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Cool Update

  • Thread starterFuzz Buster
  • Start date
When i was 16 years old a very long time ago, I would have loved to have a 22 year old take me under her wing. She can bring this young man into the world of erotism so much better and safer than some like aged girl in the back of a car. In new jersey 16 is the age of consent.
Just another thought (and honestly I'm NOT trying to prolong it) - an awful lot of 16 year old girls LOOK like they're 22. So what did the lad think he was chasing?
Well, well, well...it looks like I got underneath the simian's skin. Once again I'm happy to have found more comedic fodder to gorge upon. I understand the argument, simpleton. Although I did like how you s-p-e-l-l-e-d it out for me using your expansive vernacular and great command of the English language. It was truly a joy to read. I simply disagree with it, you troglodyte. Now, why don't you go and do what you do best to calm yourself down, little man: have a good masturbatory session while watching your wife get gangbanged on your Camaro with the hemi and foot print gas pedal. And maybe while you're at it you can have a few 16 yr olds tickle your ass, too - if that's legal in your state, of course! I love you ruthy ruth!
Jake Nash said:
Well, well, well...it looks like I got underneath the simian's skin. Once again I'm happy to have found more comedic fodder to gorge upon. I understand the argument, simpleton. Although I did like how you s-p-e-l-l-e-d it out for me using your expansive vernacular and great command of the English language. It was truly a joy to read. I simply disagree with it, you troglodyte. Now, why don't you go and do what you do best to calm yourself down, little man: have a good masturbatory session while watching your wife get gangbanged on your Camaro with the hemi and foot print gas pedal. And maybe while you're at it you can have a few 16 yr olds tickle your ass, too - if that's legal in your state, of course! I love you ruthy ruth!

Oh, look mommy him use words I can't understand!

I assume that's the response you were hoping for.

Your response was predictable, fuckers like you that have nothing of substance to offer are all the same. When your idiocy is ******* you expand your verbiage in a grandiose display in hopes no one will notice the nullity of the content you have offered.

You have proven your mastery of the English language. I'm sure everyone here is impressed but as usual you have offered nothing of worth to the discussion . Much like every other thread you have joined in on.
@ Jake Nash

Swiss cheese, ah. Than let's make a sandwich why don't we. You go grab the ham. Also, i am glad to have provided you with the service of laughter. It's seems like such a person as yourself needs just that indeed. I took it upon myself as well to look through some of you're older posts. And it seems your nothing more then a troller. You like nothing more than going around sassing other members of the forums. Basically you like disrespecting others and generally most of your time spent here is just used to get on others nerves. You should stop and take a look at where you are at. This is suppose to be a place for adults and adult topics. Not a place to harass others for your enjoyment. If you wish to keep this foolish behavior up might i suggest a more appropriate place to suit you. You might enjoy the Internet Movie Database. There are countless members you can sass and several topics you can troll on. Also, since this is nothing more than games and fun, you might want to try a gaming forum. That's another great place for you and your flaming. Go ahead and look into your options. Take as much time that is needed. Evaluate and characterize yourself and see what fits your subjects of interest.

@ babyruthiezhubby

Hope to do like you said and keep on having lots of fun. I just hope to have as much fun as you guys do.
MacNfries said:
wait a minute here ... Chevy Camaros got hemis now? How'd I miss out on that? When did that happen? :p

hahaha, I missed that one. I do have a hemi in my Ram pickup. I'll have to pick up one of those foot print gas peddles though. The one that gets me was the thing where he was gorging on comedic fodder. Who the fuck talks like that?......

Professor Nash is right about one thing though. I am sort of an unrefined cave man type guy... If I heard some pussy like him talking about gorging on fodder out on the streets somewhere, I would stomp his ass just for the fun of it.
No you wouldn't, Ruthie! You're old, out of shape, and would get your ass kicked! A more likely scenario is that you'd get a puckered look on your face and just take it. That's definitely what would happen if you ran into me. I may as well confess something right now - you all obviously know that i'm not into this type of thing; outside of being an unintended bull a couple of times by unknowingly picking up a married chick at a bar/club and giving them one hell of a night, I haven't even participated in anything you guys are into. Over the past couple of months, I've considered this forum a convenience sample from which I was simply drawing data for a paper I was writing - I'm working on a Masters in psychology. I decided to scrap the idea early on, given that the subject matter would likely get a good laugh in academic circles, and simply began coming to this site for pure entertainment. You will see some advice that I've given in other posts - and, yes, it can come off as negative to some - but it is coming from a dominant alpha male point of view; someone who is used to being in charge. You see, I have a military background and have spent half of the past ten years finding and fixing 'bad guys.' So that's where my asshole-type attitude most likely comes from. And also why nothing that anyone one here says about me can ever really offend, surprise or hurt me. I simply don't care.

