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My girlfriend Sara (based on true event)

  • Thread starterbillyjjj
  • Start date


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 23, 2006
I've been dating Sara for 2 years now, i'm 18, and she'll be 20 in december. i met her on the internet, around 6 years ago, she was the coolest person i've ever talked too, funny, witty, charming, everything you could hope for in a girl, it wasn't until i met her, 2 years ago, that i realised how perfect she acctually was. She was absolutely gorgeous, about 5'10" long blonde hair, gorgeous brown eyes. Her tits were quite small, but heck they looked great to me, and what she lacked in the breast department, she more than made up for in the ass department! I could stare at that thing for days without getting bored, or losing my erection. it was the most beautiful thing i'd ever seen. i made a habit of walking behind her, just so i could watch it jiggle some more.
2 years into our relationship, and i've never been unfaithful to her, our sex life is fantastic, she puts out all the time, and delivers a brilliant session every single time. I know we are pretty young, but both of us got into sex early in our lives (both lost our virginities around age 13), so we've had adequate experience. Our relationship is a long-distance one, with her living about 150 miles away. We would try to see each other about twice a month, either i'd go and stay with her, or she'd come and stay with me, for usually a weekend at a time. I thought sara was perfect, i thought we were in love, and had the perfect little arrangement, but a few weeks ago, i found out that her side of the arrangement was a little sweeter than mine.
Where i'd sworn to myself to be faithful to her, while she wasn't around (and beleive me, the opportunities did come up), according to what i found out, she had made the exact opposite decision. A few weeks after passing my driving test, i decided that i'd make a suprise visit to her house. I'd never arrived un-arranged before, we'd always give each other at least a weeks notice in advance of a meeting. but this time, i thought i'd just spring myself on her. it took about 3 hours to get to her house, all through the journey i was thinking of what i was going to do when i got there, planning every single detail out in my head. So needless to say, when i pulled up outside her house, my cock as as hard as stone. I got out of the car, and waltzed up to the door, with a cheap boquet of flowers that i'd bought at a service station. I knocked, no answer, i tried again, still no answer. "Damn" i thought out loud, she must have gone out. I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and dialled her cell. After a few rings, she answered

"hii hunny" She spoke, sounding no different to how she usually did when she answered the phone.
"heya, where are you baby?" i could hear some music playing in the background.
"oh just up in my room, listening to some music" she said.

at this point i thought that maybe she'd not heard me knocking because of the music, so i tried knocking on the door, loudly. She must have heard it, because i could hear her jump.

"IS THAT YOU??" she gawped down the phone, realising that it was me knocking, and sounding more tense than excited.

"It sure iss baby!! Come let me in!" i said excitedly, sounding like some kind of cheesy game-show host.

"shitttt " i heard her say, and then some muffled speech, as if she was trying to quickly get dressed

"are you ok baby?" i asked her.

"ill be right down" she gasped, and then hung up.

I waited by the door for what seemed like forever, in reality, it must have been about 5 minutes. I thought about calling her cell again, but didn't bother, thinking that maybe she was on the toilet, or even better, putting on a sexy outfit to suprise me.
I then saw her shadow walk down the stairs through the patterend glass, i also saw what looked like somebody walking behind her, maybe just a shadow i thought. She walked away from the front door, towards the back door. "Maybe she doesnt have the front door key with her" i thought, my mind utterly suspicion-less. i walked around to the gate to her back garden, and tip-toed so i could see over. i caught a glimpse of what looked like somebody jumping over the wall at the back of her garden, into the garden behind. Maybe i'd just imagined it i thought, Sara then walked down to the fence.
"bill!" she shouted, half-excitedly. She looked a mess, her hair was all over the place, and her makeup smudged in parts. She was wearing a dressing gown, that looked as if it had been thrown on in the last minute.

We kissed and hugged, and she told me how shocked she was that i'd turned up. i tried it on with her right there in the garden, but she beat off my initial sexual advances. I just assumed it was because we were standing in the garden. When we went inside, and made our way up to her room, i tried again, kissing and groping her. She played along at first, but when i tried to slide my hand into her panties she pulled my hand away.
"No baby!" she said teasingly, but looking slightly nervous.
I looked at her, questioningly.
"i havent shaved!" she said shyly.

