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Psychology of a Cuckold

  • Thread starterDoc in Cleveland
  • Start date
Doc in Cleveland said:
Many of these accounts of my patients could very well be fiction .. maybe even pulled off boards like these. Take it with a grain of salt. I do...
I throw my hat into the ring with Willypeter, this Doc is a fake. Really doesn't matter at all, but that's my opinion.
For a few reasons, I say this. His point that cuckolding is a new item in human society, that's not true. It's in the Bible, it's in history books (like on every other page of Will Durant's histories) What's Lady Chat and Taming of Shrew all about? Damn, the Italians had an island dedicated to it and Augusta's daughter was exiled to it. So, that statement tossed flags up. This last one, that I quote above also rubs me wrong. I'm not a head doctor but as a life long perv, I've spent lots of time watching them fall asleep on my personal insights about life. And one thing I've noticed about all of them is that they slyly dig for the facts. They spot lies easily. After all, how is one going to provide a patient with help if the doc can't even tell what's true or not?
Again, it really doesn't matter if Doc is legit or not. We're all here because we're all jerk offs and need our daily dosage. I doubt if many of us are really cuckolds by the strict definition. In my case my wife swings along with my daughters and son and I get off seeking out online porn. We're admittedly not normal, but we don't care and our life style does not infringe on others or our building a comfortable life for ourselves. Strictly, she commits adultery and thus cuckolds me, thus I am a cuckold. Being able to shuck it off makes it all irrelevant.
True cuckolds where a cheating wife is a relevant matter are going to draw a line in the sand or seek out professional help or just walk. They're not likely going to waste time on websites like this one. The pervs will, yes. Those who twist "cuckold" into the life styles of S&M. But, let's face it, calling themselves cuckolds is just self serving. They just want another fetish of the month to play with. And these folks have been with humanity since the very beginning....remember why John The Baptist's head ended up on a platter?
MacNfries said:
jim_oakey, interesting that you brought that up, actually. For those not familiar with the bible, King Herod was having an affair with his brother's (Philip) wife. John the Baptist chastised the King for his act, and Phillip's wife was the one that got upset and arranged for John the Baptist's beheading. (book of Mark)
What some don't know is that King Herod actually enjoyed John the Baptist's sermons, and remorsed later over his death.


i went to skool with king Herod ....and lemme tellya he was
a wackjob :(
This could be a very valuable thread

Hi, Doc:
I am Harry. I have been on this site for about 2 years. I think it is very interesting to have a psychologist collecting information on Cuckolds and posting on this site. You definitely have my interest as I have found the posts here to run the 'gamut' of 'fascinating' to 'tragic'. My contact with 'cuckolds' comes through my occupation as a massage therapist, and the stories I am told by my clients.
I, myself have only a little 'experience' in the realm of Cuckolding. Im my case, more commonly defined as 'cheating'. But then still explained by the term 'Cuckold' as we know it here.
My curiosity lies in just how a man comes to be a 'cuckold' to begin with. Does he have a propensity to it from 'genetic makeup' ---or is there mitigating circumstances like Prostate cancer treatments that have taken away his 'virility' and out of love for his wife, he 'gives in' to the realization that he must allow her to have other lovers.
I haven't read in these pages, a real case where a man who has described the situation starting from a disability, more likely it is described as a lack of the ability to satisfy his wife because of his 'small penis size', although I suspect it is more common than not.
Cheers, Harry
Instead of Dr Ruth you could be say....... Dr Root perhaps!
Data are available...

Doc in Cleveland,


Doc in Cleveland said:
…. And the rise in the number of patients I am seeing [i.e., husbands who are being cuckolded by their wives] ... well, if I was discussing a virus, I'd label it as "widespread" moving to "rampant". Then again, this could be all sociological. I'm in a bedroom community, a fairly affluent suburb 25 miles south of Cleveland. My sampling is white males age 25-50. That is far too small, and far too constrictive, to draw any solid conclusions. There's just no hard data on this and no industry guidelines. We're truly making it up as we go along. That's basically the reason I am here on this forum… education.

Hard data are, in fact, available now due to laboratory DNA analyses (thanks to molecular biology) and the Human Genome Project. But first, some comments in support of my assertion that cuckolding of husbands by their wives has been a constant of life over time but it’s now becoming more widely recognized as a style of marriage, largely because, I speculate, of the availability of anonymous web forums like this one.

