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Pain and pleasure of waiting for her

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #101

Mr Soon, looking forward to your account of what was going on in Sue's mind during the last 10 days. What you all are looking forward to or is she sort of "played out" for a while. Does she want to take a break for a bit or is it full speed ahead? Look forward to the photos. Thank you.
  • #102
Hey STB,

Sounds like you're having a blast. Bravo.

I'm just wondering what you think about Don giving Sue some very specific inducement to deny you more. She obviously likes his tongue. She knows she won't get it if you've had sex with her anytime soon...Tuesday is still too close to Friday for him. So her desire for that tongue will lead her to find more and more interest in the game of denying you. Nothing nefarious there. And in a way you're getting what you want, her denying you for her own pleasure, right?

  • #103
I know what you're going through

Boy, do I understand what Stb is going through. My wife has cucked me on and off (no pun) for over 25 years. Currently she is being fucked by a guy she has gone crazy for and sees only every couple of months. She goes nuts before they get together for a long weekend of "every kind of sex" (her words). I get nuts in my own way anticipating her BF eating and fucking her and her sucking him off. I know pretty much what happens as she fills me in afterward - when she will only jerk me off for about a week. She also will only jerk me off for about a week before she will be with him. This is one of the wildest and strongest explosions I can have just seeing them in my mind fucking like bunnies. I wish I could actually watch - she strictly says no.

I have had some recriminations and jealousy afterward but I always encourage her to keep on seeing this guy and more men after he's done with her. It's such a turn on to have her making her pussy available to other men. And she really enjoys herself. She was very cautious about starting this years ago but I kept reassuring her that it was what I wanted for her and I was OK with it. She seemed very reluctant to admit that she wanted to fuck other men. When she finally got a younger man to screw her she was hooked and has never stopped for more than a year or two (and this was over 25 years ago!!).

I hope all of you guys that haven't yet gotten your wives/girlfriends to start will take heart in knowing that once your woman is convinced that you will enjoy it and she tries it, she will go for it big time. It's a great life style.

Good luck to Stb

  • #104
UK - love that analogy - a bottle of champagne popping it's cork. That is what it truly felt like to finally feel her again.

As I said, there has been more we've talked about and I'll get to that but first I did finally have some "alone time" this evening (everyone is out!) to get the pics off the phone and crop them a bit.

Sue1 - is how she looked when she got home. I had hoped for a creampie or something like that and yes, I was disappointed that she'd cleaned up - but then again, the idea of her ending her time with Don that way - washing away the weeks activities - is somehow appropriate. What I do love about this picture is just how swollen her whole pussy mound looks as well as how wet her pussy lips look. Even now looking at the picture again my cock is swelling up rapidly thinking about her presenting herself like that to me - and knowing that not more than a few hours earlier, that Don's tongue and cock were buried in her.

Sue2 - is how she looked after I let loose in her. I didn't let her see this one as she'd probably cringe at how she looked - but you can clearly see what I was saying - that it's not that she's gaping open or anything - but it IS obvious that this is one well-fucked pussy! I almost felt guilty at seeing it knowing how I pounded against her.

So - those 2 pics will be filed away someplace safe along with some of the others from the past. I think one day I'll put them all on their own page in the Wife-Pix section.

Now, back to what we'd discussed over the weekend.

First - Sue's not seeing Don this Friday. Joncondon - you hit the nail on the head when you said that she's taking a bit of a break. It's not that she's worried or concerned about it being too much with Don in terms of what she warned me about in terms of her feelings for him - but instead, it seems to be genuinely her that simply said that after her week with Don, that she just needs a break. I asked her what that meant for us and she basically said that it means we can do whatever we want this week which also means that there isn't that feeling of obligation to fuck tonight as I think we'd both sort of felt for the past few months or more.

Now, before everyone goes thinking that uh-oh, that's the end of that - it isn't - it's actually something she said they both have been feeling, that their "every Friday" needed a break. What that means exactly, I don't know because unless he changes his schedule or his job, there isn't really much other time for them to get together other than by happenstance.

She made no bones about telling me that it did feel like a honeymoon of sorts for her. She even joked with me that they may have fucked more than we did on our real honeymoon. I told her that was okay and that it was what I wanted to feel - her wanting him. She asked if last week had given me what I'd wanted and I said yes, it had and I proceeded to tell her what I"ve said here several times - that as the week went by I felt I appreciated her a lot more than I had and that I sort of had taken her for granted in hind-sight over the past few years. She giggled and said she'd never have believed that her fucking another guy would make me feel that way about her (she joked "or I'd have done it years ago") and I told her that it made me realize that she's an independent person and that I wanted her to realize she herself is very sexual and that I want that to be more in the open.

