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  • Thread startercuckstarter
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Oct 23, 2010
I had mine done when we were only 22 after our first child....my idea. It didn't take her long to find an interest in other guys, I noticed, since I could no longer get her pregnant. She tried another 7 years to have lovers (9 that I know of) get her pregnant until she finally left me and found someone that could knock her up....talk about mixed up....I'd have let her have her lover's baby. Funny how we miss the obvious some times. I loved seeing her fuck and come back to bed to me for more. Even encouraged her to go back to him after and to spend the night in his bed.
I'll never forget hearing a friend tell me his story about getting snipped and his wife turning up pregnant 6 months later....they had two already. He claimed his doc snipped one side only, saying that his chances were reduced by some undisclosed behavior...he may have told me those details but it's been 30 years now.....lol He said he had to go back and get the other side done now that the first one wasn't enough. At the time, we were all in an ultraconservative community and I'm sure that had to be the cover story. Looking back at that now makes me smile remembering in this context.
cuckstarter said:
I had mine done when we were only 22 after our first child....my idea. It didn't take her long to find an interest in other guys, I noticed, since I could no longer get her pregnant. She tried another 7 years to have lovers (9 that I know of) get her pregnant until she finally left me and found someone that could knock her up....talk about mixed up....I'd have let her have her lover's baby. Funny how we miss the obvious some times. I loved seeing her fuck and come back to bed to me for more. Even encouraged her to go back to him after and to spend the night in his bed.

Wish you had had some psychological test before you took the snip, because it would have enabled you to breed more men who love sharing their wife.

Far too many guys can't handle the primal needs of their wife, and tend to keep her shackled to the bed post instead of letting her "act as her body needs to act", i.e. grab the extra sex from many sources.

The time is coming when a man will have to agree to share his wife as part of the wedding vows. He will have to sign a legal contract prior to the wedding day, then make the appropriate promises in front of the congregation before the wedding ring goes on her finger.

Now some guys might need a stiff whisky to say the words the bride is wanting to hear, and the groom might get a right royal ribbing if he fumbles those words, especially if his neigbors are on the guest list (because they will be anxious for their chance to "hit on the new wife" for their turn to see her secret crevices.
I know we're less uncommon than most are willing to say, given the societal presures on us to "behave". I'd be very carefull to admit all of this in most circles. Many times I had the urge to hold my wife in bed while a lover tried to impregnate her. We simply had too few willing donors available to us at the time. Most didn't want me in the room with them....such a shame. I think that is the ultimate in imtimacy for me. Especially with the with opportunity to hear and see the exchanges between her and him as she squeezes my hand and as I feel them move together.
MLCB said:
We live in Texas...my wife and her bull took me to Mexico where I was castrated about a year ago.......

Interesting. Now that some time has passed, are you satisfied with the outcome? Is your wife satisfied with the outcome, in terms of the effects your castration has had on her relationship with you?
You now have a thread of your own...

cuckstarter, I split your initial post (and everyone's else) from that alomst five-years-old thread. Why hijack someone else's thread? And also a dead-and-buried one?
Farmers are now buying "gender chosen sperm" for their animals, so that around 75% of the females have female off-spring to given a better genetic gain.

Sperm is only needed from the top 5% of males.
As the technique of gender selection is improved, the percentage of females born will go up to 90%.

Women will, in the fullness of time, start looking closely at the genetics of the men they wish to have baby-making sex with, and therefore the concept of cuckold husbands will become most popular.

Men will be split into three categories:-

Husband for a certain lifestyle,

A choice of lovers for recreational sex,

Breeding bulls from a pool of men who have superior genetics to mix with hers to produce intelligent, healthy babies with excellent immune systems and family history of minimal health issues.

Legislation to decide which men are allow to breed because geneitc diseases have a stranglehold on Health systems all over the world.

Scientists have identified over a 1,000 diseases that humans can get.

When survival of the fittest existed, weaker humans could not outrun the dinosaurs, so got eaten instead of going to hospital.

Since the motor car was invented, few get dinosaur exercise. Is it any wonder that the Drug industry is worth trillions of dollars around the world.

Before modern transport, few men had any sludge in their veins, so their penises got an excellent blood supply and impotency was unheard of. The number of sperm that popped out of a man's cock in the dinosaur era was triple what it is for modern man.

