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Asian Lady's first

  • Thread starteryauwalak
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jul 2, 2004
I hope I can do this story justice. It took me 49 years to find out that being on the receiving end of a hard black cock was what I had needed for years. It all started when my husband and I were going through some rough times, we were both tired of each other and had nothing in common. Jim, his golfing buddy would come over to the house every Sunday after they played golf to watch football with my husband. I really never thought about having sex with Jim in fact I never thought about having sex since it had been so long. Well, our common restroom was having plumbing problems so every body had to use the restroom off of our master bedroom. The men would watch football and I would clean house and work in the kitchen, One day during this time Jim excused himself to use the restroom and I thought he stayed in there quite long, but didn't really think to much about it. Later that evening I was going to doing some washing, and while sorting things I noticed that a pair or my panties in the hamper were wet and while looking closer I saw some long black hair on them, funny because my husband is blond and I had keep mine trimed short. The more I thought about it the hotter I got, I started thinking maybe Jim had had them out. I thought about it for a whole week, and the next Sunday I made it a point to put a pair of white panties (that I had wore that day) on top of all the other stuff in the hamper and yes, they were somewhat wet. Again, Jim excused himself and used the restroom and again he spent a lot of time in there. After he came out I went in to check them with shakeing hands I opened the hamper and found them all balled up with a few drops of cum on them. I can't tell you how excited it made me, my hands were shakeing and I was very excited, I lower my pants and panties and masterbated right there while using my other finger to wipe his cum off of them and taste it. GOD, I was so hot, and I had the best climax I had had for years. I was so embearest when I came out of the restroom I knew that Jim was watching me.
That whole next week was hell, I must have masterbated ten times thinking about what has happened and Sunday morning I made up my mine that I was going to take it a step further, I wore a pair of pink panties that stayed wet all day and just before they (husband and Jim) got home I placed them in the hamper and up a note on them saying "Cum here". Well, it was about an hour before Jim went to the restroom and when he came out I was so excited and was afraid to look at him, he ask my husband if he could get him another beer and when he walked into the kitchen with that smile on his face I must have turned brite red. He passed by me an said "I left you a suprise", I waited for five minutes and ran to the restroom and pulled my panties from the hamper and there in the crouch was the bigest pool of cum I had ever seen, I almost **********, I pulled my pants and panties off and set on the tub tasting his cum a little at a time, I didn't want to waste it, I came so hard that day and made up my mind that I had to let him fuck me. If any one wishs to hear more please let me know and I'll continue.
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Hell yea tell us the rest. We all want to hear it.
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Thanks for asking, and I'm sure that after reading it you thought that I was a real ***** for doing what I did. Well, that was the first time I had ever done anything like that and I was even emberssed to write the note I placed in my panties, but I was caught up in something that was new and very exciting to me and I couldn't let it go. I have to say also that I dind't do justice to the last part where I was locked in the bathroom tasting Jim's cum, it took me a good 20 minutes, because I was shaking so much and after the first taste I couldn't stop, a finger full at a time. I let it cover my togune so that I could taste every little bit of it, and fingered myself to two climaxes.

Jim is an older black married man that was 58 when (six years ago) this happened, he is about 5'7" and overwate, not someone I would pick if I wanted to have an affair. But, I could not get him or what had happened out of my mind, I thought about it all that night and the next day even masterbated thinking about it. On Thuesday morning he called me and we made small talk for the first ten minutes, I didn't know what to say and was relived that he didn't bring up what had happened, then he asked if I liked my suprise, I was speachless and he ask again, I wanted to say I didn't know what he was talkeing about but I very quitely said "yes". He said that he was very happy to hear that and that it was the most exciting thing he had ever done but was so glad he had. He said that my wet panties tasted so sweet and had made him so hot that he had not cum that hard in years. I told him that we could not do it again that my husband would catch us and that would be trouble for the both of us, he said that he could not stop now and that we would just have to be very careful in the future. He told me that he had to eat my sweet pussy and that nothing would stop him, and he knew that I wanted more to that black cum. I didn't know what to say so I just lisened, he told me I didn't have to say anything because he knew that I wanted him to eat my pussy that's why I left my wet panties for him.

