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A Stranger Humiliates Him

  • Thread starterIzasweety
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Aug 21, 2009
Hi all! I am a sub and i am moving toward a 24/7 lifestyle. i have a very small
penis (usually it hides itself inside, so only foreskin is visible, when can grow to be, 2 inches or on occasion up to 3 1/2 long, hard)
so i'm extremely into small penis humiliation...With that i also desire to be humiliated in anyway...i obviously have my limits.

But the events that happen unexpectedly and r out of my control, have the greatest impact on me...of course these events would most likely test my limits...

The longer i've been submissive... the less confident i feel...This makes me feel weaker, which creates a vulnerability in me... i start wonder if i could stand up for myself in a confrontation..

my domme told me a long time ago, though we both want, need, and desire me to eventually become almost completely submissive in evey way...she doesn't want me to become a complete sissyboy Whimp that is incapable to stand up for themselves in any confrontation, form anyone, anywhere, anytime...

I used to feel that i would put up a fight and try to to win any confrontation put to my confidence depletes, i feel that my ability to even try to oppose the confrontation is lessening and now i'm a little afraid i'm worried to be even faced with a conrontaion..i'm worried that i'm starting to become a whimp, it leaves a very uncomfortable feeling in me...aah but also it gives me a very turned on feeling...

Now let me take a deep breath...because this is still very hard for me to admit!

k, just yesterday i walked to the local store...when i'm out in public on my own i like to wear some womans clothing, but nothing to obvious but definitely always includes panties and a very crotch tight pair of dress pants or like today very tight jeans...with my almost non-existant penis and tight womans jeans, it very much looks like i don't have a dick at all or with a little cameltoeit almost looks like i have a pussy..

So anyway, i left the store and was walking home along the sidewalk. there's a guy walking toward me, similar stature and he looks about 20 years or so younger than my 40+ years.

As he gets nearer i feel a little uncomfortable about how my pussy like crotch looks in these very obviously female i bow my head because i don't want to see his eyes, when he notices my crotch...

He just passes by me and then, he yells, "Hey U Fu**kin Freak!! I turn around and he's right in front of me. He's got a very angry, mean face on...I'm instantly terrified and shaken..He raises a hand and points down at me in a very mennacing way and yells at me, "I should F**king Kill U, For Being Such A Pansy Queer!"

I've never been so scared in my whole life, i almost piss myself and then i just turn around, drop my bag and ran hysterically all the way home. Ran in the door, slam it and lock it. i fell to the floor and start crying like a baby!

OMG i can't believe what just happened to me...i'm sitting here right now thinking about this. it feels a million things and emotions are going through my mind.

First of all i'm still a little scared..."what would that guy have actually done to me, if i didn't run?" "did he see where i ran to and now knows where i live?" "is he waiting outside somewhere for me, right now?"

But the emotion that is forefrontand overwhelming me is, Embarrassment! i can't believe i just turned around and ran away like a little girl ican't even fathom the idea. i've never done anything so humiliating in my whole life. omg I AM such a little whimp sissy boy! i feel totally vulnerable. if anyone uses any amount of force or even i feel its projected, i know i will submit before it could be imposed.

There r many more thoughts and fellings going through my head. i need to go through them and and sort them out.
but there is also another emotion that has emerged and is blooming. i'm getting extremely aroused and turned on onabout this incedent and am still sorting through which parts or facit is driving these emotions.

i think it was pretty easy for me to able to choose most humiliating momment!
BTW, this was written by sissy boy himself.... it'd be nice to get some feedback, comments as this was a very pivital event for him... momumental to his true realization he's a sissy wimpy sub..
if some ass hat said that to me i would say to him "ok tough guy i am standing right here so go ahead and try." i am a sissy also but i will stand up to anyone that threatens me or my family. BTW i can back my talk up with actions.
Wow, what a weird thing to comment to this thread... so, what is it you're saying exactly and how does it releate to the thread?? Please do enlighten I have no idea.

We do all talk about sex, sometimes. As one within a cuckold sight, must have knowledge to a satisfactory degree about sex and believe it or not, where I come from, the kids are educated about sex in school - abstinence may have been the way of ages past...but even I, near 30 years ago was taught, in school.

Besides that, again... what does the comment have to do with the thread?? Don't get it
Got a bridge near your house? You can fiqure out the rest
JMexpat, I assume that remark is directed to the two meaningless unrelated replies. If to the OP, then it seems crass and unnecessary, so I hope not.

To the OP: I'm a bit confused since the second post, from your domme, strongly suggests that your reaction to the loony-in-the-street was the desired one, to take you further towards total subness. And I get, from my own previous life, that that goal has a heady overpowering attraction to you. You want, and dread it.

First things - practicality - suppose you had been a TS undergoing transition? What you experienced was a hate-crime, pure and simple. Should you have stood up to it? You might have risked considerable physical harm. Sorry Carina, but ignore claims like 'I can back up my talk with actions'. Anyone can do that - until faced with a hate-fuelled idiot who happens to be armed with a weapon! Having backed up your talk is no consolation when you're bleeding, or bludgeoned, to death. 'Discretion is the better part of valour' isn't just a motto for sissies!

To address the aspect of that event which touches you most personally, as a sub you have a desire to be trained to a totally non-confrontational personality. What people generally perceive as a feminine quality (though it isn't really, as your Domme illustrates!), but it's no bad thing at all. The other day you came face to face with your own left-over pressure to conform to the male stereotype. Why should you do so? Clearly it feels instinctively alien and wrong for you personally, and your relationship with your Domme is your own way of finally breaking free of - childhood? - ties to a personality thrust unwillingly upon you.

Maybe you will look at transitioning, but that's entirely another matter. but even if you never do, you still have every right not to strut around in the kind of jeans that display your manhood to all and sundry. It is no crime to dress in a way that indicates a more feminine persona, especially as you clearly weren't wandering round a supermarket in a spangly cheerleader's skirt!

The point of saying this is that there is a very clear distinction between being a submissive sissy and being a victim. When you skulk down a street eyes down, you display that you are ashamed of what and who you are.

There may be a 'humiliation' thrill in doing that - but it's also dangerous! You make yourself into exactly the kind of target such bullies love.

And this brings me to addressing your Domme directly. A sub owes you his loyalty and obedience. But when you agree to be his Domme you accept a responsibility too. In the course of the things you make him do to de-programme his mind of all that 'macho' clutter which is not part of his true nature, you have an obligation to be mindful of his safety! If you own an animal and mistreat it that is a prosecutable offence. If you own a sub and put him at risk from casual strangers in the street from what you teach him and command him to do, you are just as culpable.

So teach him to be proud of what he is becoming. If you don't, and he gets hurt in consequence, how will you deal with that?

'If you prick us, do we not bleed?' said Shakespeare. Subs bleed just like anyone else. Make sure the only 'pricks' he has to put up with are the ones you feel he rightly deserves! Teach him how to look the other kind in the eye when he walks down the street in feminised clothing, handling himself calmly when he runs into the odd idiot, and walking quietly away as a sensible person should.
Have you considered, being sexually submissive, does not automatically make you submit in all occassions. Tough, have you every watch genetic girls on the aeorbic floor at the gym? Ladies can and are often tough customers.
Suki - I agree with every word you've written. Having said that, I will address the particular comments directed for me.

Again, I agree whole heartedly with your relay of successful d/s relationship and failing to acknowledge, respect and love the sub to where he falls in danager is a mistreatment.

With that, perhaps some background the incident would prevent assumption of my sub being led with intent into a potentially harmful situation.

My sub and I, both, are in the process of transitioning. As a measure of my acceptance to his desire to wear such clothing, I permitted him to wear the jeans in our home. It was stipulated that he wore a top/shirt with length enough to have cover the crotch/butt when he chose to wear the tight jeans. I believed that if for any reason, there was a situation to arise (unexpected guests, children etc..) he had the ability to sheild himself from ******** thus protecting him against unwanted attention. This to me, gave him the opportunity to expore his desires with my support in doing so but providing a sheild against unwanted potential ********.

As days, weeks passed and he became comfortable in the clothing he chose, he did begin to ask to venture outside. We together, as any other loving couple did take walks within our immediate neighbourhood among our neighbours. We live in a small townhouse community and not accessable to open public roads. As a novice 'dom' I also needed to find comfort and understanding outside the home for which, in our immediate surroundings and neighbours, proved to be harmless.

Then the particular day of this event, my sub asked to go to our local community store. This is our home, we feel safe here and I felt safe among our neighbours. The store, or actually it's called 'Tuck Shop' is about a 200 meter walk from door-to-door, but is located the single trafficed road through the community. It was light out, I told him he had to wear his own (long) shirt and a jacket, which did cover him groin/butt. The entire store trip I new would take all of 10 minutes to go, purchase and return. I did agree to let him go on his own.

Again, this is our home, our community where we feel safe. I did not believe I was thrusting him in harms way! Upon his return and hearing of the event, I too was shaken and but oddly enough, what appeared to be for different reasons than his own. I was upset that there was in our little community such beings that would lash out like this! I learned, unfortunately the hard way, not to take any surrounding for granted and think undeniable safety and security. I to matured that day too another level of awareness.