A good historical (well, somewhat historical) book on this subject is:

Heyn, Dalma, 1992, The Erotic Silence of the American Wife, Turtle Bay Books, 304 pp (hardcover).

Ms. Dalma’s interview data probably date from the late 1980’s… i.e., mostly “pre-web” days… since it takes on the order of 5 years or so to research, write, and publish a book. All of the cases she presents in her 15 chapters involve women having affairs they kept secret from their husbands, with one exception in which being told of his wife’s infidelity (by her) led to the woman’s cuckold divorcing her. (I’m recalling this from memory, but it’s been a while since I read this book so I could be wrong.)

Another good source which is post-web, post DNA-analysis, closer to the present, and science-based is one I mentioned earlier:

Baker, Robin, Ph.D., 1996, Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex, BasicBooks, 319 pp (hardcover). See, for instance:

http://www.amazon.com/Sperm-Wars-Science-Robin-Baker/dp/0465081797 For a review, see:


This is the source my quote is from, i.e.: “Baker (1996, pp. 124-125) states that ‘On average, about 10% of children [more or less, depending primarily on socioeconomic status] are not sired by their supposed fathers. …. etc.’ “

Among the children of couples of moderate socioeconomic states (your clients for the most part, presumably), Baker states that the percentage sired by men other than their supposed fathers is 5 to 6 % in the U.S. and Great Britain. Because of the availability of birth control, it can be assumed the percentage of women (again, more-or-less depending primarily on socioeconomic status) who have sex with men other than their husbands is considerably larger than 5 to 6% (in the case of your clients), or 10% (throughout the population at large).

Baker (1996), as I mentioned, treats cuckolding by women of their partners as a phenomenon they always attempt to keep secret. He also treats “cheating” on their wives by men as a phenomenon they too always attempt to keep secret. This is consistent with the behavior of birds and other mammals Baker describes, such as the “Blue Tit” birds I mentioned in which it was found that 80% of the eggs in the nests of the least-favored males were sired by males… generally of higher status as reflected by their better territories… other than the resident males.

A recent source that explicitly describes “cuckold husband / hot wife” marriages as a social phenomenon is one I’ve also mentioned. It is:

Ley, David J., 2009, Insatiable Wives: Women who stray and the men who love them, Roman & Littlefield Publishers, 291 pp (hardcover).

Ley, however, gives no statistics re. the prevalence of this phenomenon.

Finally, a source of broad and significant data pertaining not just to humans but to other pair-bond species, as well, is:

The Myth of Monogomy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People, by David P. Barash, Ph.D., and Judith Eve Lipton, M.D., 2002. See:

The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and ... - Google Books

For reviews see, for instance:

Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People

An infidelity conjecture... your thoughts?

Doc in Cleveland,

Your comments about thinking it advisable to counsel married men against starting their wives "down the road" toward enjoying sex with lovers; i.e.:

Doc in Cleveland said:
.... I am currently treating two cuckolds whose relationships failed. They incessantly pine for the woman who cuckolded them and completely believe that they will never love again. I believe this to be a very dangerous depressive state and might be reason for me to begin to steer males away from cuckolding because this psychological situation cannot be remedied until certain conditions again exist; i.e., deep love and solid trust. .... The severity a "lost cuckold" experiences is so frightening to this caretaker that the answer may be, in fact, never to start. ....

bring to mind a question posed quite a while ago by Son of John. It was: "Why to some women want to fuck men other than their husbands?" (or words to that effect).

In response, I posted what might be called a "conjecture" or perhaps "hypothesis" (the latter if one considers there to be sufficient supporting evidence). It has long since disappeared into the forum backlog; since it's relevant to your thread I'm re-posting it here. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it.

It's in a form somewhat edited and slightly-modified from the original. As you will see, the underlying concept is simple and has the advantage of symmetry. That is, women are not treated as special cases. It pertains to men who want to fuck women other than their wives, and may do so on occasion, as well as to women who want to fuck men other than their husbands and may do so on occasion.

The underlying concept is that female sex drive, like essentially all other human characteristics, varies widely among individuals just as (for instance) athletic ability, musical talent, mathematical talent, outgoing vs. shy personality, and of course male sex drive, varies widely among individuals.

To see this in a simplified way, visualize female sex drive as distributed along a vertical line. At the lower end of this line are women who are asexual. They don't need it, they don't want it, and if they never have sex with another person their whole lives, that's fine with them. (Apparently there’s some evidence that roughly 1% of the population, female and male combined, may be in this cohort but that’s considered a weak statistic. See, for instance, “asexual people” in Wikipedia.)

