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After the "overnight"

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
I decided to start a new thread since I think we've turned yet another corner in our relationship.

I think first I can't believe that it was over a week ago already. On one hand it feels like it was just yesterday but on the other, it feels like something that was so long ago. Perhaps her being "off limits" with her period right now is fueling my memories.

It's strange because now that it's over - now that she spent the whole night with him, it just seems to not be that big a deal. Of course how she was when she came home did help as I did and still do feel very much closer to her as she says she does with me.

At one point I asked her what she liked best about her night with him. She hesitated and instead asked me what I thought about that made me the horniest! I remember thinking that she was getting very clever - something others here had said. I did cough a big if I remember but then I just told her that it turned me on to think of her waking up with him, naked and them both being together. She said she thought that wouldn't be something I would be horny about with how I was beforehand. I told her the truth - that she was right, it was something that I'd not been happy about but I told her that afterwards, that it was incredibly arousing. That my wife had actually spent the night fucking another man all night.

She kissed me and hugged me and seemed relieved at what I'd said and I asked her - what did she like the most. She smiled, giggled and quietly said she'd enjoyed falling asleep with him and then she said even more quietly "with him still in me". When she saw my smile that confirmed my answer to how I felt about that - she started to open up a bit more and said that she loved being able to just totally relax after having awesome sex. And then she said it "like afterwards with you".

I thought I would dread hearing her say that. I knew one day I would hear her start to compare us. Enough people here told me that but to hear her say it that way - even now almost a week later - it still is there in my mind. She didn't say it again and I don't even know if she knew what she said but I remember it. The weird part is that even now, a week later - I love thinking of her like that. Able to give herself to him and now, hopefully, not being scared of telling me more.

It must have been Tuesday night when we had sex again and afterwards, as we lay there I asked her "so, what position was so good with him?". She was in that giggly mood so as she lay next to me she just said something about how it was in her note to me, and she said, with me on my knees.

I had to go back and read the part in her note she'd written. I found it. I read it again and even now I'm horny thinking about her. I wanted to share it here but it's really long so I'll post it after this.

Actually, I re-read most of what she'd written to me. It is more like a book in that she told me things I had only guessed at or fantasized about. The part I'm going to post is only about 1/4th of the whole thing. She really opened up about everything and even now I'm sort of hesitant to post it. She said she was going to try to make it sexy-er than the last note. I think it's incredible and I may try to send it in to Penthouse if she'll let me!

There is so much more that she wrote in the rest of the note but the parts I cut/pasted for you should make you understand why I both cringe and almost cum at the same time reading it. To hold her in my arms now, knowing some of what she's shared with Brad - it's really an incredible feeling.

I know she gave a lot to Brad and I'm okay with that as I know it was what she wanted. I certainly know how she was afterwards and I do love how she felt - satisfied is all I can say. When I do look at her now or when we're in bed together I do think about Brad now knowing her as intimately as I do in so many ways - knowing she shared her body all night long with him. I know it's crazy but I also know from how she's been with me, even with her period, that it's been a good thing for us so far. I can't explain it but that is how it feels.

Unfortunately we only had time for a "quickie" on Thursday night before she announced her period had arrived a few days earlier than she'd expected. We haven't had much of a sexy mood since then either so there's not much more to share.

She did ask me if we could keep up our Wednesday's as a night when she knew we wouldn't be having sex. She teased me a bit and said I could still imagine it's because of Thursday's and that she'd play along with that. So I said okay to keep the desires going, but I suspect she was pms-ing on Thursday as she wasn't totally there after a busy day.
A part of her note to me

I am actually almost shaking as I'm pasting this in below. Much the same as I felt when I posted her pictures. I feel like I'm baring her in front of all of you. I kind of like that feeling.

(as I read it over again I saw that I need to tell you that earlier in her note she said at one point how Brad likes her to refer to her pussy as her cunt, or at times, his cunt. She doesn't usually like to use that particular word so it's very interesting that she uses it here....

...when we go back to the room I hope to satisfy that part of his desire. I have told you before of how he likes to have me doggy-style when he really needs to fuck me instead of make-love to me. The only way I can describe it is that I am his "bitch" for as long as he needs me to be. I know it sounds horribly crude, but after I strip naked again and my cunt is still wet and open from the first time, I just love to get on my hands and knees at the edge of the bed and present myself to him.

