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Can anyone give me a straight answer?...

  • Thread starterdl_stevens
  • Start date
It sounds like you've guided your woman to the right track.

D.L. Stevens,

Anubis_30 said:
[My current woman] said things like how it turns her on to know someone like me is her possession to do with as she pleases, and how she likes the idea of proving she's in control by not letting me have her even if she too wants it... and instead, letting other hot guys who are built like me take her and use her.

Congratulations for turning-on such a hot-looking woman, who was initially "sexually boring" — as you described her, above — to the concept of a femdom (/female-led) relationship with you despite, one might say, the "Mr. Universe-aspiring macho nature" of your appearance.

Anubis_30 said:
She wants to be sexually desired and hunted by sexually charged guys with big cocks who are out for the hunt.

Good for her... she is on the right track.

Anubis_30 said:
She described thinking about wearing a tight little short dress with no underwear and stiletto heels, having guys at a club check her out, and then picking one she's interested in and seductively opening her legs to give him a little show ;) Then seeing where it goes from there.

Excellent! It sounds like you will soon be her cuckold... or you would be, if she were your wife.

Anubis_30 said:
I told her that once a guys animal instincts kick in with a sexy girl, he just wants to fuck her brains out and mark her with his seed by squirting some inside of her.

You have given your woman good advice...

Anubis_30 said:
She said "of course...that's the only way."

and she told you she understands...

Anubis_30 said:
I asked her what if I didn't want someone to do that...and she responded, "oh, already said I'm in control" in a playful yet assertive way that is totally uncharacteristic of how she was for so long at the beginning.

...and expects you to accept your role as her submissive man.

Anubis_30 said:
A couple of months ago when we started talking about this, she said it was fun to fantasize about, but she couldn't really do this. Then a while later she asked whether I thought it could really happen...adding "because I think it could."

I guess that would be an understatement.

Anubis_30 said:
And now it's not even a question when I talk to her...she says playfully when we talk about fantasy scenarios "ok I'm going to remember this...don't try to change your mind!"

Very good. Your woman has put you on notice. If you were to back out now, I think you'd find she'd be very disappointed. Maybe you should consider giving her, as a gift:

Sutton, Elise. 2003. Female Domination: an exploration of the male desire for loving female authority (298 pp., softcover).

for her to carry around in her purse and read whenever she has some spare time. Perhaps she would also find

Elise Sutton's Female Superiority Page

to be of interest, along with a gift subscription to Ms. Elise's e-zine "Predominant."

Just a suggestion.

I don't really think his question has anything to do with
Elise Sutton's Female Superiority Page
It doesn't even relate to anything he's talking about.
If he suggested she read Elise she would think he was crazy and dump his ass for sure.

Not very good advice.

Not trying to be rude custer but the material your asking him to give her is for advanced cuckolds only and could very well destroy his relationship with her completely...
Oh, oh... I wonder if Ms. E.S. will withstand this withering criticism...


babyruthiezhubby said:
I don't really think his question has anything to do with
Elise Sutton's Female Superiority Page
It doesn't even relate to anything he's talking about.
If he suggested she read Elise she would think he was crazy and dump his ass for sure.

Oh, oh... more bad-mouthing of Ms. Elise Sutton. I wonder if she'll be able to survive these withering attacks...?

babyruthiezhubby said:
Not very good advice.

And me as well. Jeez...

babyruthiezhubby said:
Not trying to be rude, custer, but the material you're asking him [D.L. Stevens] to give [his woman] is for advanced cuckolds only...

I'm willing to leave it to D.L. Stevens to decide that. In any case, men become "advanced cuckolds" only after their women make them their cuckolds. That's what Stevens is skillfully guiding his woman to do. Also, I didn't "ask him" to give Ms. Elise Sutton's book (and web page, as it were) to his woman. Rather, I suggested it might be of interest. What he and she do, obviously, is up to them.

babyruthiezhubby said:
.... and could very well destroy his relationship with her completely.

I doubt it. Steven's woman is obviously highly adaptable. The reason she has come so far, so fast may, in fact, be that she has been reading Ms. Elise on her own. It's not like her writings are classified, ya' know...