At the upper end of this line are women who are highly sexual. They need it, they want it, sex is always on or never far from their minds, they seek it constantly, and they find it successfully. Some prostitutes are in this catagory, as are (probably) the most sexually-active married women described in this forum, in most cases by their cuckold husbands and in a much smaller number of cases by themselves. These women can be viewed as the sexual equivalent of talented athletes.

Between these extremes, female sex drive can be viewed as distributed along this vertical line. Grouped around the mid-point are women with "about average" sex drives. Over a broad central segment of this sexuality line are women with sex drives falling within the range “average plus or minus 1 standard deviation.” If the female sexuality distribution is in the form of a gaussian distribution, i.e., a bell-shaped curve — which, in reality, may or may not be the case — about 68% of women have sex drives within this range. These are the women who can be viewed as having “more-or-less average” sex drives. Above them are women with sex drives ranging from fairly high to extremely high. Below them are women with sex drives ranging from fairly low to extremely low.

Now, suppose a woman with a relatively high sex drive accepts a marriage proposal from a man with a relatively low sex drive. A significant (i.e., definitely non-trivial) percentage of marriages fall into this category. I suggest these might be called marriages with female-positive sexual offset. The woman may suspect or know this will be the case prior to marriage, from her pre-marital sexual experiences with her fiance.... but she accepts his proposal anyway, for any of the many reasons other than sexual compatibility that form the basis of marriages.

At some point after marriage, the woman realizes she does not find her husband sexually satisfying for reasons that amount to her having a relatively high and him a relatively low sex drive. I omit other reasons that may be highly significant such as, for instance, the husband having a very small penis, or severe problems with erectile dysfunction, or simply the psychological/emotional effects of long-term marriage.

For purposes of illustration, assume an absurdity. Suppose it is a strong cultural tradition for women and men to get married and, in addition, it’s a very strong cultural tradition for women and men, once married, to play one-on-one basketball with each other and only with each other. Suppose also that one-on-basketball between women and men somehow results in children. Thus, there is great pressure for couples to successfully "play b-ball" to satisfy the desires of grandparents-to-be for grandchildren and... well... to perpetuate the species.

The situation of a sexually-unsatisfied married woman with a high sex drive can be considered roughly analogous, in this absurd illustration, to a woman who is a talented university varsity-level basketball player marrying then playing one-on-one basketball exclusively with a man whose basketball talents are, unfortunately, merely average (or below). For the more talented player (the woman), it simply isn't very satisfying. In fact, it's probably quite boring — even though, off the court, they may be good friends who are compatible in most other ways.

The woman, of course… in accordance with cultural tradition… promised at the time of their marriage to play one-on-one basketball only with her husband, and he made the same promise to her. After a while, however, she succumbs to temptation and begins playing one-on-one with other men having basketball talents more comparable to her own. She finds this much more satisfying and pursues it secretly, but sooner or later her husband becomes aware of her extramarital basketball. At first he feels crushed by this evidence of his basketball inadequacy. After a while, however, he recognizes he is incapable of satisfying his wife’s demands for high-end basketball. He brings the subject up with her and, after a series of long conversations extending over many days, including many glasses of wine, he convinces her it really is OK with him if she plays basketball with other men. His wife, at first very reluctant to even admit she’s been playing extramarital basketball (in violation of cultural expectations and, indeed, her self-image as a GoodWife), accepts what she finally comes to view as her husband’s generous offer, and their marriage continues on a much more satisfactory level.

Returning from basketball to sex (while continuing to keep the above absurd analogy in mind), and viewing extramarital sex in terms of probability, a woman with a high sex drive relative to her husband would presumably be more likely to take a lover — perhaps, over time, many lovers — than a woman married to a man whose position on the male sex-drive scale is similar to (or higher than) her position on the female sex-drive scale. The woman of the latter couple would, by hypothesis, be more likely to find her husband sexually satisfying over the long term and would be less likely to take lovers.

There are, of course, also many marriages in which the man has a higher sex drive than the woman. In such marriages, which can be viewed as having "male-positive" sexual offset, the husband's situation can be viewed as essentially a mirror image of the wife’s situation outlined above. Thinking again in terms of probability, such a man would be more likely to take a lover, perhaps many lovers over time, than would be the case if his position on the male sex-drive scale were similar to, or lower than, his wife's position on the female sex-drive scale.

