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Congress wants to lassooooooo... the internets!

  • Thread startermonitaur
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Aug 16, 2008
I forgot to mention Hollywood and the Recording Industry Association of America, Sony, Disney--I want to thank all the 'little people' for this Censorship award. But seriously, SOPA and PIPA (not the future Queen's sister) are bad for everyone. And if you are a conisseur of various smut, those draconian edicts can affect your browsing experience. You are not a second class citizen by virtue of preferences. Give your representatives a little hell over such stupidity. Thanks.
Very true

[quote="MacNfries, post: 258173"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][I][B]monitaur[/B][/I], censorship of the internet is the least we should be worried about if these radically conservative TPers (with their big money SuperPacs, etc) get their way. Most people (and I view myself as one) are moderate liberals ... neither far left or right of center politics ... and many will fail to go to the polls and vote to stop these extremist from majorly influencing our lives. Most of us live in a lifestyle of conveniences and simply wish others to do what they wish as long as they don't bother their own lives. With the big money, however, that has infiltrated our political system, we'll ALL see major changes/ lifestyle adjustments we don't want. BE sure to invite your friends to go to the polls to get involved ... more than freedom to view porn on the internet is at stake here.  Mac :)[/FONT][/QUOTE]

Censorship is never good in the long run.
Well Mac, you sound a little left of center my friend. You point the finger at the Tea Party, but you missed the easiest target in the book, blame it on Bush. As pointed out by Sheplays, this issue is not along party lines, although who has the most to gain and is worshipped in Hollywood but our fearless leader B.H.O. He also wants to have an off switch for the internet so he can pull the plug as he finds acceptable for up to 90 days. I do not say this for any other reason than to point out, “KEEP POLITICS OFF THIS SITE PLEASE”! We get enough of it everywhere else. If your going to comment get the facts straight and don’t attempt to point the finger at the other side when it is both sides that are taking our freedom away.
With ALL the shxts (SODA and PAPA) :mad: being going around and getting hot, should I delete my user accounts on any forum sites that could reveal my discreet surfing habits before it is too late?:confused:
What Planet?

mecca410 said:
Well Mac, you sound a little left of center my friend. You point the finger at the Tea Party, but you missed the easiest target in the book, blame it on Bush. As pointed out by Sheplays, this issue is not along party lines, although who has the most to gain and is worshipped in Hollywood but our fearless leader B.H.O. He also wants to have an off switch for the internet so he can pull the plug as he finds acceptable for up to 90 days. I do not say this for any other reason than to point out, “KEEP POLITICS OFF THIS SITE PLEASE”! We get enough of it everywhere else. If your going to comment get the facts straight and don’t attempt to point the finger at the other side when it is both sides that are taking our freedom away.

After I read Mac's comment, I had in mind asking him on what planet he was living; but you did that in fine style.

I don't care if you marry your dog as long as I don't have to pay your bills. That puts me to the left of the liberals socially and to the right of the conservatives fiscally.

You need to fight collectivism. Both parties are guilty of that, but the dems slightly more than the reps. You folks who think the dems support personal freedom need to get your collective heads out of the sand, or in some cases, you anuses.
I am 100% against piracy and there are already laws to prevent it. Yes, ought to be more contracts between nations to enforce the rules, but SOPA is not the answer at all.
It is not the solution not because it is too heavy handed while limiting your freedom online, but because it assumes that your access to intellectual property is via the WWW. Most people assume that the Internet is the WWW. The Internet is a major path to cyberspace. The WWW is a "visual" manifestation of domains, points of presence on the path to cyberspace. "Attempting" to limit access to the path and cyberspace is a hopeless battle. At first the battle will be won because most people have no idea what FTP is, or gopher, or how to work email beyond sending and receiving, they have forgotten that a dial-up can get you to any computer on earth if connected to a modem or a LAN (And the WWW is just a wide lan called a wan.) Above all I'll betcha dollars to donuts that some geek is sitting in his bedroom right now developing a browser that will by-pass what SOPA wants to do. Better yet, I'll double down that there are lots and lots of geeks in their bedrooms developing such a thing. And I'll even tell you how to do it: Instead of a GUI interface based on TCP/IP base it on the lower stack IP. In other words: Cut out the ISP - Internet Service Provider. Think that can't be done? Study up on routers and protocols and you'll discover soon enough that ISp are just gov, and the rich controlling your destiny. Technically, I can find your computer anywhere and without you or I paying a telco or a ISP for Net service. Anyone can do it just by programming a protocol that can ping another computer.
SOPA is a joke. Trying to control cyberspace is ridiculous.
Why is it so bad to get off topic once in a while? For example, if someone [near] the helm of the Carnival Cruise ship had raised a red flag prior to it running aground, maybe the wreck would have been avoided--maybe. I certainly do not perceive unanimity among members of this particular kink. There is no shortage of disagreement or flame wars--just on what constitutes cuckolding. The husband being aware of the wife's philandering. The husband being supportive or not. The husband being the only one who wants it. The boyfriend. The Fiancee (are those strictly speaking, cuckolds? Should they be allowed to 'share'?). Size. Color. Colour (for our brothers&sisters across the pond. I happen to see chastity hardware for either sex as medieval torture devices. Some people get off on it, however.