I've looked back over my shoulder at him as he looks at me in that position. In the mirror I've seen how I look and it is obvious that I am in that position for him. And just like a female dog in heat, I almost long for him to fill me, almost as if there's an ache or an emptiness that he needs to fill.

Steve, at this moment I am all Brads. You remember we read that Penthouse Letter story where the woman described being "mounted" by her stud. When Brad truly WANTS me, I give myself to him fully. I lean forward with my head against the pillow and I present my cunt to him. There is nothing else he wants at that moment, so I simply give myself to him. And the thing is that I WANT TO that I WANT him to take me. At that moment, when I know he needs it, I present myself to him and make it clear that he is to use me as he wants to. Not as I want him to but any way he wants. I am so wet and open that he slips effortlessly into me. The wet slurping sounds would disgust me if they were not also so erotic. Somehow lying there and presenting myself to him at that moment is just his invitation.

And take me he does. I'm sorry if this bothers you but at that moment Steve, I want him to fuck me hard. I want him to push into me and feel how wet and open I am for him. I want to feel his hands on my hips pulling me back onto him over and over. For those few moments, the entire universe consists of his penis deep in my waiting vagina. The idea and knowledge of my being so wet from his sperm earlier is almost enough to make me cum. But when I feel his hands grasp my hips and causes me to move in unison with him. Oh god, it is just wonderful. It is only surpassed by the moment when I feel him hold my hips firmly and thrust in me so deeply and almost violently that I begin to cum just from the physical sensations. Finally, after what seems like even hours of time, I can now tell just when he is ready to fill me again. After so many times with him I now know just how he feels as he is on the edge. And all he wants me to do is lie there leaning forward "presenting myself" to him.

Finally, after what seemed like hours I can feel him on the edge. His penis seems to swell up even more and he begins to get erratic until just a few moments later he will pull me so firmly back against him and then I will feel him climax in me.

I don't always cum when he does, but when I know he has orgasmed in me there is this incredible rush of emotion and warmth that sweeps over my body. I push my ass and my cunt back towards him trying to encourage him to keep going as long as possible. But oh the emptiness after he is done and gone after pulling or slipping back out of me. And even though I may not actually have an orgasm with him, as I have told you before, the feeling I have at that moment is almost pure fulfillment and satisfaction. There's this sense of having fulfilled what god wanted when he designed our bodies, there's this deep sense of fulfillment knowing I have provided for Brad much as I do for you..."​

Now, imagine that there is at least 3 or 4 times more of what she shared with me in that note! It is incredibly open, especially knowing how Sue is about talking about this stuff.

It was alarming when I first read it - alarming and exciting at the same time. I will say that she ended it so nicely. If you were to read what she's written, you would know what I mean, it was very calming and even now I still re-read it after posting the part above. But I have to say that re-reading that part above and thinking about her like that, it is driving me crazy to think about.

Good night all.

That is such a horney letter, and it appears to really come from the heart. My wife wrote a short letter explaining why i was a shit lay, but it kinda came across as false.

It was a big step to let the two of them get it together on their own, I always get to watch. Not sure how I would feel being totally excluded. Is it the usual love it/ hate it/ christ im hard, kinda feeling!

Thanks for sharing - cris x
Soon, you are a true cuckold, cuz only someone sold on this life could handle the honesty of Sue's communication with you and enjoy it, or enjoy the pain of it.

The two of you make an incredible couple because of the way she is able to share her feelings with you and you are able to handle it. I am certainly glad that you are able to share your feelings with us as well.

I will be very interested to hear how the two of you intend to move forward from this adventure! You continue to be the most powerful serial poster on this site.