I suppose I shouldn't protest, though, because the best way to increase recognition of a writer who might otherwise remain obscure is to attempt, in essence, to "ban" or "censor" the author by insisting no one should read his or her books and/or web site. A good example would be Dan Brown's book, "The Da Vinci Code." Sales took a HUGE step up and it became an international best seller when The Vatican strongly recommended Catholics not read it. (At that point I bought it and read it myself, reasoning anything the Catholic Church didn't want their adherents — their flock, as the church higher-ups think of them — to know must be worth reading. I didn't regret it.)

Custer Laststand said:

Oh, oh... more bad-mouthing of Ms. Elise Sutton. I wonder if she'll be able to survive these withering attacks...?

I didn't bad mouth Elise Sutton I was merely pointing out that it had nothing to do with the discussion. If I had wanted to bad mouth her I would have pointed out that Ms Elise Sutton is an angry Feminazi that that couldn't get a cock if her life depended on it. Now that would be bad mouthing Elsie but I didn't say that in my response.

And me as well. Jeez...

I was not attacking you either. I thought I was rather reserved in my response given the radical nature of the reading material you were suggesting to a couple just entering the life style.

I'm willing to leave it to D.L. Stevens to decide that. In any case, men become "advanced cuckolds" only after their women make them their cuckolds. That's what Stevens is skillfully guiding his woman to do. Also, I didn't "ask him" to give Ms. Elise Sutton's book (and web page, as it were) to his woman. Rather, I suggested it might be of interest. What he and she do, obviously, is up to them.

I realize your a highly intellectual being far superior to anyone else here but did it ever occur to you that not everyone wants to be turned into a worthless slave to be water boarded with piss by a Feminazi like Ms Elsie or any other women. (Water boarded with piss is a good one and I'm sure she would have used it in her book had she thought of it.)

I doubt it. Steven's woman is obviously highly adaptable. The reason she has come so far, so fast may, in fact, be that she has been reading Ms. Elise on her own. It's not like her writings are classified, ya' know...

I doubt it. Her writings should be classified though, as garbage. Most people in here are just looking to have fun, share some feelings and have reasonable discussion not be turned into a torchered slave.

I suppose I shouldn't protest, though, because the best way to increase recognition of a writer who might otherwise remain obscure is to attempt, in essence, to "ban" or "censor" the author by insisting no one should read his or her books and/or web site. A good example would be Dan Brown's book, "The Da Vinci Code." Sales took a HUGE step up and it became an international best seller when The Vatican strongly recommended Catholics not read it. (At that point I bought it and read it myself, reasoning anything the Catholic Church didn't want their adherents — their flock, as the church higher-ups think of them — to know must be worth reading. I didn't regret it.)


Yes I'm sure you've read many books. I'm sure all of us here are all proud of you and in awe of your superior intellect and your expert knowledge of the cuckold community and everything else you have read in some radical book and allowed your mind to be lead into believing it's of some worth.
I do agree with one thing though. Everyone should read Ms Elsie's twisted ramblings If for no other reason than to give understanding as to inner workings of a sick mind.
I do have one question for you though Custer. Do you own the Ms Elsie's (Spawn of Hitler) web page or own some stock in the distribution of her ramblings. Just curious because you seem to suggest the reading of it to everyone on here. Why don't you just make a signature link to Ms Elsie's page and let everyone take a look that wants too instead of using hard core sales tactics. I think you would find everyone to be more receptive to that approach

Regarding your question:

babyruthiezhubby said:
I do have one question for you though Custer. Do you own the Ms Elsie's (Spawn of Hitler) web page or own some stock in the distribution of her ramblings. Just curious because you seem to suggest the reading of it to everyone on here. ....

No. I gave a more complete answer to your question at the end of post #79, of 18 July 2010, in Ms. Lexxi's thread (which was addressed to Ms. Lexxi). It reads as follows.

Custer Laststand said:
*I should probably note I do not gain financially nor in any other way from sale of Ms. Elise Sutton's books or recommendation of her methods.


