's arrest, and we, in turn, will not press charges for lewd and lascivious behavior.”

I scanned the documents and quickly signed.

“What did she do?” I asked.

“What didn't she do, sir? I think your wife has some serious mental issues you might want to look into.”

He handed me a terry cloth robe. The manager led me back into the room where Lilly was being held and told me to please keep her covered in the robe back to our room, then pack and leave by midnight. Our entire stay, he said, would be comped, but we would no longer be welcome in any of the chain's hotels. He shook my hand and walked out. One of the matrons uncuffed Lilly and wrapped her in the robe, then accompanied us back to our room using a service elevator to the eleventh floor. She waited outside while I packed our stuff, then accompanied us to our car. Lilly was feeling no pain, and the matron actually seemed to find her amusing once her bosses were gone.

As we neared the car, I asked the matron again what Lilly had done.

“You'll have to ask her, sir, but if I were you, I'd get her out of Orlando before the city police arrive. There are some parents here who are not going to be amused when they find out the hotel did not press charges. Please keep the robe with our compliments, sir, and please keep her in it until you leave the premises.”
Lilly, part 9

“Jim, I don't want to hurt you, but if you're serious about marrying me......and I hope you are.....you need to know the truth. I'll probably never love you in the same way you love me. My love for you is based more on what you do for me than who you are, and, believe me, in my circumstance that's no small thing. Who else would allow me to be the kind of dirty little ***** I've been for the last three weeks? Who else would marry a slut like me and offer me a reasonably respectable life? Who else would even listen to my history without walking off and never talking to me again? The answer is only you, Jim. Only you from all the hundreds of men I've known and fucked is willing to take me for who and what I am and still love me, and I cherish that love, Jim. I need that love. Without that kind of love, I'm just a sad and unfulfilled piece of female trash, and it wouldn't matter how many men I fucked or what I did, because no one would care. Do you see what I mean?”

I said that I thought I understood, but what about me. What kind of love was she offering me?

“Well, I guess I'm offering you the same thing you're offering me, Jim. I'm offering you a chance to be who you are, too. The trouble, I think, is that I KNOW who and what I am and I have since I was 8 or 10 years old. I'm not sure you know who you are yet, Jim. I don't even think you know yourself sexually, yet.”

“I know you're the hottest woman I've ever met, Lilly. I know I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you, and I know you make me very happy!”

Lilly laughed.

“You're the luckiest man in the world to have me? Jesus, Jim, anyone can have me. That's the whole point. I'll fuck anyone anytime anywhere if they know the secret to fucking Lilly. And I make you happy by being that kind of *****, by being a total slut? What does that say about you sexually and otherwise, Jim? Do you see what I'm getting at? It makes you inferior, Jim, and I can't love an inferior man the way I love a superior man. You can't fake being something you're not, and I can't fake loving someone who's not what I need sexually. We have to reach an accommodation of some sort, Jim. Do you see what I mean?”

“But you fucked me before, Lilly. What happened to change that? My dick isn't that little, is it? And I wasn't that bad a fuck, was I?”

“You're not getting it, Jim. No, your dick isn't tiny and you're not a bad fuck in your own white boy way. A lot of women would probably find you satisfactory, but I'm not one of them. I had already fucked around on you twice in the two weeks before our talk, and I was preparing myself to leave you when it all came to a head. Remember Scott, the lawyer who you caught groping me in the kitchen?”

I nodded.

“He was one of the guys I was fucking, and I was really getting off on the mauling before you walked in. He had figured me out, you see. He had three fingers up my naked cunt before you walked in and I was about to cum!”

My dick went stiff again. Lilly went on.

“Scott was a senior partner in the law firm and he'd always been stand offish with me while the rest of the guys at the firm drove me crazy trying to impress me and get me to go on a 'date' with them. Date, my ass, all they had to do was whip it out and tell me to get on my knees or shove me over the fucking copier and stick their dick in me. Scott was simply the first one to figure that out, but he wasn't the last.”

My dick was really twitching now.

“Who else fucked you?”

“Scott first. He stayed late one night when I was working on a brief for him and came into my office smelling of Scotch whiskey around 7. He stood there eyeing me until I became uncomfortable. I could feel the heat and wetness building in my cunt, and I knew I was toast if he played it even half way right. He played it perfectly instead.”

“You look like a debutante but you're really just one more horny little ***** who's not getting enough cock at home, aren't you, Lilly?”

“I blushed crimson, but, God, Jim, you have no idea how long I'd waited for something like that to happen to me in the workplace!”

I asked what happened, and she said when he saw her blushing and unable to speak in reply, he told her to stand up and lift her skirt to her waist. She did so, and when he saw she wasn't wearing panties, he simply stepped over and ran two fingers up her sopping cunt.

“I came in seconds and was naked in seconds more. I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock, then bent over my desk and let him fuck my pussy and ass until he came. When he was done, he zipped up and laughed at me, then walked out of my office. He stopped at the door.”

“Forget the brief, bitch. Give it to Hilda to finish tomorrow morning. You and I are going to my place in Key Largo in the morning, and I'm going to fuck you proper, like the ***** you are!”

“And did you?” I asked.

“No, I never figured out whether he was just fucking with me or what, but when I came into work, he was not in his office. His partner, Dick, was in, though, and he called me into his office first thing. He told me Scott had been called to Tallahassee on business, but he had told Dick about our 'meeting' the night before. He was smiling that cocky smile of the rich and powerful, so I knew I was had. I went over and knelt in front of him and pulled out his cock and sucked him off.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Did I enjoy it? Jeez, Jim, I fucking loved it. It's what triggered all that happened later. Dick had a big uncut dick like the first black one I sucked at age 12, and he was in his 50s, giving me a certain Daddy fantasy I've always had. And he was mean and ruthless as hell. When I took him in my mouth, he grabbed my ears and began to fuck my throat, banging my head into the edge of his desk!”

“You're a dirty little cunt, aren't you, Lilly. You like sucking your Daddy's dick don't you?”

“I began to finger my naked cunt, and when he saw that he really got into it, fucking me deep and gagging me while I came hard on my own fingers. It was the realization of one of my best work fantasies, but I never dreamed it would come true. When he was ready to cum, he pulled out and shot it all over my face and into my hair, then made me lick it off his dick. I was so hot I felt faint. We laughed when we settled down, but he had my number, as did Scott, and we all knew it. My days as a paralegal were over in that firm, and I knew it. I was corporate fuck meat from then on, and it was fine with me. I just didn't know how to tell you. He let me shower in his private bathroom, then came in and fucked me in the ass until he came again.”

I was faint myself. “I had no idea,” I said.

“I know.” she said. “You wouldn't. How could you? I took a wild shot in the dark after you caught Scott fingering me in the kitchen and told you sometimes I just wanted to be the ***** everybody already thought I was. I really was pretty conflicted right then. There's no future in being corporate fuck meat. Soon they tire of you, then they tell all their lawyer buddies, and the only way to regain a professional status is to leave the area and the state and start all over again. I like Miami and don't want to leave, so I didn't have many options left......except maybe you!”

She smiled brightly. “And boy did you and little Willy ever come through!”

We both laughed, but I still didn't know where I stood exactly. Lilly did, and she finally got down to it.

“So here's what I think, Jimmy. You're free to jump in here at any point, but unless you're pretty sure of what you're saying, let me tell you how I see things, okay?”

I nodded, and she went on.

“Sexually it's too late for you. I never enjoyed fucking you all that much. You can't make me cum because you're so solicitous of my feelings, exactly the opposite of what gets me off. You eat pussy well. I particularly enjoy your enthusiasm, but your technique is not yet great. We could work on that except that I sense a problem. You're way more fastidious than I about cum. I love cum, Jim. Cum is my reward for being a fucking cum slut ***** who will fuck or suck anyone who knows how to use me. I cum easily myself when I'm being fucked well or degraded or talked nasty to, but it's too late for you to try that. I already know you're an inferior male, and you can't fool a ***** like me. I like drinking cum, tasting cum, and having my pussy full of alpha male cum, but you kept trying to get me in the shower to wash my pussy at the hotel, didn't you?”

“I was only thinking of all those guys waiting to fuck you, thinking they'd probably prefer a clean pussy to one full of other men's cum!” I said.

“No, Jimmy. You were expressing your own revulsion at seeing so much cum dripping out of my cunt. Alpha males don't give a shit about another man's cum in my pussy. Did you see that slow down any of those horny fuckers? They see open pussy and they pile on and fuck until they drop their load, too. Only you hang back. You asked me why I didn't fuck you these last days, but I was asking myself why you didn't pile on and get some of that good sloppy pussy yourself and you know what I decided? I decided you're a bigger pussy than I am, Jimmy. You want everything clean and nice. I want everything dirty and nasty and full of mixed cum from a dozen races. How do we reconcile those kind of differences, Jimmy? You think I'm going to change?”