Ruthie, I gotta say, its easy to posture as if your dick is as big as a fire hose here in the virtual world. There aren't any real repercussions for calling someone a pussy, because its not really to their face. But I can assure you that I'm far from what you'd consider one, and if you tried something with a guy in the same shape I'm in if you 'ran into them on the streets somewhere,' you'd end up with more than a bruised ego. I'm in good shape and do train to fight - MMA; emphasis in BJJ. I'm not posturing here; simply letting you know a little about me. Just food for thought.

At any rate, the foot print gas pedal was a favorite of Joe Dirt's. I'm sure it would look nice in your Ram pickup. I thought about getting one, but I think it would look funny in my Denali. I look forward to more cave man talk. Take care all.
Jake Nash said:
And also why nothing that anyone one here says about me can ever really offend, surprise or hurt me. I simply don't care.

You lie!.. If you didn't care you would not have felt it necessary to come back and tell us all how wonderful you are in an attempt to defend yourself . Something someone working on a masters in psychology should know I would think.
I'm just a high school drop out that has had to learn things the hard way which is probably the reason I'm the only one dumb enough to engage you in your nonsense but let this drop out give you a lesson in gathering data for any paper your writing in the future.... Join in the discussion and ask serious questions. interview people and learn how they think and feel and why they think and feel the way they do. That's how you gather information college boy! The only thing you have done since you have been here is insult people, making it impossible to gain any real insite or knowledge into anything about the people involved in this life style at all.

You may be professor Rambo as you claim for all I know but you should know that there are many intelligent college graduates, veterans and successful business men in this forum with a higher IQ than either you or I that would have been happy to talk with you for a paper you were writing if you had been serious about it. Instead you approached this as if we are all a bunch of dumb hillbilly's that you can steam roll over with your superior intellect.

This conversation with you is worthless. You (in your mind) already know everything which makes it impossible for you to learn anything other than book smarts.

Good luck professor Rambo. I'm done with you!
I think he was trying to reinforce his manliness for his own sake. When he brought up MMA, he wanted to prove to himself what he does contradicts something that he associates with cuckolding. What he wants us to do is confirm his activities exclude cuckolding and by association the contradicting point. It could be his own desires or maybe a cheating SO.

People who train MMA, Judo, JJ or any martial art beyond the first free lessons, do not flaunt it or use it as an argument unless there is some serious insecurities involved. I trained in TKD, Aikido, Judo and JJ. We are pretty calm outside of the gym and only brag about our belt to other martial artists.
Wow, Angle, whoever you are, you are so far off. MMA is something that I love to do; I've been involved with it for the past 10 years. I think you missed the point; I was simply letting Ruthie know that he was off base in his assumption that he would be able bring his fantasy post through to fruition in reality. It had nothing to do with cuckolding whatsoever. By the way, what you said isn't entirely true. I know a few loud mouths that use it to pick up chicks and impress other guys. And before you read too much into this - no, I'm not talking about myself.

Also, aren't you using the fact that you've trained in TKD, Aikido, Judo and JJ to validate you're argument that I, in using my prior training in my post, therefore have serious insecurity? And in doing so are the proverbial pot calling the kettle black?
You're all a bit full of shit here. I know 2 folks kicked off this site for going on about under aged sex. And theirs was consented and life style **** activity. And here's this talk about a married couple picking on someone half their size and the poster is still posting.
Also - all you posters decrying these 2 for their picking on someone less their size, and claiming some kind of illegitimacy because it's illegal "HA! McFry, cuckolding is illegal as well!"
You gonna stop posting about that illegal activity as well?
What states is Adultery illegal? - True Knowledge
The pink elephant is not about how those arts makes me an authority on this site. The pink elephant is about why you brought the arts up, along with descriptions of physical violence on your part. All I did was point at it.

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