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How do I turn hubby into a cuck?

  • Thread starterjnnyht
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I am fairly new to all this, my sister inlaw introduced me BBCs and now I can't get enough. I love big cocks of all colors. Unfortunately my hubbys cock is not quite 5 inches, which is not going to anything for me, other than annoy me when he wants to fuck me. He has no idea that im getting all this cock. So can somebody give me some ideas how to change him into a cuck. Thanks
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Zippless is right

If you're fucking other guys, your husband is already a cuckold. I imagine your real question is, "How can I let him in on what I'm doing and get him to accept it?"

There's no single answer.
jnnyht said:
that's what I'm asking

Yeah, assuming you're not already lying about this whole thing (which I suspect you are), then you've already fucked this whole thing up by doing all this behind his back and without his knowledge. You're just cheating on your husband and hoping now to turn your cheating into his new sexual turn-on. But if he was already turned on by this sort of thing, then you wouldn't have taken things this far without his knowledge and you would have been honest with him from the start. Manipulating someone into this lifestyle, which is exactly what you appear to be proposing, is sick and dangerous and it's the last thing you should do to someone you respect. So obviously you don't respect your husband. I suggest you confess your wrong-doing, hope he doesn't leave you on the spot, and if you're lucky work hard for a long time to regain his trust through marriage counseling.

Not the response you wanted, but you see I'm not jerking off to all this right now.
Jethro said:
Yeah, assuming you're not already lying about this whole thing (which I suspect you are), then you've already fucked this whole thing up by doing all this behind his back and without his knowledge. You're just cheating on your husband and hoping now to turn your cheating into his new sexual turn-on. But if he was already turned on by this sort of thing, then you wouldn't have taken things this far without his knowledge and you would have been honest with him from the start. Manipulating someone into this lifestyle, which is exactly what you appear to be proposing, is sick and dangerous and it's the last thing you should do to someone you respect. So obviously you don't respect your husband. I suggest you confess your wrong-doing, hope he doesn't leave you on the spot, and if you're lucky work hard for a long time to regain his trust through marriage counseling.

Not the response you wanted, but you see I'm not jerking off to all this right now.
X2, I totally agree :cool:
Jethro's response was a little harsh, but he is correct that you have put the cart before the horse. You don't say whether your husband has any fantasies about cuckolding. I would suggest you get him into bed one night and while in foreplay gently question him about his fantasies. If he does then start a scenario about what would it be like if you were to take a lover, or two.

If he does not, than you are going to have a much tougher time. It is my experience and understanding that many men can be led down paths they never expected if you take them by their erection and pull them that way. Bring it up only when he is horny and stop talking about it once he has cum. Good luck.
Tie him up with hands and feet to four corners of bed as a fantasy game, and blindfold him, and give him a long massage and kiss him all over his body and tickle him with a feather. Keep room much warmer than normal so that he does not get cold. Sit on his cock and slowly ride him like you are in the saddle on a horse, but don't let him cum for quite a while.

When he is into sub-space, you can discuss his sexual dreams and fantasies just as Susan's slave above suggested. Ask him what the biggest and smallest cocks he has seen on other guys.
dmitting past errors will do nothing for your relationship. We all make errors . Confessions often hurt the innocent patry much more. I would favour Sahara's , or Susan's slave approach. You could always try the good pld faithful.... Ive had a sexy dream one... Wake him up demand sex ,give him the best shag hes had for ages. If hes got anything between his ears ,he will ask you ( when hes recovered)..." What brought that on ? " You answer innocently ..." i had a really sexy dream about being shagged by a really well endowed black guy". watch his reaction. If its good do it again after a while. after a few sessions .Like pavlovs dogs he will associate getting a great lay himself with you thinking about Black guys. There has to be some benefit to him.
Hi Ms. Jen,

Welcome to the forum! Thank you for posting your photos on your personal info page. You're a gorgeous woman.... *very* attractive.

jnnyht said:
I am fairly new to all this, my sister-in-law introduced me BBCs and now I can't get enough. I love big cocks of all colors.

Good! You haven't mentioned how long you and your husband have been married, but you are now definitely on the right track.

jnnyht said:
Unfortunately, my hubby's cock is not quite 5 inches, which is not doing anything for me other than annoy me when he wants to fuck me. He has no idea that I'm getting all this cock. So can somebody give me some ideas how to change him into a cuck. Thanks.

Solving this problem is easy, because — as others have pointed out — you made your husband your cuckold the first time you fucked another man, and he has been your cuckold ever since. Thus, I assume you want to bring your husband around to accepting and agreeing that it is entirely normal — and indeed, your prerogative as a married woman — to date and fuck other men you find more satisfying.

It would be a bad idea, in my opinion, to admit to your husband you already are fucking other men. This could shock him and enrage him and lead rapidly to divorce, or cause slow simmering anger that would finally blow up and end in divorce. So, I suggest a more subtle and gradual approach.