This is my proposed “basic level” explanation for why a significant percentage of married women want to, and sometimes do, fuck men — sometimes many men — other than their husbands, and vice-versa. In addition to being symmetrical (as noted above), it can be compared to the principle of Occam's razor which is most commonly understood as: “Of several seemingly-acceptable explanations for a phenomenon, the simplest is preferable” (from Wikipedia).

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this hypothesis, including an opinion that it's wrong (if that's what you think... preferably supported by some reasons).


I'm having several private message conversations with members here and I've been negligent to this thread. They are providing me some very good insight to not only a cuckold's view but it is interesting, for me anyways, to hear from bulls as well. I never hear that side. Thank you. Thanks everybody for that input.

I think we need to refine the English language definitions of a cuckold. I read above in this thread "YOU JUST DISCOVERED CUCKOLDING??!! IT'S BEEN GOING ON FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!!!" Well, of course it has and it will continue for thousands more. Humans acting human. That pretty much encompasses that and all biological arguments as well. End of story.

** Important to note : What I am speaking of is a very specific type of cuckolding that I have seen a dramatic rise in. **

On Monday morning, I received word that a patient had committed suicide. This is always a traumatic thing for a therapist and there is a fair amount of guilt involved. This patient was involved in the lifestyle but was also in therapy for other psychological conditions. I'm going to have a review with some colleagues over this and I will be revisiting all session notes. This, again, goes to my concern over the entire cuckolding lifestyle and some of the things Mac expressed about severe depression and the cuckold. I think Mac is on to something and I think it needs to be discussed further.

Again, what we are speaking of is a very specific type of cuckolding. Perhaps we need to coin phrases that will stick on these forums and perhaps filter in to regular society when speaking about this specific subject matter.

In almost every occasion, my patients are white male in this lifestyle. They seek treatment after the fact of being "cuckolded" (what's the term we need here? .. something other than cuckolded, cuckolding and cuckold .. I do not know. Every term I approach has an old world ramification that doesn't specifically apply to this sex act). They come seeking help because they are conflicted and confused in their sexuality. There is no pharmaceutical that aids in this treatment and that is a shining point to consider.

These conflicts arise in patients when they perform a variety of sexual acts. A majority is simply eating the sperm from their wives after she has had sex with her boyfriend. A male heterosexual that reports no homosexual activities in his life nor any homosexual feelings whatsoever has basic fundamental problems with his desires to perform this and seeks therapy. Several report the same activities and desires as the aforementioned group in lifestyle but yet perform oral sex on the boyfriend before sex with their wives. Finally, another group reports the sexual act of anal penetration by the wife's boyfriend ending in ejaculation in the cuckold's anal cavity. This is disturbing for several reasons and I am struggling to understand how a previously non-homosexual male in a traditional marriage can endure this and maintain a healthy sexual psyche.

I am currently researching homosexual sex acts as I wish to reinforce my opinions with data. I am of the opinion, and have observed in session, that an intense homosexual male in a committed male-male homosexual relationship does not count anal sex as a primary activity. It is my belief that homosexual males that are committed to that lifestyle stay inside the boundaries of oral sex for ejaculation when being intimate. I find that anal sex is more of a stereotype that is thrown from the heterosexual male community as a degrading characterization. But, as I said, I need hard data on this and this still stands now as an opinion. I would like to hear input from those here that care to comment.

Again, I return to my original statements that the specific type of cuckolding with which I am dealing with is closely tied to dominant/submissive and, therefore, ultimately is a form of masochism. I am currently treating it as such and refuse to move the therapy sessions to helping the cuckold understand his homosexuality as I believe it is not a revelation but merely an expression of heterosexuality. If you disagree with this, please express your opinions here or in a private message to me.

- Doc

this thread is a veritable Augean stables :phew:
My 2 cents worth!

Well, only speaking for myself here...i am a bi masochistic, submissive male/cuckold. I do and have always enjoyed swallowing another males sperm (am 44yo now and have enjoyed it immensely since my later teens), but for different reasons at times I guess. It can be and mainly is to be humiliated I guess...if the other gent is well/better endowed I will automatically, in my head give him alpha status and myself beta status and thus funnily enough feel this as a requirement or duty on my half and something of a right a well endowed male is always entitled to in life. God, knows where I got this thought process from??

