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father watching daughter with black fantasy

  • Thread starterbillperv
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PittsburghBull4Cuck said:
TinyCockWimp - reading is fundamental. Reading for content is also a basic skill that most people have mastered and you should maybe consider.

Look at what he did in another post, look at his theme of youth, and how he mentions young knowning damn well how it will be taken, without say something like, "...but legal."

You can defend a child predator all you like through your niggling little tactics and at the end of the day you are defending a child predator.

You, TinyCockWimp, are defending a child predator.

As for why those ads on the site - it's a red herring in this argument. Go check out the site. The whole point of the site in every sample video I saw was "what would you daddy do if he found out you were with a nigger" and most answers were something along the lines of, "he would kill me."


So let's stick to the subject. We have a guy who has posted this child/daughter garbage before, people who are pretending maybe, just maybe, he wasn't talking about a girl under 18, and those of us who know he's just fine with the idea of fucking a child, his own child.

Don't start something you can't finish dickweed--- you wan't to destroy this thread to?

Last warning - stay the fuck away from my posts

I am NOT defending a child predator you moron. Obviously english is a second or third language for you. Did you read the purple intro to my comment???

Climb back under the rock you crawled out from under and leave grown folks be.
just for intrest

Synonyms: These adjectives mean of, relating to, characteristic of, or being in an early period of growth or development. Young is the most general of the terms: a young child.

<staring silently in disbelief. Let he with no sin be the first to cast a stone >
The Bible?

juiceman said:
<staring silently in disbelief. Let he with no sin be the first to cast a stone >

A curious forum to see the Bible paraphrased.

Let one thing be CRYSTAL clear: If I am attacked I will respond in kind. If anyone is wondering why there is venom in my post to Pitt, you should see the WAR PittsBurghBull4Cpl and I had in another thread. It shut down the thread and ruined the fun for everyone.

I don't want a repeat of that --- but I won't shy away from it if he fucks with me again.
let your daughter choose her own fucks

not a sane idea you have proposed there. She will get plenty of dicks on her own without your help
example217 said:
Sounds like we have alot of hipocrites. There are many fathers who would jump at the chance to watch their legal (or nearly legal or legal in some regions) daugthers fuck a black dude, especially if they were not found out. I know as a mother i love to watch and listen.

I have to disagree with the above quote. While there may be some, and I personally hope very few, parents that get turned on by any sexual activity with their own adult age children. I have no facts or statistics to back this but I have to believe it to be so. As a parent of a daughter, part of me hopes she grows up to be a nun or lesbian. I know what dirty thoughts boys and men have and what they will someday try to do to her. While I want her to some day become a well round human and part of that involves sexuality, I would rather be an ostrich. Mom & I will educate her to be smart about partners and safe sex issues, besides that, my head will be in the sand.

My own fantasies and activities would be considered sick and twisted by many of the general populace, this forum excepted. To me anything erotic involving parents & children should be left to the hillbillies & royalty.

Just for the record, anything sexually involving children should be dealt with by baseball bat to the skull.
PittsburghBull4Cuck said:
"You need to come down off of your high horse, there buck-o."
Name calling, the refuge of those without an argument. But no, I don't need to come down off of anything. Call me wacky for being down on child predators, but I think a little moral outrage is a good thing when it comes to abusing children even if you are into cuckolding.

I'm not really into cuckolding, I just think its interesting.

Well there is a great argument. I'm glad you took the time to review the site and tell me why you disagree in an adult manner. That sure changed my mind. Oh wait, I'm sorry, that was sarcasm I just posted. If you have a point about what you think of the site, make it, but name calling is not a good way to make your point.

You're real good at sarcasm. It is naive to think that the site in question is not aimed at middle aged white men who have a dark fantasy of watching their daughter get screwed by a black guy. To me it is obvious that is the target audience.

I'm not a cop or a court. I don't care about confessions. I care about sick fucks walking around the USA trying to fuck children.

