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A thought

  • Thread starterJosetta
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Beloved Member
Oct 14, 2006
America would be one of the poorest countries in the world if it had not been for the massive contribution by the African race. Native Indians were pushed into Reservations, but the black man could not be stopped. His spirit was unstoppable, and Barrick has now been trusted to the most powerful office in the world, and a black man has won the world F1 motorcar crown.

Just ask yourself this question: "if the white man had been less selfish and given black people the vote 100 years ago, do you not think all Americans would be light years ahead in wealth from where they are now ?

Divine Intervention stopped Oprah's house burning to the ground. Is this the payoff from God for rooting for Barrick ? Makes us stop and think what else God has in store for America.
What Massive Contribution has the black man givin other than having children and not being fathers to those kids. A welfare system that is about to bankrupt every state in the United States. You are proud of that. The white man will never be driven out of extinction. When the white man turned over power in South Africa to the black men, what happened. They now have the highest unemployment and crime rate around. Both races need to work on uniting but for one race to want to extinct another is pure racist. It will never happen. Name me a great Black Leader. The only one that can come to mind is Martin Luther King, but he didn't get a chance to prove his worth. The only other leader is Conolessa Rice and she is a female. and she has proven herself. We will see what the new President is worth and if he can talk the talk and walk the walk. I pray he doesn't drive this country deeper in debt as the current Democratic House is doing. The people helped get Obama elected, and the people can also get him unelected. Oprah's home, well she got lucky the wind changed directions. Nothing to do with God.
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The white shareholders of General Motors have enjoyed massive profits over many years; but now they are demanding a huge handout by the Government, instead of putting some of those profits back into the business to keep it going through a rough economic period. That sounds like glutinous greed; and of course thousands of workers are to be laid off for a short term solution.

Would it not be much better for the white shareholders to tell workers that they will be looked after until the economy picks up again. NO WAY - workers are expendable, to "flicked off" as quite worthless people.

The white shareholders are not grateful for all the hard work by the car asemblers. In fact they want to win EVERY FUCKING YEAR........win, win, win, win, win.....and NEVER HAVE A BAD YEAR ever.

Problem with foreclosures is that the housing market collapses and makes the economy worst. Put a moratorium on foreclosures, and some companies are now doing that, and less houses are dumped on the market to depress it further.

House prices are determined by supply and demand. Stop the foreclosures for a while and the market can lift up 20%.

Banks are selling up houses for a lot less than the mortgages owing - a bit silly really, because by not selling them, the whole housing market will stabilise and the market will rise slowly to stop any loss at all.
Will has been trying to turn me into a man for months now, by continually referring to me as Joe-setta. This is a form of abuse, something that he is always reminding us not to do.

When I posted a thread about a rich man offering a young couple an sexual alternative to foreclosure on their home, Will moved it to the 'Stories' section. It was not a story, but completely true.

I also explained that I had made a lot of money on the Internet from selling shares and property at the top of the market. I said that I had taken the money out of the banks because I could not trust them anymore, and I would share it with my friends to get us through the tough times ahead. I said that it was very easy money to earn, and the profit I made was indecent compared with workers who slog hard in factories.

Recently, I have purchased 7 homes with my share market money. I bought them off banks at around a quarter of their value 3 years ago. I took some pride in offering the greedy banks (who had foreclosed on the owners) rock-bottom prices - I got them at my price because of their neglected states. I knew that a little bit of elbow grease would get them looking very smart in a short time if I could find the right tenants.

Guess what I did ? I went back to the original owners who had been ****** by the Banks to sell them, and I offered them a win-win deal to get them back on their feet and back into their homes again, instead of living with relatives.

My deal was: I pay them $100 per week each for 6 months to tidy up the homes, then they pay me only $60 rent per week for 30 months, just enough to cover insurance, etc.

