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  • Thread starterTammy Pantedrop
  • Start date
Who knows though? I guess you can be in arrears for alimony. I just can't see them demanding that he pay in person and him actually doing it AND his new wife going along and listening to them make fun of him. Then they aim to corrupt his new wife and she is too timid to stop it? These people take schoolyard bullying to a whole new level. I can't see it being real
OK All, I finally have a little time to catch up!! 1st: Believe it or Not, I'm not going to change your mind one way or another, I really don't give a SHITTE whether you believe me or not..
Now I pay $300. a month which I can generally make in 2x $150. payments. I was not ordered to pay it directly to her, but that is the way "They prefer it" cash in hand. I have mailed it, direct deposited it, at christmas I have even given it as a gift card, "they really don't care as long as they get it!! Yes they do enjoy me delivering it in person, either with or without Susan along.. They do seem to enjoy humiliating me about it.
Remeber Pam left me, not I her!! I love Susan more than I do / did Pam, (I was very hurt when she left me) but deep down I still love her too.

Now heres another tid bit of fact about my payments, during the summer. When John has alot of work, on the weekends and when I have the time, I do roofing work for him. Which he credits my bill at $10. ph or $10. per square. Yes he takes great delight in humiliating in front of the other guys on his crews. Like "I really wore your EX-Wife out last night", "I'm the biggest she's ever had" "I bet Susan really needs it bad"!! and when we get done doing the tear off.. 99% of the time I hear "Ok Bitch, its time to get off the roof let the Real Men Work, you got the Womans Work (Cleaning Up)
Over the years I've paid off about 5K and with my payments I owe apx. < 45K
Ok Now from my previous post I hope I have set some things straight?? On to more important details.. Not much has happened after the lunch date. I know that I have worked with Joe before? Although he's not really any thing like John (Noone's anything like John) Joe is pretty sure of himself and is your typical single construction guy, lives for the weekend party!! Susan went with me on the 30th (Payment) and Joe was there, he chatted with Susan, but really didn't make any kind of moves on her, Pam & John went out of their way to ask Susan if she liked Joe, putting her on the spot (She blushed the brightest red) of course she really had no choice but say "Yes I guess" (not to make a sceen). Their reply was that maybe Joe needed to come over and take over my husbandly duties.. She stood up for me and said "Thats Ok my husband does a good job" as we were leaving Joe was at the door and lead Susan out with his hand on the small of her back and behind.. But thats been about all that has happened??
So here I am, after this last payment, Susan meeting Joe and being called "The Biggest Loser"!! I wanted to get Susans oppion of our relationship. I asked her if she loved me and what she really thought of Joe. Firstly, she said of course she loved me and the way I treat her like a queen. She loves that I like to go shopping instead of watching sports, unlike previous boyfriends. Even confided she often thinks of me as her girlfriend ~ soulmate. But then she gut punched a hammer on me, and tells me that she misses the way her ex-boyfriend made love to her, I asked how? (but not really wanting to hear the truth) "He handled me "FIRMLY" would go Long & Hard" and lasted awhile. I wanted to cry but all I could say was I'm Sorry I don't last!! I don't know why but it seems like I no sooner get in a warm wet pussy and I'm cumming. She says Joe's cute and bets that he has no trouble getting the girl's. I tell her he has a rep of parting. I asked if she would fall for his type of guy, she waited a minute-smiled and said maybe or atleast she might have a few years ago??
Do you secretly crave for Susan and Joe to become fully committed lovers WITH YOUR APPROVAL?

Would you like to tell Susan that it would make you incredibly happy if she were to date her ex-boyfriend who "handled her firmly with a "Long and hard" performance?

She is safe inside your marriage, so it could be your gift to her to get involved with both Joe and her ex-boyfriend. IS THIS SOMETHING YOUR PERSONA NEEDS FOR YOU TO BE COMPLETELY HAPPY AS A CUCKOLD?

Delivering the alimony in person fortnightly, definitely lets you keep your ex-wife in your life, even though you can't actually kiss/fuck her any more. You can keep re-running the "what if things had been different?"