To give a couple of examples and sorry if they are too graphic...just highlighting for me the differences the environment can have but with the same outcome...same as going to the movies, and getting a very different feeling from a and action movies than from a comedy or a horror...still sat and watched it, but got very different inner feelings.

I have very much enjoyed eating the foreign sperm from my partners pussy before...but go into a very different headspace if I am performing direct oral on the male, and the submissive feelings get quite intense and very enjoyable for me once I sense his stirring orgasm is imminent and if he for example may forcibly holds my head to his cock as he thrusts aggressively and ejaculates into my mouth and not releasing his grip till he is finished, spent and relaxed...i do get feelings of contentment if I have provided this pleasure for an “alpha” male.

I have been anally penetrated several times by one particular lover of my ex’s and though never really physically enjoyed it like I would have liked to, the overriding feeling for me that was very intense and enjoyable, was the idea in my head, at the point of his orgasm I was offering the alpha male and my ex the visual pleasure they desired and my needs as the beta male were secondary. Later also feeling very strangely pleased with myself that I was able to offer her alpha male what he felt he was entitled to yet always discounting my mild physical discomfort and humiliation for the greater good.

To my ex’s request, I have penetrated a submissive male anally as I was the smaller endowed one...and although I did orgasm...i got absolutely no mental, psychological pleasure from dominating another male. Yet with this same submissive beta male we have both enjoyed 69’ing each other on quite a few times, and find it very pleasurable as we seem to feel this “synergy” and equal headspace after climaxing together and feel neither dominant or submissive with him.

So for me, its not just aspect of consuming another males semen, but how I guess it is administered and by who and in what scenario.

Hope this hasn’t been too much information for a few that have known me on here for a few years now! :)

Onto the depression aspect, like people divorce with without infidelity involved, depression comes from a million different possible reasons I think...i have suffered severe depression from this lifestyle, mainly when it has got out of hand and you lose control over it, whether that be the fear of being left for the other guy (which did happen to me) or just the realisation that, its not panning out how you wanted it to, yet you suggested it and now your not too sure you made the right decision.

And like a true masochist I have suffered milder depression from when I’m not living this lifestyle, as I find, this is me, this is who I truly am and this is what makes me happy in the end, so whn I don’t have it...i feel I’m missing something very important to my happiness and well being and going without it when I have had to has depressed me as well...talk about a true headcase huh?

I have been in the situation of can’t live with it, can’t live without it...very frustrating...but you do get that moment when the planets align and it reconfirms to me it where I need to be when I can make it happen.

Hope this adds to this conversation in a worthwhile manner.

BTW I have found these very informative links, of universtity studies on sperm retention and displacement for the cuckold and his primary partner and the type of female that this can appeal to etc. feamale body proportions etc. gets quite technical, would love Mac or Custer or the Doc to fill me in on how they read these findings.

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slinky .. that was an extremely thoughtful post. Thank you for being so expressive. I encourage others here to express how they feel as well as you have here.


Hello everyone,

I registered manily to add my contribution to this very interesting thread regarding a subject which, regrettably, seems to be completely neglected by most of the online communities dedicated to this fetish. I have tried to find the rationale of these morbid desires for a long time now and I have thus far been unable to find a definitive explanation, though I have identified a few culprits which I believe should be at least partially accountable for these fantasies.

First of all, responsibility. A great deal of responsibility and expectations lies on the shoulders on men in virtually all cultures, and ours is no exception: man is expected to be competitive, strong, ready, self-sufficient, the breadwinner. Shed as much as a single tear while watching a movie, take more than twenty seconds to park your car or admit that you can't fix the sink and your masculinity is automatically put into question, maybe not explicitly, but you know it, you feel it. And let's not even mention the sexual part of the expectations associated with manliness, which I'm sure we're all familiar with. All that pressure can grow heavy on a man, I know it does for me: outside the bedroom I do my best to be as masculine as I can, I have a promising career ahead of me, I am always looking to acquire new skills, I work out, I push myself to my limits, to the point I've been told I scare the people who don't know me, and even though I am quite successful, I feel that what I do is never quite enough. And that I believe is where the cuckold fantasies come in: by picturing my girlfriend with another man (I've never actually done it: knowing myself, I'd probably take on loathing myself for the rest of my life, but that's a whole different story), all those expectations, all those responsibilities, would be momentarily lifted off my shoulders. By unspoken agreement, I wouldn't be The Man in that context: I could, for once, sit back and relax while another man fills in for me (pun not entirely intended).

