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Not a true story but it is based on one

  • Thread starterclayc1968
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Apr 29, 2011
This isn't a true story but it's based on actual events. The names have been changed to protect ME in the highly unlikely event that someone I know would come here and put it all together in their head.

Christmas Eve.
I live with my best friend. My girlfriend doesn't live with us officially but spends the night very often. My girlfriend sleeps with both of us but not at the same time. My best friend's girlfriend has no idea what is going on when she isn't visiting.

The three of us are sitting on the couch watching a random movie. I'm in my shorts. He's in boxers. She's in panties and a random t-shirt. We have the place nice and toasty. He is sitting between us which is usually the routine when we are all home.

They are poking around with each other. He tickles her, she giggles. Pecks on the lips, quick french kisses. He runs his hand up and down her thigh, then parks his hand inside her thigh just below her panty line.

He tickles her panties, then works his finger through the side of her panties and slides a finger into her.

I glance over and she tells me "What? Mind your own business. Don't be weird."

He chuckles to me, "It's cool dude. Don't worry about us."

She rests her head on his shoulder and slides her hand into the hole of his boxers.

"There you go" he says as her hand moves up and down inside his boxers.

She giggles. "You like that?" she asks him.

"You know what I'd really like?" he asks her.

"Uh huh," she replies to him. Then to me she says, "Do me a favor and go to bed. I'll be in there in a few minutes."

"You sleeping with me tonight?" I ask.

"No but I'll lay down with you for a little bit if your awake."

"How long are you going to be?" I ask.

"I don't know," she replies. "Don't worry about it. If your awake when I come in, I'll lay down with you. If your not, I'll let you sleep."

"I'd rather you wake me up."

"I'd rather you be asleep," she replies. They both laugh.

Defeated, I head to bed.

As I walk away, I hear my best friend say to my girlfriend, "Pull it out. Put your head down here." "Just take your boxers off," she replies.

I hear him reply "OK" as I head down the hall.

I go in my room and remove my shorts. I crawl into bed naked hoping she won't be long. I watch the clock knowing she is down the hall giving him a blow job. At least. I can't help but wrap my hand around my dick and massage myself as I wish she would have walked down the hall with me.

I try to be careful not to orgasm. I want to save it for her. If I orgasm, I will be out of business and she won't wait for me to make a comeback. I already know what she really wants and it's not in MY bedroom.

5 minutes tick by. 10 minutes. 15, 20, 25, 30. 45 minutes. 50 minutes. 55 minutes. FINALLY! She slowly opens the door and whispers my name.

I'm relieved that she kept her promise. I respond, "I'm still awake." She sighs. I know she was hoping I was already asleep.

"I can't believe your still awake. Did you cum already?"


An ackward silence. "Alright." She strowls into the room completely nude, her t-shirt and panties on the floor in the living room.

"Did you do it with him?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering," I respond. She shrugs with a "Whatever." I know she considers this a chore tonight.

I know she wants to be with him because it's Christmas. But she knows I want her to be with me for the same reason. After all, it is Christmas Eve.

She crawls in bed with me and we share oral sex for about 20 minutes. I make love to her for about 15 mintues and then have a pre-cum orgasm.

It falls out, soft.

She sighs. "Get off," she "asks".

"Can you get it back up?" she inquires.

"I can try," I respond.

"What ever." She's annoyed, disappointed, frustrated. And eager to get down the hall.

About 2 minutes pass.

"Is it hard yet?"

"Not yet. Give me afew more minutes."

"He's waiting. Either get it hard again right now or I have to go."

"Your sleeping with him tonight?"


"But you just did it with him. And it's Christmas."

"I know what day it is. I did it with him and I did it with you. Now it's his turn again. If you can't get it back up, I'm going."

"Just give me afew more minutes."

"He's going to get pissed. I'm going to go. We'll do it tomorrow sometime. Merry Christmas honey."

She gets up.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart. I love you."


"I wish you'd stay."

"I'm getting laid tonight. That's what I want for Christmas."

She walks out of my room as naked as she was when she walk in, leaving the bedroom door wide open.

"Can you close...."

"WHOSE HERE?" she says. She returns and glares at me. "It's just us. Give it a rest. Do me a favor and go to sleep."

She walks away. I hear my best friend's bedroom door open. It closes. The lock clicks.

I lay in bed tired but wide awake. Within only a few minutes, I hear her moaning. She says his name.

How in the world am I going to sleep tonight?

Merry Christmas!

I wake up Christmas morning. It's fairly early. I'm in bed naked, alone, with my girlfriend down the hall behind a locked door, in bed with my best friend.

It's amazing I was able to sleep at all. I feel a damp pubble of cum between my legs on the sheets. I finally have a decent orgasm and it's wasted on the sheets. My girlfriend loves cum and since I'm not a very good performer in bed, she seeks it from my best friend. Mostly from my best friend. And from time to time, from a few other guys. I don't know much about them. I just know they exist.

I get up and slip my shorts on. I walk down the hall. I hear nothing behind the door. I gently try to turn the door knob to my best friend's bedroom. It's still locked. I expected it to me.

