White women w/ black men in public... an upward trend?

  • Thread starterCuster Laststand
  • Start date
The "past experience" I cite includes, of course, my memories of what might be called growing up urban.)

Incidentally, I should point out the above is not intended to represent any kind of survey let alone a statistically-valid survey.The other is social acceptance, as it becomes more socially acceptable for interacial coupling - then people become more open about being seen in romantic settings in public places.
John Galt,

Thanks for your interesting historical comments, which strike me as accurate.


John Galt said:
.... I have read credible historical accounts (a black female author who's name escapes me) of the plantation days where admittedly white slave owners took advantage of black female slaves but also, and mostly hush/hush, there were white females, wives, daughters, even mothers of the slave owners who regularly took black male slaves to bed. Furthermore , although [this unspoken understanding was] kept discrete, this was not [considered] a "hanging" (read lynching) offense until after the Civil War, when the KKK .... etc.

I've also seen this in a reputable historical book. The author pointed out that although much has been made of white slave owners taking black women to bed, the reverse... married white plantation women and, as you say, their daughters and mothers... taking black men to bed was actually more common. The author went on to state that of the children who resulted from all this interracial fucking, significantly more were a product of the latter practice... i.e., white plantation women taking black men to bed... than from the former practice; i.e., white plantation men taking black women to bed.

Incidentally, I should point out the above is not intended to represent any kind of survey let alone a statistically-valid survey. Rather, it's in the category of anecdotal experience, which those who know anything about statistics usually dismiss — often with thinly-disguised disdain.
I should point out the above is not intended to represent any kind of survey let alone a statistically-valid survey.
MacNfries said:
Ohhhh Dukie, tell the truth now ... that was actually the scene/video when you went to prison for the first time, and they had you walking down the corridors, with your prison blanket & toothbrush, to your cell. That is your cell mate welcoming you. :D

When Dukie got out of prison, he was crying, looking back and saying to his cell mate ... "write me". :p


ssshush ...don't tell all our secrets silly goose :confused:
whiteblooder said:
Incidentally, I should point out the above is not intended to represent any kind of survey let alone a statistically-valid survey.

Yes, of course...

whiteblooder said:
The other is social acceptance, as it becomes more socially acceptable for interacial coupling - then people become more open about being seen in romantic settings in public places.

I agree. This was the point I attempted to make at the beginning of this thread...