Thank god we have you here to protect us.

PittsburghBull4Cuck said:
Maybe you need to actually back up a few posts and read the research I did where this guy actually asks when young daughters should be fucked by black cocks and is thinking that 13/14 is a good age.

Ok, now I see why you jumped on his ass.

My bad, carry on.
Sardrax said:
he never said underage just young 18 to me is young hell so is 25. we have a few daughter links as sponsers here. if you guys do not like the subject of a post you need not read it but please do not demean and flame people. because wanting to watch someone fuck your wife with a big black dick is offensive to people too. hell my grandma has a fit when she finds out I shared a hotel room with friends without sex. so in my humble opinion

we all have some skeleton hidden somewhere...

PittsburghBull4Cuck said:
All sins are not equal, not even in the bible. Adultery is not the same as fucking children anymore than a speeding ticket is the same as vehicular homicide. Unless your point is that you too have the urge to fuck a 13-14 year old girl I don't get your point.

Point is it is a sex site. And every single one of us on here has done some wierd shit, or thought about some wierd shit...that we are not proud of should it ever get publicized in the newspaper or on the TV news. So, with that thought in mind, I choose not bash on someone else for sharing their thoughts, because somebody could just as easily bash me about mine. And I am here for fun and sexual interest.

That is my last comment on the issue. Peace.
brush up on the bibel

PittsburghBull4Cuck said:
All sins are not equal, not even in the bible. Adultery is not the same as fucking children anymore than a speeding ticket is the same as vehicular homicide. Unless your point is that you too have the urge to fuck a 13-14 year old girl I don't get your point.

well in bibilical times 13 14 was getting old and needed to be married off. hell the age limit of 18 in not much more than 100 years old. and incest was only for the rich and influental. to keep the blood pure. we can argue history if you wish!
Ok I was going to shut up......but