At the end of three years the property market should have recovered, so we will get the homes revalued, and if they wish to buy off me, I will only charge them 75% of the valuation. This means that if the homes are worth $300,000, they will only need a mortgage of $225,000. I will virtully sign over $75,000 to them as a gift for caring for the homes for me. I see it this way - I shuffle money around, but they do the physical work of caring for the homes, so they need to be rewarded with low rent and a chance to make money if the homes are cared for.

A moratorium on foreclosures for several years would have held the property market values up high until the economy came right in several years time. A moratorium would have moderated the economic downturn to more manageable proportions.
Will, go back to your angry posting of you needing some financial assistance, that is why I expanded on how I was using the "unearned internet profits". You reckoned I was no better than the rich I was accusing of earning their money too easily. So I have right of reply.
A modicum of financial experienc

Josetta said:
Will has been trying to turn me into a man for months now, by continually referring to me as Joe-setta. This is a form of abuse, something that he is always reminding us not to do.

When I posted a thread about a rich man offering a young couple an sexual alternative to foreclosure on their home, Will moved it to the 'Stories' section. It was not a story, but completely true.

I also explained that I had made a lot of money on the Internet from selling shares and property at the top of the market. I said that I had taken the money out of the banks because I could not trust them anymore, and I would share it with my friends to get us through the tough times ahead. I said that it was very easy money to earn, and the profit I made was indecent compared with workers who slog hard in factories.

Recently, I have purchased 7 homes with my share market money. I bought them off banks at around a quarter of their value 3 years ago. I took some pride in offering the greedy banks (who had foreclosed on the owners) rock-bottom prices - I got them at my price because of their neglected states. I knew that a little bit of elbow grease would get them looking very smart in a short time if I could find the right tenants.

Guess what I did ? I went back to the original owners who had been ****** by the Banks to sell them, and I offered them a win-win deal to get them back on their feet and back into their homes again, instead of living with relatives.

My deal was: I pay them $100 per week each for 6 months to tidy up the homes, then they pay me only $60 rent per week for 30 months, just enough to cover insurance, etc.

At the end of three years the property market should have recovered, so we will get the homes revalued, and if they wish to buy off me, I will only charge them 75% of the valuation. This means that if the homes are worth $300,000, they will only need a mortgage of $225,000. I will virtully sign over $75,000 to them as a gift for caring for the homes for me. I see it this way - I shuffle money around, but they do the physical work of caring for the homes, so they need to be rewarded with low rent and a chance to make money if the homes are cared for.

A moratorium on foreclosures for several years would have held the property market values up high until the economy came right in several years time. A moratorium would have moderated the economic downturn to more manageable proportions.

I hadn't read this before. This is obvious bull.

Here's one of many points. Three years ago the real estate market was nearing it's peak (housing bubble). You could almost be a vagrant and get mortgage financing. No financial institution would have sold at a quarter of appraised value in that environment.
A modicum of financial experienc

Josetta said:
Will has been trying to turn me into a man for months now, by continually referring to me as Joe-setta. This is a form of abuse, something that he is always reminding us not to do.

When I posted a thread about a rich man offering a young couple an sexual alternative to foreclosure on their home, Will moved it to the 'Stories' section. It was not a story, but completely true.

I also explained that I had made a lot of money on the Internet from selling shares and property at the top of the market. I said that I had taken the money out of the banks because I could not trust them anymore, and I would share it with my friends to get us through the tough times ahead. I said that it was very easy money to earn, and the profit I made was indecent compared with workers who slog hard in factories.

Recently, I have purchased 7 homes with my share market money. I bought them off banks at around a quarter of their value 3 years ago. I took some pride in offering the greedy banks (who had foreclosed on the owners) rock-bottom prices - I got them at my price because of their neglected states. I knew that a little bit of elbow grease would get them looking very smart in a short time if I could find the right tenants.

Guess what I did ? I went back to the original owners who had been ****** by the Banks to sell them, and I offered them a win-win deal to get them back on their feet and back into their homes again, instead of living with relatives.

My deal was: I pay them $100 per week each for 6 months to tidy up the homes, then they pay me only $60 rent per week for 30 months, just enough to cover insurance, etc.

At the end of three years the property market should have recovered, so we will get the homes revalued, and if they wish to buy off me, I will only charge them 75% of the valuation. This means that if the homes are worth $300,000, they will only need a mortgage of $225,000. I will virtully sign over $75,000 to them as a gift for caring for the homes for me. I see it this way - I shuffle money around, but they do the physical work of caring for the homes, so they need to be rewarded with low rent and a chance to make money if the homes are cared for.

A moratorium on foreclosures for several years would have held the property market values up high until the economy came right in several years time. A moratorium would have moderated the economic downturn to more manageable proportions.

I hadn't read this before. This is obvious bull.

Here's one of many points. Three years ago the real estate market was nearing it's peak (housing bubble). You could almost be a vagrant and get mortgage financing. No financial institution would have sold at a quarter of appraised value in that environment.
Indy you have been here long enough that you ought to know that when Josetta post something you'd better not bet the farm away that it is fact. He she or who ever likes to post to get people involved in a topic and she does get it done fact or not but I do agree with you this one is BS
Race has nothing to do with it... Josetta and Elizabeth T... Human beings are by nature very corrupt. The truth is the one group that has benefited most from affirmative action is white women I'm sure Elizabeth T. will never accept that as fact.

Anyways, I think the problem is that in areas where there are few blacks and a majority of whites, such as the area where I live, the stereotypes are sort of reverted. Most of the crime and stupidity you see or hear about usually revolves around the whites. They've traded in the math for some meth, they vandalize each others properties, they car jack each other, they act 'ghetto' and think it's funny or they don't behave well in public, they are heavy into drugs and crime, and most of the homeless and street light beggers you see are white. The few blacks here generally stay out of trouble because the police still come down harsher on us whenever we do commit anything.
Now I'm not saying this to be a racist like Josetta and Elizabeth T., I'm stating this as an observation. In areas where there is a large black population (I grew up near Washington D.C.) the same thing goes for blacks, except the media tends to have a field day with it. Both whites and blacks pay more attention to the crime of the other group... and since the media is generally controlled by whites it stands to reason that it will focus on black crimes much more than white crimes. In the end if the opposite were true the facts would then be reverted, this I say without doubt.
black, white, yellow...who cares people are just people. Nothing more, nothing less.
Everything else (race related) it's just Bull....
Am I the only one who noticed the way he spelled Barack?
(To be fair, we do commit a tiny amount bit more crime than whites, but that is because we are constantly discriminated against and have been for seven hundred years.)
Supreme there are a few places that this still happens but I'm sick as hell of listening to this shit. I'm a Black I'm not the sharpest man on the block but I did not sit on my ass feeling sorry and thinking I'm a slave to anyone and in the job I do a white man could be dicriminated easier over me. If people would quit their crying and feeling sorry for themselves and make something of their lifes it will take you far discrimination is a word they ought to ban from webster. Who is the ones getting discriminnated the white female doing ceo jobs getting less pay then a man white or black a school teacher making shit wages teaching the youth of today the US Veteran trying to get aid so the just black shit dont fly with me man. OH and Martha Stewart doing time while these other fuckers get house arrest.
White women are choosing to have smaller families, so they will become an endangered species like the dinosaurs dying out. The other races of the world are growing rapidly in percentage. Only 20% of the human race is pure white skinned. Soon it will be 15%, 10%, 5% and require Government incentives to produce more babies such as occur over in countries like Australia.

White women could one day be like the polar bear.........dropping rapidly in numbers. Men's fertility rates are dropping as we speak, with only half the sperm in an ejaculation these days compared to the 1960's. Maybe all the garlic in food is killing the sperm, maybe it is all the female hormones in food......because bra sales for men is now big business in Japan. Men's boobs are growing and their manliness is decreasing........why else would they be into modern cosmetics trying to be like women?

If black men are breeding large families, maybe they have more manliness and higher sex drives than modern white men who seem to be gravitating towards the easier jobs in society.

It seems that many white men are standing aside (and lining up) to see their wife spread her thighs for the black seed experience.......it used to be the white plantation owners in Mandingo times that fucked the black women without permission - the boot has changed feet.
Damn why did you bump this back up some of you people ought to take a better drug or maybe quit or start taking them white women polar bears garlic killing sperm damn what else will cause the black race to breed more white women so you can be on the endangered list.
Yes sir, financial institutions do sell houses at bargin basement prices at times, because there are a lot of banks on the wall, and cash flow is all that is keeping them afloat. Car dealers also listen to a low cash offer if their bank manager has been the phone to them half an hour ago to tell them they have to reduce their overdrafts.
Another thought

I'm missing something here.... why is this rubbish on this site? I'm a black man in the UK doing quite well for myself. I have traced my family history back to when my first black relative came to the UK in the early 1800s through Bristol as a free man. I've even managed to track back to the village in Gambia where my family originated from. I've seen povity there and many who just have their hand out expecting everyone else to help while they do nothing to help themselves. Sure, the white man exploited the black man in the USA by taking people from Africa. What you never hear is that many black people were sold into slavery by... other black people!! Go further back... arabs exploited black and white people as slave or go further back... the Romans exploited EVERYONE as slave when they took captives! Instead of moaning about what happened in the past learn from it and try to do something to change it and accept PEOPLE EXPLOITE PEOPLE. Colour doesn't matter, given the chance too many will turn someone else over just for the sake of it.:whatever:
well said triune29 life is what you make of it not what is given to you because you are to lazy to do anything
Triune29 said:
I'm missing something here.... why is this rubbish on this site? I'm a black man in the UK doing quite well for myself. I have traced my family history back to when my first black relative came to the UK in the early 1800s through Bristol as a free man. I've even managed to track back to the village in Gambia where my family originated from. I've seen povity there and many who just have their hand out expecting everyone else to help while they do nothing to help themselves. Sure, the white man exploited the black man in the USA by taking people from Africa. What you never hear is that many black people were sold into slavery by... other black people!! Go further back... arabs exploited black and white people as slave or go further back... the Romans exploited EVERYONE as slave when they took captives! Instead of moaning about what happened in the past learn from it and try to do something to change it and accept PEOPLE EXPLOITE PEOPLE. Colour doesn't matter, given the chance too many will turn someone else over just for the sake of it.:whatever:
I do agree but as long as we have people like Jessie Jackson Rev Al Sharpton and other out spoken clowns people will listen and believe what they hear from these people and so life goes on as it is easier to complain then get off your dead ass and do something to improve yourself and life style.
Black people should possibly have free housing and also free healthcare ahead of the other races.

Each and every black person deserves some sort of compensation. How can they be treated like that and then not receive any help?
The ones who work...

white_man_loves_ir said:
Black people should possibly have free housing and also free healthcare ahead of the other races.

Each and every black person deserves some sort of compensation. How can they be treated like that and then not receive any help?

The ones who work are compensated. I have no respect for anyone of any race, creed, religion, color, etc. who expects something for nothing. People generally earn the treatment they get.

If you want certain people to have free housing, heathcare, etc. go work, earn the money and pay for it for them. You have the right to do anything you choose with what you've earned.

The problem with most socialists is they want to give away things that don't belong to them.
Will & Eve;

THANK YOU for cleaning the posts up! AGREE not appropriate here!!! Thanks!!
Will & Eve said:
I agree.

Every single living American Black who was ever enslaved in this country should get a total free ride.

While I don't think $ should just be ********** all willy-nilly like.

Think about this.

If you have 2 runners both of equal speed, and they're running a 400 yard race...if you start one runner ahead by 200 yards...which runner do you think will win?

does that make sense?
DE_BBC said:
While I don't think $ should just be ********** all willy-nilly like.

Think about this.

If you have 2 runners both of equal speed, and they're running a 400 yard race...if you start one runner ahead by 200 yards...which runner do you think will win?

does that make sense?


Blacks are at a disadvantage in the USA from day 1, in what is an intrinsically racist nation.

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