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Psychology of a Cuckold

  • Thread starterDoc in Cleveland
  • Start date
Spellin, youz is alwaz critasizing every1 bout the spellin.
limpdickbv said:
splendid I like it very much. It is something that give me ideas...pervert ones.


nice pecker :eek:
.......so, in summary. i honestly think her leaving me here to do it is hottest. something subconscious about her "making me stay home while i know shes going to get fucked" really does something for me. but when i feel comfortable watching (or feel that they are comfortable with it) that is a very high point for me as well. i thoroughly enjoy listening to her when she is in ecstasy...................

That about sums it up for me also.
I have thought about this and have come to the conclusion that it is largely the masochistic aspect to it.
After all, it is I who is actally encouraging them to do this to me......an alpha male myself!

Also, there is a definate vicarious aspect to it as I imagine how they both must feel as they are enjoying each other.

Yes, there is a humiliation aspect to it all even though I'm not into ant sort of cruel verbal humiliation from anyone. The humiliation aspect it unspoken for the most part and I have to assume that it's because I am an Alph male in most other aspects of my life.
So the result is that I am very uncomfortable if anyone tries to verbally humiliate me.


Dirty489 said:
.... In summary: I honestly think [my wife] leaving me [home while she goes out with another man] is hottest. There is some subconscious aspect of her "making me stay home knowing she's going out to fuck another man" that really does something for me.

I agree. Some time ago a brief post from a cuckold whose screen name, unfortunately, I can't recall, expressed this very well. It appealed to me, and I've quoted his post more than once. It was:

"I'm sitting here reading this forum, typing and beating my weenie, while my wife is out getting fucked by a sausage."

Two literotica stories also convey this aspect of being a cuckold in a somewhat unusual and (IMO) erotic way. The author claims his "Birth..." story is true (as always, it's left for the reader to judge whether that's actually the case). The "...Wife's Tale" is the same story... consistent, although some of the details differ... told by the author's cuckoldress wife. See:

Literotica: “Birth of a cuckold: how I Became a Cuckold” and “The Wife’s Tale.”
Literotica.com - Members - Aladylover - Submissions

[Many may find these two stories offensive... or at best, lacking appeal... so I'll note here that human urine is sterile. That is, if a dominant married woman pees in her cuckold's mouth to "wash it all down" as her final act of queening him after returning from a tryst with her lover, initially requiring him to "clean" her pussy with his tongue (thus attaining, perhaps, an additional orgasm), she is not risking his health in doing so. Re. the practice of "queening," see (for instance):

The Fine Art of Queening ]

NYJOE said:
That about sums it up for me also.
I have thought about this and have come to the conclusion that it is largely the masochistic aspect to it.
After all, it is I who is actally encouraging them to do this to me......an alpha male myself!

Also, there is a definate vicarious aspect to it as I imagine how they both must feel as they are enjoying each other.

Yes, there is a humiliation aspect to it all even though I'm not into ant sort of cruel verbal humiliation from anyone. The humiliation aspect it unspoken for the most part and I have to assume that it's because I am an Alph male in most other aspects of my life.
So the result is that I am very uncomfortable if anyone tries to verbally humiliate me.


what about a slap across the face chump?
duke9555 said:

what about a slap across the face chump?

Huston, we have an individual with a problem.
MacNfries said:
You mean, like this ...
Gotta click on it to work ... its a GIF file.


funny ...........i've been slapped many times ...
and no Houston i do not have a problem ...thk u Mac n Cheese :cool:

Custer Laststand said:
... so I'll note here that human urine is sterile. That is, if a dominant married woman pees in her cuckold's mouth to "wash it all down" as her final act of queening him after returning from a tryst with her lover, initially requiring him to "clean" her pussy with his tongue (thus attaining, perhaps, an additional orgasm), she is not risking his health in doing so ...


Yes .. I have observed some form of "wetting" is involved in a majority of cuckold sessions. From my position, I found it interesting that when asked to describe the feeling they experience at that moment, most cuckolds express love from the temperature of the liquid. A physical manifestation of the warm feeling of love perhaps. Perhaps a form of ejaculation liquid from the female as a confirming act much akin to the logical conclusion a male performs in standard sexual intercourse. I've also inquired to the taste and whether this has provoked a physical reaction to the digestive system and almost all report such intense emotional connection to their female at that instance no memory is recalled. I found that very telling. I have observed no account of the bull's urine being used. Usually, the bull is never even accounted for in this area and it is truly all about cementing the intimacy between two people in an understood situation. I ask a standard question when this topic is broached, "How would you describe the connection or level of satisfaction you experience during this particular act compared to 'normal' sexual relations you had with this person?". To a man, all report it at least double the intensity of emotions and cannot identify another act that is as intimate with their wives or girlfriends. One particular client showed me a tattoo on his left calf of script writing his wife insisted he get, "Pisshound". He requested I call him that in future therapy but I declined. Interesting topic in the world of the cuckold, to be sure. I found this to be a consistent act that shares the intimacy of cuckold and cuckoldress only .. with no involvement from a third party. Even the act of cunnilingus performed on a female after receiving the ejaculation liquid of a wife's lover in to her vagina is often varied. In this particular area, the consumption of the so called "creampie" .. I've observed a most interesting "switch" here in the cuckold psyche as he moves from a voyeur to an exhibitionist. I have recorded a higher level of satisfaction from cuckolds when they are performing the act of retrieving the sperm of their wife's lover from her vagina when it is observed by the bull. The highest marks come from those that do so when their wife is "cuddling" with their lover in the afterglow and they are permitted to perform for the two. This is interesting and notable from a case study perspective though I am ******* of any controlled laboratory experiment to ascertain raw data. The results in such a case, or any case in the cuckold sphere, would be entirely subjective to the feelings expressed in interviews after the fact and could be shaded in the light of day instead of the coloring of emotions felt at the time of intimacy.

One way or the other, I might suggest to people on the forums here that I have observed a higher level of satisfaction from cuckolds when these two acts are part of their sessions. Perhaps for those that have not tried it or would not think of trying it that they might give it a shot. I would be most interested if they would reply here and report their results if they do. I could be entirely incorrect because my sampling is so small. Or, maybe, I have stumbled across a bridge to a better place in the lifestyle and have improved someone's satisfaction from the experience. I eventually would like to catalogue the data and approach it from an almost pharmaceutical perspective for prescriptions of acts during love making sessions of the three people involved. ("Uh .. honey .. yeah, Doc says you have to pee on me now. Sorry, it's on the bottle to be taken right after he cums in you" ) .. .THIS WAS A JOKE .. amateur scientists here damning me to hell now that I attempt to bring some levity to an obvious situation where it is called for. I apologize to you three out there that can't be undone by any act of intimacy

Tuesday evening I had a most unusual report from a cuckold in my care. It was shocking enough to me, personally, that I can tell you here .. but wouldn't admit it anywhere else .. that it shook me out of the analytical visage in to a human one. I remember my very first blush of thought was "Awwww .. that's really sweet" :) Before I returned, of course, to my role of therapist. Yes, folks, we are, in fact, human.

The session started with the patient bursting through the door in elation professing with exuberance that he was getting married. I confess that I shuffled through the chart to see if he was ALREADY married. I had not reviewed that specific area of relationship status in my prep as I thought it was not relevant in the juncture of this therapy. There ya go .. advice to you kids at home .. prep EVERYTHING .. you never know. The one detail you believe to be irrelevant is the point most assured of being the crux of the session.

He was, in fact, in a long term dating situation with a younger female.

The patient was very .. impatient .. to have me ask him how he proposed ..feeling that he was wearing this as a badge of honor in his commitment to the lifestyle. It would seem he had arranged speaking with the bull before the session to arrange the proposal. He reported he was excited for them and was eager to help. (there's a whole 'nother thread .. "The Psychology of the Bull" ... - sounds like an Ernest Hemingway novel - .. ) The patient reported:

During intercourse, the cuckold was present in the room as was the custom in this particular cuckold arrangement. He was kneeling at the foot of the bed where the two active participants (female and alpha male) were engaged in physical sexual relations. The alpha male arranged the female to enter her from behind and inverse on the bed. After several minutes of intercourse in this position, and after a particularly vivid orgasm by the female, the beta male, or cuckold, went to one knee, retrieved the engagement ring that he had pre-placed under the foot of the bed and proposed marriage to the active female. She accepted.

This was a new one for me, personally.

There's more details but I just thought the folks here might like to hear about that unique profession by a pointedly proud cuckold. I had never read about such an act and goes to prove the old axiom of "fiction is never as bizarre as real life".


I am a real cuckold in the older sense of the word, 6 months into my marriage my 20 year old wife had sex with my close friend who was a member of my wedding party. They carried on what used to be called an open and notorious affair. I was the last to know, most of the people of my age group in town were aware of it. As you can imagine when I found out and all the strange events and behaviors became clear to me I was damaged severely. She left for 2 years soon after but ultimately we reunited. That's when I discovered once the deception was removed, I loved being cucked and love it to this day.
Oh by the way when I was first cucked, I didnt even know the meaning of the word cuckold.
Please Continue

I hope this thread continues... I have found it to be very helpful!
joey7890 said:
Oh by the way when I was first cucked, I didnt even know the meaning of the word cuckold.


you Sir are a _real_ cuck ....we bow 2 u :D
Doc in Cleveland,

Thanks for your fascinating post. Re.:

Doc in Cleveland said:
Yes .. I have observed some form of "wetting" is involved in a majority of cuckold sessions. From my position, I found it interesting that when asked to describe the feeling they experience at that moment, most cuckolds express love from the temperature of the liquid. A physical manifestation of the warm feeling of love perhaps. Perhaps a form of ejaculation liquid from the female as a confirming act much akin to the logical conclusion a male performs in standard sexual intercourse. I've also inquired to the taste and whether this has provoked a physical reaction to the digestive system and almost all report such intense emotional connection to their female at that instance; no memory is recalled. I found that very telling. I have observed no account of the bull's urine being used. Usually, the bull is never even accounted for in this area and it is truly all about cementing the intimacy between two people in an understood situation. I ask a standard question when this topic is broached, "How would you describe the connection or level of satisfaction you experience during this particular act compared to 'normal' sexual relations you had with this person?". To a man, all report it at least double the intensity of emotions and cannot identify another act that is as intimate with their wives or girlfriends. ....

Interesting. I had no idea this practice (the wife peeing in her cuckolds mouth while "queening" him, after fucking her lover) was as widespread as you imply, nor that cuckolds uniformly find it rewarding. Rather, I've assumed it's a practice that appeals to some small fraction of women and their cuckolds but that most find repugnant.

Doc in Cleveland said:
I eventually would like to catalogue the data and approach it from an almost pharmaceutical perspective for prescriptions of acts during love making sessions of the three people involved. ("Uh .. honey .. yeah, Doc says you have to pee on me now. Sorry, it's on the bottle to be taken right after he cums in you" ) .. .THIS WAS A JOKE. (Explanatory note directed to the amateur scientists here who will damn me to hell now that I've attempted to bring some levity to an obvious situation where it's called for. I apologize to you three out there that can't be undone by any act of intimacy.)

Thanks for the explanation. There are, as you've observed, some here who have trouble with the concept of unusual cuckolding practices as well as humor. I'm OK with the "humor" concept, though, and feel I can handle both. (BTW, I like the idea of writing a prescription to each of your cuckold clients for his wife to pee in his mouth while queening him after she has fucked her lover. It sounds like something that should appear in a "best practices" therapy manual. Perhaps you should consider suggesting it to the appropriate "cuckold therapy" authorities [whoever they are...].)

Doc in Cleveland said:
Tuesday evening I had a most unusual report from a cuckold in my care. It was shocking enough to me, personally. I can tell you here, but I wouldn't admit it anywhere else .... This was a new one for me, personally. There are more details, but I just thought the folks here might like to hear about that unique [confession] by a pointedly proud cuckold. I had never read about such an act. It goes to prove the old axiom, "fiction is never as bizarre as real life." —Doc

Really. Thanks for passing along that... um... well... actually, amazing account.

I just perused this thread, and, Doc, I call bullshit on you. You wanted us to call bullshit on poseurs and imposters or those who focus on the fantasy aspects of cuckoldry lest someone be badly served by our stories, fantasies or advice, and maybe you shout take your own advice. I think you're a poseur of the first order. I don't believe for a moment that you're a doctor of anything except bullshit. That said, I'm not offended by you or your thread. It's as interesting as anything else on here, but if anyone thinks they're going to get valid therapy or help from you, I think they're going to be sadly disappointed and maybe ill advised, as well. Your pseudo-scientific rambling is yet another form of anonymous wanking. Just my humble opinion, Doc. You asked for it.

Custer .. remember that my sampling is extremely small. It is, in no way, scientific. I have treated cuckolds in the past who have discontinued therapy so I have no sampling of long term data. Also, I do not make a point of inquiring whether "wetting" is a part of the cuckold experience. This act is always expressed and not a response. That is telling. Though I may start to inquire about this due to our conversations here and a possible link between an odd sexual practice and this lifestyle choice. Ideally, I'd like to catalogue the data and compare the percentages against common sexual lifestyles and the involvement of urine. Just guessing, I would believe it to be higher due to the nature of the humiliation that all cuckolds experience. It is my belief that humiliation is a universal emotion in a variety of forms in the cuckold practice and, logically, the urine use is a physical representation of that. That is why I suggested to people here on the forums to request it from their females or to try it if they had been adverse to it. It is a logical extension since they derive pleasure from being cuckolded that they may enjoy or derive pleasure from this. I also believe such an intimate and usually embarrassing public act may further cement the connection between the female and the secondary male. I currently have doubts about the long term viability of a cuckold lifestyle and am looking for ways for my patients to feel a closer connection to the woman who cuckolds them.