I cannot understand how abuse and violence (or the implicit threat of it) can fall within ANY situation that is supposed to be sexually exciting. Some of you would disagree. Abuse/violence is like a turd in the punch bowl. Turd with your punch? Think before you answer. What is, exactly, proper and acceptable subject matter on this forum?

Mainly, why is it so objectionable to suggest to members of this forum (regardless of affiliation) putting up a little resistance to a clearly bipartisan initiative that one would expect to see in a dictatorship? I'm not asking the community to take a stand on oil/gas drilling. Not asking anyone to join PETA. These bills have a direct bearing on whether or not the forum and sites like this will be available in the near future. The bills are a clear and present danger to the free and open internet. And if that makes certain [pick your pet] partisan jackoff horndogs uncomfortable, then too bad.
BTW I'm probably much more 'latte drinkin' 'Birkenstock (though I don't actually care for sandals) wearin' 'limp wristed' 'lilly livered' 'limo bleeding Jesus heart' liberal than Mac. I am not, however, a fanboy of 'O'. Neither am I a Koch sucker. The Tea Party rank&file and the big money backing them are anything but the salt of the earth. mecca was a little hypersensetive on that issue if you axe me.
Annon has crashed a impressive list of websites in the last 24 hours in protest of this, many being government sites (including the FBI) and very well funded .org sites in the entertainment industry.

If we let them get away with this, they will want to moniter our search words even more then they already do.

We could always download Telnet, get a land line again, and log back on to a BBS. (Umm, no)
In the end sites like Google, Verizon et al will control the internet, or more precisely, the many many sites, and even more precise,
access to them, sites that they deem "friendly" will have unrestricted full throttle flow, whereas sites not deemed "friendly", such as this site, will get much less bandwidth, ultimately whomever is deemed "friendly" will be the ones that PAYS Google, Verizon et al, in a nutshell the Internet will be monopolized by a couple of few giant companies, just like oil industry, weapons industry etc, i guess thats called "capitalism"
I run a business, have a friends, a family, and other responsibilities that demand my time. That's why I usually hold my comments. You Mac, obviously have fewer demands on your time. Good for you. You add a lot to the forum.
More often than not, you're pretty much on the mark. But sometimes you stray; which only makes you human. When you do, you, as everyone, should be challenged. You don't seem to handle that well.
When you extoll opinions that are either off topic or not founded on fact, you should expect some push back. Except when they're extremely egregious, as was this one, I let it lie.
You and I have never discussed ignoring one another. I use ignore for spammers and phonies. I don't believe you are either. . Also what I wrote was neither bitter nor was it ironic as necessary to be classified as sarcasm.
inf_shop said:
in a nutshell the Internet will be monopolized by a couple of few giant companies, just like oil industry, weapons industry etc, i guess thats called "capitalism"

I appreciate your post, but I will challenge the last statement.

SOPA and PIPA and the potential outcomes they bring are anything but capitalism.

The future you described in your post is called "net neutrality". I agree that it is a very likely possibility for the way the internet will operate in the future.

However, it will not be capitalism that will bring this about.

Instead, it will be progressivism and in particular, corporatism that will make this possible. We've seen it time and time again in nearly every industry.

Capitalism allows you and I, the market to decide what goods and services we think are best. If a particular company provides goods and services that the majority of consumers enjoy, it is highly likely that the company's competitors will fail.

Corporatism is NOT the same as capitalism. Instead, it is a brand of statism that doesn't rely on free market competition.

With corporatism, large firms go to mother government and strike deals to gain a competitive advantage over weaker or late entries to the marketplace. The deals usually involve regulations that smaller firms cannot afford to comply with, but can be absorbed by the larger firms.

Again, this has happened in nearly every segment of industry, and usually results in fewer choices for the consumer. Many times, the true 'favorite' of the marketplace is ****** out in favor of a bigger player.

But enough of that crap... this is a cuckolding site.
Your post was excellent Sheplays. Many don't realize what's going on and what's at stake.
Politicians hope to get down to a few players they can squeeze for big money.

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