To answer both of you, my wife has always been a good girl. It’s a long story that has been unwinding slowly over time.
Have you seen her pictures? She is truly amazing.
She was a virgin when I met her. Until a few weeks ago, she remained pure - except for me.
We’ve been working in this direction slowly.
The key was never to push. When i would post pictures of her here, I asked her to approve every one of them. When we would show up at our spot, there were several times when she had had enough. I made sure to extricate her immediately. That didn’t always please some of the guys. But, I have no fucks to give. My concern was for her level of comfort.
Slowly, she became more comfortable.
Lately, usually the problem has been that they guys who are interested can’t get hard.
She hates that.
You can can see their reactions. My wife has the best tits on earth. The guys want her - and say so. But, it doesn’t work for her.
There was one time when a guy showed real interest. He got hard. And, a bunch of other guys came over like a moth to a flame.
She loved that. She’s an IT professional - and the guys with whom she works aren’t exactly alpha.
She likes that she was the thing.
Then, there was one guy who failed that night. He made sure to be ready the next time he saw her. Maybe he was a bit too alpha. But, he wanted her. His cock was hard and curved. He pushed. But, he wanted it.
He said that he knew he’d failed to act that first time. He came ready the next time. He was spewing pre-cum the whole time he was fucking her. He shot a huge load into her. She loved that.
I think she also loves the attention and desire from me.
Once very early a dude couldn’t get hard. He wanted to go down on her. He was nice to her. She liked that - no mauling. But, she hates oral.
When we got home, she pointedly said the thought she deserved credit for being a bad girl.
Well, she was and I told her so.
She loved that - and wanted to advance the next time.
She says things like “I’m a *****” and “men want my cunt.”
This is different.
She‘s become the perfect wife.
I literally can’t get enough.
She’s incredibly loyal. She’s the perfect wife and good girl - and she’s a slut.
Sometimes I wonder how much is real. Does she believe what she says? I want her to love this.
But, she has been clear that she wants more.
She really is the perfect wife.
Only I can make her cum. I know her every rhythm. I know how to rub her nipples. I know how to let her control her body and rub herself against my pelvic bone.
In the last 20 years, she hasn’t always wanted that.
She has wanted to please me. But, she wasn’t into it.
Now, she is.
This has been better than I ever could have imagined.
Perfect body.
Perfect curves.
Perfect wife.
I hope that I have adequately answered your questions.