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Sue's new life

  • Thread starterbobbyjones86mm
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Oct 3, 2010
Last night a few months of “things” came to a head so to say. I need to start out with who Sue and I are.

Sue and I met in college. She was out going and really popular. I say was because she changed some after we got married. In college she was a size one and weight just over 110lbs. She is short so it fit her body style. Then we got married right after school and I got a good job. I got a promotion a year later and was over the sales team for a start up company. That meant I would be traveling a lot. At first it was fine then we had to move.

Sue went through a huge depression and gained 50lbs over about two years. Then last year she took a job at a local law firm. She is over their secretaries and office maintenance. She got to be good friends with two ladies Sandy and Brandy. Yes that is their names as stupid as it sounds. Although they are pretty cool when we all hang out. They are over a lot since neither are married and always wanting Sue to go do stuff with them.

Sue was really self conscious about doing anything like going to clubs. I encouraged her to go. That was just under a year ago. She was very conservative in her dress. A lot of it had to do with her weight. Both Sandy and Brandy are thin and I have to admit pretty damn hot. Sue started to go to the gym. After about a week, she came in and said she was going to change everything. She was tired of being over weight and wanted to get back to her college weight.

I put it off since this had happened before twice. But, she stuck to it. She got a trainer and lost almost half the weight in just over a month. Two months later she was in the jeans I use to love to see her in. A few months ago she wanted to have the last improvement. Some liposuction and breast implants. She was a large b cup in college. The extra weight pushed her up a size then they looked bad when she lost the weight. I was ok with it, but she constantly complained about it. We have the money so no big deal. I knew I would benefit and it would help her confidence. That would help make my life easier.

Well it boosted her confidence. More than I expected. She was well and back out in a few weeks. At first the clothes stayed modest. Then she got to the point she wanted to show off her new assets. A big influence was her friends and their pushing her. I enjoyed the new her. Then it didn't stop. About a month ago she came home at 4 in the morning and she was hammered.

I was pissed and she didn't want to talk. She was out cold right after her shower. She reeked of smoke and booze. The next day her friends were over to swim. I was on the couch when Brady came in. We talked since she knew I was pissed. It was her fault since she was all over this guy. She told me his friend liked Sue. I had never thought that about her being unfaithful to me. But, the changes did make me think. So that night we had a talk.

Sue admitted that the guy was into her and that she gave him a peck good night. I was shocked and she said she was sorry. She said she just felt good again and was liking the attention she was getting. I had no intention of going to the clubs and have to admit that her going is hot to me. That week I was traveling and finally decided to let it go. As long as she was coming home to me, what was the harm. Brandy sent me an email saying the same thing.

I should also mention that we broke up a couple of times in college. She hooked up with guys each time. It never pissed me off and as most people on here will admit it was a turn on some too. All of those emotions came back up over the last month. I got home and couldn't wait to talk to her. I told her all this and told her as long as she was open with me about everything, we could see where it went. That is why I'm posting last night she had a date. The first since we got married. There are a ton more details on how we got here, but I'm no author.

So any advice would be great. Hoping to find out more from her tonight on what went down.
Thansk for sharing your story its going to be an interesting ride for you, please keep us updated
Sue is a little shy on telling me much about what went on. Here are the details that I got. They went to see a movie on face book. I don't know that much about it, but she likes facebook and thought she would like it. She said she did, but it wasn't about what she thought it might be. She said it brought back some memories of college. She has always said it was her prime. I tell her now is of course.

They had dinner before the late movie. I tried to see if they held hands or kissed. She finally said it was way to weird to talk to me about that kinda stuff. She did get a little frustrated and announced that of course she kissed him, it was a date. I pushed a little to hard. I realize that now. It didn't help that I wanted sex after the date. She said hell no. It was to weird since she had just been out with another guy. The next night I cooked a good dinner for us and We had sex before we went to bed. I was extra sweet, but screwed up when I asked if she was thinking of Sam. She got pissed and told me to “fuck my self next time”.

The next morning I apologized and she did too. She said she just over reacted. It was all to new for her and she wasn't sure how to handle it. We reassured each other of our love.

She is out tonight with her friends from work. I asked if Sam, the guy she went out with, would be there. She said probably not. They were going dancing. She took a bag. Just her normal skirt and heels.

Not sure how to get more out of her. I don't want to push her away by asking to much, but I'm dying to know more. Any thoughts?
I stayed up waiting on her Wednesday night. She came in just after midnight. She was give out. She had a bad day at work and was pretty tipsy. She had to let a girl go. She was from a small department they were closing. She said they danced and drank way to much. A friend from the club brought them home.