“It doesn't sound like it,” I said.

“Hell no it doesn't sound like it because it's not going to happen. You dreamed of having an authentic cum slut girl and now that you've got the best one around, you're going to get all squeaky clean on me? I don't think so, Jimmy. It doesn't work that way. From now on, I run the show. It's my pussy and I give it to who I want when I want and you have fuck all to say about it, okay?”
Lilly, part 10

“Good. We have that straight. You probably will never be on my list of who to fuck again, Jimmy, so get used to that, too. I'll let you eat my pussy sometimes, but only when it's full of other men's cum, and you'll either get used to that or do without. I don't really care either way, okay?”

I nodded again.

“Next, I'm not going to work anymore. I'm going to give two weeks notice at the firm when I get back, and I'm going to use that two weeks to fuck everybody who wants me at the firm. You can jack off to that while I'm at work, because I'm not going to be working anymore. I'm going to spend all day fucking until the day I leave, then I'm going to make you very happy by fucking around full time, which will also make me and a hell of a lot of real men happy. Your job from now on is support and logistics. I don't want to have to ask men to fuck me. That's your job. You figure out new and fun ways to get me all the cock and cum I want. You pay for everything, but I will do one thing for you. I will fuck whoever you want me to fuck whenever you want me to fuck them, even if they're inferior men like yourself. That might amuse me, in fact. You, on the other hand, will never fuck my pussy again. Sorry, that's the way it is. If you're really good at everything, I might let you fuck my ass once in a while. I want to get better at ass fucking, so you might get that sometimes, okay.”

I nodded once more.

“Last. I need a respectable cover for all this fucking and that's going to be as your wife. That's the deal we made, right? And I will do one more thing for you on that front. In exchange for your giving me respectability, I will help your career by fucking anyone you need fucked anytime you need them fucked. That includes clients, bosses, underlings who need a reward, etc. I will be your first class corporate pussy, and in that role I will actually do it right. I can, you know. You've seen me. I can dress and look like the best of them, and I'll be a trophy wife to remember, but one who puts out for her husband's friends, clients, and bosses, if not for her husband himself. So I want you to get busy planning our wedding. We'll need a quiet private one in Florida so that everything is legal. I was thinking of doing that in Scott or Dick's office. They can marry us and draw up the legal documents binding us together and making sure you support me properly, and I do what you want me to do. You may write that part if you wish, and I will legally commit to it. My attorneys, however, will draw up the fiscal documents binding you to my support before, during, and after our marriage. We'll culminate that ceremony with me fucking whoever wants some bridal pussy on their desks instead of you kissing the bride. This bride is going to suck dick and fuck, not kiss an inferior male, okay? If you want a kiss, you can kiss my sloppy pussy after they have all fucked me. After that one, I want you to plan a wedding to remember with a special ceremony that clarifies all you've just agreed to, okay. That one should be in Jamaica or the Bahamas or someplace with lots of strapping black men, because on our honeymoon, I want to get bred proper by at least ten big strapping black bucks. You got all that?

My dick was hard as granite as I nodded for the last time.

Lilly was smiling ear to ear. “Oh, Jimmy, I do love you in my own perverted way. We're going to make each other very happy for a very long time, but I'm afraid you have a lot to learn in the short term, so we might as well get started again. I've had enough of this heart to heart shit. I want some more cock, and I want you to find it for me.”

“Right now?” I asked.

“Why not? Just a quicky to test your fidelity. You might as well get used to it. Go find me a black man and ask him to come fuck your wife while you watch, okay? The sooner you do that, the sooner we'll get to some real fucking. I just had an idea.”

“Christ, Lilly, it's 4 am and I don't know Tarpon Springs!”

“You don't have to know Tarpon Springs. All you have to do is find me a strong young black man and bring him back here to fuck me. Crack the curtains before you go and I'll lay here naked watching TV until you get back. You can let him peek in the window to see that you really do have some fine white pussy for him. Now go, go, go. I don't want to hear any complaining. My job is to fuck. Your job is to bring me cock.”

I cracked the curtain in our motel room and checked it from outside. There was my beautiful wife to be, Lilly, lying naked on the bed in the dim light of the television, idly fingering her clit and watching tv. Christ, what a sight.

I got lucky before I had gone a block. At the first deserted stop light I came to a newspaper delivery van pulled up beside me. Both of the sliding doors were open, and the driver was a 30 or 40 year old black man. He looked over, and I rolled down my window like I wanted to ask directions.