You might first consider mentioning you found this article

The Science of Cuckoldry Cuckold Couple

on the Internet, and suggest he read it.... then ask him what he thinks, in a noncommittal way. Then, sometime later, mention to your husband you found this article

Bold :: Brazen :: Beautiful :: Scandalous – A site for women : Scandalouswomen

and ask him if he would be willing to read it, then (again) ask him what he thinks about it. Try to get him to spend some time talking with you about each of these articles. Don't push him, but talk in a disinterested way (as if you don't have a "vested interest"), but probe gently and see if you can arouse his interest.

Now, usually it is married men who want and need a strategy for persuading their wives to take lovers and become their cuckoldresses (/hotwives). A strategy for doing that, written from the point of view of a man, can be found here (this is the beginning of a 7- or 8-part article):

A Wife Into A Hotwife Hot Wife Blog - hotwife and cuckold husband fetish discussion

However, you — as you've pointed out — have the opposite problem. You want to persuade your husband to *accept* that his proper role in your marriage is to be your cuckold, without informing him he already is. Thus, I suggest reading this article carefully all the way through, then devising a strategy for, in effect, "working the process in reverse" to gradually move him to the point of acceptance of his role as your cuckold.

If you would like additional feedback as you gradually "move your husband in your desired direction" (as it were), I encourage you to post updates on how you're doing, descriptions of problems you are having, etc.

Good luck! And best regards—

Sorry jnnyht...I have to 110% agree with Jethro...
What you are doing (if in fact you are actually doing it) is cowardly, deceitful and immature. Note, that was not a personal attack, merely a comment on your actions.
I really only see 2 options-
1- confess and hope he stays...after some time for him to trust you again, you can explore this lifestyle...though I suspect that if he's not already at least a little interested, you have ruined your chances.
2- never mention what you've done and stop doing it now. Need a bigger dick? Then buy yourself a dildo...
If he's not the man you want, then let him down gently and move on...if you really want a cuck, there are plenty of men begging for that role- you won't have to lie and cheat with them...
Definition: Cuckold
1. A man whose wife committed adultery.

This is from Websters on line Dictionary. So you husband is already a cuckold as many have pointed out.

My wife and I had lots of talks over us becoming a cuckold couple. It is something I have always wanted and she has always had a need to be with more than one person. It took months of talking setting up ground rules for both of us. If she had come to me and told me that she had already fucked several guys and now I am her cuck it would have ruined our marriage and my trust in her. Now this is only the way that I feel and is not meant to the way it should be and work for everyone. Trust and understanding is what makes every marriage work. I have read the above posts and I just do not believe that forcing him in any way to accept being a cuck will work. You need to hope he has a secret desire to be one. Most men do not have that in their make up to be a cuck, if they did there would be a lot more of us.

My wife and I are in a female lead relationship. I am her submissive and she is my dominant. I have freely given her many of my rights. Even though she is my Mistress I would not have accepted her having sex with someone else with knowing about it and both of us agreeing to it. Now many may say that as her sub I would have no rights at all. That might be the case where there is no love involved and it is just a D/s relationship. We love each other and would never do anything to ruin that. With that said remember any one can end a relationship whether he be a cuck or a sub or even a dominant. All one has to do is walk away. Because of the way you have acted in this, you had better hope he does not choose that option.

Good luck in repairing your marriage

Jinny, do not beat your self up about what has gone before, this is all to common. Remember no one can turn anyone against their true will. You can not pay too much attention to what a man says, because he has been conditioned to think he is supposed to feel and replay in certain ways. Also a cuck and a sissy, who makes the best cucks, are not neccessaryly the same. Contary to some opinions, most persons are bi-sexual, or at least with those tendancies. Try to get him to see some sissy cuck material, in other words start the conditioning process going this way. We know from your pictures that you are hot, and if he has a small penis, he should accept this. Men respect bold, willfull women and you do not have to step on his very fragile self esteem (men with small cocks are very prone to this) and lets face it if you have tried black you are not going back, so be a little bold about what you want to do and you may find he is more than willing. If you know a couple that swings, see if you can get the woman to come on to your husband, and if the friends husband is bi, you can work him up to it in no time. There is one truism, "A hard cock has no concious" and do not believe all of this denial stuff you see, he will want to see what is in it for him whether it be cream pie or sucking a bbc. If he is just not the type, be honest and tell him you are going to have to find a new husband or lover with a larger tool. Humm it is not always the size of the tool, but the willingness to please that is lacking. The number of men who wish this type of relationship is very large and it is the number of hot women who are in short supply.


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Not much that I can add here. My fellow members have given you some very good advice. Which you choose to follow depends on the type of man your husband is. Only you can judge how he will react to the various ideas that were given.

I also want to welcome you to the forum and thank you for posting your pics. You are a very attractive woman and I can see that you will have no problem finding cock. as for being able to fit it into your married life? Sincerely, good luck.
You can do it....

Hi Ms. Jen,

I wouldn't take all this grief you're getting from some forum members too seriously. In the past, countless women have cuckolded their husbands without their knowledge because, historically, most married men have had low tolerance for being cuckolded and tended to feel their wives were somehow their "property." So, secret cuckolding was the way it had to be done. I suspect formally agreed-upon "hotwife/cuckold husband" marriages are a relatively recent phenomenon driven by rapid development of the Internet and instant communication, worldwide, of all things sexual.

