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Sunday Afternoon

  • Thread starterkatt
  • Start date
A while later I heard them come down. Marcus popped his head round the door. I forgot to give you this DVD to watch last night . Have a look whilst we are out. “See you later sport” we are going to the jewellers in town, holding up his left hand and pointing to the relevant finger he added “you never know, I might start to make it legal”. I was dumb struck, did I understand he was referring to an engagement ring. Had Sue agreed to marry him but not say anything to me?

After a while, I calmed down and as suggested sat and watched the DVD. Again I seemed to drop of to sleep within a few seconds. I awoke with a start, hearing the front door slam. They walked into the room hand in hand. “Reliving last night were you old man” smirked Marcus. That was when I realised my pants were undone and I was rubbing my dick with my hand. Red faced I mumbled sorry and quickly put him away.

It became apparent he had been winding me up. Sue did not have a ring on her finger but she did wear a new necklace with an M hanging down. This matched the one adorning her belly button. That’s when it hit me. She no longer wore my necklace. The one she had worn every day since I gave it to her on our first anniversary. Seeing my concern Sue said “don’t worry, I am still wearing your chain”. Lifting her leg she showed me it was now round her ankle. “The jeweller adapted it, see he even managed to add in Marcus to the links”. Looking closer I could see a small, discrete but evident name tag. Unfortunately it was not my name but that of my wife’s boyfriend.
The following week, Sue and I did get together whilst Marcus was back in London. We had a lovely meal and the mood was set for me to stay the night. I started kissing and fondling her body. At first she was distant but then started to respond with passion. After a while she pushed my head down her body making it evident she wanted me to eat her out. I duly obliged bringing her to several orgasms. She lay back relaxed and satisfied. At that point I tenderly lifted myself between her legs and started to enter her with my penis. I was half expecting her to push me away but she did nothing to stop me fucking her. Unfortunately two things became evident. First how loose she seemed compared to when we used to make love and second, she just lay there unresponsive to my actions. I persevered until I reached my climax, collapsing beside her on the bed. After a while I said that she had not come. Don’t worry darling, it was not important. After all, your tongue was marvellous. We soon dropped of to sleep in each others arms. For the first time for weeks I felt happy and contented.

The next day, we did the usual couple type things. We went for a walk in the park, had lunch at a café and then spent much of the afternoon talking about anything and everything, apart from Marcus!

Whilst Sue was preparing us an evening meal, I asked a question that had been bugging me for several days. “Sue, why did Marcus need to go back to London?” “Oh, I think it was to do with some work opportunity for the future” she replied. I felt Sue knew more than she was telling me but I did not pursue it.

After eating, we again adjourned to the sofa. I started to carress her neck and went to kiss her. At first she seemed to respond but all of a sudden pushed me of. “David, stop it, I know you are my husband but I have no desire to go to bed with you, last night I let my defences down. Please accept I am in a relationship with Marcus. He will be back tomorrow. I think it best you go as I need to tidy up before he arrives back”. With my ego crushed and some final sharp words I stormed out of her flat.

My anger was nothing compared to Marcus’s when he found out upon his return what had happened whilst he had been away. I somehow found myself apologising to him for being fresh with his girlfriend. In the end I agreed that for the present I would not directly contact Sue and limit my conversations during the day to work. How could I find myself getting into this position?

A few days later, I found out why Marcus had visited London when an email was sent to all staff advising he had been recruited by my employer as head of the engineering department. My wife was fucking my new boss. Everything seemed to be going from bad to worse.
Sunday Afternoon - The end

The following weeks started to fall into a routine, Marcus gave me a weekly DVD to watch & I still kept falling asleep whilst it played. Although I saw Sue at work most days, we did not seem to find a chance to be alone. I seemed quite relaxed about our distant relationship. Marcus now spent at least four nights a week at Sue’s. I looked forward eagerly for him to share the details of their affair on the occasions I saw him at our pad.

