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Army Wife

  • Thread starterThe Curious Cat
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The Curious Cat

Beloved Member
Dec 9, 2005
Little ***** who frequents the BDSM clubs while hubby is away. I put her in his uniform and abused her more. ^_^

Her husband doesn't know she loves being filled with toys, degraded, spanked, and sufficated.





I hope that dude comes home, finds you, and beats the shit out of you. Even if she is a slut, he doesn't deserve that while he is deployed.
The Curious Cat said:
He shouldn't have married the barracks *****. If he was here I'd fuck her just as hard.

Yeah, and you would probably end up in a dumpster somewhere with you own dick stuffed in your mouth.


I like to see a white girl used well just like the next black man, But you and her need to be taken out back. You are wronnnnnnnnnnnng

No cheating is right. So don't pull that good moral garbage on me. Half of you get off on some 'poor husband' having his life ruined by their wife getting knocked up. So you ruin a kids life and a marriage. Such better morals than I.

Fuck him.

The Curious Cat said:
No cheating is right. So don't pull that good moral garbage on me. Half of you get off on some 'poor husband' having his life ruined by their wife getting knocked up. So you ruin a kids life and a marriage. Such better morals than I.

Fuck him.

Wait till he comes back and tell him that shit yourself. Then lets see how fucking tough you are. Do him a favor, give him the pics. Then he can kick the shit out of you and send that ***** on her way.
dirtleg...I agree with you.

Had I been married in the Marines, I'd be in the Fort Leavenworth Prison for murder...killing my ex-wife and her cheating boyfriend. (Last I heard...he's her hubby.)

Right now, I'm glad I'm NOT over there in Iraq...but regarding my cheating wife (Who is white): she slept with a man (also white) behind my back...and WE HAD KIDS FOR GOD'S SAKE!

Knowing this site is about interracial sex/cuckolding, my point is that this cheating is wrong...especially when kids are involved.

I won't get into my issues...this is NOT the time. Only the lord Jesus can judge them. If the army slut has kids...she better hope to have joint custody after the divorce. (I would actually humiliate the *****, were I in that position.)

May both of you fucking rot....she's just as guilty for doing that. I agree do the man a favor and show him the pictures...better yet show her where you posted them...she'll probably kick your ass..
wow someone really hit a nerve with this one lol!
Curious Cat

Sorry dude, but you are wrong on this one. That was not the right thing to post in here. The soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines who are over in the Middle East are fighting and dying for your right to post that kind of shit on the web. This site is dedicated to the fantasies and fulfillment of consenting adults. Thank goodness we live in a country where we can do what we want. Most likely, your pictures are pure bullshit. Dress a woman up in some fatigues and come up with bullshit like that. If the story is true, then you are one fucked up bastard. I don't care if you like the war or not, what you did is pure fucking wrong. I hope that if the 'husband' makes it home, he first jettisons that wench for cheating on him. Secondly, I would not be a bit surprised if he seeks your ass out and conducts a 'search and destroy' mission. He's been dealing with enough scum over there in the Middle East. He'll know what to do with a fucking parasite like you. I still think that the post is most likely bullshit, but if not, fuck off.:nono: :nono: :nono:

wellpussy is pussy married or how.Ulovefucking so get all u love and stay happpy,big belly or not
it's wrong to think and say that us military personnel are killing and to a far lesser extent dying to protect our freedom of speech. the troops (and more contractors) are over there because they were ordered there illegally and immorally by boy junior and his rich white uncle so they could git more oil. junior would just as soon shut down this website as pull the switch on almost 200 brothas (and one sister) on texas' deathrow. her husband my be in iraq but he could just as easily be at the motor pool in bufus miss and then probably nobody here would give a damn because it's her own freaking business and if you don't like it you can move on. the one who owes her husband an apology is the thief-in-chief.
The Curious Cat said:
Waaah. ;p Count on more photos coming of other little military wives next. Ft. Bragg's most trashiest. :yumyum:
Thanks for telling me where you are at. Ive got a brother down there. Im going to give him the pic to pass around. Ill bet if your story is true, the husband and quite a few of his friends will be sure that your pathetic ass doesn't post anymore shit.
dickstone said:
it's wrong to think and say that us military personnel are killing and to a far lesser extent dying to protect our freedom of speech. the troops (and more contractors) are over there because they were ordered there illegally and immorally by boy junior and his rich white uncle so they could git more oil. junior would just as soon shut down this website as pull the switch on almost 200 brothas (and one sister) on texas' deathrow. her husband my be in iraq but he could just as easily be at the motor pool in bufus miss and then probably nobody here would give a damn because it's her own freaking business and if you don't like it you can move on. the one who owes her husband an apology is the thief-in-chief.
First of all, what in the fuck are you blaming this assholes pride at fucking some soldier's wife on Bush for? Second, keep your political bullshit to yourself. Whatever reason the Iraq war started, it has nothing to do with this dude and his wife. So, your logic about the war, right or wrong, has nothing to do with this piece of shit.
Do Your Duty To Me First

Amusing. I'm a 27yo gal whose financee was shipped off to project the boy wonders ego; and, I fuck because I enjoy it. If he wanted a loyal babe then he should've thought about that before he joined the Marines. Erin
Get a grip

Why is it wrong to screw around with a woman whose husband/boyfriend is in the military? I don't hear the same complaints about women married to doctors, lawyers, policemen, etc... To think that one instance is right and the other wrong is hypocritical so get over yourself and stop trying to push your view of morality on the rest of us.

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