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Curious Wife

  • Thread starterAlexis
  • Start date
  • #381
If you both truly want to raise a child together then accept that this is a 20 year + committment. The father is for yourselves to agree on, together. If it is not your husband, you need to be able to answer anyone who might ask or find out in the future. If you stay together and the father is black for example, any child will face searching questions from its peers at school. Personally not something I could submit anyone I cared for to. In the event of serious illness, increasingly solutions will be genetic based, again meaning a child must know its full genetic origins. Unless your husband is infertile or has some serious genetic defect that may pass (I do not include a small cock in this), I would use him to father your child. Its him you love enough to stay with after all. The others are just recreation.
  • #382
You have seen the comments made here. Many are well thought out. You know the pros and cons. There might be a few more that have not been mentioned, but I think the important ones have been mentioned.

It's obviously your decision, and a decision that you and your family will have to live with. Don't let those giving advice make the decision for you. It is yours (and possibly your husband's) to make. There are times we should follow our heads and other times when we should follow our hearts. It is yours to decide which should be followed this time.

Best of luck as you journey forward.
  • #383
Harry2614 said:
Duke: Lexi is a sensitive lady, asking a serious question!
I'm sure she would appreciate appropriate answers.

It's best you stay out of this one!!!



this forum is open to one and all
and is here for a free and open exchange of ALL points of view
and if YOU don't like it ....please move on ...thx 4 ur time :rolleyes:
  • #384
old Timer said:
You have seen the comments made here. Many are well thought out. You know the pros and cons. There might be a few more that have not been mentioned, but I think the important ones have been mentioned.

It's obviously your decision, and a decision that you and your family will have to live with. Don't let those giving advice make the decision for you. It is yours (and possibly your husband's) to make. There are times we should follow our heads and other times when we should follow our hearts. It is yours to decide which should be followed this time.

Best of luck as you journey forward.


so in other words i don't know what the fuck is going on here
and have no opinion so do whatever it is you feel like doin
pay no heed to my ignorant ass ..:)
  • #385

I hesitate to respond to your critical remarks. Certainly. I have opinions, but what I am urging is that Lexxie think for herself, and not let others' opinions sway her from what SHE thinks should be done. If we let someone else decide for us, it is easy to consider that a decision that turns out to be the poorer choice was because someone else urged me to do that.

I'm not going to respond to your angry words with anger.

Old Timer
  • #386
Old timer,
I understand your motives but you have to appreciate two things.

1. Lexxi asked for opinions, and they come in all flavours. She seems smart, I'm sure she can sort them.

2. You stressing it is her opinion is not only probably obvious to her, it is also you offering your opinion and in part suggesting she ignores the rest of them here.

Your heart is in the right place but your diplomatic skills are not going to get you a job at the UN anytime soon.
  • #387
duke9555 said:

pictures are a thousand words, for sure, and they tell an obvious story.
  • #388
Even lesbians take a guy home from the pub and milk his seed, and he never knows he fathered her a child. Better this way than her run the gauntlet of a sperm bank's rules, or have the hazzle of a man who might fight over custody. She chats a guy up and learns all about him, and she lets her body decide whether his genes "feel compatible". She tells the guy she is on the pill so he can bare back ride her.
  • #389
Well I've been on here for a while. I just discovered this thread yeasterday. It's even a very interesting, erotic, and comical thread.
Congrats on your discovery of yours and your husbands desires.
As for kids. You and your cuck need to talk and decide.
What are both of your desires? Who cares what all us idiots think? You are the one raising and living with your actions.
What's your fantasy? What's the more likely choice?
I'm guessing your husband still wants to be the biological father?
What are your feelings about it?
  • #390
Hi Lexxi,

I read your thread with interest. You seem to have a pretty strong cerebral side and strong principles aside from a human being's natural urges. That seems to set you apart from the other women in this forum.
However, one fact doesnt seem to add up with the rest of things you talk about. Why are you so set against your husband having physical relations with other women?

  • #391
We are patiently awaiting an update on your last post. I understand it's a serious question you pose and takes a lot of consideration.

In the meantime would you share some more stories about how you and MrL have been playing lately? In your last meeting, you seemed to enjoy feeding him a creampie. Is this something that has become more routine in your adventures? Do you like adding a little more humiliation to your play these days?
  • #392
Saraha said:
pictures are a thousand words, for sure, and they tell an obvious story.


Thanks Sahara for noticing and caring :)
  • #393
Saraha said:
pictures are a thousand words, for sure, and they tell an obvious story.
Funny how people get different things from pictures. When I first saw this pic my first thought was that the big dude is gay and is moving in for a kiss while the little guy was having none of it, pushing him away and giving serious thought to planting his knee in the big guy's crotch. But then, I have a soft spot for the underdog. :)
  • #394
Hi everyone. We are still deciding. Hubby and I seem to be in different places on this, and really, in this situation there is no "compromise". It is a very important that we agree on this, as it is one of the most important decisions we will ever make.

I'm going to comment on some of your posts. I think reading and re-reading them helps keep me focused on the importance and the choices in making this decision.
  • #395
mybuttplug said:
If he wants you to have his baby then he should be the one that pleasures your Bulls. You can still fuck your Bulls bare, but he should swallow their cum and get them off.

I think you should deny hubby sex except for once a month. He has one opportunity to have you during your fertile time of the month. Ideally, he wouldn't be allowed to cum at all except for this time so that his sperm can build up. I would suggest a chastity device.

First of all he, like me, wants me to have "a" baby. As for him being the biological father, that is up in the air. That said, if we decide he should be the biological father, this would seem like an interesting way of "getting it done".
  • #396
Harry2614 said:
I have just read through your entire thread, and to answer your question, It seems to me that you do love your husband, and for that reason, I would believe that you would want HIS child.
Since you are still having frequent sex with your "bull," It stands to reason that the way to do this would be to resume having sex with your husband (choice #1) at least during your "fertile" time, while continuing to have sex with your Bull.
You would have to "take care" that sex with your bull would be during your non-fertile time, or that, he would use a condom.
Are you currently on a form of birth control that allows "bareback sex"? I think that is a 'Yes' from reading your account.
In the beginning, with your 'bull,' he was not interested in an emotional relationship. I know you had "fallen in love" with him then, went back to physical sex with him. It seems then, that the one who would father children, should be your husband. The man that you love, and live with. I think it would be best for the children to have a loving mother and father who live together.
I 'vote' therefore, for option #1
I know you will consider all your options. Please do get your husbands preferences too before acting.

It's hard to realize that you have been posting on this site for so long. I didn't realize how long until I clicked on "first" and looked at the date.
I see that you have carefully considered every step along the way. This step is probably the most important, as pertaining to "decision" that you will make.

Cheers, and best wishes, Harry

My origional "bull" from work is long gone as are my feelings of love for him. I am still having sex with black men, and yes it is unprotected, and yes I am on the pill.

As far as having a loving mother and father who live together, that will be the case no matter who we decide on for the biological father.

We realize this is a joint decision and are taking it very seriously.
  • #398
eguard66 said:
You can get pregnant with hubby's sperm, does not require the act of sex. Having another man's baby can complicate your life quite a bit and your potential offspring's. When it really comes down to it when you become a parent the only thing that truly matters is your child's stability and happiness. My wife's older child is not mine and he has started to question things, if i could go back in time and make him mine biologically I would.

Believe it or not, we actually talked about this...using his sperm without penetration. The problem is, that's just not for me. I want to be "bred" the old fashioned way, kicking and screaming.
  • #399
Custer Laststand said:


The implication seems to be that your wife's older child has come to realize* you are not his biological father and is beginning to ask questions like: (i) why not? and (ii) who is? and (iii) what were the circumstances that led to some other man being his biological father, while you are the biological father of his sibling(s)?

These seem like difficult questions, at best, to answer simply and clearly for a child. Lexxi might find it helpful if you were to enlarge on how you and your wife are planning to handle this problem.


*Whether he's racially the same as you and your wife or different is relevant to this question, obviously.

These are very important points you have brought up my friend. I'm sure raising a child is never easy, and regardless of what we decide, we will just show him or her our love and hope for the best as all parents do.

I do wish eguard would have expanded on his experience though.
  • #400
Harry2614 said:
Duke: Lexi is a sensitive lady, asking a serious question!
I'm sure she would appreciate appropriate answers.

It's best you stay out of this one!!!


Harry, thanks for having my back, and I love you for it.

You have to admit though, Duke can provide a little comic relief even to a subject as serious as this.

Oz was one of my favorite shows.

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