I personally would like a return to the dinosaur era when all men were fantastic in bed, and could cum again and again and again, because they did not have psychological hangups from modern living and its maxed out credit cards and fears of redundancy.
The dinosaurs would like a return to that era as well! Me, I will keep my motor car.
Might be fun to chase the dinosaurs for a change....lol

I'm just thankful to not have to run from the motorcars, myself.

As for the workout, I agree totally. Since spending so much time at the laptop, I haven't had nearly as much exercise. Time to start running again. Nice to get that blood flowing again...always feel better when I do.

Otherwise it might be time to find another helper.....lol
Ah, but it WOULD be possible to return to those days, in effect if not in reality...

Hi Ms. Saraha,

Regarding your preference:

Saraha said:
I personally would like a return to the dinosaur era when all men were fantastic in bed, and could cum again and again and again, because they did not have psychological hangups from modern living and its maxed out credit cards and fears of redundancy.

I hate to belabor what some may consider a minor detail, but the dinosaurs went extinct, due to a huge asteroid impact that caused the extinction of about 75% of all species on the earth at that time, 66 million years ago. The first known pre-hominids did not evolve until about 4.4 million years ago.

See, for instance: DinoDatabase.com :: The Age of Dinosaurs | The Mesozoic Era

which notes:

“The ‘Age of Dinosaurs’ is the Mesozoic Era, which is divided into three periods: the Triassic (245-208 million years ago), Jurassic (208-145 million years ago), and Cretaceous (145-66 million years ago). The earliest dinosaur fossils, recently discovered in Argentina's Ischigualasto basin, have been radiometrically-dated as 228 million years old. (This discovery has led some scientists to characterize the southern region of South America as ‘The Cradle of Dinosauria.’) After existing for 163 million years, the dinosaurs disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous Period, 66 million years ago.”

See also, for instance: Oldest pre-human revealed - SFGate

which notes:

“Anthropology: Oldest Pre-human Revealed, October 2, 2009, by David Perlman, Chronicle Science Editor. After 17 years of scrabbling through the rocks and sand of Ethiopia's remote Afar deserts, a group of international scientists has recovered the partial skeleton of an extraordinary prehuman creature who lived in an area of East Africa 4.4 million years ago. Her bones were found in a trove of fossils just as old, revealing the earliest known stage in the long drama of human evolution. The team, led by UC Berkeley anthropologist Tim D. White, has assembled the female skeleton and collected the bones of many others from among 150,000 fossils of animals and plants that lived among those forebears of the human lineage known as hominids.”

The earliest homo sapiens — our species; i.e., people who looked like us — did not evolve until about 200 thousand years ago. See, for instance:

Human - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which notes:

"Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago."

In other words, the earliest pre-hominids, even more so the earliest homo sapiens, were nowhere near contemporaneous with the dinosaurs.

But, moving beyond this "minor detail" and returning to your wish for the days of prehistoric men with immense sexual capacity (and assuming they did, in fact, exist): that, most likely, would have been due to youth and extremely good physical condition, not lack of worries about credit card debt, being overweight, and other exigencies of modern life. Essentially all prehistoric men were "young" by today's standards — their average lifespan was unlikely to have been greater than about 30 years (roughly... if that) — with early death caused, typically, by fatal encounters with large and dangerous ice-age mammals during hunts, or warfare with enemy tribes, or injuries and infections resulting from those activities, or a disease of unknown cause for which there was no cure.

This implies you could, in effect, return to the days of men with almost unlimited sexual capacity (again, assuming they existed) by making it a personal policy to fuck only 18 to 20 year-old men or, for an even closer approximation, by fucking only men about 18 to 20 years old.

I hope my suggestion has a positive effect on your sex life...

I carbon-dated myself today and discovered that I am an old dinosaur (confirming what my daughter has said for years). So Saraha if you want to visit the age of a sissy dinosaur, or more truthfully, a dinosaur sissy, feel free to look me up!

Ms. Saraha,

I see I messed up my recommendation. The following, which reads:

Custer Laststand said:
This implies you could, in effect, return to the days of men with almost unlimited sexual capacity (assuming they existed) by fucking only 18 to 20 year-old men or, for an even closer approximation, only 18 to 20 year-old men.

