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Al Quaeda endorses McCain...

  • Thread startersexycouple2011
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 29, 2008
The Al Quaeda terrorist organization officially endorses McCain because they say he is more likely to extend the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and thereby exhaust the economic resources of the United States and lead us to collapse, a la Russia trying to invade Afghanistan in the late 70s, over-extending themselves, and ultimately leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Obama is not getting endorsements by terrorists, but he has gotten Colin Powell on board. The GOP is trying to dismiss his endorsement as "he's only endorsing him because he's black".

Christ, this is starting to look a little bit like the McCain campaign is just re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
and i guess you think obama will just stop the war. no way either one can just stop and pull out. kinda like when a black bull is deep in a white wife he can't just pull out.

Just my 2 cents
Lol, I must have missed this video!

Al Qaeda couldn't give a shit about who is in charge of the USA, as it sees the USA as its biggest enemy, not militarily, but ideologically. And personally, I'd rather side with the USA on this one!
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whitesubhubby said:
and i guess you think obama will just stop the war. no way either one can just stop and pull out. kinda like when a black bull is deep in a white wife he can't just pull out.

Just my 2 cents

LOL wow, talk about throwing a rock and missing the ocean. Could you possibly missed the point of this any more definitively? ;-)

Here's a hint...knowing your history is key...

And to clarify my personal view on this matter (which really wasn't the point)...hell no I don't think for 5 minutes we can just pull out overnight. Nor do I think we necessarily SHOULD.

What I AM saying is that this is yet another dubious event in the ridiculously mis-managed and embarrassing run that is the McCain campaign.
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Dark_Destroyer_UK said:
Lol, I must have missed this video!

Al Qaeda couldn't give a shit about who is in charge of the USA, as it sees the USA as its biggest enemy, not militarily, but ideologically. And personally, I'd rather side with the USA on this one!

This is naive to think they don't care about which President is in office. Al Quaeda and other terrorist networks have evolved in the last 8 years and are much more sophisticated.
Do you have a link to this official endorsement of McCain? Was it in the Al Quaeda Times?...lol

I'm a Obama supporter but I still find it unlikely that it is even possible to determine an "official" endorsement from a loosely organized group of crazy people.

Vote for Obama because he is the best qualified to lead...not because of bogus endorsements or scare tactics

Besides why would they not endorse Obama. Everyone knows he's a muslim and he pals around with terrorists.....lol
dirtywhiteboy said:
Do you have a link to this official endorsement of McCain? Was it in the Al Quaeda Times?...lol

I'm a Obama supporter but I still find it unlikely that it is even possible to determine an "official" endorsement from a loosely organized group of crazy people.

Vote for Obama because he is the best qualified to lead...not because of bogus endorsements or scare tactics

Besides why would they not endorse Obama. Everyone knows he's a muslim and he pals around with terrorists.....lol

I think they are giving Bush an award for number one recruiter.
I'm not going to get into a discussion about Al Qaeda on a board like this, but if you seriously believe that they will stop wanting to destroy any way of life other than their own, you are being naive. Al Qaeda hate the USA and everything it stands for, and that won't change unless the USA introduces a regime as harsh as the Taleban.

And you know, we don't have to worry about beating extremism, as sooner or later, extremist factions turn on themselves, as each one thinks it is living a better way of life than the others. This happened in Algeria.

Anyway, enjoy your debate, I'm going to stay quiet from now on, as I don't think this is the place for reasonable discussion on serious issues.
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what do barack obama and osama ben laden have in common? they both have friends who have bombed the pentagon
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North Vietnam indorses McCain

Check MSN news. Reporter went to North Vietnam where McCain was held captive for 5 years. After being released and after going into policitic, McCain went back to North Vietnam multiple times trying to normalize relationship with America. The people they talked to that remembered McCain said if they could vote they would vote for him. Even the Commander of the prisoner of War Camp, the one that interogated and tortured McCain said they were "Friends". He said that the interogation/torture was nothing more than a dicussion on politics. And of course all recording of these sessions are not being released.

I have never heard any other prisoner of war (Vietnam type) refer to introgations as simply political debates/discussions. Torture, indoctrination into communist lifestyle, and total submission to their whims....yes. This is referred to as brain washing and it was used.

And I've been told that, in his own book says he was broken and violated the military Code of Conduct. Since I have not read this personally, I can't state it for fact. However, the Code of Conduct is drummed into every military person from day one. We lived by it. Violating it articles can get you court marshalled and even imprisoned.

With all the cow patty politics that McCain/Republicans are throwning out, maybe someone should look closer at his stability.
dirtywhiteboy said:
Do you have a link to this official endorsement of McCain? Was it in the Al Quaeda Times?...lol

I'm a Obama supporter but I still find it unlikely that it is even possible to determine an "official" endorsement from a loosely organized group of crazy people.

