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White women w/ black men in public... an upward trend?

  • Thread starterCuster Laststand
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Custer Laststand

Beloved Member
Jul 18, 2007
Recently I made the decision (finally) to have my house pressure-washed and re-stained. Suffice to say, it needs it. I went to a local business that sells construction and other home materials of all kinds; much of their business consists of sales to contractors. I enquired of a supervisor if he could recommend one or more contractors who would be reliable, do a good job and not rip me off.

He said "G" (one letter... to preserve his anonymity, this is not, of course, his real one-letter name), and gave me his phone number. Further enquiry yielded G's full name. I called him; he agreed to come out and give me an estimate.

When he arrived, G turned out to be a somewhat large black man (well, bigger than me, anyway... I'm an average-height fairly-lean white dude). Shortly thereafter a woman arrived in a separate car; G introduced her as his wife and business partner. She is white. I found I liked both of them intuitively, and decided on the spot to hire them without seeking further competitive bids if their estimate was anywhere near reasonable. G called me back that evening; their estimate was very reasonable (i.e., less than I expected). I hired them, paid G a 50% advance up front (per his request), and the job — which they estimated will take about 5 days — is now in progress.

More recently, perhaps a couple of days ago, I was at a large local store that sells groceries and a wide variety of other goods. A black man and white woman who appeared to be his wife — although I had no way of knowing that — happened to walk past me, pushing a baby carriage complete with baby.

More recently still, walking somewhere in public, I happened to pass an attractive, slender young white woman walking with a black man.

A while back (some years in the past; can't recall when), as I waited in my car at a stop-sign intersection, a young white woman accompanied by a similarly young black man crossed the street in front of me. They appeared to be in their late teens. The woman didn't look at me; the black man did — being, I imagined, more cautious with respect to white dudes in cars. I nodded at him, smiling slightly. He grinned back at me.

My impression is, this is an increasing as well as increasingly-public social phenomenon. In my town — and elsewhere, it seems to me — it was considerably less common in the past to see white women accompanied by black men in public. (This, of course, is not to suggest it wasn't more common, perhaps much more common, than most white men suspected for white women to "see" black men in private.) One wonders if this upward trend is fueled by the increasingly-common erotic and openly-sexual sites on the Internet featuring interracial sex between white women and black men with exceptionally large cocks. AND, if they are white married women, deciding on a personal level, with or without urging by their white husbands, to make their husbands their cuckolds and do it with a black man.

For a good example of this, see today's post 49 by Ms. Lexxi in the thread initiated by her, with "Curious Wife" on the subject line in the General Cuckoldry section of this forum, that begins here:


Speaking as a 30-year-old urbanite, it's never been a huge issue at all. Plenty of my friends have dated, and indeed married, interracially.

CoffeeGuy said:
Speaking as a 30-year-old urbanite, it's never been a huge issue at all. Plenty of my friends have dated, and indeed married, interracially.

I would call 30 quite young... young enough to put you and your friends in the category of those participating in, and usually driving, recent social phenomena (sexual and otherwise). (I grew up in the suburbs near a large city, but more recently I've been living in a small town. The "past experience" I cite includes, of course, my memories of what might be called growing up urban.)

Incidentally, I should point out the above is not intended to represent any kind of survey let alone a statistically-valid survey. Rather, it's in the category of anecdotal experience, which those who know anything about statistics usually dismiss — often with thinly-disguised disdain.

As noted, it's just my personal impression.

Personal observation

Custer Laststand said:

I would call 30 quite young... young enough to put you and your friends in the category of those participating in, and usually driving, recent social phenomena (sexual and otherwise). (I grew up in the suburbs near a large city, but more recently I've been living in a small town. The "past experience" I cite includes, of course, my memories of what might be called growing up urban.)

Incidentally, I should point out the above is not intended to represent any kind of survey let alone a statistically-valid survey. Rather, it's in the category of anecdotal experience, which those who know anything about statistics usually dismiss — often with thinly-disguised disdain.

As noted, it's just my personal impression.


Custer can I suggest two possible reasons for your phenomenon.
Firstly is your own conscious awareness, often once a subject becomes a conscious focus you notice it more and more often whereas before it was possibly occuring just as often but you weren't conscious of it (this would only account for more rcent years).

The other is social acceptance, as it becomes more socially acceptable for interacial coupling - then people become more open about being seen in romantic settings in public places.

More recently this can be seen to be happening in homosexual (male and female) couples in similar social settings.