I was dying to ask about Sam, but she was give out. I also checked out her face book page. I never do that, but with everything going on lately I wanted to see if I could find anything out. Not knowing is the worse part of all of this. So I logged in and didn't find much. I did see she had three friends who were named Sam or Samuel. One of the guys was from college. She had dated him and I'm pretty sure they had sex. It was for a few weeks during one of our breaks. I don't think that is the Sam though. He lives about an hour or so from us. The other two I didn't know. One looked kinda goofy. I'm pretty sure that wasn't him. The other guy was pretty tall and well built. He was in a suit in most of the pictures I could see.
If you want your wife to have a wonderful time out with her dates, then give her SPACE. She needs time to "ease into the lifestyle" at a speed she can manage, as this stuff is about going outside her wedding vows and what her mum told her was acceptable behavor.

In a few months, she will be having sex regularly and will be more able to "tell you stuff".

She is drinking "way too much" and her emotions are scary as she tries to understand what is happening.

Guys will be touching her in ways you haven't, so she is not ready to discuss this secret stuff YET It feels too weird, she needs privacy until her lifestyle is more "old hat", and she sees plenty of evidence that you are pleased for her.

A wife who opens her thighs to Bulls, can't be held responsible for how she may act if she likes what is happening to her. Emotions can rush through her body that she has not felt since childhood, when she felt life was there for the taking and there were no rules to restrict her.

If you wish for your wife to become addicted and a slave to other men's cocks, then give her the chance to grow that addiction without any demands from you - please be patient and in the fullness of time, she will be keen to tell you about her sexual adventures.
I think you should just give her space. Keep encouraging her to do what she's been doing, but don't pressure her. You're already a lucky man she's doing what she's doing. Give it time.
Thursday we had dinner and watched some shows we had taped. I gave her a little back rub and asked what she was up for this weekend. She said she was sorry, but she made some plans for Saturday. Fridays she goes out with the girls. I couldn't stand it and asked if it was the Sam from college. She got quite and asked me what if it was. I was pretty surprised since I had ruled him out. I just said I was wondering since I thought they had gone out before. She didn't answer my question, but asked if it would be a problem if she went out with an old boyfriend. I told her no that we hadn't talk about it though.

She used that to poke at me and brought up Rick. He was an old boyfriend she use to run to each time we broke up. She could tell I was pissed and pushed. I said who ever she wanted to see. I then reminded her that he was a prick the last time she saw him. She said she didn't want to talk about it anymore. I wanted to push, but drew back.

Friday and Saturday were rough on me. Waiting is the hardest part. Well after not knowing. I know everyone probably knows that, but it needed to be said. I just sat around the house for most of the day reading forum stuff and catching up on some work. I also caught up on my favorite tv shows. I waited up for her both nights. Friday she got a shower and went to bed. It was around one. Then Saturday night I made the big mistake.

Sue came in around 1. I could smell the cigarette smoke so I knew they had went to a club or bar. I could also smell the alcohol on her breath. She was wearing a dress that clung to her and pretty high heels. She knew she was going to go dancing. It was strapless and she didn't have a bra on. Not surprising since she doesn't wear them after the surgery. I went up behind her and gave her a kiss on the neck as she went to the bed room. She told me to stop. I said, with out thinking first “Well how did it go with Sam”. She looked me in the eye and asked if I was for real. I should have backed down, but I said yes. She got this look and said “Great, My fucking husband wants to know how my date went.” “That is a typical couple question. Would you like to know how he kisses. How his mouth taste when I kiss him. If he uses a lot of tongue when he kisses.”

Then it was “I guess you want to know if we are going to fuck or maybe if we have already. If that is what you want then fuck you. I'm your wife. Dammit.”

Then the door slammed to the bathroom. I sat on the bed and yes I knew I screwed things up. I should have just kept my mouth shut was what I was thinking. I waited for a second and then went in the bathroom. She was crying in the shower. I opened it and she was sitting on the tub floor. She was in a ball and told me to get out. I told her I wasn't till she stopped crying. A minute later she was on her feet. I have to just say she has a great body. Better than college. I told her that and she just laughed. Ok so finally he is what went down.

“Do you love me” Yes
“Do you want to hurt me” No
“Then why do you keep trying to get me to talk about who I'm going out with.” I just want to know.
“If you haven't noticed yet, I can't take that. I'm sorry I just can't” Ok well lets talk about it.