I didn't see him for two weeks but we talked every day and after the first week he had talked me into fingering myself during our phone calls. Well, when a lady is doing that it's hard not to be open with your feelings and to talk very suggestive. He desided that the phone calls were not enough and that I should meet him (no, he told me to meet him) at a motel on the other side of town, that I was to drive to the Kmart and he would pick me up. I said I could do that and he just said "at noon in the parking lot", I didn't want to but I had to, one part of me said this is not good and the other said that this is what you need and have to have. I parked at Kmart at 11:30 so, you see where my brain was, he picked me up and the first thing he did was to lean over and gave me a long loving kiss, then told me how happy he was to see me parked there. Then he said "take off your panties and let me smell them", with shaking hands I did just that and as he was driving and smelling my panties I was leaking so much from my pussy. He ask me if his cum had tasted good the day all of this started, I said yes, and he said how good, I then let myself go and told him that his was only the second time I had tasted cum and the first was my husbands and I didn't like it at all but his was so different and that I could not belive how good it was and how much I wanted to taste it again. He said "that if you like it so much from now you will have to suck or lick it every time I cum", You can't belive how hot and happy that made me feel. Got to go for now will post more later
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Well, I'll try to get more written on my story now, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to it.
As we drove to the motel he had got he insisted that I tell him everything I felt during the past two weeks and we talked about our conversations on the phone for the last two weeks. I poured out my feelings to him again because he wanted to look at me when I was telling him how hot I had got and what I did with him cum that day in the bathroom. Once we were in the room he said that from now on I was to worship his black dick and that I was to do everything he wanted me to with out question, I agreed because I wanted to and I was so turned on I just wanted him to use me. After we both stripped he laid on the bed and made me sit next to him and tell him again about my time eating his cum, then he said that everytime I see his dick getting wet I was to lick it clean,(God I wanted to hear that) he was uncut and about 7" long and kinda fat, I would lean down and lick it clean and keep talking, then we both could not take it anymore and he got on top of me and we fucked like neither one of us had had any in years, just as he was ready to cum (I had three times already) he told me that where ever he came I was to lick it up and made sure I understood, I told him that I had to have it in my mouth I had dreamed for three weeks about tasting it again, he pulled it out of my pussy and said here it is, now suck it out. I didn't even taste myself on his dick, all I wanted and could taste was his black dick and when he started to cum I came too, it was the hottest think I have ever felt I was cumming and for the first time sucking cum from a dick and loving it. I sucked it to ten minutes wanting to make sure I got every drop. It was like I was tasting something that I had waited my whole life to taste. Will send more soon. yauwalak
Can you send me a pair of you wet panites

Hi my name is tony i would love a pair of your wet panites i will cum in them after i am don smelling then licking all you pussy smell of them for real e mail i will give you my addess to send your pussy smell panites tony1902001@yahoo.com :D


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Could you PLEASE write more? Pictures? Thanks.
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Though I'd better add some more to Jim and I's affair, it's been a while since I wrote any and had some extra time today. First let me tell you a little about Jim, he is older that me and he had never been with a white or asian women before, he hadn't even had an affair since he was in his 30s, so this was kinda new for him also. He did like to read about black men dominating white women and it turn him on very much. So, we were both experimenting with this togeather. He loved to see me suck him off because he said that he could tell that I love doing it and that he knew after the fist time togeather that I loved the taste of his cum, and he was so right, I could not get enough of it. Since it was kinda hard for him to get out much we did alot of things during the day, we would take long lunch hours and meet at my house and fuck and suck for the whole time. Since he was uncut I loved pulling back the skin on his big black dick and sucking that tender head and then pull back so that I could watch him cum and of course clean it up for him. The times we could not spend too much time togeather we would meet for lunch and after we ate we woudl go to his car and he would jackoff and make me pull my panites down so that he could cum in them and then make me pull them back up. He said that way he knew that i could fell his cum rubbing all over my pussy for the rest of the day, GOD did that turn me on I was excited all afternoon and would hurry home to clean my panties of all his cum, yes I would lick them clean both his and my cum would have them really wet . Hope you like this little tidbit about Jim will write more later.

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Very nice story.

The years that followed, did you continue with Jim?
Your husband found out?
Any other lovers?

I would love to see a bigger pic of you.
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Well, between a busy work schedule, a broken computer and my daugther visiting for three months maybe now I can continue writing about Jim and I. We continued to meet about twice a month and each time was as hot or hotter than the others. Jim continued to tell me that I was the type of women that black men would love to be with, mature, very sexy, a little submissive and he could tell that I had a real love for a hard black cock. So, his desided that I should be trained to be a "discreet" black cock slut and that he would train me. No one had ever talked or treated me like a slut before and it suprized me that him calling and treating me like a slut just made me hotter and I found myself wanting to be called and treated as one. I trusted him so much that I took my training very serious and tried my very best to please him no matter what he wanted me to do.
It was so much fun learning new and kinky things from him I made sure that when we were togeather that I would be the best slut for him and try my hardest to please him. My favorite was sucking his cock and hearing him call me his black cock slut and that my mouth was made to suck black cocks. He wrote about us to a friend of his (Ruben) in Terrell TX where he grew up and he even started to give Jim ideas of what I should be doing. One weekend he was going to Terrell and his wife didn't want to go so he ask me if I would like to go for the weekend with him and that he thaught that it would be nice to stay with Ruben (he was divorced) and live alone. My heart skipped a beat because we had never been around other people that knew what we were doing, but at the same time I thought that this would be the time for me to show Jim that I could be his slut outside of the bedroom. The drive up there about 5 hours was much fun, every time a car would pass us with a black man in it Jim would ask me what i thought of him and for me to describe what I thought his black dick looked like and what I would like to do with it. So, buy the time we got to Rubens house I was so hot and wet, my pussy which was ******* during the whole drive was wet, red and puffy. Ruben live outside of Terrell close to a big lake and had a nice little place with a lot of land around his place. Very privite, his first words when he saw me was "so, your Jim's hot black cock slut" and because of Jim's training I told him that yes I was and that I was so lucky to be able to serve him as his slut, they both laught and Jim told me that this weekend that I could show him how much I had learned.
His first order was to strip and that as long as I was at Rubens that I was to be naked, now a year eariler if someone had told me that I would have screemed and ran away as fast as I could, but now---it was just what I wanted to hear. I striped and the first thing that Ruben said was "your going to have to prove to me everything that Jim told me about you, so first thing I want you to do is show me what kind of cocksucker you are".

Damn, I never have enough time, I will finish this later. Sorry
Wow what a sexy story. you must make time out to finish the story
Some more

Ruben lead us out to his patio and before he set down in a lawn chair he took off his pants and shorts, his black cock was not hard yet and it looked like Jim's, black, and uncut but fatter. I didn't waste any time finding my place between his legs, first I picked his black cock up with my hand and pulled back the skin, it was wet underneith and it started to grow, I played with it for a while till it was hard, the head of his black cock was much fatter that Jims and it looked so good all shiney. He told me to get started, and I started licking all over it, working my way back to that fat head once I got it in my mouth and moving my mouth up and down slowly he started moning and told me that he loved seeing my mouth on his black cock and he was going to show me just how much when he could cum in my mouth, that didn't take long, he cum so much that I could not swallow all of it and it dripped down on my tits, I didn't stop sucking/licking till he was all done and could not stand my mouth on his cock any longer. I then used my fingers to clean up his cum on my tits and sucked them clean. Ruben was so satisified and told me that I gave him the best blow-job he had ever had and that Jim was the luckest nigger in the state of Texas.