Sardrax said:
well in bibilical times 13 14 was getting old and needed to be married off. hell the age limit of 18 in not much more than 100 years old. and incest was only for the rich and influental. to keep the blood pure. we can argue history if you wish!
Pitts makes some good points. My grandmother married my grandpa, he was 40 and she was 13. It was legal then, and yes very common, they had nine kids lived together and never cheated on each other. When he passed she stayed single till she died at 82. But this isn't about two people getting married that are of different age, this is lust of wanting a daughter at a young age, what ever that maybe, have sex with a black bull and the father watching it. If indeed young meant underage and I think it did, then that is just plain wrong because its againast the law, forget the moral side. If it is a father watching and planning on breeding his daughter that is just plain wrong on the moral and ethical side. I think so many of you want to defend wrong and that sadens me, wrong is wrong and there is no way to justify it. It cheapens this site and the people that have open marrage arrangment or cuck in some form, it makes it appear all of us are preverts and have no morals or ethics and my freinds that just is not true. Sharing a spouse who want to do this is a personel decision and does not effect anyone other then those who too or intrested in crossing those lines. Is it moral or not, you have to work that out between you and your God whom ever that maybe, is it ethical, what is done open and with consent is in fact very ethical, no one is lieing or being a hyprocrate, they have choosen a lifestyle that they both agree on. And for the legal egals on here, it is not adudtery if both people agree to the open relationship, it is only if one partner cheats, has sex with out the other party knowing, on the other partner. In any case, I speak for me and me alone, if i know a man who tries to set his underage child up with someone older I will do all I can to assit putting them in jail where they can enjoy being ass fucked till they die. I have a duaghter that was *****, and I assure you, the older man who did it, So my point is simple you want to post that kind of sick fucking shit, go to a site where other jail birds like you hang out cause if your not yet you will be someday. And I really don't care if you like my points are not, because if I were moderator over this site you would be banned and all the info that pits got would be in hands of the child predetors group of the FBI right now. OH yeah, I did call a FBI friend of mine and asked them to take a look at this post just so you know. And if you do not think I did, then be brave enough to call the St. Louis office and ask.
tuppinsinmo said:
Pitts makes some good points. My grandmother married my grandpa, he was 40 and she was 13. It was legal then, and yes very common, they had nine kids lived together and never cheated on each other. When he passed she stayed single till she died at 82. But this isn't about two people getting married that are of different age, this is lust of wanting a daughter at a young age, what ever that maybe, have sex with a black bull and the father watching it. If indeed young meant underage and I think it did, then that is just plain wrong because its againast the law, forget the moral side. If it is a father watching and planning on breeding his daughter that is just plain wrong on the moral and ethical side. I think so many of you want to defend wrong and that sadens me, wrong is wrong and there is no way to justify it. It cheapens this site and the people that have open marrage arrangment or cuck in some form, it makes it appear all of us are preverts and have no morals or ethics and my freinds that just is not true. Sharing a spouse who want to do this is a personel decision and does not effect anyone other then those who too or intrested in crossing those lines. Is it moral or not, you have to work that out between you and your God whom ever that maybe, is it ethical, what is done open and with consent is in fact very ethical, no one is lieing or being a hyprocrate, they have choosen a lifestyle that they both agree on. And for the legal egals on here, it is not adudtery if both people agree to the open relationship, it is only if one partner cheats, has sex with out the other party knowing, on the other partner. In any case, I speak for me and me alone, if i know a man who tries to set his underage child up with someone older I will do all I can to assit putting them in jail where they can enjoy being ass fucked till they die. I have a duaghter that was *****, and I assure you, the older man who did it, So my point is simple you want to post that kind of sick fucking shit, go to a site where other jail birds like you hang out cause if your not yet you will be someday. And I really don't care if you like my points are not, because if I were moderator over this site you would be banned and all the info that pits got would be in hands of the child predetors group of the FBI right now. OH yeah, I did call a FBI friend of mine and asked them to take a look at this post just so you know. And if you do not think I did, then be brave enough to call the St. Louis office and ask.
you wound us all sicking youtr FBI friend on us. oh how gouch. number 1 all this info pulled up on this suposed guy using a nick in one chat program will yeild you more and enough evidence to hang anyone. it does not prove it was the same person. you will probably be getting a call from you fed friend telling you so. you bring a perfect point though with using our monitary and superiority to wow and mystify women. let me say I have never in my live had non consentual sex period and rarely had illeagal sex scratch that I have illeagal sex every day cause of the state I live in. I am trying to think of come backs for yuou but it seems all the cums at the back of your throat so please do us all a favor and swallow
Hey guys you are missing a good chance to ignore a guy. Please do me a favor and burry this post. Not worth the time you spend.

Sardrax said:
you wound us all sicking youtr FBI friend on us. oh how gouch.
NO Sardrax, do you really think the feds have time to worry about guys or gals who fucking cheat on there wifes or husbands. Don't be a ass, or stupid, the only time that law comes into play, is when a wife sues her husband for divorce and the reason is adultery. The feds don't give a damn about all those that post on here, and advantage here is, she is my freind, intrested in only one thing, child predators. Now if your a child predator and you post here or any other site that I happen to go on, you damn right you deserve to get caught. You don't like it, too bad. And sorry just because your a queer and have cum in the back of your thoat doesn't mean all of that share suck cock. Some of you seem to think this is married trans site, maybe you should start a group of your own, you could call it gay and married. I don't really give a shit what turns you on, if you want to be a cock sucker, thats ok, I have said that over and over though I may not be into it. I don't care if you fuck dogs or horses, I don't care if you drink piss or eat shit, I don't care if you have a cock the size of a tooth pick, BUT I don't want to see or hear about how you want little girls or boys or how you want to fuck your daughter or watch her being fucked and inicating that she is underage"young", So ifyou want that fine, but I don't, and this is not about that, so stop trying to act all tough and like your somehow going to be in the right, cause you can not make this post right in any way. Far as I am concerned someone who would take a young daughter and put her out to be fucked, is no better then a muderer, for he has in fact killed that childs heart and destoryed a part of her youth and mind forever. If you do a little research on this subject you would know the damage that is done to these children. And if he is inocent, and posts no more child shit, if he in fact has not down loaded any child shit, if he in fact is fake and this is all talk, then nothing at all will be done, for now though there is one complaint about him. And I have not heard anything from Buzz who is a moderator of this site that would say he has been contacted as of yet. SO my advice to you Sardrax is, keep your mouth shut, keep out of this, I didn't hide my actions, have the intergirty and balls to say exacatly what I was going to do and did. Many would of just done it and hid, so in this case, you might want to keep your opinions to yourself unless of course you support underage sex and if so please go ahead post more, write more, cause by God I'll do all I can to help you find your way to that happy little place where you can spend the rest of your days getting all the cock up your ass you can handle.
to bad

