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Well it's happened again

  • Thread starterbabyruthiezhubby
  • Start date


Ruthie has been fired from another job for being recognized. I guess that's the price we pay for being out there. It's always a women that turns her in. That's the 3rd one
Lots of jealous people who wish they could let loose like Ruthie.
Wish more women would let loose and "want" to live like they want.
I always wonder how all these "good" people find pictures only posted on "bad" sites?
Thats a shame. Some people do not know how to separate work from personal life. Hope she finds another job
babyruthiezhubby said:
Ruthie has been fired from another job for being recognized. I guess that's the price we pay for being out there. It's always a women that turns her in. That's the 3rd one.

This sounds like an example of the observation that it's women who work hardest to enforce the judeochristian rules of feminine behavior on each other, in an effort to ensure they are all GoodGirls before marriage and GoodWives after marriage.

When you say Ms. Ruthie was recognized, what do you mean by that? Do you mean another woman saw her flirting heavily with some guy somewhere, then leaving with him more-or-less obviously to fuck him? Or, do you mean another woman stumbled across sexual photos of Ms. Ruthie on the web?
Someone sent (of course) an anonymous e-mail with a link to her site to the corporate office of Arbys and claimed she was talking about her website at the front counter in front of customers. Ruthie never does that. She never even mentions her site at work.
I think it's the same person that's got her fired from the other 2 jobs. I think any time this person finds out where she's working they rat her out.
She's been suspended right now till corporate can investigate but I know where this is going.
It sucks because we don't make enough between my job and the website to survive. just when she starts getting ahead at her job she's ratted out and fired.
It has to be a women doing it because any man that surfs porn and finds her doesn't do that shit.
If I ever find this person. I would follow them around snapping shots and start them their own nasty web page. Then promote the hell out of it. Ruthie's not revengeful but I am!
At my workplace, I deal with 40 women to 5 guys. Many of the women have told me, many times..."I would rather work with a group of men vs women anyday." My wife is due for a promotion at the first of the year, and I know of one woman in her office that knows my wife cuckolded me. As of right now, she is not actively cuckolding me.

Jealousy is one nasty thing to deal with in the workplace. If and when you find out who is doing this, sue for harrassment!
Ruthie should try to get a job where her sexual promiscuity isn't a problem. She'd do VERY well working the desk at a porn shop or something like that.
Is it possible that someone who wants in her pants but was denied the pleasure is exacting revenge?
You might also want to contact a lawyer. The claims that she was discussing pornography at work are unfounded, and you can't be fired simply for being sexy.
Seems to me you need to get a better Lawyer!!
Time to prioritize, and consider potential alternatives...


babyruthiezhubby said:
It sucks because we don't make enough between my job and the website to survive. Just when she starts getting ahead at her job, she's ratted out and fired.

If corporate hq is looking into it, as you say, a good decision (IMO) would be to take down Ms. Ruthie's website immediately, if you haven't already done so. Corporate higher-ups are familiar with problems being caused by employee conflicts and employees who view each other as enemies trying to get each other fired. If your wife's website vanishes and there's no evidence of it, they might write off the complaint as employee jealousy — especially if Ms. Ruthie is doing a good job.

A rule of thumb is: people, including employers, will tend to be tolerant of your sexual behavior as long as you don't rub their noses in it. Having a public web site that shows Ms. Ruthie engaged in all kinds of sexual behavior, which also shows her face so she's easily identifiable at her job (which involves working with the public, I gather), would be construed by almost any employer as "rubbing their noses in it."

So, you might consider prioritizing your 3 sources of support: your job, Ms. Ruthie's job, and her website. If Ms. Ruthie's job pays a lot more than her website, I suggest taking her website down immediately in the interest of retaining her job... then, sometime later, figure out a way to set up an alternative website on which she can't be identified. At the risk of enraging you, I'll point out that if Ms. Elise Sutton can do it Ms. Ruthie can too.

A website concept, for example, might involve themes with Ms. Ruthie always wearing stylish and erotic-looking masks and costumes and with male participants doing likewise. Other women could also be involved, similarly always wearing erotic masks and costumes. (Since participants would be guaranteed anonymity they would be fairly easy to recruit, I would guess.) A theme could be something like: "Are the women you work with and your neighbor's wives secretly cuckolding their husbands, and are their husbands secretly encouraging them, without YOUR knowledge? Are some of YOUR coworkers and neighbors among those enjoying the pleasures of steamy sex on this website? Think about it and masturbate..."

Or something along those lines. The outcome could be BOTH long-term employment for Ms. Ruthie (in whatever job she gets next, if not in her current job), AND an erotic website that's interesting and somewhat out of the ordinary.


*I don't recommend initiating a lawsuit. Attorneys and court costs are incredibly expensive; the whole thing would also be incredibly time-consuming; Ms. Ruthie's employer has much deeper pockets than the two of you; and there's no guarantee Ms. Ruthie would win.
Now, as hot as Ruthie is, I can't but wonder why she can't find work in a massage parlor. She'd have fun giving handjobs, you'd get off on hearing about her day, and she'd make great tips. You would probably find lots of boytoys for her, too. Her site would be nothing more than great advertising in that realm.
AlbanySearching said:
Ruthie should try to get a job where her sexual promiscuity isn't a problem. She'd do VERY well working the desk at a porn shop or something like that.

I have suggested that she work in the local porn shop here. She's still thinking about it. I would think they would love to have her and I'm sure it would increase business for them having website girl from Iowa right in the store.

Although custer has a logical idea in closing the site, her site makes as much as her regular job does and we really don't want to close it. We also have to think about the members of her site. They payed to get in and then we close it down on them. That would not be right to do to them, besides her website is our fun time.

I think she will file for unemployment. Then look for a job more out of the publics eye. I don't see that they really can avoid paying it to her. She's never been written up, been late for work. had any problems with any customers or coworkers. She has never had any complaints at all. She has been a model employee. As a matter of fact they liked her so much that they were in the process of training her for a manager position.

The only legitimate reason they could possibly come up with for firing her would be if they could prove she was talking about her website business at the front counter. It's not against company policy to have a side business, which is what her website is but it would be to be soliciting that business on company time.

All they have is one anonymous complaint from one person claiming to be a customer, claiming they over heard talk at the front counter. Ruthie doesn't even work the front counter. It's not her job so she would have no reason to even be at the front counter.

One complaint from an anonymous source in 2 years of her employment is not good reason to fire her. Her website is a legal business regardless of what they think about it that has never interfered with her job there.
If I really wanted to be an ass. I could take this to the local media for a headline " Local website girl gets fired for having a porn site" The publicity from that would sell hundreds of memberships to her site but would not be publicity that her company would want for sure. ....... I won't do it though. It would be a good marketing strategy though. Larry flint style.
Don't be a fool

DO NOT GO TO THE LOCAL MEDIA. You would become the local idiot and the public scourge. Sure the men of your local community would privately think it cool and wish their wives would be like yours but in public they would cut your throat. Your neighbors would go to all lengths to get you out of the area. Local authorities would look into all aspects of your life searching for an excuse to teach you a lesson. If you have a local home owners association they will do all they can to force you out of your house with comments of you being everything from child molesters to a danger to everyone’s happy marriage. Wives will be thinking their husbands are tapping your wife, the husbands will be saying privately to their wives, “Why are you not more like her” which will cause more hatred to your wife. There will be calls to everyone that will answer the phone complaining about you. The IRS will be called and they will want to know how much money you make on your site.

My belief on the topic of going public with your personal life is you better be sure of what you’re doing. I am sure at this point you can no longer just take down your site. She is out there everywhere on the net. The pictures and video clips are all over the world. I am surprised everyone in your family has not been sent emails with links to her site or with attachments of pictures of her. If you have children, they will find out in time, and if the schools they attend find out, which they will, will want your child as far away as possible.

To each his own, but there are other people in your life that will be effected by a sex web site. People are strange, as well, life is strange, but people are afraid of their hidden desires. Take the “homo” thing, at first reaction a majority of men will react negatively, when in their minds they wonder what sex with another man would be like. Just watch the men around you closely and you will see that behind their wife’s back will talk big stuff about their open sexuality, but in front of the wife they will run from anything out of the wife’s comfort zone. Most men cannot even admit that they masturbate, let alone talk about opening up their marriage, or God forbid admit to being a cuckold, because most knee jerk reactions to cuckolding will be “you’re a fag”. Read on this and the other cuckold sites, everyone wants to know how to get their wife to get into it. You think that half of these guys have ever talked with their wives about it????? NO WAY!!!!!

You made the choice to out your wife and yourself as a “sexual perv, slut, fag, *****, **********,” as most people in public will refer. I would have thought that your site made it so your wife would not have to worry about working some BS job at Arby’s. If you are not making big money shame on you. You have tattooed yourselves like it or not.

Good luck but I think you are going to run into this time after time. I am surprised you yourself have not run into problems in your career too. I know I would get run off from my job and I am a 20+ year professional at work, but the women would not be able to rationally deal with it, and the men would want me gone. If I was not axed out right, there would be a woman that would go as far as to make false claims I was sexually harassing her. I could see some of the messed up women at my work convincing themselves I was, merely by my looking or talking to them and some would honestly believe it too. In 20 years I have seen people be run off by simple wearing black clothing all the time, or because they do not believe in God like someone else does. People are very messed up.
If they recognize her that means they're involved in the sites too & likely the activity. probably not many who are AS active but it's all the same...
Very good advice mecca410. You have made some well thought out points. We are already shunned to a smaller extent in out small community just on the outskirts of Des Moines. So we do understand what you mean an a smaller scale. I really never gave any thought to stiring up the IRS or being labeled child molesters. I can see that happening.
It was really more of a joke than anything when I was talking about going to the press.

I would never do it but you have to admit that it is good marketing. Guys like Larry flint and Dirty dee have built their empires exploiting things like this in the news. I'm not sure if either one would say it was worth it now. It is a good marketing but any one who does it will be also have to be ready to except the obvious damage to their reputation.

Our families do know about the website. You can't hide something like this. They all know about it but no one discusses it. We told them all a long time ago that this was not a topic that was ever going to open for discussion and it has been that way ever since. We still have pretty much the same relationship with our families as before, we just don't talk about the website.

Most websites are really not as successful as one would think now days. 4 years ago we could make $6000 or 7 a month from her amateur site. We are lucky to make far less than 1/2 that amount now days. The bad economy effects even amateur porn and also with the rise of free tube sites it's pretty difficult to make any decent money in the business because you can get porn for free now. Their is a lot of expense involved in keeping a website like her's going. That's why many have just closed and gave up.

To be in this business you have to do it for the fun and because you love it and we do. Most new comers to the business will never be successful and they will end up folding.

We went in an talked to them yesterday when she picked up her check. I told the manager that if he let unemployment go through we would go away quietly. Not really a threat , just a heads up that we may not take this laying down.
He seemed to think that they would not have much of a case to justify termination anyway since the complaint came in the form of a random no name e-mail. He also told her that he would always give her a good recomendation if called about her.

I think she''l be ok. She did just apply at the local dirty book store today. That may be a line of work more suited to her anyway.
Working in an ABS would give the store a lot more foot traffic from gawkers coming in to check out Ruthie. The owners of that store would be crazy not to hire her.

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