Should instead read:

Custer Laststand said:
.... by fucking only 18 to 29 year-old men or, for an even closer approximation, 18 to 20 year-old men.

Sorry about that. Again, I hope this now-clarified suggestion has a positive affect on your sexual satisfaction.

Could we excite young men even more by not allowing guys over 30 to have any sex with under 30 age females - thereby giving horny young men plenty of opportunities to go forth and multiply?

When I drop a coin or piece of metal on the ground and forget about it for a year or two, then re-discover it, I notice that gravity has pulled in down into the ground and it gets covered over.

What would happen if a human skeleton lay on the ground for millions of years? Would it not also go a very long way down into the ground and not be found from shallow digging? Before mankind started digging drains in swampy ground, the land was soft and skeletons could sink quite rapidly.

Also, the Earth poles swopped over and land that was above water, then went under the sea. There could be millions of skeletons buried in Davy Jone's Locker, but not affected by sea water because they are many yards down from prehistoric times.

There could be many cuckold skeletons in DJ's Locker, so scientists can't be absolutely sure they know exactly when man got chucked out of the Garden of Eden to fend for themselves.

One thing for sure, Adam and Eve definitely kept their promise to God to go forth and multiply.............some 6.7 billion are still alive today.

Might we agree that the falling fertility of human males could be an "easing" of the "go forth and multiple command" by God to get the world ready for living 800 years like Moses did. Not sure what the Undertakers will do if no one dies anymore.

You have got to admit that 800 years is feasible now that "men of science" are saying that soon a pill will stop us getting old and crepid, and we can live forever (and a day),

And the plastic industry will be selling replacement body parts at the supermarket. If your legs are too short, get a longer pair this week for 30% off the regular price.
i think its a good idea for all young married woman who realize that there hubby
is a sissy and of no use to her to make him have a vasectomy as it seems castration
is to difficult to obtain , so that she is free to have babies from other men. its maybe
a good option for all sissy cucks . what do others think
MacNfries said:
I think a woman, who would REQUIRE her sissy man to have a vasectomy or castration so she could be sure to have babies from other men, would be an insensitve bitch, and that's put as mildly as I can possibly make it ... I would prefer stronger words.
casie ... earth to reality.

Well Mac, that is exactly the response I expected of you, because you have a hot wife but not a cuckoldress.

There are some men who see it as a badge of honor to accept a vasectomy and raise to adulthood other guy's children for them.

Not many, I agree, but SOME who see that as their purpose in life. Their wife's happiness is 1,000 times more important than their own. And the only reward they desire is to see the Bull in action in the marital bed whilst they sit in female panties and watch from the other side of the room.
Any man could easily castrate himself from getting one of thoes rubber bands that farmers put over the testicles of bull calves at marking time.

Quite a bit of pain for 20 mins until circulation is switched off and things go numb, then 2-3 weeks later the testicles fall off as the skin has died completely. The wound closes over automatically. May be wise to use some antibiotics as a precaution.

If you want a quick job, you could use hot iron that sears the testicles off and sterilises the wound. That might be a reason for a triple dose of pain killers to pre-numb the site.

Don't need a Vet to supervise, just go and help a farmer to mark his calves - and you will become an expert. Don't need to pay some professional thousands of dollars. D.I.Y.
Well we aren't in a cuckold relationship...but I got snipped because **I** didn't want anymore kids and she's "barren"...

So since I slut her around and also let her watch me as I have sex with other women we decided to set us "free" :)
6 months?

Doesn't it take a number of ejaculations to actually clear your semen of sperm?
Law of attraction suggests that what we focus on expands and becomes more abundant. Once the only disease was a broken leg or a runny nose, then we invented scientists and they have manifested over 1,000 diseases.

Now if you don't feel like going to work, there is a medical reason for the way you are feeling. Once upon a time, you only got paid if you turned up at work. Now people throw sickies whether are sick or not.

I know a guy who last went to a Doctor in 1962, that's 38 years. I asked him how cum he hadn't got sick in that time. He said he did not believe in Doctors, so he does not manifest any illnesses. He reckons that you can't get sick if you believe you can't.

He claimed that a lot of women just need a big improvement in their sex lives, to cure most of their problems; and guys need more exercise to flush blood around their bodies to wash out the toxins that make them feel off colour and less manly.

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