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Blonde young racist girls!!!

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Feb 23, 2005


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"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white … we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."

I'm wondering why they are labeled as racist?, because they are proud to be white?
Isn't the million man march a rally to promote pride itn the African American race?.
Just wondering.
This is what happens when Snowflakes are denied their fair share of Black dick.

Be Warned!

Peace. 8)
dolt wrote:

"What should you do about them? Young, blonde, racist chicks!"

Commend them! Send 'em letters of support!! Buy their music!!!

"I'm wondering why they are labeled as racist?, because they are proud to be white?"

You hit the nail right on the proverbial head! That's the ONLY reason. It's a filthy double standard institutionalized by Jewish Marxists (so-called "progressives"), Negroes (and other non-Whites) and guilt-ridden White liberals (seeking to make amends for some so-called past injustices they never had any part in) who have infested and taken over the 'mainstream' press and agencies within our government* who unfairly and unjustly demonize and attack anyone of Causcasian persuasion who exhibits any pro-White consciousness.

You never, ever, hear of members of the Mexican La Raza (translated "The Race") or any one of a multitude of Black-only organizations referred to in such a derogatory, hate-filled manner! Why, they're just displaying ethnic or racial pride!

Everyone can openly exhibit pride except White folks without being marginalized, demonized and characterized as the epitome of hate and evil! For if Whites were allowed and encouraged to do so, why by golly, soon afterwards they'll be goose-stepping down our streets and eventually start rounding up Jews to send to the (mythical) ovens. Right, Abe Foxman and Mark Potok??

That's okay, the more you deny Whites their rights the more racially- conscious, so-called "racist" (read: Pro White) Caucasians that will surface. A very good thing!

The Snowflakes are very good girls. They're a wholesome example to all White girls--unlike the pieces of trash that have succumbed to the non-stop (and criminal) race-mixing propaganda being promoted ad nauseam on so-called music channels like MTV (Miscegenation TeleVision) and every sort of 'mainstream' entertainment and news media.

guilt-ridden montrealwhite~m burped:

"Normally I would agree with what you're saying but the HITLER HAPPY FACE -SHIRTS are a less than subtle scream."

"HITLER HAPPY"...gee how original (BIG YAWN...). You don't know the first thing about Adolph Hitler--you and legions of other non-informed lemmings just parrot in knee-jerk fashion the most misleading, contemptuous propaganda about him. Am I saying he was a saint? No. But compared to Lenin and Stalin (and their band of overwhelmingly Jewish Bolsheviks aka administrators and advisors) who were responsible for far more deaths (30 to 60 million deaths in the Soviet bloc in direct and indirect manner), as well the millions that that merciless pig Mao Tse Tung (more like Dung!) had liquidated, he wasn't that bad a guy. Golly, gee...guess that makes me "HITLER HAPPY".

And so I'm not to be accused of "racism," how can I leave out homeboys Idi Amin and Robert Mugabe and a whole host of other bloodthirsty potentates???

blackbullshitter1970 farted:

"This is what happens when Snowflakes are denied their fair share of Black dick."

In your dreams. They'd probably VOMIT on the sight of a feces-colored, "Black dick."

Mighty Thor

*In concert with the kikish (so-called 'Anti') Defamation League, SPLC and niggish NAACP.
He makes al Queda laugh at us, and hate the US even more...

I'd tell him something or another, but I would add to everyone else's comments.

When al Queda reads or hears about this via al Jazeera, the regular networks, BBC, etc., They will laugh at us...and loathe us even more.

Don't quote me, but this is what I would expect terrorist Osama bin Laden to say:

'Look at those hideous American zionist scum...They can't even help the Blacks in the hurricane-ravaged lands. They even let someone preach hatred...that is why we will wage a jihad, and destroy them in Allah's name.'