I told her that the last few days were much as I'd felt when I'd traveled on business for almost 2 weeks one time - and how when I came home that I truly NEEDED to fuck her. She looked at me and said that she'd felt much the same way - that the sex with Don was great but that the last few days (I guess except for when she was in bed with him) that she too felt like she somehow needed to feel me in her again. I remember that post-business-trip fuck and it really did feel the same way. I joked back with her that it would have been really intense feeling how I do now back then and if she'd been with Don (or Brad or whoever) while I was away. She asked me if I could even stand that and I said that while I didn't necessarily want to jump back into that now, that if it could happen in the future, that it might be fun to try? She laughed and said "we'll see....".

At one point she asked me if this was a one-time thing? I told her honestly that it wasn't something I wanted as a regular occurence - but I also told her that I DID enjoy it and that I was happy with how it all worked out and that if we ever found similar circumstances, that we could try it again or some sort of variation.

At that point I asked her how she felt about everything and especially what she felt emotionally - and I told her that it was a concern based on what she'd said to me. She said the week started out like something that was going to be fun - that they discussed all sorts of plans that Friday beforehand and she was excited about it being something new to try and to see how I felt about it. She then said that as the week began and progressed, that she did feel herself being drawn to him. There was no question that the absence of controls coupled with my desire for her to let herself go - did let her feel very aroused and by the end of the week, very connected with him. She described the sex with him as going from somewhat physical at the beginning of the week to being much more sensual at the end - fucking as opposed to making-love. And she looked at me and said that - just like that "it is what we were doing"...."it wasn't fucking by then, we were truly making-love" - and she said that how she felt by the end did scare her a bit.

She thought she might be hurting me by what she was saying but when I told her that I really did want to hear how she felt and that as long as we were talking like we were (just us and obviously okay) that I didn't mind knowing how much she'd given of herself. I've known forever it seems that she doesn't hold herself back physically when she's with him - that she truly loves fucking him. But I know I'm truly a cuck when it turned me on and made me feel as it did to hear her tell me that she truly began to feel emotionally for him and that at the end - it wasn't just her body that was having sex with him, but it truly was her making-love with him. She described how they'd hold each other after they'd finish having sex - and not that they exchanged loving words afterwards or whispered "sweet-nothings" in each others ears - but more of she said she felt this emotional satisfaction at lying with him afterwards and loving what she'd shared with him - him feeling not just her body orgasm with him but knowing she'd been there with him mentally and emotionally too.

She asked me how I can want her to feel that and I simply asked her how does she feel about me now. She paused and then she held me tightly and said that she hadn't really thought about it all that much but when I said it to her that way - that she too began to realize just how this has affected her and her feelings towards me. Instead of driving me away either physically or mentally - instead she began to think about how she felt about me. She'd later (Sunday I guess) would come back to me and say that she'd thought about it more and she didn't want to give me a "swelled head" but that I was right and that she too hadn't noticed the subtle changes in our relationship but now she was realizing it. She feels so much more sexy around me and that she feels like she truly loves me more in that she knows I want her (and she wants me) as a person and not just for sex. She admitted that my unwavering love and support and attraction to her last week did make her realize just how deeply she felt about me.

So - that's about all I can summarize right now. There was more - she asked me again how the whole panty-thing felt for me and I told her that it was incredibly sexy to know what they were doing but to not be able to see for myself. She giggled and said that it also really helped her get in the whole scene too and that while she felt guilty at the beginning of the week about it, that by the end of the week she knew how I felt and she actually found it much of a turn-on for herself too.

I suspect that this weekend we'll have more time together and we won't feel as obligated to have sex on Friday night, etc., so perhaps we'll talk about the future then. She did admit that she loved his tongue - but she also said to me very clearly that his tongue wasn't worth giving up sex with me for - and that they'll "have to figure something out" about it. I told her to let me know what she decides and she giggled and said I'll be the first to know.

It is quite different around here right now not feeling the obligation to have sex tonight. It'll feel even stranger if we do have sex before late Friday!


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  • #105
Thank you for the update and pics Stb.That pussy was certainly well worked. She must have been very sore down there.
Your discussions have been very frank and honest and it seems like that and the past week has given you a new though unusual bonding. Sue's admission that she loves Don's tongue implies that she does not wish to give that up. That is going to put a new light on things. Wonder what she will think of?
  • #106
Thank you

Mr Soon, what a woman you have there. Sainted for certain. She gave you everything you asked for and then some. She has beed having sex two times a day for a week and then three times on Friday. Dear thing deserves a bit of a rest. Take this time for you all to re connect. Thank you for the photos.
  • #107
Very good post STB. I know I wasn't the only one waving flags but I was really worried about where you were going last week. Thank you for showing us the true depth of your relationship. I can see it now. I still think you sailed close but nowhere near the rocks now. You are indeed a lucky man, and I suppose you could say you have worked very hard for a long time to be as lucky as you are, and that would be true too.

