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looking for help, friends and advice

  • Thread starterglenandhelen
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Apr 13, 2011
hello. thanks for reading my post here.

i am looking for help friends and advice as our marrige has really broken down.

we have been together for ten years now and its gotten to the stage where she still loves me but more like a friend. we dont have sex any more (despite her having a high sex drive) becose being blunt i have never been great in that department and she say i just dont do it for her any more (i have a low sex drive and if honest could live with out sex). she is no longer attracted to me. we now also sleep in diffrent rooms as she feels she needs space.

i dont want to not be part of her life and i also accept that she is looking else where at the moment (i feel fine with that)

what can i do to make her happy and maybe if it comes to it help her have a happy home life with a new partner?
thanks mac but i dont think i can turn her back on to me in that way. at the end of the day i just want her to be happy and i am willing to stand aside for that just dont want to lose her altogether
I recently posted about the journey of my wife and I. Readers digest version is that our marriage struggled from the start from a sexual standpoint. It wasn't me...it wasn't her....we did not connect. About five years in...I saw an inappropriate email to one of her clients and my first reaction was anger. As we argued about it and I filled up with the typical jealousy and anger...I started to notice that I was turned on. And I decided to admit it because there really was nothing to lose at that point. It was a moment of intense honesty and communication and it instantly helped our marriage. We started playing around with this lifestyle and have found that we do not want to take it all that far. I do not want her to fuck another man. She does not want to fuck another man. But the fantasy has helped us communicate and for whatever reason (probably the honesty and communication it has ****** us into) we are always better when we are playing with this and other fantasies. Before you give up and totally give her up to the arms of another man, I suggest you learn to talk about what you want, and what she wants. Divorce is very hard. You do have a chance to fix this if you both want to. Before our "breakthrough" I could never imagine it being like it is now. And we were fucked up for years! After all of this I truly believe the old saying...the brain is the sexiest human organ. Hope this helps a little.

glenandhelen said:
My wife still loves me but more like a friend. We dont have sex any more (despite her having a high sex drive)... she is no longer attracted to me. We now also sleep in diffrent rooms, as she feels she needs space.

There's a pretty good chance your wife Helen saying "she needs space" (combined with the rest of your post) means she has taken a lover.

glenandhelen said:
What can i do to make my wife happy and, maybe if it comes to it, help her have a happy home life with a new partner?

I'll assume by "with a new partner" you mean a lover you accept as such, as opposed to your wife divorcing you and marrying someone else. If so, you might find my reply of today to "Bug_me_not" relevant, here:


I always tell my kids. Marriage is not about happiness, sex or even love. love for one another comes and goes all through out a lasting marriage. It's about commitment , responsibility, respect, communication and trust. Marriage is a partnership with someone who is your best friend. someone who you can talk to and share anything your thinking or feeling without hiding anything. even when the love is gone. More than anything else your spouse should be your best friend.

How do you know you can't do it for her anymore. have you tried? or have you just given up?? Life and marriage is about learning new things. You say you've never been great in the sex department. maybe it's because your so down on your self that you have given up or you don't care enough about her to even try anymore.... Maybe she's no longer attracted to you anymore because your acting like a defeated wimp who could never satisfy a real women. Most women want a man that is manly and takes charge. not a man who has a low opinion of himself or one who gives up and whines about it. maybe you need to do something to change yourself.

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just throwing possibilities out there.

I have kids that whine about how bad there life is all the time and how unhappy they are. I tell them tough shit! If your not happy than do something about it. you can't change other people but you can change you if you really want to. .
To be brutally honest with you, and simply going off what you have stated, there is way too far an emotional disconnect going on. When another man is brought into the environment you state your marriage has become, you can expect your wife to quickly fall physically and emotionally for practically any new man who begins meeting her needs. A wife needing space, especially in the case of one so emotionally disconnected and sexually starved as yours seems to be, is usually a sign she is looking to find a better arrangement for herself. Don't be shocked when that arrangement does not include you at all.