By this time Jim had his pants off and told me that I needed to suck him just as good as I had sucked Ruben, poor me, I loved every drop of cum I got that weekend. It was the first time that Ruben had been with other than a black woman and he was just thrilled that he had me for the weekend to use as his heart desired, he said that he was going to fuck me so much that I would forget Jim, Jim laught and said that he wasn't man enough to take his place between my legs. Both of these black men were "studs" that weekend and I would have done anything for them, they made me feel so wanted and loved (fucked too). After about two hours of drinking beer and lisening to all there stories they told about each other growing up togeather, Ruben said that he wanted some of my pussy, Jim told me to get on my knees on a pillow that was in a chair and Ruben got behind me and worked his hard black cock in my pussy, it was not easy because of his fat cock head. It felt so good and my pussy felt so full, he started moving back and forth and Jim got on his knees in front of my face and offered me his black cock, once I got it im my mouth Ruben would push his fat cock hard in to my pussy and force my mouth down on Jim's black cock, I was so hot, I must have cummed five times before Ruben filled my wet pussy with another load of his cum and that left me working over Jim's black cock, after about two minutes he cam in my mouth, sweet black cum in both ends, What a night. Will finish this later, I'm so hot that I'm going in my bedroom and fucking myself with a fat black rubber cock, a shame isn't it.
Well that weekend was more fun than I had in my life, being with two sexy older black men, being the center of their attention. On the ride back to San Antonio Jim and I talked about what all we had done and how much fun it was, all we could do was talk since my pussy was so puffy and sore and Jim said his dick couldn't take anymore for a while.

Three months later Jim took a job in D.C. even though I was happy for him I was so heartbroken that he was leaving. We were togeather two nights before he left and talked and fucked for the last time. Jim told me that we would keep in touch and if either of us got the chance to see each other we would. He also told me that he had been talking to Ruben and ask if it was ok to give him my phone number, of course it was I really enjoyed his company and would love to talk to him sometimes.

Jim, Ruben and I talked at least twice a month, mostly it was me lisening to them tell me how much they loved what we did and what we would do next time we were togeather. Jim and I still talk and email each other all the time and yes he loves to read about us here. When Ruben would call he would be so turned on and you could tell that he was so thankful for our time togeather and I just really loved talking to him, we would both be naked and play with ourselves while we talked.

Ruben called on Sunday and you could tell that he wanted to say something but was afarid that I just ask him what was it he "really" wanted to talk about, he said that all he could think about was our little threesome and he wanted to know if he would send me a plane ticket if I would come back up to Terrell and see him over the weekend. I said I would love to do that and would look forward to seeing him again, you could tell that he was so happy that he had asked and that I had said yes, he sounded like a teenager instead of a 63 year old man. The next week I got the ticket and got on the plane, I meet him in Dallas airport and the minute he saw me he stared to grin and looked so happy. The real suprize was he was not alone, since his car was just to drive around the lake area he had to get someone to bring him to the airport, it was a young black kid about 17/18 that lived a few houses down from him, Ruben had paid him to drive him to pick me up. Kevin was his name and I could tell right off that he was really shocked that Ruben had a lady-friend like me.

The ride back to Ruben's house was kind of different, both Ruben and jsut talked like we were old friends and about Jim and what he was doing in D.C. I was a lady and he was a gentleman so, Kevin just thought we were old friends and he was very quite. BUT the minute Kevin dropped us off at Rubens house everything changed, we both got naked and I told Ruben that I could not wait to get that big black cock of his in my mouth I wanted to pull the skin back so that I could suck on that wet, shinny, sweet head of his and to show him just how much I missed him, love jacking off his cock and then stopping with the skin back and the head all wet sucking on it real hard for a while and they start jacking it off some more. That Friday night we fucked and sucked till 2 in the morning, I so enjoyed pleasing him, and I know he loved hearing me tell him that I loved sucking his cock and that his cum was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted. I had his cum in my pussy, in my hair and all over my face that night. The next morning he made breakfast and we laid around naked all day just playing with each other. Late that afternoon he ask if I would like to go into Terrell to a BBQ place for dinner, so we got dressed and in his old car drove to town, the resturant was a nice place and when we walked in there were two tables of older black men setting around drinking beer, they all knew Ruben and started clapping and hollaring at Ruben, he took me over to the tables and introduced me to all of them. Well, they had all hear that he had a asian girlfriend and didn't belive him so this was to prove to them that he really did, so I made sure that they all knew that I was his girlfriend. We ate and when we left he told me that he had told them about me and that he was really proud of me for being such a nice lady in front of them and that they would think of him a lot different from now on. I said that I didn't mind him telling people in Terrell about me since I didn't live that and that I was proud to be his girlfriend.