Vote for Obama because he is the best qualified to lead...not because of bogus endorsements or scare tactics

Besides why would they not endorse Obama. Everyone knows he's a muslim and he pals around with terrorists.....lol

This was all over CNN, MSNBC, and even FOX news. I would imagine a simple Google search and a little patience would be all that it might take to find a bout a dozen articles on it....

In fact...I just did it and had about 35 article hits. Not exactly "fantasy" territory here when its everywhere. ;-)

By the way, the way this happens is because they release videos and information through Al Jazeera. This isn't exactly new news and is how Al Quaeda has always released points of view, beheadings, and other crazy shit.

In other words, even if we have this view of them as a bunch of back-asswards sheep-herders riding camels and firing bows and arrows after they dance around fires with bones in their noses, they are actually quite advanced and organized with some serious financial backing and fairly advanced technical know-how. It's been 7 years and we have yet to "track" any of them on their web or video transmissions, so at the very least they are good at evading the CIA, FBI, and DHS's best cyber-crime experts.
sexycouple2011 said:
The Al Quaeda terrorist organization officially endorses McCain because they say he is more likely to extend the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and thereby exhaust the economic resources of the United States and lead us to collapse, a la Russia trying to invade Afghanistan in the late 70s, over-extending themselves, and ultimately leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Obama is not getting endorsements by terrorists, but he has gotten Colin Powell on board. The GOP is trying to dismiss his endorsement as "he's only endorsing him because he's black".

Christ, this is starting to look a little bit like the McCain campaign is just re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic.

I wholeheartedly agree with you in supporting Obama, hell i'm about 75% on the liberal side! BUUUUT i would not show any joy nor any trust to ANYTHING the enemy spouts about either candidate. The fact that many whites and even minorities living in the backwoods stronghold of the conservative right believe Obama to be affiliated with terrorism all because of his ethnicity and his name is call for worry. Whether we admit it or not this could flare either way and probably even both ways. I hope neither side tries to deal the other a blow with this bit of news because it's like throwing a lit match on a revolving sprinkler spraying gasoline--you won't know till it happens.

Ether way i really don't think we should pay ANY attention to the enemy's view on our election.
Dark_Destroyer_UK said:
I'm not going to get into a discussion about Al Qaeda on a board like this, but if you seriously believe that they will stop wanting to destroy any way of life other than their own, you are being naive. Al Qaeda hate the USA and everything it stands for, and that won't change unless the USA introduces a regime as harsh as the Taleban.

And you know, we don't have to worry about beating extremism, as sooner or later, extremist factions turn on themselves, as each one thinks it is living a better way of life than the others. This happened in Algeria.

Anyway, enjoy your debate, I'm going to stay quiet from now on, as I don't think this is the place for reasonable discussion on serious issues.

Oh please...encouraging that we adopt a "regime" as "harsh" and as extreme as FANATICAL nut-jobs in order to fight them?

Yeah, that's gone over really well at Guantanamo and Abu Gahrab hasn't it? ;-)

We are supposed to be a shining light on a hill, a nation whom others look to for our optimism and our moral certitude. We have lost the high ground on that front, and it's time we get it back.

There is a time for force, but it should be a last resort. Diplomacy has been missing from our playbook for too long.
blkoralslaveboy said:
I wholeheartedly agree with you in supporting Obama, hell i'm about 75% on the liberal side! BUUUUT i would not show any joy nor any trust to ANYTHING the enemy spouts about either candidate. The fact that many whites and even minorities living in the backwoods stronghold of the conservative right believe Obama to be affiliated with terrorism all because of his ethnicity and his name is call for worry. Whether we admit it or not this could flare either way and probably even both ways. I hope neither side tries to deal the other a blow with this bit of news because it's like throwing a lit match on a revolving sprinkler spraying gasoline--you won't know till it happens.

Ether way i really don't think we should pay ANY attention to the enemy's view on our election.

I'm mostly with you on this, it's just that I kinda found it amusing that they actually used sound logic in deciding to endorse McCain. After all, history has borne out that the USSR pretty much collapsed for the exact reasons they give for supporting McCain. Mostly this is just food for thought. ;-)
"Oh please...encouraging that we adopt a "regime" as "harsh" and as extreme as FANATICAL nut-jobs in order to fight them?"

Thank you for backing up my point that reasonable debate is impossible on a site like this. I said that Al Qaeda wants the USA to introduce a regime as harsh as the Taleban, or in other words, an extremist Islamic dictatorship. Anything less than that, and they won't be happy. The US way of life is immoral, in the eyes of these fanatics, and that won't change, no matter who is in power.

Now, I truly will leave you to your debate!

Peace to one and all.
Dark_Destroyer_UK said:
"Oh please...encouraging that we adopt a "regime" as "harsh" and as extreme as FANATICAL nut-jobs in order to fight them?"

Thank you for backing up my point that reasonable debate is impossible on a site like this. I said that Al Qaeda wants the USA to introduce a regime as harsh as the Taleban, or in other words, an extremist Islamic dictatorship. Anything less than that, and they won't be happy. The US way of life is immoral, in the eyes of these fanatics, and that won't change, no matter who is in power.