Regarding your comment:

babyruthiezhubby said:
Just curious because you seem to suggest the reading of [Ms. Elise's site] to everyone on here.

Actually, I don't. I've only suggested that to those who seem inclined in that direction, and who have partners who seem likely to respond favorably.

Not all people, incidentally, seem to be as offended as you are by this suggestion. Ms. Lexxi, as you may recall, responded as follows:

lexxi said:
OMG this is some of the most interesting reading!!! Thank you so much for providing this info.


lexxi said:
Just another note. Anyone at all into any of this should go to the Elise Sutton link that Custer provided. An amazing site.

And I too will say I'm not gaining FINANCIALLY from anything pertaining to her site, I'm only gaining ORGASMICALLY!!!

Thank you once again Custer for the link!

LOL, you guys are too funny. Probably some good points on both sides. Custer, I wouldn't be surprised if she's looking things up on the may be right to an extent, but I doubt it is to that extent and neither I nor she are that far in that direction.

I will come back to this thread and post updates periodically - if you guys/gals are interested?

I have to say one thing about her that I've noticed... no matter when I bring this up, she is always responsive and always gets turned on. Even if she doesn't say much, and I do most of the talking, she will just say "it's because I'm somewhere that I can't say much...if I didn't want to hear it, I'd tell you to stop." That seems crazy to me, because my feeling on things really fluctuates with my mood, but she NEVER seems turned off or disinterested when I talk about her getting banged and filled up with cream like a doughnut. First thing in the morning, afternoon, night...doesn't matter...she always listens to every word and reacts approvingly..adding her own teasing questions, confirmations and replies.

She may not initiate, but she seems to ALWAYS be in the ready position. Interesting, and strikes me as being potentially a lot of fun when she gets back here...
The main thing is to just go slow. take your time getting there. It's more fun that way anyway and you'll figure out what you both want that way and what the limits are.
It's probably not a good idea to have her tie you up and beat you with a rubber hose right off. It's just my opinion of course haha.

Anubis_30 said:
I will come back to this thread and post updates periodically - if you guys/gals are interested?

Sure... would like to hear updates.

Anubis_30 said:
I have to say one thing about her that I've noticed... no matter when I bring this up, she is always responsive and always gets turned on. Even if she doesn't say much, and I do most of the talking, she will just say "it's because I'm somewhere that I can't say much...if I didn't want to hear it, I'd tell you to stop." That seems crazy to me, because my feeling on things really fluctuates with my mood, but she NEVER seems turned off or disinterested when I talk about her getting banged and filled up with cream like a doughnut. First thing in the morning, afternoon, night...doesn't matter...she always listens to every word and reacts approvingly..adding her own teasing questions, confirmations and replies.

It sounds like you have a willing woman. One has the impression she'll move more-or-less as far as you would like her to move in this direction.

Anubis_30 said:
She may not initiate, but she seems to ALWAYS be in the ready position. Interesting, and strikes me as being potentially a lot of fun when she gets back here...

When she "gets back here" from where?

So, do you feel enlightened...?

DL Stevens aka Anubis,

Anubis_30 said:
LOL, you guys are too funny.

That's good to hear. Some levity is always a good thing...

Anubis_30 said:
Probably some good points on both sides. Custer, I wouldn't be surprised if she's looking things up on the internet...

Neither would I. Obviously it's a source of ideas, information, etc., that's equally open to everyone.

Anubis_30 said:
You may be right to an extent, but I doubt it is to that extent and neither I nor she are that far in that direction.

Well, whatever works for the two of you. It was only a suggestion for you to consider (or not), as I mentioned.

Anubis_30 said:
I have to say one thing about her that I've noticed... no matter when I bring this up, she is always responsive and always gets turned on.

Sounds like you've enlarged your woman's sexual horizons, and she now realizes it doesn't necessarily alienate her man (you) if she talks about her secret desires that she always thought were deeply taboo and would probably result in losing her man (you), perhaps immediately, if she brought them up.

BTW, you began this thread with a question, although it took you a while to get to it. A number of forum members responded with various thoughts, some of which may actually have been relevant. Do you now feel enlightened, at least slightly, or do you still have the same question and is it still unanswered?

