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Soccer Mom vs Pool Mom

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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Feb 26, 2004
Fayetteville, NC
For starters I will honestly say that as an amateur behaviorist, I have had very few chances to observe “soccer moms” in their natural habitat. Post work-out I usually assume my position in the spa to relax my muscles with a good vantage point of pool moms exiting the family dressing room as they parade to the outdoor pool adjacent to the indoor wet area. Below are a few findings from my observations.

Pool mom may be described as Caucasian, approximately 25-40 years of age, usually wearing flip-flop style footwear girded with a one piece with a “pool gown” over top and with a trail of kids behind her. She may be accompanied by another pool mom or solo. If and when she becomes aware that she is being watched by a black male, one of several reactions are noted.

Normally, she will take a quick look and then sharply turn her head to not acknowledge the fact that she just checked you out. If she happens to be in good shape and/or is used to being looked upon she will slow her stride and look back at her trailing younglings and issue a few motherly commands. This allows the watching black male a chance to fully take in her visual image. Her last peculiar behavior is to don the sunglasses resting over here brow. I assume that donning of the sunglasses allows her the opportunity to use her peripheral vision for one last glance; then again I could just be the ultimate narcissist. If she is accompanied, she will usually turn to her friend and act as if there is something suddenly important to discuss. I don’t know what the hell is all of sudden so important, but I can only assume that this behavior makes her/them more comfortable while being watched.

Now, I wouldn’t describe myself as a voyeur, but honestly I enjoy observing these pool moms as human behavior is anything but logical, much less predictable. However certain things can be grouped into clusters with a certain degree of predictability. For instance, today, I had the opportunity to passively interact with a gorgeous blonde and fit pool mom that couldn’t be much more than 32 y/o. Again with her trailing kids, she appeared to be leaving. With a more stylish one piece on, it was cut low in the front revealing C-cup cleavage but unfortunately the bottom portion was too wide and concealed her rather full ass. Nice size 7 feet with high arches, a fresh pedicure and thick soled flip-flops. Thinking this was the last I’d see of her, I decided to get out of the spa and spend some time in the dry sauna.

The dry sauna looks like a store front, so my observation was not hindered. To my surprise, the blonde pool mom did not leave, perhaps a potty break for the kids. Should have used the pool, but I digress. For whatever reason, people tend to assume a bi-pod position in the sauna, maybe to facilitate ventilation. Anyway, I was in the bi-pod sitting on the hot cedar and very much proud of my chest work-out recently completed. While trying to make my pecs touch in the middle of my sternum, my black male “spider” senses started to go off. After looking up, to my surprise who but blonde pool mom is trekking back to the pool area. Typical for her type, she slowed her pace, turned to her kids to issue commands while simultaneously allowing me a good look. Thinking to myself, “gotcha”!

Finally, I should describe my demographical situation to help the reader appreciate the scenario better. The average income in this suburban Colorado town is $100,000/year. There are very few African-Americans in this area and if you’re a black male in this area, you must be a professional athlete or a family member of an athlete, I'm neither. In the future maybe I will bring a clip board, grease pens, and a laminated matrix to document my findings in situ.
you overestimate the predicability of a pool mom - try to evaluate behavior of same women next time you see them and the kids are not with her
Pool Mom Revisited

misty4u19034 said:
you overestimate the predicability of a pool mom - try to evaluate behavior of same women next time you see them and the kids are not with her

You know, you are probably right. There are some things that couldn’t be made up even if you tried. So today, I’m at the gym a little earlier than usual and decide to cut the spa time a few minutes short in lieu of spending time in the sauna. So I notice two pool moms sashaying by, we exchange glances as they enter my left visual field. And by the time they reached the extent of my right visual field, they pivot and decide to spend some time in the sauna with me and this other guy. They chose to sit to my far right with the other guy separating us. One lady was a brunette bbw with blonde highlights and the other a long slender built woman with legs for days and a sweet looking pedicure. What was most interesting about the two was that the bbw didn’t conceal her body while the slender gal girded herself with a generic gym towel. I could tell that the decision to visit the spa was an afterthought and that they were not used to the sauna because they didn’t demonstrate the tolerance to stay very long, but as they were leaving I decided to make a little small talk, you know the typical, “leaving so soon” and “you guys have been outside, yes? Is it hot out there yet, it’s supposed to be really hot today”. Anyway, the point is you’re right, given the opportunity, I’m sure pool mom will engage a black male if she thinks it worth her wild to her ego and/or corpus.