Another explanation, far more obvious: latent bisexuality. Very often my cuckold fantasies include physical contact with the other man or his ejaculate, which is obviously a homoerotic type of desire. Interestingly though, I do not find men attractive at all: never in my life have I met or seen a man who I felt sexually attracted to, and I know this isn't denial: the attraction simply isn't there. My interest in men seems to be confined to the male genitalia and semen. I suppose that qualifies as mild bisexuality.

Lastly, I should add that for some reason, I have always perceived sex as "dirty" and "naughty", though I was not raised in a culturally backwards family. Having sex with a steady girlfriend rapidly loses its "naughtiness" factor for me, thus turning sexual intercourse into little more than any other bodily function: semen builds up, need release, have sex, end of story. Imagining her with another man restores that feeling of dirtiness, thus enabling me to see her as "a nice piece of ass who needs some f***ing" (pardon my french, I needed to get the message across) rather than "my little darling" and "potential mother of my children".

It goes without saying that my reflections regard my own feelings and experiences only, and I am not suggesting they could apply to all the men (and the occasional woman) who find themselves drawn towards this form of sexuality. Oh, about the "cuckolds are intelligent" thing: this is actually not the first time I read about this. Someone objected that the sampling pool to which Doc has access may not be representative of the population, and that is a valid objection. Still, I think he could be on to something, though I admit it's little more than a hunch. For what it's worth, I'll throw in my own data: I have a Ph. D. and an IQ in the 140s range. And no, it's not bragging: I only mentioned it because it's relevant to one of the sub-threads in this discussion.

Perhaps I'll try to enliven the conversation with some findings I have scratched out that folks might find interesting. These are provided here to create more heat than light.

Oddly, or perhaps not .. need input .. nearly every single cuckold in my care is bald or balding. What does everyone here make of that? Simply a bizarre coincidence? Is there some connection? I just observed this as an anomaly and have drawn no conclusions myself.

Second .. and I find this interesting from an observed behavior standpoint .. two patients in the last week have had severe disagreements with the "bull" in the relationship and have "broken up" a long term situation. The cuckold reports depression and sadness from this. One lay in bed with his wife cuddling her as they both cried. One reported being "stood up" and shared anger and loss with their wife and, upon the next day's confrontation and confirmation of an ended relationship, had shared behavior of binge eating and splurge spending he felt was attributed to this. I find that very revealing.

Again, let me express that these are, as Mac puts it, "role play" cuckolds that were terminating long term (more than six months) relationships. The intense expression of sorrow and even anger is quite juicy for a therapist. If you can add your opinions or experiences, it would greatly help me.

Thanks ..


Bald? Hmmm

Well, speaking for myself, as a cuckold of several years, I am the furthest thing from bald. Though I do change my hair length and style about as often as the wind blows, which includes shaving it "bald", I have no naturally occurring baldness.

I chose to be a cuckold. I encourage my highly sexual wife to seek out sex partners, some of whom include me in their sexual expressions, others who have no idea she is even married. My "bisexuality" has been characterized in previous posts, that of being only driven by male genitalia and not the person. My wife's high sex drive and my own masochistic tendencies drive our "role play" lifestyle.

If the Doc has specific questions, I would be happy to respond in a private message, or publicly, whatever the preference.
An emotional / erotic equivalent of (say) skydiving...?



unwilling said:
.... Having sex with a steady girlfriend [/one's wife] rapidly loses its "naughtiness" for me [/many or most people], thus turning sexual intercourse into little more than any other bodily function: semen builds up, needs release, [one has] sex, [then re-sets to beginning of cycle]. Imagining my gf with another man restores that feeling of dirtiness, thus enabling me to see her as "a nice piece of ass who needs some fucking" rather than "my little darling" and "potential mother of my children."

I think you may have put your finger on an important motivation, here, for some... perhaps even a large percentage of... "voluntary" cuckolds. Meaning, men who encourage their wives to begin taking lovers even though their wives may be resistant, at least initially (and sometimes permanently). If so, it can be viewed as an emotional / erotic equivalent of, say, going out skydiving — or whatever one's preferred adrenalin-rush sport is — from time to time. It involves more than a small element of risk; indeed, it's potentially disastrous, but it's a controlled form of risk... or at least, many or most "voluntary" cuckolds may view it in that way. "Control," of course, may later turn out to have been illusory, and one may even lose one's wife, but that's the risk.