Don't label me as supporting the guy...I served my country in order to protect his right to speak, even if it is wrong. His claims are falling by the wayside, compared to finding an elusive terrorist that...believe it or not, would back his claim, use his "propaganda" for his own agenda, and god-forbid, if America gets fucked over, will use it on him.

My point is to ignore the comments. Yes, I get disturbed...but he has a right to speak, right or wrong. I'm glad that SOME people don't reply to EVERY comment I make.

Case in point: a similar individual thought he could stump me with my issue regarding a recent divorce. (Yes I am divorced from a white woman.) I got so pissed that I did what he set out to do...make me out to be an asshole.

Now, someone similar to Mighty Thor is trying to get under my skin. I hope that EVERYONE can see my point here...There are MORE important things than being proud of one's race, preaching hatred, etc.

As I mentioned earlier, we have an elusive group of terrorists...some of which are in Iraq, killing and spreading hatred for ALMOST anything.

You are American (Black, White, Male, Female, citizen, politician, or soldier)...They'll kill you!!!

You are Iraqi citizen...They'll kill you!!! (whether or not you support their new government.)

You are British, GERMAN, French, etc., They'll kill you!!!

Not to take a pot-shot, but if they add Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist sympathizers to that list...They'll kill them, too!!! (I'll add that Thor will say that they are welcome to try.)

Remember the 2,000 soldiers we have currently lost in Queda is making more hell than Mighty Thor, the 'Olsen Wanna-be's,' even the Neo-Nazi's that were to have that march in Ohio a couple weeks ago.

Granted I don't like the message he is saying, but he said it, and we should just leave it. If it grows to the level of al Queda, THEN action should be taken.

If I sound like a 'compromising negro,' sorry to ruin your fun. But I have OTHER issues than this. (Hint: finding bin Laden and company for those that are still pissed off.)
BTW, I do have a question...

WHY is someone spitting 'white pride' doing on this site?

"The Dark Cavern is dedicated to lovers of Interracial Lust, specifically White wives with Black Lovers."

It is NOT dedicated to preaching white pride like that. There are other groups to visit that would share YOUR VIEWS!

I was EXACTLY like Thor...until a woman of Hawaiian/Asian decendency impressed me. Since then, I kept a open mind...but NOT THAT OPEN!

Again, my last post said it best:

we have an elusive group of terrorists...some of which are in Iraq, killing and spreading hatred for ALMOST anything.

Thor...not to 'rag' on you...but don't make youself out to be an asshole. Spit your message elsewhere...and this is a polite request from a former Marine who saw friends who preached 'white pride' die in Iraq.

What you are doing is disgracing those that are fighting for your right to speak what you feel...right OR wrong.

If bin Laden's cronies were here, I hope you would ask for help, instead of relying on Adolf's legacy. 'Americans first' was my friend's saying.

Keep that in mind, as you stand by your beliefs.

Note I took off my I am talking to this forum as a PROUD American FIRST, and a Black man SECOND!

Man! You said it for me aswell. Only im ex USAF. Peajay
Thanks Peajay...I am frustrated over things in this forum, but what has been posted, REALLY tested my resolve.

What the Drill/Flight Instructors said in Boot Camp/Basic Training was true: "There is that certain percent that ruins things." (In Marine Boot Camp, the number was 10%...who knows if it is higher or lower.)

I have to keep from getting involved in many needless, or nonessential issues, (Of which one I started) can cause fights.

Your positive reply is welcomed.

'Mighty Thor' is just another nutjob who hates some dictators (Stalin Mao Mugabe...) but not others (Hitler). Fuck him.
Going a bit further from what you said Earl. Look at that dumbass mayor of NO. He had 200+ school buses that could have shifted 16000 people in one run but what did he do? Nothing cos of the mindset that Im black so the feds or the state must do something. How long would that idiot last in the service when theres incoming. Wait for somebody to do something?
Then we get the rumor that the levees were blown up. Fer God's sake what planet are these people on. Do they think this helps the remaining problems with race in this country. This is the best country on the world. It's not perfect but its a damned sight better than anywhere else. Get off your fat black asses and do something to help yourselves.
What's the big deal?