His upset wasn't necessarily the fact of being victimized, but rather his own reaction to it. In his belief, the fact that his instinct was to run was a clear indication to himself of his person taking on a 'true' sub identity. That event was pivitol and monumental for him and he wrote about it, being what is the OP here.

What he's taken from the incident is something, (again in his mind) far surpassed the act of being a victim of racial hate. Whereas, understandably, is more what stand out to ones who read this, rather than what it is that he's trying to express. Naturally, being that a reader takes up that he's been victimized, places a question to his dom.

He has so wanted to share his writing and asked if I would post it. I did not deny his wishes and did choose the title of the OP thinking it was a way to encourage readers to see what it is he's trying to express...not the incident itself but his reaction to it and what that meant to him.

For my choice of title, I now regret, for myself as I can see it appears that I perhaps pleasured on having him endure such a horrible encounter. This is not the case. I am still transitioning myself and unfortunately taking the bumps of being human but learning from my mistakes.

With that event, did come some serious lessons on self awareness. Women taught from near birth to exist with a 6th sense so to speak about being aware of their surroundings. Generally, it is part of a womens nature to think and make choices that will yeild as little ******** to danger and/or avoid it. Men, do not have that ingrained tuition. I have indeed been teaching and ingraining the same to my beloved boi. That incident did deeply affect me. It was him but just as easily could have been me or one of my children. I had become to comfortable in my surroundings, letting myself take safety for granted. It was indeed a sharp awakening for which has made it's impact on all within my household.

I love my boi to the very core of my being. I would be lost without him. There is no way in hell I'd deliberately place him in any situation that would present any possibility of harm. I thank God, truely, that my slackened sense of safety (at that time) didn't result in physical harm to my baby boi.
Although scary, it sounds as if it was a very good learning and growing experience. Although your boi was once a "man" he is currently a very young "girl" and requires you to be somewhat of a big sister. (s)he has learned that it can be a very bad place out there if not careful!

I am very impressed by your thoughtful response and your confession of love brought more than one tear to my eye.
Wow Susan's Slave, I can't tell you how much your response meant to me!

Seriously, this particular event has caused a degree of grief over the hate slurs.

You're the first to have addressed my boi's point of view about his realizations with this thing...

So very well received. Deeply, thank you.




IMG_0556.jpgHello everyone!

I thank all for there comments.
Please dom't look down on my beautiful Godess...She didn't have anything to do with the event...I did it all on my own..

It was the start of a huge change in me...Now I know that I'm a sissy little wimp.. It is now me and I know it for true in all aspects of my life...I accept it and am very happy...I have more stories, but I think I'll let Izasweety, tell them;)

I wanted to show u a few pics of my godess and show u how lucky I am that she is with me..
You are indeed very lucky in so many ways to have Her as your Goddess! Good luck in your transition and keep posting.
Izasweety, Im sorry that happened to you, the world is full of scumbags like that punk. You might take that into consideration, maybe limit your dress up to indoors or very gay places were it will be accepted. You cant change the world, its not fair but thats the way it is. Please be more careful and less carefree in the future.

Transitioning continues... my boi is progressively sinking deeper into his submissive state. As his displays of sissy, sub and moving toward slave progresses, I'm feeling somewhat, not sure, worried about just how deep I want his psyche to evolve with this life style.

I have read a number of articles about the transitioning of the relationship itself and finding we're indeed pathing as it's been written. As he grows 'weaker', I grow stronger in our D/S states of mind. With that comes the changes that are happening within the relationship. I'm finding that as we morph, the relationship is shifting to a more..not sure how to say...distant place.

The huggies, kissies and snuggles still exist but are steadily declining. The conversation and openness to share every and all details about everything has taken a skydiving plummet. But the biggest hit the relationship has taken is the fact that I've lost that 'desire' and 'lust' for him as not only is he feeling weaker (for lack of a better word) and believing he deserves to be put in his place etc.., I now see him as usefully as tits on bull in matters of sexual arousal, desire, thirst and most importantly satisfaction - for me. As I lose interest, his interest is heightened. Dispute his desires for me, I don't see or feel him (sexually) the same way...perhaps migrating to - exact polar opposite. I demand he keep his teeny weeny worm shielded from my eyes until such time there is a need to impend punishment. That thing of his truly has become something of disgust to me. He himself...again on a sexual level..has become nothing but a lame pitiful useless being. He does however make up for his inabilities in the bedroom, outside of the bedroom where I continue to grow to rely on him, so greatly so, with his hand in the home responsibilities including kids.