Thanks for the pics too. I have to say that Sue1 looks happy and that Sue2 looks happy to be on a short break now !

Finally, perhaps you should claim a lunchtime this week too if you can. Tired on a Friday isn't always the best time, indeed same time, anytime isn't usually.
  • #108

There is a dimension missing from this story that will not be provided fully unless Sue starts her own thread. In her regular Friday liaisons with Don I doubt if conversation in depth was top of their priorities but during that week long fuckathon, the relative lack of urgency possibly made it more likely. This week, during a relaxed more introspective moment with Sue, ask her what she and Don talked about, especially anything pertaining to you.

On a different topic. Don’s demand that Sue be ‘clean’ for him led to that three day exclusion zone but in a different situation he showed no hesitation in possibly imbibing part of his own earlier deposit. Hypothetically, suppose that Sue agreed to his past request that they include one of his friends in their play, I wonder how well his fastidiousness would fare.
  • #109
The whole experience sounds like a success for you all. I do wonder what sue thinks but it would ruin stb's openess IMHO. I wish I could be a fly on the wall if you ever go out with Don and Sue. Wonder how that will go?
  • #110
btw, what a nicely open vagina. Both before and after. To be honest, I understand why Don has such an adversity to your cum...look at that viscous wad! :)
  • #111
Thought I'd post a few thoughts before bed.

Last night was interesting as despite what we'd discussed about the lack of feeling an obligation to fuck last night - when we got into bed, for whatever reason - be it routine or be it that our thoughts were just about each other - or that it'd been a few days already - but our lack of obligation turned into quite an intense desire.

There wasn't any teasing or anything and there hasn't been much of it at all this week. On one hand I am a bit concerned that possibly it was a bit too much last week, but on the other hand, in a similar but different way, I'm thinking that she wants to feel "us" again and I'm very good with that for right now. I am still relishing the feelings I had and the desires it raised in me.

Far2 - that is why I rushed to grab the camera - it's one of the few pics I have of her where her pussy is open like that. I do look at it and it is a clear reminder of her week as I can attest to how her vagina felt - and the only word I can really think of is "used". I wish I could cum like that every time too - that was a huge load for me. I guess that is strong evidence for the whole sperm-competition theory isn't it. The other reason I like that pic is I'm a bit proud of myself at it. But also to Joncondon's point - she definitely deserved time off - especially after the last performance she mentioned several times how she had this ache and how she needed to rest for a few days. While I feel a little guilty because as Jon put it, I guess it might have been too much for Friday night, but at the same time there was no resistance from her at all. If anything from comments that I'll share in the future, I think she liked it in someways.

I've asked Sue about her thoughts and she's shared a lot with me. I'll try to share that with you here in the future. We've made plans to go away overnight this Friday night and between the drive there and our time away, I'm sure our conversation will undoubtedly cover Don and last week. Our son will be home and can care for the house and his sister. I can even see the desire starting to smolder in her this evening.

UK - I think Don's attitude isn't really about being clean or whatever, from what others have said here and privately, I think his attitude is about me and not specifically if Sue is clean or not. I was surprised that she said he didn't flinch or hesitate at all to go down on her afterwards but that further convinces me that it's me he has this mental thing about. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't have a problem with it being another guy. I believe it's largely an act because there have been a few times when he's had no problem with me. If anything, it may be that Sue's agreeing to his requests is also furthering his act.

Anyway, good night all.
  • #112
UK - I think Don's attitude isn't really about being clean or whatever, from what others have said here and privately, I think his attitude is about me and not specifically if Sue is clean or not. I was surprised that she said he didn't flinch or hesitate at all to go down on her afterwards but that further convinces me that it's me he has this mental thing about. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't have a problem with it being another guy. I believe it's largely an act because there have been a few times when he's had no problem with me. If anything, it may be that Sue's agreeing to his requests is also furthering his act.

I cannot see why he would have anything against you per se. It is probably his attempt to control!
  • #113
I agree with Shidave. Sue is in control, you are in control, Don is wanting control. To some extent it is human nature to need control. He may also be jealous that you have Sue's heart.

I still think that Don is very homophobic and that he is afraid that contact with another man's semen will "turn him gay." He may have an experience from his past or he may have fantasies about being with another man. Remember his resistance to being at the nude beach with "gays."