The crying started hard again.

“I don't want to talk about it. I told you” Ok so I should just let you date guys and not know what is going on.
“Yes, You said you were ok with it. I never said I would give you details. I really want this and I love you for letting me have it. But, I can't take this.” So you just want me to let you go around dating guys and not know anything.
“I will tell you when I go out and sometimes who, but no. You are my husband. All this is weird enough. I know you like it. I obviously want to do it, but not with you talking to me about it.” Ok I will stop asking. I love you and want you to be happy.
“I love you and I know it is probably weird for you too. Are you still sure you are still ok with this.” I said yes, but I wanted more.
“I can tell, but that is not going to happen.” Ok when you feel comfortable we can talk about things.
“That will probably never happen.” As long as you are happy, I will deal with it. I just want you to be safe.

She was out of the shower now and in a towel. I tried to pull it off and too me.

“Ok stop. When I go out, it just feels to weird to come home and do stuff with you. I know that sounds crazy to you, but that is how it has to be.” She was about to cry so I said ok. I hate to see her cry.
“It doesn't feel right. I know that might not make sense, but it just doesn't feel right. I love you and always will, but I really think this will be best for both of us. Can you handle that.” Yes. I will just leave it up to you when we have sex. (I got that from the forum and the things I have read. Hoping it makes things easier for her and makes her more open with me since she can trust me.:
“That isn't what I want.” I don't want to upset you and mess things up. I don't want you crying and upset.
“Baby, You don't want that. You know I don't need sex as much as you want it. I do it because you want to. I want you to be happy.” I told her I was happy and this would make me happy.
“So I choose when we have sex now or when I want too. I know you will want too.” Hell yes I will want too. That made her laugh.
“Ok, I will try it. How about tomorrow night.” I laughed and said how do you know you will want it then.
“I just know you will.” I said that is not what I want. I want you to feel comfortable when we have sex.
“ok, we may not ever have sex again though.” (I knew she was bluffing) I smiled and said that I would just have to wait then. That was all she needed. It was like something just snapped.
“I love you and that means the world to me. ”

She pushed me on the bed and turned out the lights. I thought I was about to get some. I got some, but it was better than sex. I know most of you will agree if you have been through this. She laid down asked if I could see her. I said no.
“Ok, just be quite and listen. I will never do this again, but if you really are that comfortable with how I feel, then maybe I can open up once. This is the last time though. Do you understand.” I just kissed her shoulder.

“Sam Tucker. That is his name. We met at the bar one night. I like him and he is really a nice guy. We haven't had sex. I swear.” I wanted to ask if she wanted too, but I knew I couldn't.
“Sam is a friend of Brandy. She kinda introduced us. It was innocent. He just moved back to the area. He is a good guy. He is nice and not pressuring me to do anything. He doesn't know I'm married. I don't wear my ring when we go out and he just thought I was single. When you said you were good with me going out, I told him yes. Are you ok.” I was quite and said uh huh. I was afraid if I spoke it would make her stop. Stupid I guess, but I was scared and nervous at this point.
“I'm also thinking of calling up an old friend. I don't want to tell you his name. You know him. I talked to him on line the other day. He doesn't know we are married. I swear. Are you still ok. I just laid my head on her back.”
“I can't believe I told you this. Brandy said I should when all this started. I don't want you to be mad at her. She told me last night that I needed to before.” She faded out. I was pissed. I wanted her to finish. Now my mind was buzzing. Then.
“Its just that we have went out a couple times now. Saturday I uh. I...” Yep I was pissed.
“I love you.” I was still quite.
“Did you hear me? Are you asleep.” I started laughing.
“You aren't funny. Go to sleep.” I love you too.

I laid there staring at the ceiling. It is really happening. I can't believe it. I know there is a lot more I want to know, but this was a great start.

I have to go. Sue will be back from the store and told me this morning before she left that she wants to talk before I leave out tomorrow morning.
Give her space, my wife always wears her wedding ring, she said guys are always picking her up because they know there is never any problems fucking a married women. Never question her, If she wants to she will tell you what she has done if not just let your imagination work overtime, Good luck.:D
"I told her all this and told her as long as she was open with me about everything, we could see where it went."

The above quote from your first post was the one main condition you gave for your blessings in moving forward. She is not willing to do that is she? Instead you got this from her:

Ok, just be quite and listen. I will never do this again, but if you really are that comfortable with how I feel, then maybe I can open up once. This is the last time though. Do you understand.”