In other words, "voluntary" cuckolding seems likely to be, at least in part, a way of relieving the mundane sexual and relationship tedium that marriages / long-term LTRs / steady girlfriend-boyfriend relationships tend to devolve into.

Soontobe, IMO, is a good example in this forum of a "voluntary" cuckold who appears to be driven by this motivation. There are many others, but "Soon" seems a particularly clear-cut case. (Maybe he'll weigh in with some comments re. whether [or not] he thinks I have it right.)

Custer Laststand said:


I think you may have put your finger on an important motivation, here, for some... perhaps even a large percentage of... "voluntary" cuckolds. Meaning, men who encourage their wives to begin taking lovers even though their wives may be resistant, at least initially (and sometimes permanently). If so, it can be viewed as an emotional / erotic equivalent of, say, going out skydiving — or whatever one's preferred adrenalin-rush sport is — from time to time. It involves more than a small element of risk; indeed, it's potentially disastrous, but it's a controlled form of risk... or at least, many or most "voluntary" cuckolds may view it in that way. "Control," of course, may later turn out to have been illusory, and one may even lose one's wife, but that's the risk.

In other words, "voluntary" cuckolding seems likely to be, at least in part, a way of relieving the mundane sexual and relationship tedium that marriages / long-term LTRs / steady girlfriend-boyfriend relationships tend to devolve into.

Soontobe, IMO, is a good example in this forum of a "voluntary" cuckold who appears to be driven by this motivation. There are many others, but "Soon" seems a particularly clear-cut case. (Maybe he'll weigh in with some comments re. whether [or not] he thinks I have it right.)


I think you guys are right on track... at least where I am concerned!
Doc in Cleveland,


Doc in Cleveland said:
Oddly, or perhaps not... need input... nearly every single cuckold in my care is bald or balding. What does everyone here make of that? Simply a bizarre coincidence? Is there some connection? I just observed this as an anomaly and have drawn no conclusions myself.

This sounds like a good example of a correlation that's happenstance or specious, not a "cause" of the phenomenon*. Sort of like observing that since the Green Bay Packers won the most recent Superbowl and have generally played excellent football over the years, a team will maximize its chances of winning the Superbowl if it moves to a small town in a cold northern climate (while neglecting to consider the role of, say, their coach).

*I realize, of course, you neither said nor implied that balding "causes" men to be cuckolded by their wives, but... well... you get the idea.

My guess, for whatever it might be worth, is the connection may be along the following lines.

1) Below-average sexual capacity, including erectile dysfunction (ED), is characteristic of a significant percentage of married men simply because sex-drive... like other human characteristics... is variable among individuals (see my post #52 of 19 April 2011 in this thread).

2) The percentage of married men with reduced ability... or inability... to "perform" sexually increases with age.

3) So-called male-pattern baldness is almost absent among men who are relatively young. Such men are also most likely to have relatively high sex drives and are thus likely to view themselves... and be viewed by their wives... as "virile."

4) As men age into the range characterized by a steadily-increasing percentage having male-pattern baldness, a steadily-increasing percentage also find themselves experiencing a reduced sex drive or even becoming unable to "perform" sexually. Ergo, as time passes such men tend to view themselves as steadily less "virile" and may also be viewed in that way by their wives... especially if, despite their best efforts, they communicate their decreasing confidence in themselves as "virile men" to their wives.

5) "Going bald" is a sign of decreasing sexual attractiveness caused by increasing age... as are, of course, weight-gain, increasing facial wrinkles, etc. But, a man can lose weight, work out, and even get a face lift, thereby "disguising" some of the outward signs of his "decreasing virility," but male-pattern baldness is right out there in the open for everyone to see. Although balding men can begin wearing toupees (I'm speculating here), that's such an obvious sign of vanity that most men tend not to do it, fearing... perhaps... women will giggle behind their backs and other men may scoff openly at them.

6) Thus, a man within the age range where he's likely to have decreasing (perhaps significantly-decreased) sexual capacity, or even ED, is also likely to have "male-pattern" baldness (or be rapidly getting there). In addition, like as not such a man will also have a wife in her 30's which, supposedly, is the age range when women's sex drives are at maximum. (For men, supposedly, it's all downhill for sex drive after about 18 to early 20's.)