4julie said:
Custer, can I suggest two possible reasons for your phenomenon. Firstly is your own conscious awareness. Often, once a subject becomes a conscious focus you notice it more and more often whereas before it was possibly occuring just as often but you weren't conscious of it. (This would only account for more rcent years).

This is a good point. I tend to have been aware of and noticed black man / white woman couples, though, ever since I was old enough to realize, with horror, that black men were lynched in the deep south for (e.g.) merely looking salaciously at — or, supposedly worse, looking and whistling at — a white woman, and since the knock-down drag-out mob-fight days of the civil rights movement of the late 1950's and 1960's. Although I grew up in the pacific northwest (not the south), I'm old enough to remember those days including the brutal murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. Speaking of which, see:

"An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King," by William F. Pepper (2003, 334 pp. [hardcover]).

[Pepper identifies the man responsible for the shooting... or rather, he identifies one of the two men who formed the sniper team, one the shooter, the other the spotter. The identity of the shooter (no longer living) is obvious from the evidence presented by Pepper. The spotter has never been identified, to my knowledge. The shooter, BTW, was not the patsy convicted of that crime.]

4julie said:
The other is social acceptance. As it becomes more socially acceptable for interacial coupling, people become more open about being seen in romantic settings in public places.

I agree... this is part of the point I tried to make in my initial post. Perhaps I should have stated it more clearly. One could argue that re-staining my house, which is relatively secluded, and large grocery stores (etc.) are not "romantic settings," but I see your point.

4julie said:
More recently this can be seen to be happening in homosexual (male and female) couples in similar social settings.

Yes, I agree with you here also. During a recent trip of some length involving multiple flights, I noticed several couples in a large airport who seemed obviously gay (they wore matching outfits and carried matching luggage), and in one case lesbian (less obviously "matched"), whereas previously I have tended not to notice such couples. This, of course, could be a simple matter of not being observant... but I suspect not.

Equal Time Please

There are many of us white men seeking and dating black women too.
mimi27406 said:
There are many of us white men seeking and dating black women too.

Cool... more power to you, and to the black women who want to date white men.
I was in blockbuster video the other day and there were 2 bm/wf couples. The first the white bitch was kinda fat and not so attractive and the other couple the white chick was fairly hot with a nice body and the black guy with her was very dark with dreadlocks. They also had a biracial little girl with them.
There are just as many black women with white men as there are black men with white women.

There's nothing "superior" about blacks. Love is love!

x23e said:
There are just as many black women with white men as there are black men with white women.

There's nothing "superior" about blacks. Love is love!

i will give you my feelinf=gs i seldom reply because ............... anyway i once went black , he was much the same as white < bulls> sexually > dominant .......... so resding your answers go for it ............ifv you really want to ?
x23e said:
There are just as many black women with white men as there are black men with white women.

There's nothing "superior" about blacks. Love is love!

I agree. It seems to be predominantly a USA thing I think, this big deal about black guys with white women etc. Being English and having lived in Germany and Italy no one gives two hoots really what colour you are or what the colour of your partner is, it doesn't even hit the radar. Still, it gives an interesting glimpse into the US conciousness. That's not a criticism by the way, I suppose it's a cultural issue more than anything. I'm in Australia at the moment and it's much the same here, no one really gives a shit.
I'll have to say I was mistaken about the description in my original post where I said the black contractor I hired to re-stain (and re-paint the trim) on my house was married to his white female assistant.* At one point, as she was re-painting my front door (which was open), I was standing there talking with her. She complained somewhat loudly about her husband's lack of ability to deal with finances. I said: "Um... can G (the black contractor I knew was nearby) hear you?" She said, again rather loudly: "I hope so!" I said: "He's your husband, isn't he...?" She said (just as loudly): "O Gawd no!"

So, somehow I got that wrong. But anyway, it's sort of a detail... I don't think it has any bearing, particularly, on the rest of the thread.

*They did a first-rate job. My house looks a lot better now, for sure.
This is also my observation

MacNfries said:
x23e, not sure where you are witnessing this; at least in the Carolinas, the ratio of Black Males with White Females is much, much greater than White Males with Black Females ... I don't have any statisical data, (just personal observation), but I'm sure there's some someplace, but I'd guess BM/WF is at least 10X that of WM/BF in my area of the country. In general, Southern white males do not find most black females all that attractive.