In the words of another poster on this board, Mac, your wife is about to make you a TRUE CUCK. Already, after 2 weeks, your condition about being open and honest is gone. Already she views you and your wish to be kept in the loop of her activities of no importance. She has even disregarded the advice of her friend Brandy to let you know what is happening.

Your wife is getting a bit out of control rather quickly. She feels no loyalty or accountability to her husband concerning her dates or her actions on those dates. She is going out and purposefully misrepresenting herself as a single woman. I wonder if Brandy is going to tell her friend Sam the truth about your wife? Either way, your wife may not have to worry about getting introduced to any more of Brandy's friends. By telling the men she is meeting she is single, leaving you in the dark about everything she does while out, and your sex life at home suffering from this rather than being enhanced, you and your marriage are headed for troubled times.

The question is if you have the fortitude to rein her in before it gets too late. Since you caved so easily in agreement to her defiantly letting you know there will be no talking about her dates, I doubt it. You even rewarded her disrespect of you by giving her control of when you get her!

Perhaps a timeout is necessary. You two need to regroup and talk. Perhaps set up some kind of rules that take into account her safety and your sanity. Rules that allow you both to get something pleasurable out of this.
My wife is very similar, she only agreed to an arragement where she can do what she likes, on condition she does not tell me unless she choses too. She says she is not comfortable talking about it, I guess some women are just like that.
This thread makes me sad. I don't know why....
Susan has always been the same, not wanting to talk about what she is doing. Saraha had some great advice, give her space and she will be more likely to share on her own schedule. It is difficult I know, but when she does talk it will be great!
To some extent the not knowing can be very hot!! for a year or more I did not know what if anything was up with my wife. She would leave the house (I work from home) on her day off, say bye with a naughty smile. Come back 2 hours later, with no explanation as to where she has been!!!

Those 2 hours are incredibly hot, thinking , wondering... I found out later that she wasn't doing anything at that time, but thats another story...
it seems that a resonable proportion of wives do not feel comfortable talking about what they are doing... I wonder why?
I think they have been taught that sex is private and that intimate details are not to be shared with anyone. Some women are more comfortable sharing details with a close female friend, some more open to other friends, but few share the details we cuckolds want to hear.

If you have one who is someone of a verbal exhibitionist you have found a gold mine.
I got back in yesterday. I don't have a ton of details. Here is what I know. Last week she went out with the girls on wednesday. She called me around midnight when she got in. Just to let me know she was safe at home. I asked her to do that. Brandy was staying with her. She hates being home alone. Friday she went out with some other friends from work. Saturday she had a date. She didn't go into details. I did hear her on the phone with a friend.

She was in the kitchen and telling her friend about a restaurant they went Saturday. She was giggling a lot. I caught her laughing telling her not yet. Then something about it being a little weird. My mind went to her having sex with him. It probably wasn't, but my mind went right to wondering.

Last night she went out with her friends after we had an early dinner. We had a little fun before she left. I ate her out while she sucked me off. I wanted her to stop before I went off, but she said she was to into it. Still sexy to see her swallow my load. I made sure she got off. She did tell me if I could get hard we could go again but it was just to quick for me.

She got in around midnight and showered and got in bed. I was so tired that I barely got up. The next morning I was up and about to leave when she got up. She told me she had lunch with a friend and wouldn't see me today. I asked who and she gave me a look and just said an old friend. I bumped into brandy at lunch and we made small talk. She mentioned me getting a warm welcome home last night. She asked where Sue was. Then realized she had messed up. I said its ok, she is out with an old friend from school. She said she knew. She had met Ty before. I said ok. She said he is a nice guy. They had met on one of the girls nights out.

She asked if I was really ok with what was going on. I said yes. She pulled me out toward her car. We talked for a couple of minutes. She told me I was an awesome husband and I could talk to her anytime I wanted.

That leads me to this. Should I talk to her?

Sue went over to a friends to get some stuff and I don't have long. I will log on this weekend when she goes out. I would love to know what to do next. Thanks for all the comments. I have been reading them all.
I think Jaxunman has the best advice. There are other reasons to know where she is; her safety is one of them. Additionally, say what you want about love, etc. but if she can't open up to you I suspect you may end up nothing more than a paycheck and a house keeper in the end. My wife and I had to have "the discussion" and in the end she spilled the beans about every encounter, at least the version she was willing to tell. I had my ways of getting the rest of the details.

With regard to talking to Brandy about this, I would say YES. For my wife's second lover I chatted with his girlfriend all the time and we were able to piece together what really happened between them based on the bits they told us individually. For me that ultimately became part of the excitement.
Yes, you must talk with the girlfriend. She will give you better information than you can expect to get at home!
Ok I took some of the advice you all gave on here. Sue has been telling me Brandy needed me to work on her laptop. Saturday I called her. She had plans that evening and couldn't bring it over. I offered to go over. She said ok so off I went. I got there around 5 after running late on some errands.

I made some small talk with her and she went to get a shower. She was getting ready to go out with a guy she has been seeing on and off for a while. I made small talk about her dating. She took the bait and asked if I was wanting to find out more about Sue. I said ya I guess so. Tried to play it calm, but I think she read through it.

“I have to give it to Sue. She found a good one. I could never get a guy to go for something like this. You are even trying to ask her about it and talk to her. I told her she was lucky and should talk to you.” I told her I was ok and wanted to talk. But, I had left it up to Sue.
“I know but you know Sue. She is not going to go for that. You have to quit asking her. It is really bothering her. I know this is confusing, but that is what she wants.” I just want her to be happy, but I would like to know what is going on.
“Well lets talk.” We sat down and I found out some more info that had been on my mind.
“Actually, I will help you. I wont tell you everything, but I will at least let you know what is going on. I think you deserve that. But, you can't tell Sue. I mean it.” Ok I promise.
“She then asked me for a piece of paper. I gave it to her. She wrote down her email and a password. She said I could only use it to look.” For what.
“For Sue Watkins facebook page” I just had this look.
“Sue has two pages. She created it couple months ago. Some guys we met at the bars wanted to see her page. She didn't have a choice since they thought she was married.” I can't believe this.
“Its not that bad. She never meant it to be a hook up tool. It kinda has though. You will see. If you ever want to know anything else, just email me. I swear if I find out you told her or she found out I will kill you. She would kill me.” I promise.
“Do you have any questions for me?” Tons, but I'm not sure about asking.
“If you ask something I don't think you should know, I will tell you. This is your opportunity. Heck, it is the least I could do for helping with my computer.” Ok, What has Sue done so far.
She laughed then “Baby that would take to long. You have to be more specific than that.” I was a little shocked and she said not like that. Ok, has she had sex.
“Yes (pause) with you.” (She started laughing) You know what I mean.
“Yes I do. I also know now that you really want her to don't you.” Yes I do. I know she isn't satisfied with me in that way.
“Well, it might hurt, but if you want me to be honest. (I shook my head yes) She doesn't really like sex with you. She loves you and that is why she married you and doesn't want to hurt you. She loves you so much that she hasn't taken that step thinking you will get mad then. Are you ok now that you know.” Yes I have always thought it deep down.
“That is why she would always run to the different guys in college when you were on breaks and other times.” Other times?
“I thought you knew. She cheated on you in college. It was never anything serious. Just sex for the most part. A few of them she thought about more. But she loved you no matter what. She really does love you. Don't think bad about her.” I kinda suspected it. I think she realized it the last time we got back together the last time.
“She admitted to me a while back that she missed the sex, but wouldn't give you up for it.” I don't know what to do. I have told her.
“You just have to let it happen. I think it is still a ways off. The guys aren't pushing her because they know she will run. She is also trying to be careful not to get in a position to catch anything.” (This was a reference to the fact she is catholic and will not use condoms or the pill.)
“Have you thought about that. What would you do if she did get an STD.” I would still love her. We might have to do somethings differently.
“Ok big question. I know she would be super careful, but what if she got pregnant.” I knew this question was coming and had thought about it. I would love the baby as our own. Not that I would ever want it, but I would do my part to stay with her.
“Ok you are way to good to be true. Have you cheated on Sue.” No, I just love her and that is all.
“So she could go out and get aids and have another guys baby and you woiuld still love her.” Yes, but not if she meant to. I don't know that is a lot to process.
“I know. She is super careful and wouldn't get to that point, but it is possible.” I know
She then joked and said “so if I get pregnant would you raise my child.” I said sure anytime.
“I know you probably want to know more, but I have to finish getting ready. Look over the page and let me know what other questions you have.”

I told her thanks and my head was spinning on the way home last night. I'm glad I asked, but now have a lot on my mind. Also don't know how to get Sue to take the big plunge. Even after all the things going on in my mind, I still want her too.

Friday and Saturday, she had dates. I don't know with who, but I now know I can find out from Brandy. Also, I haven't looked at her site. I'm waiting till I'm out of town. Then I can really look it over. I look forward to hearing what you think.

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