Before I knew it, we were over half way through the project. Our clients put on a party at the nearby Town Hall to celebrate how well everything was progressing. The day before, Marcus told me that with his promotion he was being recalled to London to take on other work. I wondered how Sue felt about being separated from her lover. Had he even told her. “It’s in hand” was all he would say when I challenged him. It was agreed I would make my own way to the party but we would share a taxi back afterwards.

The day of the party arrived; Sue had been off work for the last couple of days and not returned any of my calls. I arrived early hoping to catch her for a chat about recent events. As it happens they were late to arrive by which time I have to admit I had consumed a good few glasses of wine.

Imagine standing to the back of a hall, watching your wife enter looking radiant in a Red Halter neck evening dress. Split with a deep V at the front. The mounds of her breasts were tastefully visible without showing anything obscene. The dress was split at the side from knee to floor giving a glimpse of her ankle chain, my gift of a former necklace now adorned with the name of Marcus. Seeing her fingers entwined with her boyfriend’s. Hand in hand they greet mutual friends and colleagues. You hear quiet gossip from fellow party goers about how Marcus had done well for himself or how Sue had obviously snagged a stud and how long had they been in a relationship. I even had a colleague nudge me and say with a lecherous grin I must enjoy the peace and quiet of having our villa to myself most of the time.

Watching them wander round keeping a physical contact of holding hands or occasionally arms round each other, to me, made it obvious they were going very public about their relationship. Whilst no one knew Sue and I were married, I did feel on the one hand humiliated but watching the events made me so aroused. I had difficulty keeping my erection hidden.

Later in the evening, I observed as they danced, smooching to the slow numbers. Sue with her arms round Marcus’s neck whilst his hands rested on her backside casually caressing her for all to see.

By this time I had consumed bottles not just glasses of wine. Somewhere along the line I ********** to find myself being shaken awake by a work mate. Struggling to gain my bearings I saw a lot of people had left. Mumbling I said I must find Marcus as we were sharing a taxi home. “No chance of that” my colleague said. He and Sue left ages ago. “They make a lovely couple don’t they”. “Yes, they do” was all I could reply.

I eventually got back to the villa. Not surprising it was in darkness. No doubt Marcus would be in a sober enough state to as usual sexually satisfy my wife. I managed to stumble to my bedroom. Sitting down on the chair I heard a crack. Thinking nothing more, I climbed into bed and fell fast asleep. In the morning, I realised it was the last DVD he had given me. For some reason, I decided not to tell Marcus about this and hid the pieces in the rubbish bin.

Breaking the DVD seemed to break the cycle. Although he regularly sends me further copies I resisted watching them. Marcus was now in London weekdays; he came back Friday afternoon to spend the weekends with my wife. Sue was distant to me during the week. Conversations related to work matters only. If I tried to bring up our situation she brushed it off by saying wait till the project is finished and we are back home.

Two things happened which made me realise what was going on in my life. One Sunday afternoon whilst reading the newspaper supplements’ I was startled to see a picture of a face I recognised. The article was about how a hypnotist was having great success in getting people to give up smoking. The name on the article was Lisa Jessica Williams.

Sue had been introduced to her as Jessica. I knew her as Lisa. Several years ago she has been a junior architect on a project I was involved in. She had made some basic mistakes which could have cost the client millions if they had gone undetected.

I had not taken to Lisa, and to teach her a lesson, I went to the client to raise my concerns rather than speaking to the principle architect. Not surprising, she had been sacked and word went round the industry to say she was a risk. This blocked any chance of her getting a well paid job again. It then came back to me, at the time she had dabbled as an amateur in hypnosis.

I spent several hours thinking about how this linked with what had happened to me. Then it struck home. The DVD’s, reading the article again I found the relevant paragraph which stated she used a DVD program with hidden messages to change people with a near 100% success. Where did Marcus fit in I mused. There was only one way to find out.

