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After the wedding

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I never thought you should be concerned about yours or Sue's relationship with Frank, I just thought that he might feel a little different about a new relationship for himself now after experiencing a weekend with friends and family and Sue. Not that he will be wanting Sue herself in that position (I suppose a man can wish ..), but just that the experience might just have stirred feelings for a new proper girlfriend for him. Thing is, if it did, I'm not sure who he would admit it too. He might think he risks losing Sue if he mentions it. Just be interesting to see if there is any hint of a softening of his attitude in that area when you see him.
It's a rainy Sunday here so we may change plans for later, Sue's suggested maybe just I go over at first and get the "guy thing" out of the way. I asked her what she meant and she joked that she was sure that I needed to talk to Frank alone and "reassure yourself that we're all okay".

Peak - yeah, I guess I did misread your post. It's an interesting thought. It's actually a little related in that I asked Sue why she hadn't seen Frank all week and she said that she wanted to make sure things didn't get too carried away. I didn't push it as I was happy to hear that she recognized it and was acting on it.

I will say that last night was spectacular in bed with her - my god, if this thing with Frank brings out this kind of passion and desire in her then I'll gladly send her off with him again in the future.

Anyway - we got up this morning after last nights fun and she went into the bathroom naked to turn the shower on and I followed her a moment later. Thing is, as I did and as I went into the bathroom, and then into the shower with her - all I could think about was that Frank had done this very same thing a week ago. For a moment I just stood there looking at her thinking of him enjoying this same moment. She turned to look at me and saw my cock was stiff and getting stiffer and she giggled and turned and said over her shoulder "wanna do me like Frank did last week" - and she turned to face the shower wall and wriggled her ass at me. A split second later I was in her and she'd stood up against me and I ran my soapy hands all over her breasts. I think it was the reality of the moment and hearing her tell me that Frank had done this very thing that pushed me over the edge and I came in her really quickly! She actually couldn't believe I'd cum so quickly and then she joked that maybe she'd have to take Frank aside later tonight!

Anyway - like I said, if this is what I get from encouraging her to go off with him, then I hope Peak's premonition isn't correct and that we both can enjoy the effect he has on her for a while longer.
> She actually couldn't believe I'd cum so quickly and then she joked that
> maybe she'd have to take Frank aside later tonight!
How did you respond to this? He must be dying to get her in bed by
now, with the horny weekend in his mind and balls fully recuperated...

It sounds like things are just getting better and better with you, Sue
and Frank! Congratulations are due, and kudos for playing this so well!

Hiki - you jumped the gun on that reply - the weather put the kibosh on us all going over. Plus, the original plan was that we were all going to go over including our daughter - so it's not like Sue was going to be able to run off even if she wanted...

That said, it was a little weird going over Franks alone. Not that it was going to be any less weird with my 2 ladies joining me. The 2 of them went out shopping and to get some dinner together while I went to help Frank with the burgers.

It was a little weird at first, being alone with the guy who spent the weekend with my wife. We were cordial and he offered me a beer right away - the barbeque was lit (gas) and he's like we are, I'll barbeque in a blizzard so the rain wasn't an issue for us. There was idle talk while we figured out how much we needed to cook so he could freeze the rest but obviously there was still quite a bit of tension in the air.

We opened the second beer and he actually started it - he just came out and said that I was "one hell of a guy" and he came out and said "thank you" for last weekend and my being-cool about it and he actually came out and said "not many guys would be okay with letting their wives go off" like I did. He then asked me how much Sue had told me about the weekend.

So, it was my turn to be candid. I started out by telling him that "it's cool" that they enjoy fucking and I reminded him that as long as that's all it is, then it's okay. I told him that it felt weird talking to him about it but that I thought it'd be good if we could. He agreed - and we both agreed that it's because she's my wife that we feel weird - after all at some point most guys have shared tales of when they've gotten lucky and whatever.

I started off by telling him of when Sue and I first got together, of how I knew she was a bit promiscuous and how even back then it turned me on. It surprised him when I told him that I knew several guys back then who'd fucked her. He asked me about it and I said that in many ways it felt like it does now with him - that it turns me on that he's had sex with her just like it turned me on all those years ago that I knew the other guys had been with her. I added that it was mainly the times back then. He shrugged in that he's about 10 years younger than we are and he said that by the time he was "of age" that the world of free-sex that we'd had was no longer.

But he did seem much more at ease with just that little bit of knowledge on top of what I'd already told him in the past. Another beer made it easier and we agreed that we'd just try to talk openly about things. He said several times that not only did he not think he'd ever be having sex with a married woman but he never thought he'd be talking to her husband about it.