tuppinsinmo said:
NO Sardrax, do you really think the feds have time to worry about guys or gals who fucking cheat on there wifes or husbands. Don't be a ass, or stupid, the only time that law comes into play, is when a wife sues her husband for divorce and the reason is adultery. The feds don't give a damn about all those that post on here, and advantage here is, she is my freind, intrested in only one thing, child predators. Now if your a child predator and you post here or any other site that I happen to go on, you damn right you deserve to get caught. You don't like it, too bad. And sorry just because your a queer and have cum in the back of your thoat doesn't mean all of that share suck cock. Some of you seem to think this is married trans site, maybe you should start a group of your own, you could call it gay and married. I don't really give a shit what turns you on, if you want to be a cock sucker, thats ok, I have said that over and over though I may not be into it. I don't care if you fuck dogs or horses, I don't care if you drink piss or eat shit, I don't care if you have a cock the size of a tooth pick, BUT I don't want to see or hear about how you want little girls or boys or how you want to fuck your daughter or watch her being fucked and inicating that she is underage"young", So ifyou want that fine, but I don't, and this is not about that, so stop trying to act all tough and like your somehow going to be in the right, cause you can not make this post right in any way. Far as I am concerned someone who would take a young daughter and put her out to be fucked, is no better then a muderer, for he has in fact killed that childs heart and destoryed a part of her youth and mind forever. If you do a little research on this subject you would know the damage that is done to these children. And if he is inocent, and posts no more child shit, if he in fact has not down loaded any child shit, if he in fact is fake and this is all talk, then nothing at all will be done, for now though there is one complaint about him. And I have not heard anything from Buzz who is a moderator of this site that would say he has been contacted as of yet. SO my advice to you Sardrax is, keep your mouth shut, keep out of this, I didn't hide my actions, have the intergirty and balls to say exacatly what I was going to do and did. Many would of just done it and hid, so in this case, you might want to keep your opinions to yourself unless of course you support underage sex and if so please go ahead post more, write more, cause by God I'll do all I can to help you find your way to that happy little place where you can spend the rest of your days getting all the cock up your ass you can handle.
well all you have to do is find me and report me to any police department in oklahoma where they do prosicute for adultery. the spouce does not have to complain they investigate even rumors. I know cause it happend to a girl I carpooled with to work. there you go I never once said i suported underage sex. I said I suported a father watching his young daughter have sex. you are the one who is always saying underaged.
its worth it

enser said:
Hey guys you are missing a good chance to ignore a guy. Please do me a favor and burry this post. Not worth the time you spend.
I come here when I have read all the new post and am waiting for more posts to be done so it is worth it to me. smiles I justr like stiring up crap. he is using info that is not reliable claiming it is fact. I did a search under the nick I use and found out this nmick has been going to alot of sites that I had not seen before. also found out I am a rookie pilot o some robot game yeah me I wonder if I get anything for playing. I will have to ask the runners of the game
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I have a wife and daughter. ready to change family photo

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