I'm basically looking for anything that I can get my hands on to help cement the cuckold and the cuckoldress because of this belief.

I am currently treating two cuckolds whose relationships failed. They incessantly pine for the woman who cuckolded them and completely believe that they will never love again. I believe this to be a very dangerous depressive state and might be reason for me to begin to steer males away from cuckolding because this psychological situation cannot be remedied until certain conditions again exist, i.e. a deep love and a solid trust. In fact, I have personally seen no "reformed" cuckolds. It is my belief that a cuckold can be "cured" at the same rate homosexuals can be cured. That is, "Don't Be Stupid, Jackass". Sorry, tried to throw you a curveball to keep this long post vibrant. The severity a "lost cuckold" experiences is so frightening to this caretaker that the answer may, in fact, be, never to start. There's just no hard data on this and no industry guidelines. We're truly making it up as we go along. And the rise in the number of patients I am seeing ... well, if I was discussing a virus, I'd label it as "widespread" moving to "rampant". Then again, this could be all sociological. I'm in a bedroom community, a fairly affluent suburb 25 miles south of Cleveland. My sampling is white males age 25-50. That is far too small, and far too constrictive, to draw any solid conclusions. And that's, basically, the reason I am here on this forum. Education. I read everything that people write here and try to learn more and more.

Also, it must be said, Custer .. unlike in a laboratory setting .. I do not witness this personally. Many of these accounts of my patients could very well be fiction .. maybe even pulled off boards like these. Take it with a grain of salt. I do.


Doc in Cleveland,

Doc in Cleveland said:
Custer .. remember that my sampling is extremely small. It is, in no way, scientific. I have treated cuckolds in the past who have discontinued therapy so I have no sampling of long term data.

Yes, of course. Being a practicing psychologist is not, as you say, like being a scientist conducting a long-term, controlled, longitudinal experiment. You deal with whoever walks in your door for however long they happen to continue seeing you.

Doc in Cleveland said:
Also, I do not make a point of inquiring whether "wetting" is a part of the cuckold experience. This act is always expressed and not a response.

What you said is what you said...

Doc in Cleveland said:
Though I may start to inquire about this due to our conversations here and a possible link between an odd sexual practice and this lifestyle choice. Ideally, I'd like to catalogue the data and compare the percentages against common sexual lifestyles and the involvement of urine. Just guessing, I would believe it to be higher due to the nature of the humiliation that all cuckolds experience.

As I understand it, a more-dominant dog sometimes pees on a less-dominant, i.e., submissive dog as an expression of its higher position in the "dog hierarchy." (I have never actually witnessed this; I have nothing against dogs and, in fact, tend to like them, but I don't own one and am not a "dog person.") Anyway... if true, this suggests that practice may be fairly widespread among mammals, and thus may be related to the relatively-widespread desire (if it is widespread) of cuckolds to be humiliated by their wives peeing into their mouths... and the desire of some (perhaps many) married women who take lovers to pee into the mouths of their cuckolds while "queening" them, as an expression of their sexual/psychological dominance, and as a way of reinforcing, in the minds of their cuckolds, their sexual/psychological inferiority within their marriages.

Doc in Cleveland said:
It is my belief that humiliation is a universal emotion in a variety of forms in the cuckold practice and, logically, urine use is a physical representation of that. That is why I suggested to people here on the forums to request it from their females or to try it if they had been adverse to it. It is a logical extension since they derive pleasure from being cuckolded that they may enjoy or derive pleasure from this.

I agree...

Doc in Cleveland said:
I also believe such an intimate and usually embarrassing public act may further cement the connection between the female and the secondary male. I currently have doubts about the long term viability of a cuckold lifestyle and am looking for ways for my patients to feel a closer connection to the woman who cuckolds them.

Again, I agree (assuming by "secondary male" you mean the cuckolded husband, not his wife's lover). As noted below, though, I think there are many cuckolds who don't have any choice in the matter of their wives fucking other men. Also, many of the accounts I've seen in this forum and elsewhere suggest there are quite a few long-lasting... sometimes very long-lasting... "cuckold husband / hotwife" marriages.

Doc in Cleveland said:
I'm basically looking for anything that I can get my hands on to help cement the cuckold and the cuckoldress because of this belief.