“Excuse me,” I yelled at him.

He turned down his radio and looked over at me.

“Are you starting or finishing your shift?”

The light turned green, but he stayed there. We were the only vehicles on the street.

“I just dropped off my last bundle, why?” he said.

This was harder than I thought it would be, and I wanted to choose my words right. He shifted into gear, and I finally just spat it out.

“Because I'm looking for a black man to come fuck my gorgeous white wife. She's lying naked in a hotel room a block from here waiting on me to bring her a black man. Would you maybe be interested in fucking her?”

The guy's eyes were practically bugging out.

“You ain't some fucking faggot is you?” he asked.

“No, no. I'm serious. Look, go see for yourself. She's lying naked in room 113 at the Springs Motel, and the curtain is cracked. You go look and see if you like her, and if you do, just wave me over and I'll let you in or you can just knock on the door and she'll let you in. I'd like to watch, though, so either let me in or leave the curtain cracked so I can watch, okay? Just do a U turn and drive one block back and check it out. This isn't a trick. You'll be glad you did it when you see her.”

Without a word he wheeled his delivery van around and sped back toward the motel with me following. I stopped at the entrance to the parking lot and watched him pull right into my parking place and walk to the window. He immediately grabbed his crotch and smiled over at me, then knocked on the window. In seconds the door opened and he walked in. When I parked and got out, Lilly walked naked to the window and winked at me. The guy was a swarthy pockmarked black man, but he already had his pants off, and his dick was huge. Lilly let me see it, then closed the curtains. I tried my key but the security lock was turned, and it didn't work. I sat in my car and listened to the radio from 4:15 until 6:30 when the guy came out. Lilly followed him to the door naked and kissed him passionately in the open door and walked back into the room, leaving the door wide open. The guy walked over to my car and stuck out his hand.

“Thanks, mister. Name's Junior Carter and that woman is the best pussy this poor nigger ever had. I think she liked old Junior's dick, too. She shore cums a lot. If you ever want to get that girl some more black dick, please look me up. I'se in the phone book.”

He smiled and walked away. I got out and went in the room and Lilly was already packing her bag.

“Damn, Jimmy. You did good! Did you see the cock on that guy? And he knew how to use it, too. He fucked me like a poor man. How did you find him so fast?”

“Just lucky I guess. He pulled up at a stop light next to me and I invited him to come fuck my wife.”

“See?” she said. “Now how hard was that?”

“Maybe harder for me than it was for you. I wish you had let me watch.”

“Junior didn't want you to, Jimmy. Your wishes come second to my lovers' wishes. You need to recognize that right off. Whatever gets me fucked best should be what you want, and I just got fucked really well. Which reminds me..........are you ready to eat some really nasty fresh fucked pussy full of a superior black man's cum?”

With that she lay back on the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide. She told me to turn on all the lights so I could see what she had for me, then told me to kneel between her legs while she pushed some sperm out for me to see.

“Junior came in me three times, Jimmy. Can you believe that? That's what a real man can do when he gets some first class pussy.”

I knelt between her legs and watched fascinated as she pushed out thick white globs of semen. Junior had cum a lot. I closed my eyes and put my mouth over her vulva and began to lick and suck. Anybody who says a fresh fucked pussy tastes good is lying. It doesn't taste anything like a fresh clean unfucked pussy. Now that tastes good. A fresh fucked pussy has a coppery taste and a slightly unpleasant odor, at least to me, but when Lilly grabbed my hair and ground her pussy into my face until she came and expelled the last of Junior's cum into my mouth and told me to swallow it all, I realized that I could get used to it. Hell, I'd have to get used to it if I ever wanted that pleasure again. It was as close to her pussy as I would probably ever get again.

“See, Jimmy, you're learning. That wasn't so bad was it? I hope not because that's your job from now on. If you want my pussy clean, you're going to clean it with your mouth and tongue, okay? And I hope you're ready to drive because I have an idea.”

I asked what, and she said she'd heard of a really good nude beach near West Palm Beach where women often pulled gang bangs and she wanted to spend the day there sunbathing and fucking strangers. I carried our bags to the car, and she was asleep before we left the parking lot. I headed east into the rising sun to the other coast of Florida. Lilly was wearing me out.
I think Lilly is wearing us all out Willy.
I agree PeakMB

I take it it's time to retire Lilly from the board. Hope you enjoyed the ride. I won't miss the effort.

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