I figured we needed an ice-breaker and to let him know that I was truly okay with it all so I came out and asked him "so, did you ever have a shaved pussy before Sue?" He was kind of stunned at first but then slowly warmed up and said no, that sure he'd seen it in magazines or whatever but that Joanne was adamant against it and even thought it was kind of weird for a woman to want to be that way. I laughed and asked him "so, how do you like it?" and I even said "it's awesome if you go down on her!". He surprised me by saying that was another thing Joanne never wanted and for the first time he actually said something directly about Sue - he said that he liked how she tasted and he looked for my reaction. I smiled and asked him if he'd been able to get her to orgasm that way (I know he has). He said yeah and that it'd been so long since he was back in college that he'd been able to do so.

We opened another beer and I told him a little about our past, how Sue was on the pill for ages and then went to the IUD and how she only recently had it removed. He was all ears and said that Joanne would never go for that and when she went off the pill, that he had to use condoms the few times they did have sex.

I won't say we talked like we were college-drinking buddies comparing how we'd scored, etc., but it did get easier. At one point he asked something about why it turns me on with her being with another guy. I told him I didn't know but that it did and I described (again) how it feels like a first-date whenever she comes home and I get to see and experience what she's done all night and for me to then have my turn. He laughed and said that he'd never really been with a woman as horny as Sue!

I didn't come out and say that it turned me on when Sue denies me, but I did tell him that it turned me on when she'd tease me about it and make me wait a bit. I did tell him that I liked sloppy seconds and that it was cool that he would cum in her. He finally confessed and said that was one thing he could agree with me on - that it turned him on if she comes over to see him after we've had sex. I didn't ask but I think it went without saying that he's gone down on her after I've fucked her and certainly vice-versa.

We'd long cooked and eaten the burgers (timed the grill for inbetween downpours) and had another beer or two as we continued talking.

We did talk a bit about the wedding and I told him that Sue really enjoyed their time after the wedding and that it turned me on to hear about it. He smiled and said that it'd been a very special night for him and he thanked me again for giving her to him.

It was getting kind of late and it felt like I should get going when I finally said "so - do I have anything to worry about now after you two have had your fun time?" He said to me that I have on heck of a lady and that while he'd love to spend more time with her to have fun (and sex) that he respected that he was allowed to be with her and that he wouldn't do anything that would change things. I asked if he thought he'd developed any (more) feelings for her. He said that he loved her as a friend. He admitted that if she wasn't married, that maybe he'd want more - but then he added that maybe things wouldn't be the same if she wasn't married too. But since she is, and he respects both me and her, he says he has no designs on anything further with her.

Now there was a lot of other stuff we talked about that I glossed over. He asked me if she always swallows when she gives blow-jobs as that was another thing that Joanne thought was gross. At another point we both laughed at how she lets out this low moan and how we both know that's the precursor to a huge orgasm that's coming.

I don't think I can really talk to him about much more. On one hand, I'd love to talk more - about positions and such - but on the other hand it's not something that I really need to and perhaps I think some is left kept silent.

Gotta run - Sue's due home any minute now - but I think all is well. While he didn't come out and say it, he did imply at times that Sue seemed to be more "in control" - stuff he'd say about "when she asks me to....." or "when she did...." but I don't think he recognizes it.

More later maybe.
sounds like all is well and Sue is doing a good job keeping control of you and frank at this time. and she has some what put the brakes on so that sould make you feel good as well. you do have one very hotwife from her pics. and we all think you are a very lucky man and take very good care of her and dont let her get away. so i guess let her have fun and i can not wait to hear about it all. so keep us posted.
SoonToBe said:
"They held hands as they walked to find their table-number and found both of their names on one card: Mr. Frank xxxx and Ms. Susan xxxxx.
She said it gave her the strangest feeling to think about it and no sooner had they found their table, Frank asked her up to the dancefloor.

She said their PDA was kept to a minimum, except for a slow dance. She didn't need to say more as just hearing her say she slow-danced with him was enough to think about. But she did say a little more, that she felt great in his arms and was slowly forgetting everything else" ..... "She said the band played really great music and after the food was served and they'd eaten, that they danced more. I should add that she was very quick to tell me that he is NOT a good dancer, maybe to keep my ego in check. "She told me that I was a much better dancer, But she said it didn't matter to her. She said that by the time they had an after dinner drink, that the alcohol, the party and the dancing had made her horny and she said she made it no secret from Frank and that by the end of the party not only was she wound up, but he was too."