Ultimately, if you do want to do all you can to make her happy with another guy around, the best course is make arrangements that will put EX in front of hubby when refering to you.

You have both stated your cases. She isn't attracted to you anymore and you say you could live perfectly happy without sex the rest of your life. Split amicably and you can keep her in your life as a friend. Not all divorce has to become a bitter deal. She would probably appreciate you setting her truly free and not using games and tricks as a desperate attempt to keep her in your life. Set her free to meet, fall in love, and marry someone who can make her happy.
thanks every one for getting back to me. its given me alot to think about. just to bring a bit more light to whats happening with me and also my wife. i have tryed lots to make her happy in the bedroom but i just dont have any sex drive at all. i have thought in the past that her having some one on the side would help me out.i am also far from assertive and the idea of being a leader type puts the wind up me. i do belive having that other man in our life would be good for helen and even good for me as i can stop pretending to be some one i am not and let him take the lead. i do know this could see me with nothing but thats why i want to try and make things better for them in any way i can apart from leaving...just yet
glen and helen, see a doctor, it sounds like your suffering from low testosterone. A friend of mine and a lover to my wife was a total Bull. 20 years ago I watched him pick my wife up with his hands under her ass and walk her to bed with his stuck in her. He had an auto accident which led to one of those hospital infections. He lost his sex drive for years, he confided in me that he just had no interest. After years of feeling this way he had a dr about a 2 years ago put him on injectable testosterone . Last i spoke to him he asked how my wifes doing, eeeeee:s baaaack.
thanks Joey but i have been to the doctor over it a few times and i have been told i am normal
i have also talked to helen about me being celibate and she thinks its who i am anyway. i have also talked about her having a new man in her life a she has admited to thinking about it.


glenandhelen said:
I have also talked to helen about me being celibate and she thinks its who I am anyway. I have also talked about her having a new man in her life, and she has admited to thinking about it.

It sounds like you're on the right track now.

Elsewhere on the Internet, a married woman passed the following word of advice along to other women: "If you require your husband to wear a male chastity device, cuckolding will follow like night follows day."

You might suggest to your wife she read:

Male chastity advantages for women:

Then begin giving thought to such sites as:

Males in chastity devices, how & why:

Male chastity devices:

thanks its given me more to think about. i really want to make this work
I'm not sure what would work for you at this point in the relationship, but I'm pretty sure of one thing: you don't have a lot to lose by trying something new. You don't want to lose her, and I understand that, but in many important ways you've lost her already. You don't sound like the pushy type, and that's good, because I don't think you can push a woman into going elsewhere to find sex you don't provide. She might make that decision herself, but if she does, it probably won't involve you, and it might very well end in her leaving you for whoever she finds. So maybe you just level with her and bring things totally into the open. If you follow up on some of the reading recommendations of Custer and others, you'll find an interesting aside to your dilemma: when other men start fucking your wife, your own testosterone levels will go way up. It's nature's way of making you competitive in the breeding wars, the geopolitics of reproduction, if you will. Since it sounds like your testosterone levels are probably very low (doctors will nearly always tell you that your testosterone levels are "normal," even when you're obviously suffering from low sex drive and non-existent libido, perhaps because they fear the liability of exacerbating prostate cancer . . . even when you don't have prostate cancer!!!! You have to demand that they test different levels of testosterone, including serum testosterone in order to find out whether hormone therapy could help), so getting your wife new lovers might revive your own interest in sex, even if it's only an interest in being subservient to her and her lovers. There are too many unknown variables in your case, I think, for us to be of much help here, so I can only tell you a couple of things. First, you're not alone. Many of us have experienced what you're feeling and going through. Second, nothing succeeds in opening up new avenues of sexuality like honest discussions between partners. In your case, you have to find the right time to just go ahead and spit out what's on your mind: 1) your sex drive is dead, and though you regret it, you don't wish for a healthy, randy woman like her to be hurt her by your inadequacies; 2) you love her with all your heart and don't want to lose her over a single, though very important, component of a relationship; 3) you're not only willing to allow her to have sex with other men of her choice to make up for your own sexual deficiencies, you're excited by it, will totally support her in it, and it would take a huge burden off your back of having to be her only source of sexual satisfaction and excitement, a burden you've already failed miserably at; and 4) you like the idea of taking on a different role in the marriage, a subservient role where you assume many of her domestic duties, freeing her up to be the man of the house and pursue sexual adventures, adventures which you will help facilitate and cover for. Like I said, you have little to lose at this point, and a new and happy relationship to win. It all depends upon her reactions after you spill the beans. She may or may not go for it. It's a tricky proposition, and I've had it go both ways in my life. I've had women who recognized the wonderful position they'd be in with a guy like us and jumped in with both feet, though rarely, and I've had a lot more women who looked at me as some disgusting sub species of human being and never had any more to do with me. The latter are hard to take, but I always had the satisfaction of knowing that I'd been straight with them from the git-go, and it wouldn't have worked out, anyway. Truly, the hardest thing to take with the latter is the way women talk to their female friends about things like that, and how that gossip often made me a pariah in the local community. I left more than one town because of that. It sounds like you're almost to that sad point with your wife, anyway, and the good news is that she won't go blabbing to the whole town when you tell her what's in your heart and on your mind. Talking is not fucking. Try that first and see if it takes. Be honest, be open, be loving, and hope for the best. I hope it works out for you, because I know how lonely your present position is.

I think first of all you need to decide if you want to at least try to revive your desire to have sex with your wife. Willypeter is correct when he says that many doctors won't even test for testosterone levels as part of a routine blood test. You have to request it. Be firm in your request if you have to. Some months back, I was suffering from lack of energy, no sexual desire at all, insomnia, and mild depression. It took several weeks to pull myself out of the funk and do something about it. In the meantime, I had already told my wife that maybe it was best if she began looking elsewhere to meet her desires on occasion. Once tested, my testosterone levels came back extremely low. I was three times below the level of the average male of my age group. I began shot therapy immediately and received a shot initially every two weeks for the first 6 months. The energy levels returned, sexual desire came back, and almost immediately the depression was gone.

In researching several sources, I was able to learn that low testosterone can cause all the symptoms I was having as well as many more symptoms I wasn't having. A couple of sources cited that up to 40% of men will suffer it at some point in their lives. Many men that are being treated for depression are done so without ever having had testosterone levels checked. I urge you to get checked. If your doctor says you are ok without specifically checking your levels, then get a second opinion.

I posted my concerns earlier in this thread that Willypeter also touched on in his post. In the time that has passed since you have lost interest in sex with your wife, there has to have been much frustration and maybe even resentment built up on her part towards you. It is very important that you determine exactly where her mind is before you seriously consider inviting another man into your marriage.

There are no guarantees that even if you are able to revive your labido that your wife will welcome you back into her bedroom. The damage may be too great and may not be able to be undone. From your posts so far, your wife may instead choose a man to use in a more escape affair type situation.

Get to the bottom of your health issue first.
thanks for the advice so far, it has been very helpful. my update now though is that i have been to my doctor and also been passed on to other doctors from her. so far they have said there is nothing wrong with me and my sex drive might be down to the way my mind works more than my body.

i have now talked openly with helen and to cut it all down i have besicaly said i am very open to her finding another man. our talk went well and although she did not say she is 100% looking she has seemed alot more happy over the last few days.

so now i am looking for advice on making her and her new man feel happy and not see me as a problem, if it happens.
A post you may find helpful...