This is probably the hotest description of purely "physical Sex" I have read. mostly because it came from the woman involved, Sue.
Steve, (now we know your name), You quoted Sue a while back and how she described sex with Brad as sometimes "more physical"

This is how you quoted her:
"She swore to me up and down that it's not love and that she doesn't feel that for him - but then as she looked away from me a little she also said that she loves sex with him. She quickly added, "not more than with you or not better than with you", "just different" and after a pause "more physical might be a way to describe it". And she looked back at me and I just said "it's okay" and I then just said "I understand".
My response to that quote was the following:

"The thing you didn't contemplate in the beginning when you encouraged her to hav sex with other men was that some women (maybe even many) have a desire to be 'taken' or as Sue described: "And just like a female dog in heat, I almost long for him to fill me, almost as if there's an ache or an emptiness that he needs to fill" Not all the time, but on ocassion. A few acomplish it by 'roll playing' with her husband, but you encouraged her to go outside her marriage to fulfill her 'fantasy' with Brad. Their 'quickies' at work were very likely like the sex scene in the movie "Fatal Attraction.

What I want to point out to you, now is that 1) You are not a Cuckold in the true deffination of the word. Sue does really love sex with you, does not have to sneek away for her only truly enjoyable sex Does not tell the family and the whole community that her husband cannot satisfy her.
And 2) My suggestion to you is to continue with the quiet 'non-sex' Wednesdays, (use that time to build up your sexual stamina for Thursday and be the agressive 'take her like an animal', as Brad has done, on Thursday night. Practice some 'roll playing'. You and Sue are good communicators, You can set this up. You can do it!!!. And you both would be happier for it. Better, as I suggested before, for you to take her out for dinner on Thursdays, maybe stay in the same room that they used, and roll play there, so her 'screems of pleasure' will not alarm the children.

She has already said that the 'face to face' with her legs drawn back is the same as Brad does, and feels the same to her. You are not less than him in your ability to make love to Sue, but she does have the need, as she has said, to be "taken".

Sue's meetings with Brad will obviously be less frequent. You have no reason to fear them or to put a stop to them. What I am encouraging is to take the innitative to fill in Thursday nights with the 'Physical' 'Animal' sex she obviously craves.

Greetings all - I've been quiet here because it's been quiet at home. Sue's period ended yesterday but she did say she wanted to continue our Wednesday-denial and I think she may have even been surprised that I didn't pester her last night! However, she seems to be horned up tonight so I suspect once the kids are in bed we'll pick up where we left off last week.

I'm still very enamored of her and what she did. It still seems like a dream but when I see her changing either into her pj's (just a long t-shirt) or into her clothes in the morning all I can think of is her doing the same with Brad. It does still make me a bit queasy feeling but at the same time, my god, my cock just stiffens up on it's own!!!

She's been somewhat quiet about the whole thing so I guess I will have to start with the supportive comments and open discussions to get her to feel good about it - I think she may still be concerned about how I felt. I do want to encourage her - even if it means she wants another overnight with him. But I also want to encourage her to maybe look beyond Brad as I do think she may like something a bit more frequent than an occasional overnight. I hope to hear her tell me what she really wants - at this point, I'm okay with either.

I've re-read her note to me so many times now (enjoyed myself to it several times over the past few nights with her out of commission!!!). I do want to watch her. I think I can take it - I mean in my mind I've already gone through everything possible that they could do. I know it's going to feel weird to see and hear her cum with him - but I sort of feel like I need to do it, and that, I'm hoping, will also include him doing the same! I honestly don't know how I'm going to react to it, but I want to find out.

Just writing this has me all ready for later.
I just noticed Harry's post so I'll add a few comments.

I did know that she likes to be "taken" - we've role-played a number of times and she has let me "restrain" her with neckties and stockings, etc. At other times I've held her hands with mine and have almost made her look me straight in the eye as I just fucked her and she lay there. She loved it so I know that she meant it when she said what she did with Brad. I do know the position with her at the edge of the bed very well.

I would not really stand for the more severe definition of "cuckold" that so many people seem to ascribe to. As I've said several times - I consider myself a cuckold for truly enjoying her having sex with others and for the open communication we have and for our mutual enjoyment of her denial of sex with me at times, etc. I cannot see why we would stay married if we didn't have good sex together. We may be different than others here but it's what works for us right now. Could there be a more extreme situation in the future - perhaps, but it would never be something that became public or publicly acknowledged - and sorry but I cannot ever see myself in chastity or being humiliated. I don't see Sue getting anything out of denying me - quite the opposite at times, of her enjoying my private masturbation at her pleasure and possibly the subsequent reduced desire for her on my part (I'm only a 1-time-a-day guy for the most part).