Does Sue like really moving her hips when she dances?
I have a theory, well actually an observation that I used to my benefit when I was 40-45 (like Frank). That is that women that like to fuck also like to dance, and really "move the booty" That's the ones I would pick and after a dance or 2, she would be ready to go!
Which reminds me that in church Sunday, (the 14th BTW.) there was this woman right in front of me that was really 'moving her legs and hips' no matter what the song was and quite well 'distracting me, because I know what it meant.

Well I guess you can say that Frank doesn't want to do anything to spoil his fun with Sue. I think you can count on them having a good time and you benefiting from it right up until Sue decides to "settle down". Could be years that way things are going now.
Cheers, Harry
Thanks for the update. I'm sure Sue was happy to hear that you
guys were able to connect and "clear the air". I hope you
have a great week and I can't wait to hear what next step she
will come up with! It seems likely that somehow she will up the
ante since the wedding weekend went so well. Hehe, and keep
an eye out for any potential morning sickness in the next week
or two :)

i think harry is right about it all. but i think hiki wants sue to have franks baby. as she said she took up as his wife after the wedding. so all i have to say about it all is go with it and see where. it takes you and sue. i think as you said frank would be all over her if she was not married and he would hope he would knock her up. let us know what happened when you got home fram franks.
SoonToBe said:
[Frank has] "invited Sue and I and our daughter to go over his place for burgers on the grill. Well, that's what Sue has told me, I was going to swap Email with him later today and confirm things. But based on how things have been here this week, seemingly back to normal, I'm not sure I have much concern - I mean I know she hasn't seen him all week. Perhaps it'll be different seeing him in person? Not sure but I"m not worried or concerned about it."

When is Sue expecting to see Frank again? It's coming up on 10 days Wed. It looks like your job in going to see Frank was to be able to report back to Sue about how serious Frank got after their weekend together.
I am wondering if the "space" she is giving Frank is not, just as much for her, as it is for "your concerns."

Actually, I think it was fortunate that the weather prevented Frank's invitation to have You, Sue and your daughter over for a barbecue. At least this soon after their weekend together. I think the less your daughter feels of the 'vibes' between Mom and Frank, the better. Certainly, Frank should be promoted as a "platonic" friend of the family and get-togethers are to be expected with "friends". But one innocent question of Sue from her daughter could quash the whole affair. This soon after their "weekend," there is still bound to be some fond glances and leftover emotion between Frank and Sue. That could be felt by a curious teenager. Even a cordial hug could be a problem.
I know you have planned and agreed on an 'explanation' to your daughter, but sometimes your desires cause you to forget little things that you do. Sorry, just my 'concern' coming through.
Cheers, Harry
has sue gone over to franks yet and has she finished telling you about there weekend. away hope all is well with you and sue. keep us posted.
Although STB has been on the site, He hasn't posted an update about what Sue had to say (or ask) about his visit with Frank Sunday evening (22nd.) or about any events this week.

Some times he just gets "tied up" with work and other issues and doesn't post here for several days. This may just be one of those weeks.

This is Thu. so maybe Sue will stop by to see Frank after work today. We will just have to wait for him to 'check in' and fill us in on how things are going.
Cheers, Harry
i know people get tied up and can notget to thimgs. sometimes all i was checking on was to see if anything had changed so far.
Hey all - hope for more time to post this weekend.
Suffice to say for now that Sue's decided to resume the whole panty-denial thing this week. And on top of that she did see Frank yesterday. There was to be no access to her last night - only her promise of "you can enjoy tomorrow".
Otherwise, work is crazy busy so that's consuming my free-time right now.
Gotta run - of all things - off to work.
Glad to know all's fine

Great!! Good to hear that Sue has resumed seeing Frank. As I suggested earlier, I was thinking she had "backed off" to calm her own emotions.
Also I think you got some serious weather there in NJ (?) Makes it harder to do spring work in the yard. I am in the process of planting a new border hedge. No problem with the weather here in AZ.
Cheers, Harry
Keep that nose to the grindstone, Steve! Very thoughtful of Sue not to distract you from your work needing attention. You can rest assured that Frank is on the job taking good care of her sexually!!!
well it is the weekend and hope you and Sue had a very good weekend. and let us know how it went with frank on thursday. look forward to your post.
Wow, it's been almost a week since I posted anything more substantial than just a momentary update. It was one heck of a busy week that didn't end as well as we'd hoped.