I grinned, and winked at her.
"I dont mind sara!!" i said naughtily, as i tore down her panties in one swift action, leaving her totally shocked, and trying her best to pull them back up. I stood there staring, totally confused. If she had shaved her pussy or not, i couldn't have told, because i couldn't see anything through the thick layer of cum that was covering and dripping from her snatch.

"What the Fuck!?" i finally managed to utter, in complete disbelief.

Thoughts started racing through my mind, of my girlfriend fucking another guy, me catching them, and him making a swift getaway over the garden wall. it took me a while to come around, and get the image of my girlfriend being fucked by another guy out of my head. Although i was initially pissed off, i was still feeling very horny from the drive over, so my thoughts changed from angering me, to arousing me. The sight of her cum covered pussy was also doing wonders for my sex drive, my cock was almost ripping out of my trousers as i stared at her gooey cunt.
She was looking at me, not knowing what to do, worrying that i was going to compeltely flip on her. Then her eyes wandered down, and noticed the huge bulge in my pants, she knew this was turning me on, and she was going to use that to get herself out of trouble.

"im so glad you're here baby" she said in her best seductive voice "i've been wanting your big cock all day" she said reaching her hand forward and grabbing at my package.
"what..the" i said, taking a step backwards, not knowing which of my feelings to trust.
She took another step forward and grabbed at my package again, she got up close and started to french kiss me, rubbing her body against mine and squeezing at my cock through my pants.
The fucking slut!! i thought to myself, though i didn't stop her, what should have been making me wild with anger, was instead making me wild with lust. I wanted her, and she knew it. There was nothing i could do about it.
She grabbed my hand with hers and brought it down to her pussy, manipulating my hand with hers, she rubbed it all over her wet cumfilled pussy, and then brought my hand, covered in man-juice up to her mouth, and started to individually suck on each one of my fingers. if my brain was still in any decision-making process, over what was going to happen next, this was the act that decided it.
part 2

I immediatly grabbed her close to me and started to kiss her madly, even though my eyes were closed, i knew she was smiling to herself, she knew that she'd gotten away with it. i ran my hands all over her, squeezing her perfect ass while kissing her all over her neck, i bent down slightly as i started to suck on her tits (the slut wasnt even wearing a bra under the gown!) as i worked my hand up her thigh and began sliding my fingers inside her wide, gooey hole. I'd never felt her this wet before, or wide for that matter, it felt as if her pussy had been stretched to its limit, i could almost fit my whole hand in her. She then grabbed me by the hair, and started stepping backwards towards the bed. she sat down on the edge and pulled my head down towards her pussy, i knew what she wanted, but i didnt even have enough time to stop myself, or even think logically about what i was about to do. Before i knew it, my face was buried in her pussy, my tongue lapping up her and her loves juices, i could tell she was loving the thought of having me clean up after her lover, because she was moaning like i'd never heard her moan before. She must have been seriously fired-up from earlier because she came to a blisteringly loud orgasm in under 5 minutes.