As the relationship transitions, I've realized I've lost my 'man' and the passion and lust for him we once had. Once we were best friends, frick n' frack and sadly that to is mutating. Some things are no longer things that are to be shared. The more sissified he becomes, the more I see and feel the loss of the being I fell so insanely deeply in love with. Him... just him. The more I control him the more he submits and therefore further abandoning himself as a individual with choices....

Feeling this as a loss at it's first awareness, I think I'm nervous or worried about totally losing the one I adore. I don't want him lose himself and end up no more a servant drone. I'd lose interest in him all together. What is it that I'd get from him in a minion slave state to where his only value and purpose is to cook n' clean? I know I don't want it to go to that place, but can see that he has potential to absolutely accept and be there.

I have 3 kids... two older teens and a 10 year old. Each one of them has been digesting the shift in our behaviors to one another. Each of the kids have begun to follow suit with what they are seeing happening. My oldest (19) whom the boi and him have always stood on shaky ground, has him picking up her dirty clothes heaped on the floor, washing them, folding them and putting them away for her..iclusive of her panties! She's even gone as far as texting him a message on his cell to tell him to buy her tampons!! She did this in the middle of the day, from school, knows I was home and available, but didn't so much as even try to contact me, she text him.

My son (18) has pawned of his most hated household chore of dishes to the boi. When this little arrangement between them was made, I wasn't privy to it. So the dishes were piling up and son told my boi they were piling up prodding the boi to get on it. My son was promised they'd be done that night. Morning came and the dishes were still there. The boy apologized profusely for his bad and promised again. Next morning, dishes still there. I ended up snipping remarks at my son about it and he in turn got kind of pissy and kind of mad that he got the what-for from me when he'd made this arrangement with the boi who had ow broke his promise twice. I took it up my boi who recoiled to the bedroom, damn near crying over the fact that he'd disappointed my son and now he wasn't pleased with him. When my son got home from school, my boi took ever fiber of his power to go to my son to apologize. The boi was shaking like a leaf, sweating, stutter/mumbling and his voice was quivering so bad his words were barely understood! After that my managed to manipulate the boi so he is slowly taking the chores up and still getting paid his full allowance for whom it's the boi who gives it to him.

Then there is my little 10 year old girl has been the kicker! She has jumped full throttle into 'dom' position with all that unknowing innocence - just by the influence of what she sees (all of which I'm really not 100% comfortable with).... another topic for another time...

In any event, she didn't like his scruffy face prickling her face when they hugged or cheek pecked.. and outright told him so. He was out to pick her up from the school bus. She arrived and ran to him and jumped up with hugs for him and he gave her a kiss on the cheek hello. She then proceeded to tell him she didn't like being prickled by his face and to shave it. She then proclaimed that she was 'the boss of the beard' and he was to go home and shave. This all be said on their walk back to the house. She saw a friend outside and and asked if she could play outside. As she drifted toward her playmate, she said 'remember, I'm the boss of the beard, go home and shave and I better see it done by the time I get home'. For the boi, with all seriousness took that little girls command with intensity and did exactly as she demanded. When she came back in the house, he couldn't wait for her to come to him and check on his task completion...he bounced like a little kid to her and showed of his good doing that he's expecting awknowledgement for from her. She did, just as natual as the demand itself, throw her arms around him, rub her cheek against his, stroked his face all smiles and full of 'that's better', 'that makes me happy', 'now you can kiss me'.... all the while her hand on his head stoking it. Like OMG!

He on his own free offered to clean her room for her. She so gladly accepted and when he was done, again like a child leading a parent to their good doing, brought my daughter to her room to show it to her. She examined and expected all the organizing and cleaning he'd done. She told him he did 'pretty good except he'd missed something' that being a drawer on her dresser not fully closed, then told him if she were a teacher she'd have to take point off for that mistake. She then decided to post a large sheet of paper on our bedroom door and proceeded to make a chart to track his and grade his success. She provided a goal for him to work toward. So now every time he cleans her room (which has only been 3 times) she inspects the room, gives him a praise then always seems to spot something that was missed and grades how well he performed the task. Imagine, all posted on our bedroom door for all to see.

So now, with these things going one, all in a short period of time.. watching the kids adopt the behaviour to Dom him and him surrendering his submissiveness to them with such depth... is the reasons I'm worried about just how far this can go and now trying to implement things to curb that minion like state ever coming to be.
I'm more than a little worried now!

But i made my bed and now I'll have to lay in it...I guess...uhih!!

Does anybody else think i might lose her?

Please tell me your thoughts!

Isn't there anyone that can give me some honest advice? Or is it just a lose cause, at this point?


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