I rushed to Sue’s flat sure she would be there. I was not mistaken as she answered my pounding on the door. Sue opened the door in a dressing gown not looking very well. “Are you OK I asked” “Fine” she replied, just a bit sick. “I have some fantastic news” I shouted, “We have been hypnotised; it’s the DVD’s you have been brain washed. We can stop this, you don’t really love Marcus. You were just programmed to think that. We can pick up our marriage and put things right. Sue started to cry. “David, it’s to late”. Taking my hand she placed it on her tummy. “I am pregnant, I am going to have Marcus’s baby”. But you don’t love him I exclaimed. Softly she replied, “I do, Marcus told me about the DVD’s soon after we came to France. He told me about Lisa and he went along to start with because he thought I was hot. The things changed and he found himself falling in love with me. That is when he came clean to me. I have not seen any of them since the first couple of weeks. I’m sorry David, it’s over between us”. All I could do was sit down and cry.

The project eventually came to an end. The last weeks seemed like hell. In the end Marcus got his wish and I saw Sue wearing a diamond engagement ring on her figure.
I decided work was the remedy. I quickly secured a new project in America.

Sunday afternoon before I left I sorted out the unopened post that I had put to one side for several days. Most were circulars but one looked official. Opening it I found a letter from Sue’s solicitor advising me she was seeking a divorce.

The End
Nicely told Katt. Thanks for posting it.
I'm sorry but in being honest, I'm a bit disappointed. I though the story line had much further to go and much more to explore in the dynamics of their 3-way relationship. Perhaps one day Katt or someone else, maybe even me, will pen a revised ending.

Not saying it wasn't good - the writing was EXCELLENT, but I felt the ending was a bit anti-climactic and seemed a bit rushed. Sorry to be honest.
A great story Katt! I look forward to your reworked version of Job description: cuckold. I do somewhat agree with Soontobe though, that the ending appeared to be slightly rushed -but having attempted to write a story myself I am aware of how time consuming it is and how occasionally you just want to get it over and done with.

PLease do write more and post :)
Peakmb - thanks for your comments

Soontobe - fair point - I get to a stage with a story where I feel I have taken it as far as I can. It results in loosing some motivation and leading to a quick ending. I am happy if you or anyone wishes to post an alternative ending. In fact I would look forward to reading other peoples slant on my tale.

Becontree - I haven't forgotten your request and I hope to repost a reworked version of the first part in a week or two. Whilst I have a few thoughts of where the story can go. At that point, I propose to invite readers to post there suggestions of how the plot can develop.
There are many directions you can go from your last posting. The story continues……

David was devastated that his wife fell for Marcus and basically kicked him to the curb. He returned to USA and took another job in a large city. He just wanted to disappear from Sue, Marcus and their new status as parents-to-be.

Well eleven months later he wanted to find out about Sue and if the baby was a girl or boy and what they named their bundle of love. David called Sue and both were glad to hear from each other. A while later Sue broke down and told David that things were great with nursing the baby and just being mom. However, she took a six month leave of absence from work for two reasons. One was the obvious in that she really enjoyed motherhood. Secondly, she wanted to get away from the situation at the latest project. Marcus, it seems had started an affair with another woman with business credentials that fit the project objectives.

Sue was hurt over this affair and also that Marcus had lost interest in her attractiveness and blooming abdomen. In fact he did not make love to her for the last four months of her pregnancy. She did not know how to recapture her feelings for Marcus. His job promotion went to his head and he was not kind to his co-workers. David pondered what she was trying to tell him. She was unhappy and there was no marriage to Marcus. He kept putting off Sue’s pleading to make her an honest woman.

Sue asked David about his life and how things were going. Had he met another woman and started dating again? David tried to appear positive that he was getting his life back on track. But sue could tell he still had feelings for her by reminding her of some of the things they used to do together. In fact, he broke down and told Sue that he still loved her. There was silence for a long time, and finally Sue spoke up that she had read that many sexual affairs ran their course in three to six months. This appeared to be the case with her and Marcus. It was too much too soon.

They made plans to keep in touch either by phone or e-mails.
Katt - I really meant what I said about excellent writing. The character development was really good - I could almost see them, and lord knows I was very turned on by the whole storyline. But, I do know what you mean about taking time - sharing what's in your head is challenging and time consuming.
Zhershey - thanks for your contribution. I like a happy ending but sometimes real life can be a cruel mistress.

Any more contributions?
Very well written Katt. If you dont mind me saying so, a little rushed at the end. Thanks.

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