Maybe it would be of some help to both of you to read my post #52, of 19 April 2011, in the "Psychology" thread initiated not too long ago by Doc in Cleveland (if the two of you haven't read it already). "An infidelity conjucture: your thoughts...?" is on the subject line. It's here:


The essence of it is, there's nothing "unnatural" (Glen) about your wife Helen wanting more sex than you find yourself able to give her, nor is there anything "unnatural" about both of you thinking in terms of finding an additional man (or men) for Helen so she can enjoy a variety of lovers while you remain faithful to her as her cuckold. It's a characteristic that should be typical of a fairly large percentage of marriages, for the reasons I outlined.

well the weekend is over and my update so far is this.

helen has spent alot of the weekend going out with friends and when i have asked if she had a nice time she has said yes and that she did not want to come home alot of the time (this was directed at me i think) i have since found a phone number in her bag thats not in her hand writing and on the back of a bussiness card for a bar.

i know that i will end up a 5th wheel with this i just dont want to be a 5th wheel she gets rid of.

what can i do to make her feel better. what can i do to help things go the right way.

thanks for your advice.

glenandhelen said:
.... I have now talked openly with Helen and, to cut it all down, I have basically said I am very open to her finding another man.

Excellent... you did the right thing.

glenandhelen said:
Our talk went well.

That sounds very positive. If Helen had rejected the idea out of hand and become hostile, your relationship would be in trouble.

glenandhelen said:
Although Helen did not say she is 100% looking, she has seemed a lot happier over the last few days.

That means she is 100% looking. It sounds like she feels a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

glenandhelen said:
So, now I am looking for advice on making her and her new man feel happy and not see me as a problem, if it happens.

Hey... don't worry about it. Your role is easy, because your wife does not expect you to solve this problem for her (i.e., she does not expect you to find a lover for her). You'll be best off, IMO, to relax, be at ease, and be "friendly and normal" with Helen... try to make her feel at ease too... while she carries out her search and scores a lover. Re. "if it happens"... don't worry about that, either. It'll happen.

glenandhelen said:
The weekend is over. Update: Helen spent a lot of the weekend going out with friends.

That's a good sign. As Mac once put it, "women hunt in pairs."

glenandhelen said:
When I asked if she had a nice time, she said yes — she did not want to come home a lot of the time.

That too is positive. It means Helen and her friend(s) were enjoying themselves and did not feel any compulsion to end their enjoyment by coming home to do "normal stuff" around their houses. You should not, IMO, interpret that as a "rejection" of you.

glenandhelen said:
I have since found a phone number in her bag that's not in her handwriting and is on the back of a business card for a bar.

Excellent! Your wife approached another man and scored his phone number. It sounds like she's reasonably assertive and outgoing... that will work in her favor. If you're OK with telling her straight out you've noticed she picked up another man's phone number, you might try encouraging her to talk about it and, if she seems to be opening up, (gently) ask her some questions about him. If he sounds "OK" (at least potentially), you might consider suggesting she take the initiative and call him. Otherwise, he might be uneasy about establishing a relationship with a married woman and not call your wife.

glenandhelen said:
I know I will end up a 5th wheel in this; I just don't want to be a 5th wheel she gets rid of.

No, of course not. But, probably you don't need to concern yourself with this too much until Helen gets past the preliminaries... meaning, scores a lover (who may or may not turn out to be the phone number guy). Meanwhile, a way to think about the changes that will be needed in your relationship will be to begin thinking in terms of how you can provide Helen with the support she'll need to carry out her search including preliminary dates. I suggest talking with her about you taking over some of the tasks around your home she has dealt with previously... in effect, begin thinking in terms of taking on more of the housework.

glenandhelen said:
What can I do to make her feel better? What can I do to help things go the right way?

There are a lot of articles and related materials on the web on the subject of mutually agreed-upon "cuckold husband / hotwife" marriages, from positive points of view. I would suggest beginning to introduce Helen to some of this material... i.e., articles that are reasonably well-written and not likely to offend her as "just pornography." For instance, there's a short piece you might introduce her to here:



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