Oh, by the way, are you and Sue going to discuss the nude beach this weekend while you are away? As always, thanks for sharing with us.
  • #114
I for one think you and Sue are playing it well. Control is ultimately up to Sue. She can get what she wants from both you and Don. I just wonder how uncomfortable your next meeting will be with Don, maybe it won't happen at all anymore, as that seems to be a thing of the past since the whole bed thing. I think you realize that something will change in the future, whether Sue stops seeing Don or you figure out how to make him happy with you and Sue having sex. So, STB, I would begin planning several scenarios as to what you might be willing to do, so that way you are prepared to have that conversation with Sue when it comes up. Sue and Don will have their plan in place so having a counter-offer or preemptive strike might be a good idea. Just saying.
Still I love the relationship you have...talk away and share as I for one am drooling.
  • #115

Mr Soon, thank you for sharing with us the "experiment" that you, Sue and Don have had the last 10 days. Looking forward to Sue's inner thoughts regarding the whole experience. Sounds like you and Sue are rekindling the physical and emotional bonds that help you all make it through the last 25+ years. I believe you have a son to get sorted at college. That should keep you busy. All the normal stuff, like school clothes shopping for your daughter, work, house and so forth.

I am certain that after a bit of a re charge your dear Sue will take you on another ride equally as thrilling as the last. Thank you.
  • #116
How Don feels about STB

I didn’t want to be the first to comment on this one since I think my advice get’s on Steve’e nerves already.
Since Don has been involved with other women in the past (and if they were married, as is Sue) He probably recognizes STB as a Cuckold, even though Sue doesn’t. Therefore he endeavors to treat him as a ‘lesser male’ Not capable of satisfying his wife.
If that is what Don thinks, and I suspect it is, then he is intending to treat STB as a cuckold. Hence he doesn’t want STB to have sex with her in his bed, or at his home, or even in his presence. but want’s to fuck Sue in their marriage bed, and home (which he has now done) Even then, he left before Steve had ‘his turn’.
He insist’s that sue be ‘clean for him’ on Friday and asks for things like ‘Steve only having her’ Friday night, after he is done with her. Sue told Steve that won’t happen because she want’s sex with him too and loves him too much to hurt him with that much denial. (but she did give Don a ‘lead’ by saying “I’m not ready for that yet.” (Which strings Don along allowing him to think he will get it someday). And, of course, Don took advantage of the full week of her being “just for him.”
Don can see that he is not going to break down the close loving relationship that Steve & Sue have. Sue has become very good at controlling Don while giving Steve what he wants.
I believe Don considers himself a Bull (or at least a ‘casanova’) and wants to ‘control’ both Sue and Steve as much as Sue will allow. I think what Steve feels from Don is jealousy, knowing that Sue is Steve’s and ultimately he can’t change that.
I think when STB learns what Don & Sue have talked about during ‘their week' and specifically about him, More of this will be realized.
I am not saying this as a ‘red flag’ because much of what has happened, STB has wanted to experience. However, as it escalates from this point on, STB may realize more ‘angst’ and ‘denial’ than he is asking for.
Cheers, Harry
  • #117
I never believed Don’s cleanliness ploy behind your three day exclusion and in my last post was hinting at what, it seems, you already realised. For the last few months I’ve been corresponding with a guy who for the first twenty five years of his marriage was a serial womaniser, specialising in seducing the wives of other men. On only two occasions did he fuck a woman in front of her husband but several heard of her activities when she returned home, many others remained completely ******* while some possibly suspected but turned a blind eye. I’ve have spent a lifetime loathing such men but he talks intelligently and claims to be reformed.

The point of this reference is that he described how, after a successful seduction, his first objective was to get mental control of the woman. His primary tactic was to demand that she limit sex with her husband and then ask her to restrict the things that she did at home. His favourite choice was anal and getting her to agree that that was now his own private territory. Most insidiously he told her there were certain things she should not tell her husband about, declaring these to be ‘their secret’.

I follow with interest to see what Don comes up with next.
  • #118
So, STB, I would begin planning several scenarios as to what you might be willing to do, so that way you are prepared to have that conversation with Sue when it comes up. Sue and Don will have their plan in place so having a counter-offer or preemptive strike might be a good idea. Just saying.
Good idea. The "clean thing" was Don's but Sue agreed to do for him rather it quickly.

In fact Harry and UK's points all are valid and basicly I think we are all on a similar track.

Looking forward to reading your post after Friday.
  • #119

Mr Soon, How was the getaway? Did you and Sue sort through the events of your experiement? Let us know when you have a moment. Thank you.
  • #120
Dying to hear how things are with you 2. I hope you and Sue had a fun time, whatever that means anymore :)

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