As interesting as all of this is to me, that wasn’t the highlight of my day. Just prior to getting some sauna time and while still in the spa, in walks the “fringe” pool mom. This hottie was definitely a bold one and it didn’t matter to her that he little ones pried her ass out of the bed to go to the pool. She was also slender built and get this, her dark brunette hair was rather disheveled and the eye liner had to be from the night before as I couldn’t appreciate any foundation or lipstick. Why would anyone totally disregard their hair and the rest of the makeup but apply eyeliner? So I’m thinking, oh party mom what did you do last evening? What time did you get to bed and with whom?

So we lock eyes and she refuses to break eye contact the entire time she is in my visual field. I’m like cool; you don’t have to make it more obvious hon. So what’s a brother to do in this situation? I give her a wink and she proceeds to walk on by. I didn’t notice her securing a position in the indoor wet area to allow her a position to watch her younglings in the indoor shallow pool. But as I’m heading for the men’s locker room, I glance over my left shoulder and who but fringe mom still staring at me. I guess some are more open than others.

Finally, as I’m showering I start to think about the whole interracial black male and white female dynamic. It seems to me that over the years things have changed yet subtlety, things are still the same just a different game. For instance, we’ve gone from lynching for even looking at a white woman (if you’re a black male) to where interracial relationships are somewhat common place. However, in my opinion things are still framed by a conflict theory of sorts. Meaning, there is an innate belief that there is a very limited amount of natural resources to support oneself and one’s offspring. In other words, people live for the most part to project their DNA into the future and in order to facilitate this; they must amass wealth to ensure that their offspring have a better chance at survival. Nothing wrong with that, right?

But as it relates to black male and white female relations, this may mean that although there is obvious attraction, due to the conscious and unconscious manipulation of the Western social construct white females may decide to override their natural urges to seek out a suitable mate based on physical attributes and decide on a “safer” choice of mates based on his ability to provide for her and the offspring thus ensuring a better chance of projecting her DNA into future generations. After all, she can always pursue her more natural choice when her child rearing days are behind her with or without the consent of the safe mate, otherwise many of us wouldn’t be on this site.

But here’s where it gets interesting. In times past, if she so decided to pursue a black male, the social consequences were dire, in other words no invite to the local rotary club. However, nowadays the world is much smaller, indeed a white female is able to pursue options that allow her to meet a black male online at 9 a.m. and by 9 p.m. she could have his fertile seed running down her leg as she leaves the bed chamber for a post-coital urinary bladder emptying episode. Therefore to limit her options, the “system” has evolved from a literal lynching to collective economic castration of the black male. Don’t get me wrong, the black male definitely has a role in all of this to make sure this effect is nullified, nonetheless there is tangible resistance. By being limited economically, the black male and white female interaction is for sure limited. The obvious exception to the rule is the professional black athlete who is both physically dominant and able to provide economically for the white female thus the observation that many professional black athletes do have white females as mates.

There is another exception, that being the educated professional black male. However, his plight is somewhat different. If he is physically dominant and also a good provider, he may face retribution in his profession for pursuing a white female mate. Therefore, he has to be more selective and cognizant in his day to day being as to not threaten his ability to provide. He is also more at risk to hyper assimilate to the point where his cultural awareness becomes less acute while at the same time choosing a black female as to not “offend” the white power structure.
Damn bro I'mma call you Ralph Waldo Emerson
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