Now, I truly will leave you to your debate!

Peace to one and all.

I misinterpreted your earlier post. The way you worded it seemed to me that you were implying we had to essentially "fight fire with fire". After your explanation and re-reading the original post, it makes more sense now and I whole-heartedly agree with what you're saying.

Let me be clear in my views as well...Al Quaeda is an extremist group that should be wiped out, not negotiated with since they represent a "lunatic fringe" with whom negotiation will simply never work. However, diplomacy should always be used first if at all possible. The trick is knowing when to use which tactic. The Bush administration has been a Bull in a China shop the past 8 years, which ironically ends up creating more of the very extremists we have to wipe out rather than more moderate thinkers we can negotiate with.
Will & Eve said:

Then since you made the initial claim, it's on you to do the legwork. Run along and come back with some links if you want to be taken seriously.

Or you could just turn on the TV and watch any one of the seemingly endless pundit talking head shows. All the shows on both sides of the aisle have been talking about it non-stop the past 36 hours.
sexycouple2011 said:
The Al Quaeda terrorist organization officially endorses McCain because they say he is more likely to extend the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and thereby exhaust the economic resources of the United States and lead us to collapse, a la Russia trying to invade Afghanistan in the late 70s, over-extending themselves, and ultimately leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Obama is not getting endorsements by terrorists, but he has gotten Colin Powell on board. The GOP is trying to dismiss his endorsement as "he's only endorsing him because he's black".

Christ, this is starting to look a little bit like the McCain campaign is just re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic.

So Al Quaeda are now claiming credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union ? Ans unfortunately its beeing repeated here as fact ! I presume the European nations desire for independence from Moscow didnt have anything to do with it. How about Poland and the Solidarity Trade Union etc etc
The CIA planted the Islamic seed in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It even supplied copies of the Koran to the Soviet republics in central Asia. Now the beast has gotten out of control and you have a much greater enemy than the Soviet Union ever was. And the US has created problems for other nations in the region. We are losing the war in Afghanistan. Thats why nations are not comitting themselves. No one wants to be seen as being defeated.
Hiopefully the Us has learnt some lessons from the Regan era.
Will & Eve said:
I watch news programing pretty much every hour I have control of the TV including several hours a night after midnight. I have yet to see a single mention of it. And since you are to lazy to back your point with a link, I'm ****** to conclude you don't care enough about the subject to discuss it fairly.

I'm tempted to lock the thread.

OK, here are just a few links:

We'll start with the original AP article and then the Washington Post article and take it from there...

The Associated Press: Al-Qaida-linked Web site backs McCain as president

On Al-Qaeda Web Sites, Joy Over U.S. Crisis, Support for McCain - washingtonpost.com

Al Qaeda Endorses McCain - Yahoo! News

Al-Qaeda supporters back John McCain for president - Times Online

Al Qaeda Endorses McCain

Al-Qaeda Supporters Endorse McCain

PERRspectives Blog: McCain's Al Qaeda Endorsement

Here's a snip from MSNBC's Countdown that covered it...do you want me to link to CNN and FOX clips too?


Shall I keep going?

The pundits on all the channels were all over this story when it hit. Then they were on to the next "McCain campaign screw up of the day" yesterday when it came out that Ashley Todd, McCain campaign worker, lied about the black man who supposedly beat her up and sexually assaulted her and carved a letter B on her face (for "Barack" presumably) because she had a McCain sticker on her car. Only one problem: the B on her face was carved backwards (like someone who would do it in the mirror) AND...she is FUCKING NASTY and no self-respecting tall black man would go near that stanky pussy. She'd have to pay someone to nail her. Oh, and then there's the small matter that she came out a day after the non-story broke and admitted she made it all up. LOL

So, yeah, the whole thing about Al-Qaeda was definitely a real story. It really wound't take that long to verify it. Can we have an honest discussion on here or not? When you talk about locking down a thread because you don't like that I didn't put links up it starts to sound like you don't want people disagreeing with you. How long does it take to go to google and type in "Al-Qaeda endorses McCain" and then wait 5 seconds for the literally dozens of links that pop up?
By the way, I really don't know why this is all that hard to believe. After all, it's a well known fact that Al-Queda has released statements on at least a couple occasions in which they state point-blank that President Bush is by far their best "recruiting tool". Their logic on endorsing McCain is based on that simple principle.
LOL Will, not only is it a blog thing but even if it was official, argument can be made that they would endorse McCain because they want Obama for president. After all, who in USA would vote Alqueda's endorsement ? Think they aren't aware of that?

Another non-issue and certainly not relevant to choosing a president.
Well Stated

RoSquirts said:
LOL Will, not only is it a blog thing but even if it was official, argument can be made that they would endorse McCain because they want Obama for president. After all, who in USA would vote Alqueda's endorsement ? Think they aren't aware of that?

Another non-issue and certainly not relevant to choosing a president.

For once I agree with every words you wrote. Also there will be opposing views in every organization, even terrorist groups.
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