He makes al Queda laugh at us, and hate the US even more...
I'd tell him something or another, but I would add to everyone else's comments.
When al Queda reads or hears about this via al Jazeera, the regular networks, BBC, etc., They will laugh at us...and loathe us even more.
Don't quote me, but this is what I would expect terrorist Osama bin Laden to say:
'Look at those hideous American zionist scum...They can't even help the Blacks in the hurricane-ravaged lands. They even let someone preach hatred...that is why we will wage a jihad, and destroy them in Allah's name.'
Don't label me as supporting the guy...I served my country in order to protect his right to speak, even if it is wrong. His claims are falling by the wayside, compared to finding an elusive terrorist that...believe it or not, would back his claim, use his "propaganda" for his own agenda, and god-forbid, if America gets fucked over, will use it on him.
My point is to ignore the comments. Yes, I get disturbed...but he has a right to speak, right or wrong. I'm glad that SOME people don't reply to EVERY comment I make.
Case in point: a similar individual thought he could stump me with my issue regarding a recent divorce. (Yes I am divorced from a white woman.) I got so pissed that I did what he set out to do...make me out to be an asshole.
Now, someone similar to Mighty Thor is trying to get under my skin. I hope that EVERYONE can see my point here...There are MORE important things than being proud of one's race, preaching hatred, etc.
As I mentioned earlier, we have an elusive group of terrorists...some of which are in Iraq, killing and spreading hatred for ALMOST anything.
You are American (Black, White, Male, Female, citizen, politician, or soldier)...They'll kill you!!!
You are Iraqi citizen...They'll kill you!!! (whether or not you support their new government.)
You are British, GERMAN, French, etc., They'll kill you!!!
Not to take a pot-shot, but if they add Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist sympathizers to that list...They'll kill them, too!!! (I'll add that Thor will say that they are welcome to try.)
Remember the 2,000 soldiers we have currently lost in Iraq...al Queda is making more hell than Mighty Thor, the 'Olsen Wanna-be's,' even the Neo-Nazi's that were to have that march in Ohio a couple weeks ago.
Granted I don't like the message he is saying, but he said it, and we should just leave it. If it grows to the level of al Queda, THEN action should be taken.
If I sound like a 'compromising negro,' sorry to ruin your fun. But I have OTHER issues than this. (Hint: finding bin Laden and company for those that are still pissed off.)