And this Black Males with White Females thing ... has very little to do with love; its a racial fetish supported by a white fetish and black domination trend. It is gaining speed and popularity as more white females pursue the "blacking" fetish. On Sunday, my wife & I went to a movie and to the supermarket, I saw 2 BlkM/WhtF couples with biracial children, and 2 White females with biracial children ... so it is a popular trend. Mac

I have mentioned this before, I think here somewhere. I shop at Walmart nearby mostly for convenience and have been doing so since moving to this location 5 months ago(Fayetteville, AR) . I pick up groceries usually twice a week and I have never been there and not seen at least one IR couple(black man/white female) or a white woman with a black child. A few times I have seen white women with small black children and older white children. I don't recall any white men with black women. I agree it is a white fetish/black domination trend but nothing new as I am about to educate. Eldredge Cleaver (a black activist from the 50's and 60's) referenced in his book which I read in 1971 what he called "the white man's sickness" that being the desire of white men to see their women taken sexually by black men. The situation he was describing was from his childhood which would have been in the 1940's, possibly 30's. I regularly visit Imagefap (check it out) and have saved in my "favorites" an album of Interracial Vintage photos from the early 1900's. I have read credible historical accounts (a black female author who's name escapes me) of the Plantation days where admittedly the white slave owners took advantage of the black female slaves but also and mostly hush/hush there were white females, wives, daughters, even mothers of the slave owners who regularly took black male slaves to bed. Furthermore , although kept discrete this was not a "hanging" (read lynching) offense until after the Civil War when the KKK which was originally a "south shall rise again" States Rights effort was looking for scapegoats and targeting black males ie former slaves was an easy political transition. I personally believe the genesis of the black male/white female phenomenon we are currently witnessing has its roots in the southern reconstruction period which includes the white male fetish. Its been around for some time but kept underground due to deep seated prejudice tied to the south losing the war. However the norther states have held such vitriolic hatred close to their hearts as well which I have personally witnessed in my lifetime. What we see now is the same ole, same ole coming to the surface apparently with a vengeance. As an aside you might be interested to know as recently as the 1960's 73% of Americans were in favor of laws prohibiting interracial unions which at the time were in place in several states. I can't remember if it was 16 or 32. Anyway the Supreme Court overturned those laws the same year in spite of overwhelming public objection. So Jim Crow was alive and well when I graduated from High School. I think he may be dead now, but America is still picking of the pieces. One last thing, its my understanding that black women don't like this shit even a little bit. I guess thats understandable. Thats it for today kiddies, play nice during recess.
*They did a first-rate job. My house looks a lot better now, for sure".

Hope you tell lots of people in you street how pleased you are with the job they did - and making up some flyers to drop in letter boxes around the district would be an incredibly cool way of "thanking them indirectly" for a reasonably priced job.
so what exactly happens when this catches on and gains steam and you get to a point that seeing a couple of the same color is strange..... wouldn't that mean that eventually there won't be any 'white' people anymore lol. soooo..... what then?
Lol, when it gets close to that point white boys with little dicks will assert their minority rights and demand equal access to pussy!
It means that we won't have black and white in the future.
We will soon be all the same. No bickering.
And most of the men will have big dicks, being they are part black.....
There will always be a few whites and blacks who will want to stay white or black.
Warpt said:
It means that we won't have black and white in the future.
We will soon be all the same. No bickering.
And most of the men will have big dicks, being they are part black.....
There will always be a few whites and blacks who will want to stay white or black.


maybe most men will have little dicks because they will be partly white?
MacNfries said:
x23e, not sure where you are witnessing this; at least in the Carolinas, the ratio of Black Males with White Females is much, much greater than White Males with Black Females ... I don't have any statisical data, (just personal observation), but I'm sure there's some someplace, but I'd guess BM/WF is at least 10X that of WM/BF in my area of the country. In general, Southern white males do not find most black females all that attractive.

And this Black Males with White Females thing ... has very little to do with love; its a racial fetish supported by a white fetish and black domination trend. It is gaining speed and popularity as more white females pursue the "blacking" fetish. On Sunday, my wife & I went to a movie and to the supermarket, I saw 2 BlkM/WhtF couples with biracial children, and 2 White females with biracial children ... so it is a popular trend. Mac

Most black women prefer to date black men.
Jizzy Nutz said:
Most black women prefer to date black men.


IF they're available but what with early death
prison & gayness there are precious few brothas left
out there ...so they settle for some wimped up bitchy
white 'man' :D

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