7) Thus the specious correlation: a man who finds himself cuckolded... especially involuntarily cuckolded... by his wife will also, most likely, have "male-pattern" baldness. If he does not have a sufficient understanding of what might be called the "psychology of male aging relative to man/woman sexual relationships" (especially if his wife had a higher sex-drive to begin with), then he is likely to interpret his cuckolding as a personal failure of himself as a man.

Ergo, the depressed cuckold... especially if he's an involuntary cuckold... is likely to see a psychologist such as yourself, if he can afford it or is fortunate enough to have health insurance. An additional factor contributing to the specious baldness correlation may be that cuckolds with "male-pattern" baldness, unlike younger cuckolds who are not bald, are more likely to be old enough to have accumulated sufficient wealth to be able to afford the services of a psychologist.

Note, finally, the above does not contradict the "cuckolding as the emotional/erotic equivalent of sky diving" motivation, described above, that may be characteristic of many actual and wannabe "voluntary" cuckolds who (I speculate) may tend to be younger hence not bald. Rather, it's a different motivation, or set of motivations, more likely to be characteristic of "involuntary" cuckolds who are older.

From 'Doc' "Oddly, or perhaps not .. need input .. nearly every single cuckold in my care is bald or balding. What does everyone here make of that? Simply a bizarre coincidence? Is there some connection? I just observed this as an anomaly and have drawn no conclusions myself."

Custer had a reasonable response, of course.
I think in some, if not many instances, that this is explainable as a hormonal function. Male pattern baldness is often caused by an excess of DHT (dihydrotesterone) which also is often responsible for BPH or enlarged prostate symptoms. When DHT is elevated, Testosterone is suppressed. Testosterone is responsible for virility and an Alpha male personality. Some women will be attracted to these men, who when young have plenty of testosterone, but are also of a higher intellect preferring success and career to personal pleasure. However as age advances, DHT increases and virility fades. With fading virility, he looses the ability (and desire) to satisfy his wife. If she, on the other hand, has a higher sex drive, and has the opportunity, Cuckoldry, either 'real' or 'fantasy' has a high propensity of happening.
Cheers, Harry
AllanGK said:
I don't know about the baldness, I have a full head of hair.

But I do have a small cock; erect I'm about four inches but flaccid barely an inch long! My ex-wife told me many times that I was the smallest cock she ever had!

If hair indicates virility, what does a small cock indicate?


pity and derision :(


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Cuckold64 said:
[Re. "voluntary" cuckolding as a form of emotional/erotic skydiving]: I think you guys [Unwilling and Custer] are right on track... at least where I am concerned!

Thanks for the confirmation.


Harry2614 said:
[Re. Doc's baldness observation]: Custer had a reasonable response, of course.

Thanks for the positive feedback.

Harry2614 said:
I think in some if not many instances, this is explainable as a hormonal function. Male pattern baldness is often caused by an excess of DHT (dihydrotesterone) which also is often responsible for BPH or enlarged prostate symptoms. When DHT is elevated, Testosterone is suppressed. Testosterone is responsible for virility and an Alpha male personality. Some women are attracted to such men who, when young, have plenty of testosterone but [and?] are also of a higher intellect, preferring success and career to personal pleasure.

Interesting. What evidence is there (if any) that men with 'higher than average testosterone levels' also tend to have 'higher than average intellects'? My instant impression is, that would be hard to prove (if it's true at all). If you can cite a reputable reference... say, a paper in a peer-reviewed journal... demonstrating that, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Harry2614 said:
However, as age advances DHT increases and virility fades.


Harry2614 said:
With fading virility, [the erstwhile testosterone-fueled virility-crazed alpha man] looses his ability (and desire) to satisfy his wife. If her sex drive remains high or becomes higher relative to his, and if she has opportunities [i.e., access to other men], cuckolding may follow. —Harry

Your hormonal view seems intriguing. A point you omitted (which I "edited in" briefly) is that women, who also produce testosterone but significantly less than men, apparently produce increasing testosterone levels as they age into their 30's. This tends to underlie women's sex drives peaking during their 30's while their tendencies to become more "dominant" (if they have such inclinations) also peak. Or so "they" say...

Simultaneously, as you point out, the "virility" of such a woman's erstwhile alpha-man husband is declining.


AllanGK said:
If hair indicates virility, what does a small cock indicate?

I suppose the answer must be related in some fashion to your parent's genes. I'll finesse it by mentioning that since Harry raised the "virility vs. intellect" question, yours mainly brings to mind a question attributed to Albert Einstein:

"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, then what is an empty desk a sign of...?"


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