It seems to me that for a "cuckold husband / hotwife" marriage to be stable and long-lasting, there have to be expressions of physical love between the hotwife and her cuckold. These need not include the hotwife allowing her cuckold sexual intercourse. Indeed, perhaps her denying him sex, and otherwise humiliating him, is part of the appeal of their relationship. A substitute form of physical intimacy can include... and sometimes does, evidently... "queening" her cuckold when she returns from fucking her lover, expecting him to swallow her lover's cum as she does so, then humiliating him further by peeing in his mouth thus washing it all down (so to speak).

Thus, your approach to therapy is on the right track (IMO).

Doc in Cleveland said:
I am currently treating two cuckolds whose relationships failed. They incessantly pine for the woman who cuckolded them...

Quite a few contributors to this forum have expressed feelings of this nature...

Doc in Cleveland said:
...and completely believe that they will never love again.

I can't recall anyone saying this, offhand. A fair number have said, though, they moved on and married a woman who does not cuckold them and apparently has no desire to do so, and they regret this.

Doc in Cleveland said:
I believe this to be a very dangerous depressive state and might be reason for me to begin to steer males away from cuckolding because this psychological situation cannot be remedied until certain conditions again exist, i.e., a deep love and a solid trust.

At the risk of saying something you might think I'm patently unqualified to say, I'll suggest cuckolding of a significant percentage of husbands by their wives is and will remain a constant of life. Thus, a better approach than trying to "steer your cuckolded male clients away" from something many (perhaps most) of them have no control over may be to "steer them toward" acceptance of this phenomenon as a fact of life, and toward marriages in which both they and their more-strongly-sexual wives accept that it is a married woman's privilege and prerogative to date other men and have sex with whomever she wishes, while her husband remains faithful to her as her cuckold and supports her sexual independence by doing the housework and babysitting her children while she is out on dates fucking other men.

Doc in Cleveland said:
In fact, I have personally seen no "reformed" cuckolds. It is my belief that cuckolds can be "cured" at the same rate homosexuals can be cured.

Your first sentence sounds like you view cuckolds as "recovering" in the same sense alcoholics are viewed by AA is "recovering" (for the rest of their lives). In your second sentence, it sounds like you're saying cuckolds cannot be "cured" at all. (Both seem consistent with the posts in this forum.)

Doc in Cleveland said:
That is, "Don't Be Stupid, Jackass."

What does this mean? "Stupid" with respect to what...?

Doc in Cleveland said:
The severity a "lost cuckold" experiences is so frightening to this caretaker that the answer may, in fact, be, never to start.

What is a "lost cuckold"? Here, I'll mention again that many... perhaps a large percentage of... cuckolds have no control over the fact that their wives fuck other men. It isn't a situation they asked for. Rather, for them, being cuckolded by their wives is a fact of life.

Doc in Cleveland said:
The rise in the number of patients I am seeing ... well, if I was discussing a virus, I'd label it as "widespread" moving to "rampant". Then again, this could be all sociological.

Of course it's sociological. Presumably, the rapid rise in the numbers of cuckolded male clients you're seeing is related to anonymous forums on the Internet like this one, which make it easy to see there are many couples adopting "cuckold husband / hotwife" relationships as a style of marriage and which provide a mechanism for admitting it and talking about it that's anonymous (or, in your case, confidential because it's confined to the confidentiality of your office).

Doc in Cleveland said:
I'm in a bedroom community, a fairly affluent suburb 25 miles south of Cleveland. My sampling is white males age 25-50. That is far too small, and far too constrictive, to draw any solid conclusions.

Seemingly. There is, however, a law of nature you can apply derived from observations of phenomena ranging from cockroaches and mosquitos to stars in the universe. It is: "If you see one, you can be sure you ain't seen them all." (Joke... laugh here.)

Doc in Cleveland said:
Also, it must be said, Custer .. unlike in a laboratory setting .. I do not witness this personally. Many of these accounts of my patients could very well be fiction .. maybe even pulled off boards like these. Take it with a grain of salt. I do. —Doc

If your (seemingly) cuckolded male clients are telling you fictional stories in your office, it's mighty high-priced fiction. They, or their insurance companies, are paying you a lot for the privilege of bullshitting you. If it were me, I'd be much more inclined to lie to a friend in a bar while drinking beer. That would be free (well, almost free), and would have the considerable benefit of enabling both of us to enjoy a beer while bullshitting each other. Also, it would enable us to compare the quality of our respective bullshit, since my friend would undoubtedly attempt to lay even heavier bullshit about his wife's cuckolding extravaganzas on me.

In favor of your concluding comment, though, it's important to keep in mind the fundamental principle of Republican politics as they continue their relentless (and, over the decades since the end of WWII, strongly successful) campaign via the tax code to make the rich richer and the poor poorer: "Bullshit is the grease on the axle of the earth."


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