Recent content by LilAshlie

  1. LilAshlie


    I've gone out to clubs in the past with short skirts on and occasionally I have left my panties at home.
  2. LilAshlie

    Who came up with the term Ruining Her Cunt?

    I have been with a few guys that to this day, at the time I was sleeping with them I swore they were ruining down low. I tend to be the type that gapes after a little to much sexual activity. You would think that would make me learn to take it easy but I never learn.
  3. LilAshlie


    My husband likes it when I let my boyfriend give me hickies on my neck and thighs. He says it let's him know that I belong to someone else.
  4. LilAshlie

    My Update - Wife Pregnant and New things.

    I think a lot of people out the share that fantasy.