Usually after i'd brought her to climax from licking her pussy, it'd be time for me to fuck her, so i started to raise up, and unbutton my trousers when i felt her hand on my head again, pushing me down once more, into her wanting, messy cunt. i obliged, and began once again covering her clit with my mouth and slapping at it with my tongue, she was loving every second of it. I dared to look up and saw that she had her cell phone in her hands, working away at a text message, i tried to pop my head up and see what she was writing, but only caught a glimpse of "door is still open" before i was swatted away, back to my oral duties. i tried again a few seconds later and saw "need 2 finish u off" before Sara gripped a handfull of my hair and buried my face into her pussy again.
She had just finished her second orgasm when i heard the back door opening, and then being slammed. i tried to jump up and act, but i was held firmly in place by my girlfriend, my face glued to her cunt, there wasn't much cum left now, though she was still dripping with my saliva and her own juices.
Her bedroom door opened, and i tried to turn and see who it was, i couldn't because of the force that sara was putting onto my head. But i soon found out. Two black legs came either side of my curled up body and stood with bollocks dangling above my head. i looked up and saw the most impressively sized piece of meat ever. it must have been a good 8 inches, flopping above my head, and thick around too. Before i had time to think about jumping up, and giving this bastard a piece of my mind, my face was once again buried in my girlfriends still-spasming cunt. I could hear slobbering from up above, and knew that she was feasting on his big cock, i attempted to look up, and got an eyeful of her throating his tool, my cock was so hard now that i thought i would cum at any moment. This must have been how my black friend was feeling too, as i soon felt something drip onto the back of my neck, i heard him moan with pleasure, and felt his black legs tremble around me, as he shot his load into my girlfriends pretty mouth. He started laughing, and i felt so ashamed that my whole body must have turned bright red. i felt a hand grip my hair from above, the grip was strong and the hands were large.
"That's one beautiful ass girlfriend you got there boy." he said, starting to chuckle to himself. "i better not find out that you've treated her bad after this, if i hear that you so much as shouted at this fine young lady, i'll do to your ass what i just did to that sluts mouth. Do you understand me boy?" he finished, lowering his head so that he was almost talking right into my ear. I nodded softly.
This was surreal, i was completely gobsmacked, i'd caught my girlfriend cheating on me, ate her lovers cum, and now i was being threatened sodomy, by a black monster with a hose-pipe for a cock.
i started to whimper slightly, and heard him laughing to himself as he pulled on his pants and started to leave, my girlfriend was giggling too. this was unbelivable.
After the back door slammed shut, i shot up and started shouting at Sara, i called her all kinds of slut, but nothing i said seemed to even register with her, she just smirked at me, with the same suggestive face she used earlier, Only this time, the bottom half of her face was streaked with the black guys spunk that had dripped from her mouth. She got up, and stood in front of me, covered in spunk, and looking like if she fucked any more today it'd kill her. I'd never found her more attractive than i did at that very moment.
She grabbed me and started to kiss me, her mouth full of still-warm man-jizz it filled my mouth as she pushed her tongue into mine, i didnt care, i was lost in my own sordid thoughts, my cock had grown to its full length again, and it wasnt long before i was on top of her, telling her how much i loved her, and fucking her wide messy cunt with my miserably, embarresing penis.
We're still together today, and i still love her as much as i did before, she has needs that she has to take care of, and im alright with that. I even get to join in sometimes. So i'm happy!


Thanks for reading!

this was my first ever attempt at writing erotic fiction (although some of it is non-fiction.) it is loosely based on an experience i had with my girlfriend. i won't go in to which bits are true and which aren't, i'll leave it to your imaginations. I'll just tell you that it sure was a hell of a lot of fun!

Thanks! :feedback:
no feedback? =/

i was expecting a little more. even if you're just stopping by to say that the story was awful!

Night x
great story billy. many thanks and keep up the good work... looking forward to reading more.
Thanks for writing

I like true stories and i would love to know more, how your relationship progressed and what you discussed.
Thanks a lot guys! means a lot, because it was my first time trying something like this.

I'll try to get some more stuff up ASAP :D

any ideas? suggestions? that you'd like me to write about in particular?

or would it be best if i just stuck to telling my own, true stories?

wow, you are a pussy. you are clearly a tool if you met her on an online site or wherever, not to mention she cheated on you. and you just kissed her after some black dude nut in her mouth? and you whimpered when he said something to you. Man up muther fucker.
billyjjj said:
or would it be best if i just stuck to telling my own, true stories?
I prefer to read true stories, describing your feeling would be good except for sexual details.
Hi Billyjj,

I liked your story although I got confused by the first two sentences where you mentioned you are 18, have been dating her for two years and met her on the internet 6 years ago. Did you meet her when you were 12 or was there a typo somewhere? Keep writing and sharing your experiences. Typos happen. <S>

Thanks for your contribution,
nope, no typos. i acctually met her in a chatroom when i was 12. we just chatted for years, and met up 2 years ago :)

i have a couple more true stories to write about, they won't be as kinky as this one though!
i'll try to pen them in the next few weeks
BillyJJJ, this is a very well-written story, and just the kind we all like to read.
There is usually a delay in getting replies, because there is so much to read on the net.

I found it incredibly sexy the way the boyfriend was ****** to accept the cuckolding, and got a stiffie and drank all the creampie up. This was so awesome.
Thanks josetta
means a lot to get positive feedback like that! :)
nice story-keep it up.
any pics of the gf?
very HOT story Billy...when he grabbed your head he should have had you suck his cum covered hose pipe! Keep up penning stories...good job!
Yeah, if anybody wants photos of the gf (now my ex-gf sadly :( ) feel free to PM me with your e-mail address, and i will send you a couple of nice ones.
Thanks guys! :)
thanks for all the generous PM's ive been getting about this story!

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