So, from memory and re-reading where I left off here - it seems most everything is as it was with some minor updates. My last long missive here was after I'd gone over Frank's and had an enjoyable evening with him. It's kind of odd, but I don't think of him personally all that much which is a shame as he's a nice guy. But after our amicable meeting, I find that I don't feel threatened or worried by him at all. Instead, I just think of him as Sue's lover.

One thing that I may have not posted, or perhaps not completely, is that Sue and I have been talking, talking a LOT, since her weekend away. She said that my openness with her about how I felt about it all has really made her feel a lot more comfortable about everything, including things that I haven't been able to really explain.

Several times she's asked me to explain how I felt when she left her rings home and why I asked her to do so. She says that understanding that has helped her understand me a lot more. When I mentioned that she'd gone back to the panty-denial thing - what I didn't say was that when she had restarted it and I asked her about it - she turned and looked at me and said "I know it turns you on" and she's said that it is becoming a definite turn-on for her too. She says she thinks she understands a lot more about the things that "push my buttons" and that she's looked back at a lot of what I've said or gone along with and that she is okay with it all.

Despite the weekend which I'll get into in a moment, when she came out of the bathroom this morning with the towel around her hair and just a pair of panties on - for maybe the first time - I wasn't inhibited at all to let her see my hard-on at the sight of her. She looked over at me and smiled as I struggled to find a way to put it in my boxers before getting dressed myself. I think that a part of me is a little anxious over her apparent enlightenment about me.

Sue did see Frank last Thursday night as I'd indicated. It was good for her as we'd had some bad news about her father in that his heart-condition is acting up again. So, last Thursday I knew she'd want some time with Frank to take her mind away from things. I could tell from her appearance when she came home that she'd definitely relaxed a bit but she knew things weren't good with her dad and as soon as she got home she was on the phone with her brother and sister. I found out on Friday that they were admitting him to the hospital and into the CCU (cardiac care) which wasn't good too. Basically he has COPD in one form or another. He's scheduled to have a new pacemaker/defibrillator put in today so the weekend was spent visiting him.

Obviously this has put a damper on Sue's horniness - but that's not to say that I couldn't coax her into it. Actually on both Saturday and last night, once we'd had a few glasses of wine, she let her cares fall away and both nights ended in surprisingly passionate sex together including last night her climbing up on top of me and grinding herself through several orgasms before rolling over and encouraging me to "take my turn". So, despite the heaviness of the whole weekend, she still found the energy to push me just a bit!

I felt I owed it to Harry and others to go back to 4/23 and answer some questions that were asked...

I never thought about it - but yes, Sue does like to move her hips and legs when she dances, she's not one to stay in place. I never thought about any relationship to sex though before now and I have to say you may be onto something. I'm trying to think back and it might be true. I know its true for my ex- and I - she hated to dance and the sex wasn't too good between us. Sue actually got me to like dancing - maybe because of the good sex it resulted in?!

Hiki - funny guy there - watch out for morning sickness!!! Good one. Fun fantasy for sure - but for Sue, the baby-shop is closed.

Harry - good call on the caution about my daughter picking up on things with Frank. It's something I'll be sure to remind Sue about if something like this does come up again. Although, as I've posted already - we're sure our daughter has picked up that mom and dad like their alone-time - so perhaps that will serve to keep her mind busy.

So - that about brings things up to date.

Dana - you've asked if Sue's talked any more about the wedding weekend. I'm sure she's shared more info than I've conveyed here - she's actually been very honest and open about it including telling me quite a bit about how being with him made her feel. I know she was a little nervous at first sharing some of it with me but again, as the time has passed and she's come to understand me a bit more - she's opened up about a lot. One of the things that turned me on most to hear was how easy the sex between them had become by Sunday morning when they woke up. She knew it'd turn me on to tell me how easily he entered her when they woke up naked together and how she wanted it as much as he did.

Anyway - gotta run - but that's it for now. We're heading out to see her father tonight - so far the news is that he's okay from the surgery but is a bit groggy from the anesthesia still.
sorry to hear about her dad and hope he is getting better. and great post when i asked that about sue. i was wanting to know if she said how much that changed. her and franks feelings for eachother becouse you let her go with out her rings.

Thanks for the very welcome update. Sorry to be 'overly sensitive'. Considering all that has happened in the last few weeks, it was easy for me to imagine 'trouble' within rather than without.
I understand the concern for your father-in-law and share your feelings. I had a step father with the same condition, and although we were concerned for him, he and my mom were in Minnesota so we just couldn't go visit.
Cheers, Harry

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