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  • Hello Sir,

    I'm trying to find out why I can no longer access the chat when using my VPN. Is something wrong? I've been part of this chat for years with no issues so trying to find out. Thank you for any time looking into this!.
    Hi, I am unable to log into the chat even without a VPN. Could you whitelist me so I can access both with and without the VPN.
    If you're trying to access the chat with VPN, turn off your VPN one time, log into the chatroom and send a pvt msg to me or one of the mods. I can give you VPN access there via your profile. Otherwise I have to login to the chat, login to the admin, look up your account and clear you and that's too much work for free. If you're a supporting member/VIP I will go to the trouble, so make sure to let me know that.
    Got it, Will do.

    Thanks for your help
    re VPN, ask a mod in the chat or msg me there instead of here.
    Chat usually kicks me out before I can do anything. Sometimes I can see a sort of blank page where I can try to look at News or Staff Members (left menu) but only get an ERROR and then get kicked out.
    Hi Admin. How should i message you?
    I'm also suffering with the same issue. Can't get into chat to message anyone because I get kicked the second chat opens.

    Sometimes it lets me in, then other days it doesn't. No idea what's going on.
    Something happened today after the update and I can no longer access chat.I do not use VPN so not a whitelist issue.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
    I was whitelisted for VPN use before and would like to be whitelisted again if the VPN whitelist is reactivated.
    Hey. I use the chat regularly and use a VPN. It seems I was whitelisted before it got removed with the recent update.

    Can you whitelist me again? Thank you.
    Please delete my account. I have a very addictive nature to this type of website. Trying to clean up my life and need to ban myself from this type of content. For this type of content it’s the best I’ve seen. Thanks for your help.
    i was banned from vpn from chat but i have to use vpn to get site and chat. can you something for me or do you know anything that i can reach chat without vpn?
    You should be all set.
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