Duke, it it nice we agree for once!

duke9555 said:

there are no straight men either apparently :p

I have doubted streight men for years, of course many witll not admit their sexual nature. A hard cock has no concoius.
Custer Laststand said:
DL Stevens aka Anubis,

That's good to hear. Some levity is always a good thing...

Neither would I. Obviously it's a source of ideas, information, etc., that's equally open to everyone.

Well, whatever works for the two of you. It was only a suggestion for you to consider (or not), as I mentioned.

Sounds like you've enlarged your woman's sexual horizons, and she now realizes it doesn't necessarily alienate her man (you) if she talks about her secret desires that she always thought were deeply taboo and would probably result in losing her man (you), perhaps immediately, if she brought them up.

BTW, you began this thread with a question, although it took you a while to get to it. A number of forum members responded with various thoughts, some of which may actually have been relevant. Do you now feel enlightened, at least slightly, or do you still have the same question and is it still unanswered?


Yeah Custer, all of this info helps...many sides to the same coin, so it's good to hear everyone's take on it.. update. I started teasing her about how I was going to come inside the house when I got home from work and "take her" and show her who's boss when she came back here to be together. Initially she said "I thought I was in control?" I started teasing back and said "I don't think you really mean are just full of hot air ;)". She said she had to go so she could get back to work, and then I started back up when we talked later that night. She got quite irritated. When I inquired about her attitude, she said she had been reading on MSN about how people play like this to "spice up" their marriage, and we are NOT married (she gets quite irritated about how she doesn't think I want to commit to her (get married, etc)...she has a real problem about the fact that I've been married goes back to the South American family values... only child thing...which has always been somewhat odd considering how naughty she clearly is sexually).

I wasn't sure why she blew up like that. We haven't really played about this since then. That's sort of why I haven't been on here much lately. I will have to see how things go. She clearly pointed out later "I'm not offended about everything we talk about, just some things...I like other things we talk about...I just don't want you to express that we are "together" when we clearly aren't official "together". She just really wants to be married...her Brazilian cousins constantly tell her that I will never marry her, and it really gets to her head, and it bugs the hell out of me.

As you all can see, she is a really HOT piece, with some awesome sexual behaviors, so I have NO problem committing. I'd be much less happy committing to someone who is "truly" sexually prudish (like I thought she was ;) )

I don't doubt her emotions, but she is obviously hot, sexy, and a freak inside (so the best of both worlds in my opinion!...thanks for the support guys and gals...hopefully things will work out :cool:)
Here are some pics from my camera in my apt that I sent to her to "encourage" her to hurry and get back here (for the ladies, if you're interested :eek: :cool: )


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A few more :eek: :p


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And finally, a little of what she's been missin' :D (of course, this might drive her to want to go out and get railed tonight rather than encourage her to get back here

The idea for these came from my new security system, which I had just set up, that has motion activated cameras. I noticed some still shots had been captured on my HD after I came out of the shower, showing me from behind lol. She wanted to see it, so I got the idea to make a couple more pictures that she might like ;)


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Reply to withering indictment...


Your recent post in Cumher1's thread reminded me of the following comment from Babyruthiezhubby in your earlier thread, in which you initially used dl_stevens as your screen name then changed it to anubis_30. As you may recall, the following was addressed to me (not you).

babyruthiezhubby said:
To Custer: yes I'm sure you've read many books. I'm sure all of us here are proud of you and in awe of your superior intellect and your expert knowledge of the cuckold community and everything else you have read in some radical book and allowed your mind to be led into believing it's of some worth. ... etc ...

Reply to Babyruthiezhubby:

My supposedly superior intellect has been hard at work attempting to think of a suitable response to your scathing blast, in which I'm accused of reading books and... well... having an intellect, among other failings. The main thought that occurs to me is that since DL_Stevens aka Anubis_30 claimed, in effect, to be an attorney earlier in this thread (see post #3), he probably would have preferred you conclude with: "I rest my case." Other than this mild criticism, I'm at a loss for any additional commentary in response to your withering indictment. So, I guess I'll have to pass.


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