Harry - I do like your suggestion for Thursdays - I will surely "take" her tonight for sure. I've got quite a few day build-up going. I also do like your idea to maybe go to the same hotel as they went to - that could be an interesting idea...

Anyway - it's almost 9pm and I'm horny. Bye.
Enjoy! You have performed well in your role as supportive cuckold and have earned the reward.

SoonToBe said:
But I also want to encourage [my wife] to maybe look beyond Brad, as I think she may like something a bit more frequent than an occasional overnight. I hope to hear her tell me what she really wants....

Sounds like you're bringing yourself around toward moving in the right direction, if you want Sue to continue having a lover and she wants that also.

I vaguely recall reading, long ago, that the average affair lasts around six months. That may be roughly the time until one or the other "non-affair" spouses, if she (/he) has been tolerant, runs out of patience and begins objecting. Or if one or the other "non-affair" spouses has not been aware of what's going on, it may be roughly the time 'til she (/he) finally connects the dots, gets angry and threatens divorce.

I see, from one of your earlier threads, it's been about eleven months now since your wife began fucking Brad. That's quite a while. It seems likely to me.... given that Brad was using a work excuse to justify his trysts with your wife, but he finally told his wife his fictional project had come to an end.... that means, in effect, his affair with your wife is also drawing to a close. I.e., it has reached the point where, from his point of view, the erotic intensity of fucking your wife only marginally outweighs, and perhaps soon will no longer outweigh, the risks to his marriage.

For this reason (among others), your wife may find herself suffering from feelings of emotional loss, perhaps combined with feeling down due to assuming she is no longer "sufficiently attractive" for Brad, if she does not actively begin looking for her next candidate before he disappears over the horizon. If Sue is a "one lover woman" (given the security of her marriage to you), as appears to be the case, it may be desirable and perhaps even necessary for you to provide her with some assistance in this effort. If you do, I suggest that will increase the probability of her next lover being someone you feel comfortable with.

SoonToBe said:
I do want to watch her. I think I can take it - I mean in my mind I've already gone through everything possible that they could do. I know it's going to feel weird to see and hear her cum with him - but I sort of feel like I need to do it, and that, I'm hoping, will also include him doing the same! I honestly don't know how I'm going to react to it, but I want to find out.

Cool.... go for it.

Well, it was quite the interesting weekend.
Actually it began last Thursday evening after I'd added my last comments here.

Sue and I were in the bedroom getting frisky and at one point I said something to her about having her "like Brad did". Well - that seemed to really ignite her desires because not more than a few minutes later was she kneeling at the edge of the bed just as she was with him.

We'd had a bit to drink and she was surely feeling uninhibited and I loved it. She leaned forward and I asked her if this was how she was for him. She said yes and then she reached back and sort of grabbed her butt cheeks and spread herself open and she just said into the pillow "this is how he likes me".

That was quite the moment for me - it was one of the first times that I'd truly looked at her and realized just how into fucking him she was. Her pussy was opened up for me and she was wet - visibly wet - and it turned me on to think that she was maybe thinking about him at that moment.

I can see why he loves that position. Her hips are just the right height to grab onto and pull her back. As I said, I was very horny by then and she really wanted me to take her so I did. She had one of her hands rubbing away at her clit and every now and then she'd slide it down and just gently grasp me as I fucked her and tickle my balls too.

My orgasm was really building up of my own fantasy thought but she then started telling me how she loves for Brad to do this same thing to her - it really got me boiling inside. She was cumming too - her fingers made sure of that and I cannot put into words how horny I felt at feeling her cumming on me and thinking she surely did the same with Brad.

The idea that Brad was where I was - feeling her pussy opening up then clenching down on him - knowing he could feel her cum just as I was - totally drove me crazy. When I let myself think of how he must have felt just as I did - trying to hold back as long as I could. Every time I pushed into her she would push back against me. It was incredible.

Sometimes you just feel connected - I could feel it - she leaned forward with her face into the pillow and arched her back and I knew she wanted it. It was that same position she'd described and the same position that Brad felt too. She arched her back and pushed her pussy towards me and I was in her as deep as I possibly could be when I finally came too. It was intense - probably one of the best orgasms I'd had in a while. Her whole body shook as I held onto her.