What John does not realise, is that you can mentally fuck your ex-wife everytime you see her. You can pretend she is naked when you arrive to give her your alimony money, and when you leave, you can whisper to yourself, "that was a fantastic mind fuck". You can picture in your mind everytime you fucked her in the past.

"how you touched her body, how you fucked her, how you had showers with her, how you put your hand in her panties and felt her up, where you placed your kisses, what you said to her, where you took her, even your wedding day".

John is married to your ex-wife, but in a sense he is now fucking a second-hand rose. You got at her pussy before HIM. You probably fucked her a few thousand times.

Everytime your ex-wife fucks John, SHE IS ****** to compare John with you - she can't stop thinking your name - this is called, "to death do us part". She can't defrag you out of her brain, her mind is full of pictures of everything you and her have ever done together - and when you deliver the alimony money, SHE HAS TO STORE THAT EXPERIENCE INTO HER MEMORY BANKS AS WELL.

If John thought about it this way, he wouldn't want you within a 100 miles, because you are still part of your ex-wife's life every fortnight. She keeps looking forward to you coming with the money, and you entertain her on each occasion as she is ****** to give you more humiliation.

She might think she is winning, but actually it is you who is in the winner's circle. You get to see what she looks like again, what she is wearing, what mood she is in, how tidy her home is, whether she is happy or pissed off with life.

So when you take her the money, she has no choice but to keep the "story going", and your mind is photographing the new memory.

If your ex-wife was 100% happy with her new husband, she would tell you to set up an automatic payment from your bank account to hers. But the truth she NEEDS you as well as John - he may be hot in bed but there are things about you which she misses.

Susan craves for "cock from the past", but she has also told you that her love for you is true and that there are things about you that make her want to stay with you. It is these things that your ex is missing, even if she is addicted to John's cock.
Ok so this is part you need to pay attention to as far as financial support of your ex-wife is concerned. I pulled this from Missouri Alimony Law: "The obligation to pay alimony and maintenance ceases upon the remarriage of the obligee spouse, without the necessity of further court action". You can look it up here www.helpyourselfdivorce.com.

You might have to consult a lawyer but as far as I can tell it means you can just stop and it will be their responsibility to try and make you pay again. Which they know will be fruitless, so that is why they prefer cash. No paper trail for you to grow a spine and try to recoup your losses.

And contrary to your post, you do give a shit to what this board thinks or you would have stopped updating the thread. I would tell you to grow a pair for the sake of your current relationship and stop paying them atleast. But the pair you already have seem to in your ex-wife's purse or maybe on her bedside table where John puts it to her. I don't want to be mean but you seem to be asking, almost begging for disapproval from the members of this board. You aren't asking advice you a just telling a story with regular updates in hopes of getting responses. What responses are you looking for?

Do you want legal advice? Sexual advice? Marriage counseling? Related experiences? Pats on the back for being upfront with your sissy lifestyle? Or do you simply want to bare your soul to a bunch of strangers on a sex board? This thread seems like it should be moved to the XXX Stories part, but there isn't any XXX in it.

I don't know if you want us to be sympathetic or condemning or neither to be honest.

PS Your current marriage, to what seems to be a wonderful, faithful woman is being put in jeopardy by you IMO. If you want this lifestyle, more power to you. But don't drag an unwilling person into it, she deserves the truth and chance to make her own choice.
SARAHA: As usual your insite is spot on, the mental humiliation of having Susan w/ a lover or thinking of John w/ either My X or Susan is pretty out there.. But i think like most sometimes the fanatsy is / would be better than the actuality of it..I'm not an open flamer or one of these 24/7 Sissies and have a bit of a community standing, so I tend to just go along with the status quo.

What I can't seem to have people here understand is the order "amount" was the order. I make a decent income and for the most part it doesn't bother me to pay. and don't want to upset the apple cart by going back to court. I kinda feel its a punishment for lying prior to my 1st marriage.

As for the rest I'm just telling my story and adding my 2 cents here and there. I'm I a LOSER?? YES, NO, MAYBE ??

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