Curious Cat
Sorry dude, but you are wrong on this one. That was not the right thing to post in here. The soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines who are over in the Middle East are fighting and dying for your right to post that kind of shit on the web. This site is dedicated to the fantasies and fulfillment of consenting adults. Thank goodness we live in a country where we can do what we want. Most likely, your pictures are pure bullshit. Dress a woman up in some fatigues and come up with bullshit like that. If the story is true, then you are one fucked up bastard. I don't care if you like the war or not, what you did is pure fucking wrong. I hope that if the 'husband' makes it home, he first jettisons that wench for cheating on him. Secondly, I would not be a bit surprised if he seeks your ass out and conducts a 'search and destroy' mission. He's been dealing with enough scum over there in the Middle East. He'll know what to do with a fucking parasite like you. I still think that the post is most likely bullshit, but if not, fuck off.:nono: :nono: :nono: