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ChicagoNites is the new ro

  • Thread startersub_female_4_breeding
  • Start date
No personal attacts please......let's just agree to interpret the rules the same.

I'm not trying to pick on Nites for personal reasons or attack his personal life. It's all about the chat room conduct and what works best for the room or not.

I personally have never said anything about Nites that is out of line whatsoever. I have sited examples. Yesterday I entered the room. I posted for the first time that day "anyone want to chat just PM me" he immediately said that was not allowed.

Another time I posted that same message, chatted privately with several who responded. After a period of time, over an hour at least, and over 100 people coming and going in the room I posted it again, then chatted privately again with those who responded. Keeping out of the way of others who enjoy chatting openly in the room. Nites said that was "constant" posting. 2 posts over an hour apart. And when I tried to explain how many people had come and gone (I actually scrolled back and counted to be sure I wasn't mistaken), and how long since the last post, he said I was being argumentative and banned me for a week. That fast, no further discussion. Poof.

What I did is not out of bounds for a chat room. I never use abusive language, never bother anyone at all. I let everyone know they can send me a message if they so choose, and lots then do. then after a period of time and many have come and gone. I let the new ones know its ok to send a message to me if they want. and I stay out of the way.

So since I've begun saving the chat room text periodically so I can show how many have come and gone into the room and how long between my posts so I can defend my case should it happen again.

There are no absolute clearly defined rules. How often is "constant", every 5 minutes, every hour, every 3 hours? How many people can come and go in the room before its appropriate to repeat a post? Is it bad for us to try to make these clear distinctions so we know? I have asked these exact questions in the room and I was told I was being "difficult". Just for asking! And was threatened with being banned again. And never was given an answer. Ever, still to this day! These rules should be how DC agrees and enforced consistantly by all Mods at all times of the day. They all apply unwritten rules differently. My posts at other times when Nites is not the Mod are never questioned.

I know this is long, sorry. Also in no way can this be construed as being against Nites or his enemy. Just be clear. But just because I openly question his application of "unwritten" rules I'm deemed by him to be a troublemaker.

I entered the room this morning with this comment "hello all" and Nites then says to all in the room "someone is here who wants me gone". Immediately stirring things up.
I was in the chat room today also when nite started to "Immediately stirring things up."he also said he wanted to hear what we had to say then after telling him he baned me lol...luvbeingcuckedbybbc you will be lucky if you dont get baned by D.C for posting that..I find it funny that D.C n mods want to hear what u have to say but ban you for saying it..really that chat room dosent need mods and when we get them they seem to power trip ..so power triping mods or dumbasses in the room? well we can iggy the dumbasses...wish we could do the same with the mods....
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I think having WRITTEN posted rules would solve alot of this. More then a few people have brought this up over the years.
177 people in chat I asked about any issues no one spoke to me about nothing even said I wont ban ya or gag ya or pm me if you wish not one response
problem is Muleman, you are the only sane mod in here. everyone is afraid to say anything in chat. When you used to ask ro what you did wrong she just banned you. now looks as if Nites is doing the same thing.

Keep up the good work Muleman and please find people like you to be mods.
ok muleman when did you go into chat?and do you think the same people are going to be on when you come in??becouse i was in chat for a few today and didnt see you come in or ask...I think the point is that nite is just another ro and if your going to have mods pick fucking people who arent going to get fucking power mad n ban people for nothing..when ro did that she drove so many real blk guys n real cpls from the site and now when its about 80% fakes you are going to let nites do the samething?hummm just dosent seem like a good move for the site..I think instead of all this bullshit why not come together and think of some ways to get this site back to where it was...Real cpls and Real blk men Hooking up!!!!!!
self evident

the fact that this thread is continued and people are complaining, seems that something is very wrong, I see some people that just can't seem to voice opinion in an adult way and that includes Nites, he is getting very aggressive about it now. You can see it in the tone of his posts.
To the big guy, I guess that is muleman, the existence of this thread alone should make you question your choice in nites, you seem to pick your mods from the same clique in the chat rooms then wonder why the same complaints. It is because your choices are from the same group of people.

Length of time on here is not relevent, nor is how often they log in or how much they chat. In essence you are choosing judges, and you are making choices without seeing how the person is as far as fairness. Nites has done ok in some places but if a problem involves one of his buddies, you can bet he and his buddies can do no wrong.
If you have so many complaining about mods, you need to figure out if you want members, or mods. Maybe it is time to start choosing mods from a different group or start getting on them about power tripping.
Perhaps the reason you did not get my messages about the power trips is that your mods intercepted them. Is there a way to make sure that only YOU get the message?
It seems that the mods for d.c are crazy..I just had a mod tell me that" i would have a better chance of hooking up with real people on swingers site becouse D.C was full of fake people"?I have been talking with a few of the older members<not mods> about what they think about D.C and it seems that they all go somewhere else to hook up with people..seemed like most went to craigslist,, sls,,or other swingers sites..and the crazy thing is they all said"we use to hook up with people off of here"So with so many fakes on here is it over for D.C or is it time to Fix a few things?? ie.. power tripping mods/fakes
WOW! TOO bad its come to this kind of exchange! The leaders, owners, Powers that be really neeeeed to take a look at things...make some changes!
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just another posting about nites and his dirty ways!!!!!

I would like to raise a problem with this site and it seems to pertain to one particular person chicagonites. I have seen through recent posts that people are not happy with the way he is. This is the very reason me and purple_velvet are going to post complaints we have and the proof to back it up with. We have not been on this site for very long. This site is nothing but drama and fakes in a chat room,this is why We don’t really care if we come back to this site or not, but we want to make people aware of the situations and the way people are on this site. To start
Purple and I had an issue with Indian on the lookout, chicagonites dealt with it fairly and banned him and told us if we had anymore problems to let him know. Then after that the chat seemed okay until you have a moderator pop up in purple’s pm’s and hitting on her and told purple he can do what he wants but as soon as she rejected him he got mouthy with her especially when she said she would meet halfamazingman instead of nites. When chicagonites was confronted about pming purple I was banned. There are a few females on here that were jealous, kAte was cause she ran her mouth to me. 4 is very jealous of sexy southern belle cause she wanted nites attention 24/7. Chicagonites would protect 4, ukcuck-m-f when he would instigate things and people would get banned because of him. Then he would run to nites and kiss his ass. When 4, sexy southern belle, kAte, Karen35mwf just to name a few wouldn’t like the way things are in the room they would run to phone, email or text nites immediately, then he would come running and ban or gag people. He does not give them the opportunity to defend themselves which is not fair. Purple and I were confronted by sexy southern belle that she wanted to confront nites and also told purple nites was talking mean shit about her on the phone to sexy. Sexy southern belle even emailed willy about the problems with nites, I also have this email as proof and a number of messages from sexy that was said on purples private yahoo account that I will be posting. Sexy was going to confront nites ,give him her piece of mind and then leave this site, but she remains fake and has not done it.
When things arise in the chat on how things are you are immediately banned with no defending yourself. We have taken purple’s pics down of the forums due to the way this site is handled pertaining to the owner and moderators of this site. I also know there has been a number of real couples that have left this site due to these reasons. I will be posting all my proof,in time whether anyone cares to read it or not or comment it doesn’t bother us.
first proof

Superman_1971 said:
I would like to raise a problem with this site and it seems to pertain to one particular person chicagonites. I have seen through recent posts that people are not happy with the way he is. This is the very reason me and purple_velvet are going to post complaints we have and the proof to back it up with. We have not been on this site for very long. This site is nothing but drama and fakes in a chat room,this is why We don’t really care if we come back to this site or not, but we want to make people aware of the situations and the way people are on this site. To start
Purple and I had an issue with Indian on the lookout, chicagonites dealt with it fairly and banned him and told us if we had anymore problems to let him know. Then after that the chat seemed okay until you have a moderator pop up in purple’s pm’s and hitting on her and told purple he can do what he wants but as soon as she rejected him he got mouthy with her especially when she said she would meet halfamazingman instead of nites. When chicagonites was confronted about pming purple I was banned. There are a few females on here that were jealous, kAte was cause she ran her mouth to me. 4 is very jealous of sexy southern belle cause she wanted nites attention 24/7. Chicagonites would protect 4, ukcuck-m-f when he would instigate things and people would get banned because of him. Then he would run to nites and kiss his ass. When 4, sexy southern belle, kAte, Karen35mwf just to name a few wouldn’t like the way things are in the room they would run to phone, email or text nites immediately, then he would come running and ban or gag people. He does not give them the opportunity to defend themselves which is not fair. Purple and I were confronted by sexy southern belle that she wanted to confront nites and also told purple nites was talking mean shit about her on the phone to sexy. Sexy southern belle even emailed willy about the problems with nites, I also have this email as proof and a number of messages from sexy that was said on purples private yahoo account that I will be posting. Sexy was going to confront nites ,give him her piece of mind and then leave this site, but she remains fake and has not done it.
When things arise in the chat on how things are you are immediately banned with no defending yourself. We have taken purple’s pics down of the forums due to the way this site is handled pertaining to the owner and moderators of this site. I also know there has been a number of real couples that have left this site due to these reasons. I will be posting all my proof,in time whether anyone cares to read it or not or comment it doesn’t bother us.

Hi Willy, it's Belle, I feel that I need to follow up our chat with this note to both you and Buzzy. I have spent a lot of time in chatrooms in the past and know some of the politics of mods. In saying that I have to say that Nites, altho he is trying to improve the DC chatroom, he is at the same time using his mod status to control and play head games with some of the females in the room... I know this sort of thing will go on ... well aware of the risks involved. I am not concerned abt me i have removed myself from the issue at hand and will no longer speak to nites other than to be courteous if spoken to. However the game is still going on and the only player left to Nites is 4, purple and I both would like to tell her what is going on but nites has her convined that we both dislike her as he tried to do with me concerning Foxy and 4. I was told in chat and over the phone by nites that purple and superman were constantly after him to agree to have a relationship with 4 once she is here in the states with supermman. I have proof that it was actually nites who was constantly asking purple if he could have her .... i know this is full of drama and is why I am walking away. I like 4 she has never been anything but nice to me and I her so for this sudden change to happen I do believe he has instigated all of it. I dont really care what the outcome is for nites on this. Just do what u can to convince 4 to stay away from him he is nothing but trouble and I speak from experience of having dealt with men just like this before. Thanks Willy and Buzzy for listening. I will I will be around to chat unless nites bans me as he has threatened for merely defending myself. Sexy_Southern_Belle
I agree about ChicagoNites. He just says "I'm right, you're wrong, dont argue or I will ban you". Those are the words of a person who can't handle a bit of power & shouldn't be in any position of authority.
Superman_1971 said:
I would like to raise a problem with this site and it seems to pertain to one particular person chicagonites. I have seen through recent posts that people are not happy with the way he is. This is the very reason me and purple_velvet are going to post complaints we have and the proof to back it up with. We have not been on this site for very long. This site is nothing but drama and fakes in a chat room,this is why We don’t really care if we come back to this site or not, but we want to make people aware of the situations and the way people are on this site. To start
Purple and I had an issue with Indian on the lookout, chicagonites dealt with it fairly and banned him and told us if we had anymore problems to let him know. Then after that the chat seemed okay until you have a moderator pop up in purple’s pm’s and hitting on her and told purple he can do what he wants but as soon as she rejected him he got mouthy with her especially when she said she would meet halfamazingman instead of nites. When chicagonites was confronted about pming purple I was banned. There are a few females on here that were jealous, kAte was cause she ran her mouth to me. 4 is very jealous of sexy southern belle cause she wanted nites attention 24/7. Chicagonites would protect 4, ukcuck-m-f when he would instigate things and people would get banned because of him. Then he would run to nites and kiss his ass. When 4, sexy southern belle, kAte, Karen35mwf just to name a few wouldn’t like the way things are in the room they would run to phone, email or text nites immediately, then he would come running and ban or gag people. He does not give them the opportunity to defend themselves which is not fair. Purple and I were confronted by sexy southern belle that she wanted to confront nites and also told purple nites was talking mean shit about her on the phone to sexy. Sexy southern belle even emailed willy about the problems with nites, I also have this email as proof and a number of messages from sexy that was said on purples private yahoo account that I will be posting. Sexy was going to confront nites ,give him her piece of mind and then leave this site, but she remains fake and has not done it.
When things arise in the chat on how things are you are immediately banned with no defending yourself. We have taken purple’s pics down of the forums due to the way this site is handled pertaining to the owner and moderators of this site. I also know there has been a number of real couples that have left this site due to these reasons. I will be posting all my proof,in time whether anyone cares to read it or not or comment it doesn’t bother us.
I have had so goddam many complains about you and purple from people in the chat it is a wonder you lasted as long as you did. You sent me the convo you had with nites and I left it posted as there is nothing that Nites did wrong. Like I said I had at least 11 complaints about you and purple that is to many for anyone in the chat take a break and I will be glad to look at letting you back in at a later date Willy
Superman_1971 said:
Hi Willy, it's Belle, I feel that I need to follow up our chat with this note to both you and Buzzy. I have spent a lot of time in chatrooms in the past and know some of the politics of mods. In saying that I have to say that Nites, altho he is trying to improve the DC chatroom, he is at the same time using his mod status to control and play head games with some of the females in the room... I know this sort of thing will go on ... well aware of the risks involved. I am not concerned abt me i have removed myself from the issue at hand and will no longer speak to nites other than to be courteous if spoken to. However the game is still going on and the only player left to Nites is 4, purple and I both would like to tell her what is going on but nites has her convined that we both dislike her as he tried to do with me concerning Foxy and 4. I was told in chat and over the phone by nites that purple and superman were constantly after him to agree to have a relationship with 4 once she is here in the states with supermman. I have proof that it was actually nites who was constantly asking purple if he could have her .... i know this is full of drama and is why I am walking away. I like 4 she has never been anything but nice to me and I her so for this sudden change to happen I do believe he has instigated all of it. I dont really care what the outcome is for nites on this. Just do what u can to convince 4 to stay away from him he is nothing but trouble and I speak from experience of having dealt with men just like this before. Thanks Willy and Buzzy for listening. I will I will be around to chat unless nites bans me as he has threatened for merely defending myself. Sexy_Southern_Belle
I question nites about a issue with you and he told me about it and that is what set you off on a campaign AGAINST HIM AND DRAGGING SUPERMAN AND PURPLE BACK INTO IT and other people I will start weeding out the trouble makers as we do not need to deal with the shit when we have to monitor pedos and animal sex and everthing else in there if you dont like anyone nites or me or who ever either leave or ignor them but if a mod ask something you need to reply all the goddam head hunting is over as I said the trouble makers and others that I see not hear causing trouble or issues for anyone will be gone if you want to leave so be it that is your right we dont have the time to baby sit adults in the chat nor the DC and we for goddam sure arent going to tell people who they can chat with and who they cant what the fuck is this fifth grade spats with boys girls get over it now everyone that this applies to or as I say I will weed the trouble makers out enough of this is.
alfie said:
I agree about ChicagoNites. He just says "I'm right, you're wrong, dont argue or I will ban you". Those are the words of a person who can't handle a bit of power & shouldn't be in any position of authority.
Ya we dont have time to argue if you dont like the rules tough shit he is a mod and you can argue but some people dont know how they right away start with the fuck you and then argue I dont know youe case but if he says he will ban ya be glad he just didnt instead of warning you
muleman said:
I have had so goddam many complains about you and purple from people in the chat it is a wonder you lasted as long as you did. You sent me the convo you had with nites and I left it posted as there is nothing that Nites did wrong. Like I said I had at least 11 complaints about you and purple that is to many for anyone in the chat take a break and I will be glad to look at letting you back in at a later date Willy
well,lets see willy why dont you show the proof of what has been said about us,as i still have plenty more saved about nites and others and how he operates,no we dont want to come back into your chat room,although if i want i can beat the little java ban,or ur cookie gag as its java the easiest thing to manipulate,should i post how to beat ur ip ban and cookie gag? although im sure u wont give a rats azz,it would actually make the mods do alot more work on here instead of tryin to hit on peoples women and when rejected they get pissy....i'll soon post that also and what nites said along with what sexy said on yahoo about nites having a toy that can fry peoples computers...and u make him a mod that can read ip adresses...wth is u smoking ...or the owners for that sake...ill say this again,i can beat ur system my ip isnt banned and i have contacted my service provider with PROOF of what nites and ur site is about ...i will not be class c banned so no one can stop me if i want in your chat i can...got it good now ban this name even though i didnt have to use the f word,or call names as i read about others ...guess shows who has more vocabulary and doesnt have to use profanity in his postings as u seem to do along with others!!!!!!!!
muleman said:
I question nites about a issue with you and he told me about it and that is what set you off on a campaign AGAINST HIM AND DRAGGING SUPERMAN AND PURPLE BACK INTO IT and other people I will start weeding out the trouble makers as we do not need to deal with the shit when we have to monitor pedos and animal sex and everthing else in there if you dont like anyone nites or me or who ever either leave or ignor them but if a mod ask something you need to reply all the goddam head hunting is over as I said the trouble makers and others that I see not hear causing trouble or issues for anyone will be gone if you want to leave so be it that is your right we dont have the time to baby sit adults in the chat nor the DC and we for goddam sure arent going to tell people who they can chat with and who they cant what the fuck is this fifth grade spats with boys girls get over it now everyone that this applies to or as I say I will weed the trouble makers out enough of this is.
If you questioned nites about the issues which is not the issue that set me off,then why not come back to me and talk with me also?? If i need to clarify it again i will...IT"S CALLED NITES OVER STEPPING HIS BOUNDS IN PM"S ....its called nites going into purples pm's when they are blocked,and him still tryin to speak with her and she didnt want to speak with him,just because he is a mod does not give him the right to just decide to pm someone that has them blocked and hasnt done anything wrong...she was never interested in a man that is old enough to be her darn FATHER....we do not mess with people 20 years older then us ...maybe get the right scoup first willy...
muleman said:
I question nites about a issue with you and he told me about it and that is what set you off on a campaign AGAINST HIM AND DRAGGING SUPERMAN AND PURPLE BACK INTO IT and other people I will start weeding out the trouble makers as we do not need to deal with the shit when we have to monitor pedos and animal sex and everthing else in there if you dont like anyone nites or me or who ever either leave or ignor them but if a mod ask something you need to reply all the goddam head hunting is over as I said the trouble makers and others that I see not hear causing trouble or issues for anyone will be gone if you want to leave so be it that is your right we dont have the time to baby sit adults in the chat nor the DC and we for goddam sure arent going to tell people who they can chat with and who they cant what the fuck is this fifth grade spats with boys girls get over it now everyone that this applies to or as I say I will weed the trouble makers out enough of this is.
the other issue was dealing with a person called ukcuck-m-f and him saying crap about me,yes we can ignore people,although u can just make another name and come back in the chat so that is pointless,i'm being accused of being a cuck,and having a little penis and both are so wrong not funny,even by your so called friend XXkateXX to the point i had to defend myself with her in pms,then you take 4 who is cuck's little buddy and nites play toy on the phone along with sexy included ,see willy i know the real scoup,but do you,or are you blinded by the fact you talk to these people and are showing favortism? i will wait and see if these postings are deleted,simply because i have again saved it all for evidence for the future if needed.
forgot about that

I had chicago nites threaten me with his computer bomb too. Was a long time ago before he was a mod. Marybeth did not seem to care that he was technically violating federal law (not that the fed would bother with such a minor thing). she banned me even though she saw what he did. Nites is full of crap, he really can not do it and I know that. But the fact that he has done this should be enough for any intelligent person to remove him from mod status. Seems that if you have so many complaining about him, there is a problem with him and he needs to go. Instead I keep seeing valid complaints and site owners and admins defending him no matter what. Looks like nites will remain a mod and he fits right in. Maybe he should have been appointed to the Bush administration. I hear Jeb still needs good people to fix elections for his run for president.

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