That night out on his patio while I was playing with his cock, and him telling me what a slut I was for black cock, we were both talking really nasty to each other we saw Kevin hiding at the end of the house. Will finish this later.
me too

wel i was 33 when i went black
congrtas to U

yauwalak said:
I hope I can do this story justice. It took me 49 years to find out that being on the receiving end of a hard black cock was what I had needed for years. It all started when my husband and I were going through some rough times, we were both tired of each other and had nothing in common. Jim, his golfing buddy would come over to the house every Sunday after they played golf to watch football with my husband. I really never thought about having sex with Jim in fact I never thought about having sex since it had been so long. Well, our common restroom was having plumbing problems so every body had to use the restroom off of our master bedroom. The men would watch football and I would clean house and work in the kitchen, One day during this time Jim excused himself to use the restroom and I thought he stayed in there quite long, but didn't really think to much about it. Later that evening I was going to doing some washing, and while sorting things I noticed that a pair or my panties in the hamper were wet and while looking closer I saw some long black hair on them, funny because my husband is blond and I had keep mine trimed short. The more I thought about it the hotter I got, I started thinking maybe Jim had had them out. I thought about it for a whole week, and the next Sunday I made it a point to put a pair of white panties (that I had wore that day) on top of all the other stuff in the hamper and yes, they were somewhat wet. Again, Jim excused himself and used the restroom and again he spent a lot of time in there. After he came out I went in to check them with shakeing hands I opened the hamper and found them all balled up with a few drops of cum on them. I can't tell you how excited it made me, my hands were shakeing and I was very excited, I lower my pants and panties and masterbated right there while using my other finger to wipe his cum off of them and taste it. GOD, I was so hot, and I had the best climax I had had for years. I was so embearest when I came out of the restroom I knew that Jim was watching me.
That whole next week was hell, I must have masterbated ten times thinking about what has happened and Sunday morning I made up my mine that I was going to take it a step further, I wore a pair of pink panties that stayed wet all day and just before they (husband and Jim) got home I placed them in the hamper and up a note on them saying "Cum here". Well, it was about an hour before Jim went to the restroom and when he came out I was so excited and was afraid to look at him, he ask my husband if he could get him another beer and when he walked into the kitchen with that smile on his face I must have turned brite red. He passed by me an said "I left you a suprise", I waited for five minutes and ran to the restroom and pulled my panties from the hamper and there in the crouch was the bigest pool of cum I had ever seen, I almost **********, I pulled my pants and panties off and set on the tub tasting his cum a little at a time, I didn't want to waste it, I came so hard that day and made up my mind that I had to let him fuck me. If any one wishs to hear more please let me know and I'll continue.
Oh do continue
My 1st post. Nice pic. Continue the story.
I have read your stories and seen your pics on HOT_WIVES_FOR_OLDER_BBC in Yahoo!Groups and let me say that you have aged very well! I would like to read what happened after you caught Kevin looking in on you two! LOL!

I ain't going to lie, if you were into younger BBC and if I lived closer, I'd let you "teach" me anytime. Your looks and bod are better than some women my age (I am 33 in case you are wondering).

Well, I hope you finish that story one day. Lata!

Asia's First Lady! :hitit::lick::bj::hump:

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