She was embarassed afterwards - she'd shown me some of what she'd done with Brad and it would take me to tell her I loved her and to hug her and kiss her before she said "are you really okay with all of that?". And I just smiled and held her and said "yes, as long as you and I still have what we just had - I'm fine with it".

That led to quite a bit of relaxation on her part. She would later tell me that she still felt very hesitant and cautious after sending me that note and then my knowing what she was doing. I told her again that it was incredibly arousing to think of her that way and that I wanted her to have all of what she wanted.

Over the weekend she came out to me with the same thoughts that many others have shared here. That she missses her times with Brad, and that the overnight was very intense for her. I pushed her and she said that she felt a little scared at how easily she went into it with Brad with little thought of anything else. She didn't come out and say it but I suspect she may not be totally comfortable with herself - maybe for how she felt with him. I pushed her a little bit - I asked her if she wanted to do another overnight with him at some point. I was surprised when she said an almost eager "yeah" at first but then she said "well, maybe not as long or something like that". I asked if she felt okay about it and she said something about still thinking about it and that's when she said she missed the Thursdays more than she'd thought she would.

That part she was very open and comfortable about. She said she enjoyed the times that she's shared with him - that they were very special to her and she totally enjoyed them. She said something about the overnight maybe being "too much" - but I didn't want to push her into opening up if she wasn't ready - when I asked "what do you mean?" she just answered "nothing, just something I've been thinking about".

Last night as we got settled in, we both knew we weren't going to have sex as between dinner and the hot day, we were both pretty tired. But we did talk and she did finally come out and say, as I started with, that she'd been doing some thinking - as I knew - and she said that she would like to, and she added "if it's okay with you", "find someone for something more regular" and then she said quietly "like it was with Brad".

I told her that I'd support whatever she wanted and I even offered to help find someone for her but she said "no", that she'd let me know if she needed my help. I just answered that she'd done good the first time so I trusted her.

I haven't asked her about watching her again but I do want to this week. I think with the warm temperatures here, she's getting hornier as she usually does in the summertime, so the timing could be good.
You did what I suggested, and it was GREAT!!!

I love it. Always enjoy your posts and the way you describe all that happens in sensual detail.

Hey Grinch,

Maybe reluctant was a bit too strong a word. But as I said, I didn't push it as I've learned that unless Sue is very comfortable about talking about things, that she tends to clam up if she's not ready to open up.

I know she feels conflicted about the overnight and I'm trying to make sure she understands that I am totally okay about it and that I do really want to hear what happened and such. I think the fact that she was so open in her note to me may be giving her a bit of a pause now as - again, reading between the lines - she shared a lot with me and I think she may have told me things she's now not totally comfortable about having shared.

I did tell her that reading what she wrote would definitely make me more mentally prepared if and when I do get to watch them. I think that did a lot to help her accept my acceptance if that makes any sense. I think she's still scared or worried that what she'll say will somehow hurt me. I don't want to come out and tell her that "not telling me" also hurts in that she's keeping things back but I didn't say that. Instead, as I've been saying, I just try to be supportive and encouraging - even to the point of offering her another overnight if that's what she wanted.

Maybe this is the diffference between Sue and the other women here - Sue's not into this to hurt me in any way and she continues to put my feelings and my concerns, etc., almost above hers! Yet - when I can get her to relax about it and just accept it and to have her believe I'm serious - she does open up about it and, like on Wednesday's, she'll tease me that she's "off limits" and such knowing it turns me on.

Maybe it is as you say - she is 'conflicted' about feeling love or other emotions that she doesn't want to share with me. In thinking about this more now, the only time she's told me she's said "I love you" to him was in her note to me and on a few past Thursday's that have been even more sexual than others. I try to convince her that I'm pretty much past the point of being concerned that she may say it to him - either in the height of passion or other times as I do believe her when she say's it is situational for her to say that and doesn't mean she wants to leave me or anything. Actually, it turns me on a bit to know she can feel that much with someone else.

So, maybe as you said, after the overnighter - she's feeling more than she's able to comfortably open up with me about. I will surely try to get her to tell me more - especially about what she's thinking. I"m not sure that either of us are ready for more than one night together though - to think of her with him for a whole week would drive me crazy. On one hand my god I'd be so horned up the entire week - but on the other hand, thinking about it gives me the same sort of feelings I had before she spent the whole night with him. We'd have to be at a different place - the 3 of us - before I could think of being okay about her being with him for a whole week. (but then again, it isn't totally out of the question as I said, it is arousing)....

I do hope she can find someone else that will tickle-her-fancy. I do agree with you - I would rather this be something she does instead of me finding a person that might make her feel somehow obligated to go along with it. I have some friends who I know would love to fuck her - but I can also see her not wanting it to be someone we know, etc. As you said, maybe she has someone in mind already. I just really think she needs a bit more confidence in me - that I won't flip out if she does want more with someone else. At least that's what I'm working on.
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Little to post as an update here - tonight continued our no-sex Wednesdays. She knows it turns me on even if she's not seeing Brad tomorrow. I do know she misses it but I want her to decide what she wants, I just continue to be there. I did ask her earlier if she was thinking about him and she said yes. That turned me on a lot - enough to know I want her to do whatever she wants so I just said "it's up to you what you do, I'm okay with whatever you want" and that was sort of it, she smiled and said I was sweet and then added "but you're still waiting till tomorrow".

I messed around for a bit till Leno came on and we watched the monologue. She laughed at the joke about indian men having small cocks and protesting for smaller condoms - she laughed and said maybe that's why they are so overcrowded over there, the condoms keep slipping off! (sorry - no offense intended if anyone is from india out there) and then she said something about loving her IUD while Leno continued.

G'night all....

You haven't mentioned any hook-ups between Sue and Brad during the work day. I remember that was happening for awhile. The current scenario sounds a little like the prelude to an ending relationship. Aside from an occasional overnight (potentially), do you see a future here?

Casino - you are right, I have not heard much, but that also doesn't surprise me as that never really sounded like Sue. I know thay do not work in the same building at work and I know that she is quite busy - but that sounds like some good foreplay conversation for later tonight.
Finally some time to actually put down something more than just 2 sentences.

First - the whole quickie mid-day thing never worked for them. It seems work everywhere has changed in that everyone is busier (even I deal with cafeteria food every day when I used to go out most days - just too damn busy). They did do it a few times that I knew about but she couldn't remember the last time.

It's now seeming quite normal on Wednesdays, Sue even sort of encourages me to go into our office and find some porn to masturbate to. This past Thursday night was prom-night so our son was out most of the evening. We had some wine with dinner and by the time our daughter was in bed, Sue was very horny.

Ever since she spent the night with him every time I have her naked below me and I nudge her legs apart and start to play with her - if I just let myself think of her doing that with Brad I am instantly hard and ready! It's all mental - but it's so intense to just let myself think about her with him.

She wanted it hard and even again turned around onto her hands and knees at the edge of the bed at one point. We were both pretty worked up. When we finally got in my favorite position (on her back with her knees apart and next to her tits!) she started saying stuff to me - trying to get me more and more excited. She told me how Brad liked this position too. And then she rolled to one side and pulled one leg way up and straightened the other. I followed her right over staying in her the whole time. She giggled and said that was how Brad did it too and then she said "this is a position he likes a lot too" and with that she sort of pushed her ass up and back towards me and her pussy was just there waiting for me. She told me to kneel over her thigh and to "take me like Brad does".

I cannot tell you how fucking turned on I was! The idea that this was a new position she'd tried and liked with Brad and was now sharing with me was just incredible. She felt so tight in some ways in this position but a little lubricant made her feel so damn good. She pulled her one knee up even more and it made her pussy open up just so that I felt like she pulled me right into her. I swear I was ready to burst when she told me to lean forward and pull her knee in my elbow and hug her from behind. I pulled her knee up and I swear, her pussy seemed to just gape open when I did this.

I knew he was physical with her but she felt like a rag doll under me as she seemed to just keep cumming. I was just about to cum in her when, in between her moans, she said to me that this was how Brad fucked her before they fell asleep together with him still in her - no she didn't say it like that, she more sort of grunted it out - but I heard her and holy shit - that was it. I exploded in her like never before - like a flood of cum gushed out of me! She squealed - even I could feel how hot it was in her pussy.