I walk into the living. I look at the TV and see the Playboy channel on. They must have changed the channel after I went to bed. I notice everything on my coffee table laying on the floor. At least they didn't break anything.

I see my best friends boxers on the floor. My girlfriends panties lay on top of them. Her t shirt lays on top of her panties. How did I end up in this world I live in today?

I go to the kitchen and make myself a cold breakfast. I can't get my mind off of my girlfriend and best friend locked in his bedroom. What little they were wearing laying on the floor in the living room. Sleeping together. How long did they go at it?

After eating my cold breakfast, I retrace my steps back toward his bedroom door. There are their clothes on the floor. Everything on the coffee table moved to the floor. Playboy on TV. I am so frustrated but also so aroused at the same time.

Here is the bedroom door. They are on the other side and don't have a care in the world about how I feel about it. I knock softly on it.

"WHAT? DO. YOU. WANT." She's awake. And not pleased.

"Just checking up on you," I respond.

"Leave us alone. We're trying to sleep," she replies.

"What time did you go to sleep?" I ask.

"We were up all night, mostly. Why? Just PLEASE go back to bed or something. Just leave us alone. We'll be up in a few hours." She's not happy.

"What's going on?" my best friend asks.

"YOU FUCKING WOKE HIM UP. He's at the door again," she explains to him.

"Dude," he responds. "Come on man, give us a break. It's Christmas. We were up all night. We're both tired as hell. Leave us alone for afew hours, ok man?"

"OK," I respond, defeated again. "What are we doing today?"

"SLEEPING!" he responds. "You need to fucking talk to him," he tells her.

"I will."

"Go talk to him right now before I do. I'm tired of this shit. We fucked all night. I'm fucking tired."

"I will. I will. Come here first."


"You know what. Come here. Get on top of me."

"Did he walk away?"

"HE BETTER FUCKING WALK AWAY. Come here. Get on me." She giggles. He chuckles.

"Is that better?" I hear him ask.

"Yeah, all the way. mmmmmmmm Yeah, MUCH better. Merry Christmas," she chimes to him.

He laughs. "Yeah, Merry Christmas."

They laugh quietly. The squeaking bed and their words leave no doubt to what they are doing. Again.

I walk away wondering how my plan to get them out of there back fired so badly. Well, back fired for me.

I go back to my room and look at the wet cum stain I squirt onto my bed. Why can't I squirt like that in her mouth? Or between her legs? I hate sharing her but I hate the idea of losing her even more.

I hate having so very little say in what she does with other guys. It drives me nuts. And they both know it. And could care less.

My head spinning, I lay down. I laid there for what seemed like an eternity. Sometimes I could hear her moaning.

The next thing I remember is her standing over me, "GET UP! You woke us up so now it's your turn." She is wearing a pair of HIS boxers and that's all. I can't take this anymore. It's torture.

"Lay down with me," I plead.

"I'm pissed. I'm mad at you. You'll be lucky if I even give you head today. And he's pissed at you to. If we wanted you in there, we'd fucking let you in. When we're in there, you leave us the fuck alone!"

"Look, I just...."

"Don't even try. Just....oh my God, I am SO pissed at you. Get up."

"Alright, alright." I get up.

"He's in the kitchen. Go talk to him. You know what the deal is. Why do you always act like this?"

I look at her. "Don't look at me. Go talk to him."

I walk toward the kitchen. Playboy is still on. The coffee table is still dearranged. Their clothes are still on the floor.

"Can you at least put the stuff back on the coffee table?" I ask her.

"Don't tell me what to do. You do it. Move the shit someplace else. It was in the way."

I walk into the kitchen. My bestfriend wearing a pair of Christmas boxers and is making eggs. "Hey. Um, I already ate."

"This is for me and her dude. What the fuck? Your a big boy. Make your own shit."

"She said you wanted to talk to me."

"Yeah, look. I'm getting tired of this rerun bullshit with you. You know what the deal is, alright? I fuck her more then you do dude. She fucks everybody so if you want to keep her, you need to get over it. That's just the way it is. But I'm going to tell you one last time, when me and her are in my room, you don't fuck with the door knob and you don't knock on the damn door. We'll come out when we come out. What she does when we come out is between you two. I don't give a fuck. I really don't so you aren't getting any sympathy from me. But you aren't going to wake me up anymore, do you hear me?"


"If she's in bed with me, that's just tough shit man. When I'm in my room, you leave that fucking door alone. If she's in there with me, you know what's up. She's not coming out and your not coming in. I don't care if she's fucking me or sleeping with me. You hear me?"

"Yeah, OK."

"Now go in the living room, do something with all that shit that was on the coffee table. And do me a favor, go throw our clothes in my hamper. In the living room."

"Yeah, I know."

"Okay," he finishes.

I turn around to see my girlfriend was standing there for the entire conversation. Still topless. Still in another pair of HIS boxers.

"Why don't you put some clothes on?" I ask her.

"I have my clothes on."

I walk into the living room to clean up THEIR mess.

Why am I hard?
i'm likeing this ,,very good so far,,thanks

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