If you don't want to leave your husband nor have him leave you — particularly if you have children — your only alternative, essentially, is to bring him around to acceptance of being your cuckold as his natural role in your marriage.

For an example of a woman who was in a worse situation than you — she was unmarried but engaged, pregnant by a lover not her fiance, and wanted to persuade her fiance to agree to become her cuckold husband after their marriage, as well as before — see the thread by "Knockedup" that begins here:


Note that "Knockedup," like you, took a lot of grief from some forum members. But, she ignored the insults, pressed on, and succeeded in every way (apparently). Her follow-up thread, in which she describes persuading her fiance to accept that her pregnancy was not by him, and agree to marry her anyway, and assist her with raising her child, and be her faithful cuckold while she is free to date and fuck whomever she wishes, starts here:


So, I strongly suspect your objective is not impossible if you go about it in the right way. If "Knockedup" could do it, very likely you can too. But, you will need a suitable plan of action.

Best regards—

I want to thank everybody for all the good advice that you have given. I am coming up with a plan of action using some of your ideas. If anybody has anymore feel free to post them and thanks in advance.

To all of you who are being judgemental, I understand I'm not doing this the ideal way. I never planned this, it just kind of happened. You all have a right to your opinion, but if I tell him, he will be crushed and my marriage will probably be over. Which I know I probably deserve, I'm just trying to make the best out of all this.

Thanks again and have a great day,

First, what you are doing is 100% wrong. And let me say that it is not what you are doing but how you are doing it. There is nothing wrong with what you are doing as long as it is not behind your husband's back. There are definately a lot of fun things that can be done with adding someone else. You just have to be careful to keep it purely sexual and not let it get emotional. You should love your husband and avoind falling in love with any other persons you bring into your bedroom. In other words, make love to your husband and fuck the other guys. Just don't fuck them without your husband knowing.

You can introduce him to the topic slowly by reading erotic literature or watching a porn film together that depicts the husband enjoying himself watching his wife fuck someone else. You move into role playing and telling eachother erotic stories. The internet is full of ideas for stuff like this.
soor to judge you but you put it out here on a forum and you did plan this as soon as you decided to fuck someone else other then your husband knowing it would most likely ruin your marriage. Some say there are plenty og guys that will take someone like you and they might. but there is more to a marriage then a big cock or someone that is willing to let you fuck guys with big cocks.

as i cuckold with a wife i serve and love i would never wnat someone like you to be my wife.

we all make dicisions we all have to live with now live with yours.
Hi Ms. Jenny,

jnnyht said:
I want to thank everybody for all the good advice that you have given.

You're welcome.

jnnyht said:
I am coming up with a plan of action using some of your ideas. If anybody has anymore feel free to post them and thanks in advance. .... —Jenny

Here's a literotica story that's more specifically oriented toward your question:

How to Cuckold Your Husband - How To - Literotica.com

For a coherent femdom marriage framework based on loving female authority (as Ms. Sutton calls it), which can include cuckolding as an integral component, see:

Elise Sutton's Female Superiority Page

This site is extensive. It would be worthwhile, I would say, for you to begin reading and thinking about it. You might also consider subscribing to Ms. Sutton's bimonthly e-zine "Predominant," which includes many good features and ideas. It's relatively inexpensive.... to subscribe, send a note to Ms. Sutton's e-mail address (given on her site), and she will e-mail back instructions.

I suspect it will benefit you most, in the long run, to gradually transform your relationship with your husband into an Elise Sutton-style wife-led (femdom) marriage. As you read Ms. Sutton's site, you'll begin to see what that may involve. It sounds like you have already begun putting together a plan of action (that's good!); you will need to be patient and persistent as you gradually take control of your relationship, finally to the point of your husband accepting that it is your prerogative, as his wife, to date and fuck whomever you please while he remains faithful as your cuckold.

Ms. Knockedup proceeded along these lines. When you read her two threads I mentioned above (if you haven't already), you'll see it worked out well for her.

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jnnyht said:
... but if I tell him, he will be crushed and my marriage will probably be over. Which I know I probably deserve, I'm just trying to make the best out of all this.
Thank you for admitting that all of us "judgmental" people are 100% correct.

You're worried about your marriage?! You should have thought of that before you fucked up so badly.

If you think you can make this work ex post facto, then you're in denial. Just going by what you wrote, it's not just a matter of your husband not wanting to live with you after all this, but it sounds like you can't even live with yourself now. You're looking for validation from people here because you feel guilty because you know you did wrong. Well, you're supposed to feel guilty because you did do wrong.

Eventually your husband will find out the truth. Eventually you're going to have to find a way to live with yourself. You've made a real fine mess here, and the sooner you start cleaning things up and stop looking for ways to make things even worse, the better off you and your marriage will be.

You need to get off this board, stop listening to all the horny (mostly fake) cranks here egging you on for their on gratification, and think long and hard about whether you want to save your marriage and about what kind of person you care to be. Get some real professional help. You're going to need it.

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