It seemed like we'd both just sort of ********** or more just drifted off into this pleasant post-fuck haze. A little later I felt her move and I realized she was straightening her leg out and I again thought of what she said about her and Brad having done just what we'd done all I could do was just look at her back, feel her breathe next to me, feel my cock still slick between her ass cheeks and the tip still in her pussy and damn if I didn't start to get hard again!

The idea that this was what they'd done - that she'd possibly cum like that with him - that he'd taken her like that. Even now I don't know the word to use other than feeling so proud of her - letting herself really go. It honestly didn't bother me in the least that it'd been Brad fucking her or that she'd given herself so freely to him - if this was truly how she was, it just made me feel really good about it all. I know they may have truly slept the night like that - and yet it really didn't - and does not - bother me. We did wake up a short while later when it was getting closer to our son getting home and she seemed almost embarassed as we got out of bed. I held her in the bathroom and just asked calmly "did you cum like that with Brad?".

I can't believe she still hesitated on her reply. I told her I loved her and that I hoped she had. She seemed to calm a bit and then - so quietly still - just said "more". It took me a second to realize she was answering my question and I just hugged her and kissed her and told her that I loved that she'd had "more" with him than we'd even just had. She wouldn't look at me but talked as we hugged and said "are you sure" and all this sort of stuff. It would take me to push her head back and hold it so I could stare in her eyes and just say it "As long as you come home to me afterwards, I will always love you".

We didn't really talk more as our son did come home shortly afterwards.

Again last night I knew she was horny as I still was and again she was still embarassed and quiet about telling me anything. I finally just said to her "can't you see - it turns me on to hear what you do with him" and I added something like "I know he makes you cum - I hope he makes you scream". And then I just came out and asked her if I could watch them again.

She looked like a deer in the headlights. She didn't say anything at first but then just said "do you really think you'll be okay?" I nodded and said yes. Then she said it - "can you be okay watching him and me like we were last night?". I said "I think so and I want to". With that she smiled - actually she smiled a lot and then she started to talk!

She said she has been very hesitant about everything actually since last December when I tried to watch them. She said that when I left she just felt like she was hurting me and she couldn't take that and that yes, she certainly did have good times and such, she hasn't felt comfortable doing more with me or sharing more with me since then. She said she just felt like she didn't want to hurt me even though I'd said all that I'd said. We went on and on that I'd meant what I said and I wasn't sure what I should have done to make her feel better and all of this.

Then she just said to me something like - but now that she knows I want to be there with her again and share it with her - that all of a sudden, I guess, she finally may believe me?! She said that when I'd hesitated or not even mentioned wanting to be there and watch or be a part of it that she'd felt sort of weird about the whole thing at home and doing more even though I said I wanted her to.

It was weird, like I said. I guess it was sort of similar to my moments of epiphany when I made myself finally understand that I was okay with Sue doing this with Brad to whatever degree she wanted. I guess it sort of made sense - thinking about it again today, I guess maybe my running out of their room just as she began to open herself up to him may have left her with a bad feeling inside, etc.

We started to kiss and mess around almost immediately and she was very passionate - VERY passionate. She told me all sorts of things as we fucked - it wasn't making love, we were fucking - she wanted it and I was more than ready to give it to her again. "He stayed in me most of the night" "it felt good having him so deep in me" and other stuff - but when she said "he loves cumming in me" - bingo. That was it - I shot off like a cannon and she followed right along. I rolled off her and started laughing at what she'd finally shared - that she wanted, maybe even needed me to be there with her before she'd believe it - as if all those Thursday nights weren't enough!

So - that's it - she's been wicked happy and wicked up since then. She's bouncing around the house today and she said that later tonight she wants to get a calendar out. I didn't know what she meant till she whispered "so we can figure out what night will work for us silly!!!".

I'll let you know.
This is SOOO incredibly HOT to read It's like I wish I had a relationship like you and sue so I could really relate to it. Does anyone else know what I mean?
I am so happy for you, you have a wonderful "normal" life and then you have a whole "other" life with Sue that gives you extreme fulfillment and excitement. Sounds like it's only going to get better as well?
Little news to share from here as of yet, she did ask me several times (yes again) if I was still serious and each time I said yes. I asked her if she was planning anything yet with Brad so she had no doubt I was serious. But that's all for now as work has been killing us this week so far.

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