In about five years, the'll be singing a different tune!
After they've partied with their colleges' basketball team
a few times they'll be buns-up and begging for black!

BTW, apparently these brats grew up watching Evil Sesame Street.

They are just kids who from a very young age have gone through a different kind of child abuse then you usually hear about on the news. Their parents ahve taught them to hate people who are not exactly a certain way, or color, or belief. I feel sad for them, and angry at the parents, because the parents will not suffer but he kids will.
Admittedly, I have not listened to any of their music. After reading the ABC article and the quotes used to justify the label "racist", it seems unsubstantiated. It would be nice to see everyone proud of themselves without any needed justification. I do think it is fucked up to show admiration (the t-shirt with the smiling hitlers) for a guy who ordered countless murders just because he didn't like them.
But, if it is only that they are saying, "just be proud of yourself", i can only see that as a positive thing.

On parallel, i think that ABC should regard their reputation with substantial, unbiased writing. The article falls into the heaping pile of other irresponsibly written agenda-based panderings. It is an insult to the american people to not at least merit us with a higher degree of persuasive arguement than the ones presented.
I just revisited this thread to see if anybody laughed at the picture I posted of Hitler and Bert from Sesame Street, and was suprised to find Dark Cavern members still defending these girls.

It's amazing how any member of this board could have any doubts about the dangerous messages of hate PB is in a position to spread. Their motive is far more about promoting Xenophobic hatred of non-whites than with any admirable Anglo-ethnic pride.

FYI- I followed the link to their website and official forums and found among the topics offered by the sites administrators were "Crimes Against The White Race", "Jewish Behavior" and this link posted by a site moderator...

Also of note were photos of Prussian Blue snuggling up to Tom Metzger the infamous So-Cal racist, former Grand Dragon of the KKK and publisher of the White Aryan Resistance website.
chinese said:
I just revisited this thread to see if anybody laughed at the picture I posted of Hitler and Bert from Sesame Street, and was suprised to find Dark Cavern members still defending these girls.

It's amazing how any member of this board could have any doubts about the dangerous messages of hate PB is in a position to spread. Their motive is far more about promoting Xenophobic hatred of non-whites than with any admirable Anglo-ethnic pride.

FYI- I followed the link to their website and official forums and found among the topics offered by the sites administrators were "Crimes Against The White Race", "Jewish Behavior" and this link posted by a site moderator...

Also of note were photos of Prussian Blue snuggling up to Tom Metzger the infamous So-Cal racist, former Grand Dragon of the KKK and publisher of the White Aryan Resistance website.
That link above is hillarious, me and my wife laughed for ages, although it is true, if your not happy then everyone should return to their home land, ie blacks to africa and white americans to England and Ireland. I suppose the Indian's can stay as they were in the US first. At the moment we have so many refuges in the UK its a nightmare, close the boarders and make it quick!
Fake them

Show them with some black studs and we'll post them all over the INternet.
we are all the same as i se it.were born we live we die.its what u do inbetween that counts.we dont have time for hate.
I tried to ignore this thread, because this message board is about interracial fantasies and not White or Black Power politics. But since we got ourselves caught up in some sort of internet race war, I am just going to add my two (political) cents to the story. Don't know if anybody here is familiar with Michelle Malkin's writings? She is a journalist, a Filipino immigrant to the U.S..
Read her article, 'Racism gets a whitewash' at
More or less how I feel about the issue.

And now let's all go back to the good old xxxrated stuff, folks!
atyourservice said:
Show them with some black studs and we'll post them all over the INternet.

Better don't, because those girls are underaged, could cause a lot of legal problems.
there but for the grace of god go i.think about it folks u can sit in judjment all day but if u were there u wud without doubt be different thank ur very lucky stars somebody else is doing the time for u .

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