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My story - the ups and the downs

  • Thread startercp1970
  • Start date
Sorry for drawing my story out, but the detail is relevant to what happened
Part 8 - The discovery

By February I was sure something was up, but I could not work out what. I was watching her closely and could not work out how she could be seeing someone else, but yet clearly something was going on. With hindsight I cannot believe I was so blind and so stupid that I could not work out what was going on... it was all there right in front of me, but yet I missed it.

I walked into our bedroom one Saturday late morning in February, she was in the shower, there was her phone lying on the bed... I have to admit I had checked it once or twice before... a quick look at her text messages.... and there it was.... "it was sooooo great to finally hear your voice... you sound so sexy on the phone... I love you" OMG what was this!!!!! finally hearing your voice??? I love you????? - i then focused on the phone number - who the hell was telling my wife that he loved her??? The mystery deepened when i looked at the number it was not a local number it was from overseas.

All this happened in less than 30 seconds, I grabbed a pen and wrote down the number, my hands shaking so much I could hardly write.

I escaped to my home office and sat there numbly for maybe 15 minutes - what was going on??? Here I had spent the last 18 months or so fantasizing about my wife fucking someone else etc.. but what was going on... why had someone from an overseas country texted my wife, when had they spoken to her? and the love you? did my wife love this person? what do I do? Do i confront her? ... sorry I will have to stop here, I have a meeting.... the next part is long....
Part 9

Luckily she was busy after her shower as I could not have been able to hide my shock and confusion. After around 15 minutes I started getting my composure back, think - what do I do? Then it dawned on me the phone account has her cell phone on it and they were filed in my office. I looked back over the past 12 months nothing. So I went online to view the current account and there it was she had sent 8 text messages over the last 3 days to this overseas phone number.

Wasn’t it ironic that the only text numbers itemized on the phone bill are international ones. Now how do I find out who it is? Do I call the number? Does it make any difference? Do I confront her? Can I hide my feelings?
I needed to get hold of her cell phone again. I needed to look at her call register that would show the incoming and outgoing calls as well as texts, I would also maybe be able to work out who it was, if she had the number in her contacts.

So i decided to wait until I had more information before deciding my next step
So i went to find my wife, I was still shaking.. I went up to her and said I don't feel well, she said you look terrible!! are you ok?? I could see the concern on her face. I said I feel very strange. I am going to lie down.
She came with me and was very concerned for me, helped my lie down. I said I need to sleep. Of course she took her phone with her.. that lucky I wasn't going to be!!!
Part 10

I decided to get up as this would increase my chances of accessing her phone again. No luck all of Saturday but Sunday early afternoon I finally got my chance. I girlfriend of hers dropped something off and they were chatting at the front door. Off I dashed to search for her phone, hoping it wasn’t in her jeans pocket. Yes!!! there it was on the kitchen counter. I could hear them chatting so it was reasonably safe, my daughter was out.. my huge chance.. With shaking hands I took a look. Interestingly THE text was gone... into her phone log. I found the text's 8 outgoing 13 incoming. Also found 2 calls both incoming one for 3 minutes and one for 10. I also noted that she had added the number into her address book as a girlfriends name with a 2 after it - very sneaky indeed...

Now I had to decide what to do.. i put her phone back and went to my office to think... What do I say? I did not want to tell her I read her text's.. I was sitting in my office she came in looked at me and said what is wrong...there is something going on!!! OMG

I looked at her and I said - yes something is going on - you tell me what? She said huh? I said i was reviewing the phone bill.. I saw 8 text's to an overseas number in the last 3 days - who is it and what is going on?

She looked straight at me and paused a moment - those 2 seconds seemed like a lifetime.. what was she going to say. She said they are texts to Steve XXXXXX (A guy I knew from years ago - who had gone to live in the UK)

Over the next 2 hours my wife proceeded to tell me the most amazing story.
I will summarise it as follows:

Since December she has been having a HOT online affair with a guy in the UK on MySpace. I knew the guy from College, she didn’t really. He added her on MySpace and said hi, back in December. They had chatted through email briefly playing the do you know game. Then he started flirting with her.. that was exactly when I started complaining about the ending of the whole hotwife talking and joking.. so based on that she decided to flirt back.
One thing lead to another and they had got more and more involved, to the point where they were chatting on email for 1 to 2 hours a day on average.

The texts were because he had been nagging her for over a month to talk on the phone and finally she had agreed to let him call her and that the texts were him following up the calls.

It was the time to test her honesty - so I asked her how many call had there been , when and how long - she answered very honestly, I asked her how many texts had he sent again very honest.

I was quiet shocked to hear this story for a number of reasons I will have to go into next time.. I am really sorry to end here but I have commitments...

I will also continue to tell more about her 'affair' and then what happened
part 11

So... in summary here is what I knew to date.....
1. She was having some sort of online relationship with a guy in the UK for the last 4 months.
2. The relationship involved - MySpace email and chat- heavy
3. He had called her twice
4. They had swapped texts's 8 or 10

That night we spoke from 10pm to 5am, she told me everything - he had flirted with her on Myspace very soon after I had complained about the jokes and everything ending - she resisted at first - but then thought well he (me) actually wants me too - the guy is sweet and nice and many thousands of miles away - so she responded and the relationship flourished....

She told me that the guy (who is married BTW) had really fallen for her (how you do so over the internet is beyond me)... and that he had been nagging her for over a month to phone her.. she finally gave in...He nagged her for over a month, she resisted and then gave in - telling him that text's are so risky (how ironic was that).

sorry I have to go, more later......
I little bit more

She told me they had discussed that too.. about meeting up one day, they even had discussed when it could work.

Then she told me he had started telling her he loved her and that he had nagged her for over 2 months to say it back - finally she had agreed.. This was one of the most devastating things i have ever heard... my wife told another man she loved him - I asked her the key question - holding my breath - did she actually love him - the answer - sort of - not the way she loved me, but as she said she loves many of her girlfriends , she loves our daughter, she loves her sisters, she loves her cousin, in a way she loved him too. I cant say I was happy about that part.

She then said to me , why are you upset about this - why are you questioning me? we made a deal 2 years ago, we agreed I can do what I like.. so what is your problem, I told you I wouldn’t tell you what I did either and you agreed. I said yes I agreed to you being a hotwife and fucking someone - BUT I expressly did NOT agree to an internet lover in fact it was one of the things I expressly said is a no no when we made our rules - which we did by email.

She was taken aback by that, she said we did not agree to that exclusion in fact you didn’t even mention it. I said i did by email as part of our deal. She said I did not agree to that, I did not know the internet lovers were even discussed - why did you want to exclude that? I said for the EXACT reason of what happened - I said real life is just sex -0 internet is in the head only - not good!!!

she was genuinely shocked and claimed that she had not read that email.

Sorry GTG more later
Part 13

The conversation then shifted to where too from here, we went round and round in circles, at first she wanted to end it, but then she pointed out that it had been great for the both of us....

I asked her to tell me exactly when they spoke for how long and what about... she said that most of the chat was mundane, that on 4 or 5 occasions it had been very hot 'internet sex' and that the rest of the communication was mostly sort of loving.. I missed you so much I wish you were here with me etc etc...

I said to her that the XXX stuff did not bother me it was really the loving stuff that did.. we did not reach any conclusions, she emailed him saying she is not going to be around for a few days on her computer to buy us time to sort it all out.

We decided to take some time out to think.. then it dawned on me... I had setup her MySpace account - surely she had changed the initial password I had used...I was going to try log in when she was at work the next day...

I did not sleep at all that night (or what was left of it) what does on make of this? what to do? make her end it? encourage her to continue..!!!

The next day she dragged herself off to work - 2 hrs sleep!!!
I barely waited for her to drive off - I tried her MYSpace account - OMG she had not changed the password I had created for her. I was in... on the one hand I felt awful how could I do this, on the other hand how could I not - i had to know...... OMG she had hundreds of emails form him, I must have read for over 2 hours - it actually made me sick, to see my wife write I love you baby.. in an email is not something I would wish on my worst enemy..

On the other hand - the great news was that EVERYTHING she told me was 100% the truth - she had not left anything out, the relationship was exactly as she had told me, it evolved how she said - I read how he told her he loved her and how she dismissed him saying don’t be ridiculous and how he carried on and on and how he started telling her he loved her more and more and then how he nagged and nagged for her to say same and how she resisted for ages etc etc... by the end I felt a massive wave of relief, I had learned that she was 100% truthful...

I have to admit I did no work that day - what to do from here???
I must say that your wife has handled the situation maturely and, frankly, you have not! You sound very much like the child who brings his new ball out to play and then pulls it back when the others won't play by his made-up rules.

This lifestyle does not appear to be for you. If you can convince her to stop her emotional affair then you owe her a lot of begging for forgiveness for suggesting this type of sexual game and then yanking the permission back when her heart is so tied up in it.
Long way to go in my story yet SS.... in my own defence we agrred rules at the start one of which I did state that an online affair is a nono.

I went back to the email exchanges when we did our deal and found the email I sent her in which I said .. "and no internet/online relationships, because they are only emotional"

she did not reply to that email and promised me that she did not read it at the time, in her defence emails were flying around between us at the time and she responded to all my emails except that one. In light of her honesty over this whole thing I did believe her
part 14

So that night after our daughter went to bed - we spoke again for ages... and we reached a decision - we decided to let it carry on, with some rules in place that we both agreed to.

1. that she would end it now if I asked her to – but once we agreed to carry on then it was her decision
2. that she would not text him anymore or let him text her - unnecessary
3. that she would let me ask questions, but she could refuse to answer
so that night she went back on MySpace and chatted to him - it was a very surreal experience sitting in my office hearing my wife typing away furiously on her keyboard to her boyfriend

and I gotta tell you the sex that night almost blew the roof off our house - my Mrs. was so hot, she threw me down on the bed, climbed on top of me and leaned over, held my arms pinned down and slid herself along me.. she was dripping wet - felling her wet pussy lips sliding along my cock was sweet agony until she finally raised herself up and sat on me. For the next 10 minutes she fucked me and she came for the first time ever with me inside her, until now it was always after by finger or tongue...
this story is certainly interesting - can't guess where its going to end...... please can you try post more soon CP thanks

Good to hear yiour wife has been honest with you - although she did not tell you about it until you caught her
Part 15

Thanks SB - story still has some twists and turns - sorry for posting it parts I can’t sty online for long, in and out of conference calls and dashing off to meetings - I work from home but go out a lot...

So the next month was an amazing time the highs and the lows were incredible. The sex was incredible, I always thought after 15 years of marriage that the stuff in the movies is nonsense - sex just isn’t like that - well I can tell you it is true, All led my my Mrs. - she wanted to experiment different positions, she wanted me to buy X rated movies, she bought lots of really sexy lingerie etc etc

On the other hand there were issues too, the way the time clock worked she had 3 chances a day to talk to him, early morning for a very short while, the late afternoon, and nights. I was finding the nights really hard. Some nights she could not tear herself away, sometimes as late as 1 am, I would be lying in bed waiting for her (something she found hot BTW - the idea that I was waiting for her feeling jealous was a big turn on). Some nights we would watch some TV, but I could see she was distracted and I knew where she would rather be.

There we a lot of discussions too, she told me that he was getting more and more pushy - he wanted to call her again - she was saying no

She told me that the XXX stuff was very rare, but he was really pushing teh love /emotion stuff.

Those of you who think I signed up for this by making this deal and I should SFU - I want you to think about the fact that in effect her boyfriend was right in our lives, taking my wife away from me every night for an hour or 2 or sometimes even 3

During this time I discovered my wife did not really love him, she actually loved the adulation - and why wouldn’t she!! she loved being special to 2 men, she loved the friendship.

We had many arguments and some amazing sex - there is NO DOUBT our love for each other grew a lot in this time period.

We also had long discussions about phone calls, I could not see the point of him phoning her - she said she didn’t want him to call but seeing he wanted to so badly she didn’t think it was a big deal if he did. During the month she did let him phone her one night when i was out, but against my wishes

twice during our discussions she almost ended it with him, she felt that she was unable to cope with the stress of the whole thing and it was me who actually talked her into continuing -- sorry gtg more later
holy moly dude


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Part 16

The nights were definitely becoming an issue for us... I would be watching TV and hearing the furious typing in the back ground, eventually she would join me in front of the TV - there was a lot of tension, I was not able to be relaxed and happy - even if at the time it was quite hot wondering what they were talking about.
I also had a lot of questions and she answered 99% of them, I found out lots of interesting things . There had been a lot of talk about them meeting up somewhere - how they could arrange it. One night we had a long talk about that. It was clear to me that she was very keen to meet with him, but wanted my blessing. her concern was that I agree to it, but then would not be able to deal with it if she did it. I assured her that I was ok with it as long as I knew about it. We even came up with a very hot scenario, where I picked her up from the airport and we went straight to a hotel for a night to 're establish' our sexual relationship.....I told her the idea of sitting at home wondering what she was doing and when etc was very hot
Meanwhile in spite of the 'issues' with the nighttimes - our sex life was still as hot as ever, she was almost continually horny and I was actually struggling to keep up (almost :) ) we did it 6 days in a row!!! a record and not bad for 40 year olds!!!!

More to come..
Part 17

I haven’t told you much about the guy...
He was apparently happily married about 45 - claims he had never done anything like this before. From what I could gather a control freak, always trying to make my wife do things she didn't want to do eg. text him. But according to her was wonderful to her very sensitive and very warm.
But also a very complex character and they would often argue - my wife said he would often start nonsense, such as randomly saying she is losing interest in him etc etc
Of course he did not know that I had found out...
During the 5 weeks I lost 20lbs (And I was not over weight before) - had very little appetite.. my wife was very concerned that I was 'pretending to be ok with it' but that it was eating me up inside - this was not the case, but the nights were killing me, I felt that he was here in our house - which is very ironic considering...
Then my wife came up with an idea - she said that she will stop talking to him at night, she came up with a plan of what to tell him.

As soon as she stopped talking at night the tension and pressure lifted and for the next 2 weeks things were really good between us...

However he was NOT happy with less talk time. He started pushing her really hard for more phone calls and she resisted. Then he started nagging about texting him.. finally she decided to end it. We spent many hours planning what she was going to say etc.. as she did not want to make him cross or upset - the risks of doing that was obvious....

We also spoke about where too from here with us.. she pointed out that there are going to be changes now this period is over, as she wants to get back to a nice simple life again. She said that she will not be getting a local boyfriend, nor will she ever do the online thing again...

So she ended it, he was a total gentleman and they agreed that maybe they could be friends one day....It ended about 3 months ago

That’s the end of part 1 of my story - its not finished....the next part of my story will jump to about 5 weeks ago
Part 18

So the weeks after it ended were very strange, my wife was clearly upset and clearly missing the whole thing. Our sex life was a bit less intense...

One night we had a very long chat about the whole thing and I don’t know why I asked her the question - but I did, I said was he the first - she looked me in the eye and said no - I had a very short hot online fling with an ex boyfriend - also on MySpace around the time we made our original deal.
They had 'online sex' 2 or 3 times.
I was really surprised and it really did change the way I thought about my wife. She is very shy and very self conscious - I thought the affair with Steve was all due to circumstances, right guy, right time etc... but twice painted her in a very different picture... and to say it turned me on a lot would be an understatement.....

She also told me that she would have fucked both guys if the opportunity arose.... She did say that her days of online 'hotwifing' are over.. and that I can also put any thoughts of her finding a local guy and actually doing anything out of my mind.

But she did admit that the idea of her fucking another guy is a turn on for her....

the next few months - settled down into a more normal routine, the sex was still very good, but back to 'normal' levels of around 2 to 3 times a week.

There was no talk of Hot Wives, boyfriends or anything.....

Then around 5 weeks ago - we were in bed and she was wearing her hottest pink corset and she sat on top of me as she did so often, and for some reason, as I was about to enter her, I went soft.... only the second time ever in my life.. no matter what we tried it would not work... my wife was very upset.. I said it happens to all guys.. don’t worry about it, maybe I am getting sick or something.....
GTG More to come......
Part 18 - a massive twist

Well 2 night later we tried again, I got hard and then thought, of what happened last time, and guess what it went soft again !!!
We had a very big fight, my wife felt that it was because I did not want her badly enough and that it was as a result of what had happened previously. I argued that it was performance anxiety.

The next day, i as working at my desk, she walked into my office and threw a pair hot bright pink lacy panties at me... she said put them on.. I said really? why? she said if you are not man enough for me, you should wear panties, they will remind you how you are not a man... OMG!!! - I can tell you she was very serious when she said it... As I went off to put them on, she said I don't want to ever see you in them.
What an incredible feeling it was when I put them on. I got instantly hard, it felt so humiliating. I hardly concentrated that day. I could feel the lace of the panties lightly scratching me all day. That night in bed (after I had taken them off.. I was so horny, my wife would not let me near her, I tried to touch her and she said, I don’t play with girls sorry....and rolled over
More to come, nearly up to date with my story
Wow CP I did not predict tis was hwo it was going to end up, you think your wife wants to femminise you? You are very lucky!!!
No in fact SB64 thats definitley not the case. She told me to wear them but did not want to see me in them. She told me to wear them until I was man enough to fuck her. The next day I said what am I supposed to wear today, she gave me another pair - baby pink silky ones... she said I think they are your color.

The next week, she made countless comments about me not being man enough, about not wanting to touch me because I was a girl and how she will have to be ****** to find a real man to fuck her soon.... all of which of course were driving me crazy with lust for her.

Twice she let me finger her saying thats all you are good for, as a girl.... once I mangaged to get on top of her and put the tip of my cock just inside her, but before I could push inside her she squirmed away and closed her legs.

I was not really sure what was going to happen next.. after all this time was she finally going to cuckold me? and how long was she going to cut me off for?
Well, I did tell you that you were very heavy-handed in your response to finding out about her online affair(s). It seems she is giving you a taste of your own cooking!

You both sound like you are very strong-willed people with firm ideas about how your relationship should work. Sadly I think you may be giving us front row seats to a train wreck if the two of you don't learn to compromise.

Of course your narrative is written in the past tense so I am hoping that you are going to admit to a happy life of pink panties and torrid affairs!

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