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I have not been able to get pregnant....

  • Thread starterReifcedtoe
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New around here...
Beloved Member
May 8, 2011
Hello everyone. We have been swingers for years. I have always had my lovers fuck me with condoms on, in fear of the normal fears STDS and pregnancy... recently hubby and I stopped swinging and we tried having children of our own. Seems like we cannot have children due to diabetes my husband has had over the past 4 years has effected his sperm. We cannot afford In vitro fertilization, So we are contemplating having a bull get me pregnant. Has anyone on here done this for real, and if so, can you tell me how you have handled it and how your family has been since?

Reifcedtoe said:
Hello everyone. We have been swingers for years. I have always had my lovers fuck me with condoms on, in fear of the normal fears STDS and pregnancy... recently hubby and I stopped swinging and we tried having children of our own. Seems like we cannot have children due to diabetes my husband has had over the past 4 years has effected his sperm. We cannot afford In vitro fertilization, So we are contemplating having a bull get me pregnant. Has anyone on here done this for real, and if so, can you tell me how you have handled it and how your family has been since?

has this been verified by a doc?
Two suggestions before considering a "bull"...

Hi Ms. Carol,

Diabetes per se should not affect your husband's ability to impregnate you if he can get it up, fuck you and ejaculate. Diabetes increases the probability of a man developing erectile dysfunction earlier (perhaps considerably earlier) than he might otherwise, but four years isn't very long. Thus, I suggest your husband have his sperm count measured then consult with an M.D. re. the results, if he has not already done so.

You, of course, are the other half of the "getting pregnant problem." Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a common cause... perhaps the most common cause... of women being unable to get pregnant, and of those, chlamydia is most common by far. (As noted when you google it, it's "hard to spell but easy to catch.") Despite your precautions, it's conceivable you may have picked up chlamydia without realizing it — after which it may have run its course and left scar tissue blocking your fallopian tubes — also without you being aware of it. If so, that could have left you unable to become pregnant... but fortunately, your fallopian tubes can be "repaired," if necessary, with a relatively simple surgery.

Thus, if your husband's sperm count is adequate, I suggest seeing a woman M.D. for an evaluation of whether you have an STD-induced inability to become pregnant... or, if not, whether there is some other identifiable reason.

Good luck!

Angevin, & Custer,

I need to clear up some things... sorry... ok, we are currently getting hubby checked our at his urologist. He's doing the 2nd set of tests on him. According to his doctor, the first set of tests came back ok with sperm count, he just didn't like the volume that was tested, so he is having him repeat the tests this week. As far as STD's is concerned, BOTH of US get tested for ALL STDS and gotten clean bills of heath MANY TIMES since were together. As far as ME having problems.... well, I need to let it out on here. I cheated on hubby back in December, the guy who I fucked was with me only twice... once was right before my period and once right after... needless to say I got pregnant the 2nd time. I had to tell hubby what happened... We had a very stressful week, which is what I think why I lost the baby a month and a 1/2 into the pregnancy. My pregnancy was verified by my gyno and I'm positive it was my lovers baby and NOT hubby's. Hubby and I have been trying to have a baby together for over a year with no luck.

If you select a bull, then when you are confirmed pregnant, just tell friends and family that you went to a clinic for an anonymous donor sperm straw. Don't make it a big deal.

It takes two minutes to slide a straw in through the cervix, squeeze the sperm out to be near the fallopian tubes, and the sperm wriggles into either the right or left fallopian tube and goes up looking for the egg. Can't be sure which fallopian tube the egg will come down or which fallopian tube the sperm will go up.

This is the reason that married couples barebacking have only a 20% chance of getting pregnant in a year. In an orgy, the volume of sperm is so great that some goes up each fallopian tube, and it does not matter so much which fallopian tube the egg is coming down.

A couple who fuck too often can find the volume of sperm at each ejaculation is too small, and often the spermatoza are not vigorous enough to swim powerfully up to the egg. If the volume of sperm is high, there is a better chance of sperm going up both tubes.

It helps if a wife has a very strong orgasm. This causes her pelvic muscles to pulse very stronger and push the sperm towards the egg in a shorter time.

No one needs to know that your hubby let you jump the fence into another bull paddock for some thrilling encounters. The selected bull needs a few health checks to avoid surprises you can do without.

You will need to talk about additional children all having the same father for their emotional security as siblings; and any insecurities or jealousy hubby might feel if the biological father wishes to have some contact with his children in the longer term.

Technically, a Judge could order the bull to pay child support in the future if your hubby ever wanted a divorce or fell on hard times.

Sometimes, a hubby will adopt the new babies, so the biological father can't ever make a future claim, but it needs co-operation between all parties to get a written contract.

It is wise to seek some legal advice - otherwise,you might as well sleep with a bull and not tell the bull he is a father.

Women can release eggs at anytime of their menstrual cycle if they have an emotional upset or excitement (like a stranger flirting with them). They also can have a lunar ovulation, and can on occasion get pregnant whilst having a period.

Thank you for your help. I'm not even sure if I can do this once yet. I'm having mixed emotions about the whole thing using bulls to produce our child, especially if we want more then 1 child. The bull will be like, hummmmm. I was thinking about having a mini gangbang with 5 guys who can prove they are clean. Has anyone out here really had a child from a bull??
A thread that may be of interest to you...

Hi Ms. Carol,


Reifcedtoe said:
I was thinking about having a mini gangbang with 5 guys who can prove they are clean. Has anyone out here really had a child from a bull??

You might find the thread by Ms. Cassielove of interest (if you haven't read it already). It's in the "Confessions" section of this forum, and begins here:


It doesn't answer your question, exactly, but it's related. Two of Ms. Cassielove's woman friends will be able to answer your question in the not-too-distant-future. Both are married and have been impregnated by Ms. Cassielove's husband, not their own husbands.

There are other threads on this forum that involve cuckolds whose wives have been impregnated by their lovers; i.e., by other men or "bulls," as they're called, but it will be necessary to do some searching to find them. You'll probably come across threads and posts on this subject if you spend some time reading around.

Saraha said:
If you select a bull, then when you are confirmed pregnant, just tell friends and family that you went to a clinic for an anonymous donor sperm straw. Don't make it a big deal.
Just make sure the bull is the same ethnic background as you and/or your husband. No insemination clinic would ever inject black sperm into a white woman, unless perhaps her husband was black.

Racial thank you for the info. We will let you all know what direction we go in with me getting pregnant.

Custer... I'm going to look at those stories now. I have not read the one you mention, but I will as soon as I send this. Thank you again for looking out for me. XOXOXO.

Marriage is for better or for worse. If adultery occurs, and divorce follows, it just means that the marriage was "conditional" on a certain standard of behavour being maintained.

True love can forgive adultery because the couple truly meant they loved each other when they took their vows.

Divorce is a copt out - rather talk through what was missing in the marriage to cause one spouse to jump the fence for extra thrills - then fix the problem or agree the marriage can keep going as an "open marriage", so each gets a full sexualexpression.

Divorce hurts kids very badly, because they don't see both parents as often as they need. It scares children and they feel emotionally scared for life. It forces them to choose where their loyalties lie - with mummy or daddy. It is sin to make children choose.

Divorce should only happen if a spouse is abusive.

Thank you for your comment. It is 100 percent true. I know I made a huge mistake. I made a few mistakes by telling this guy some personal information in my marriage that was bothering me, and he made me believe he was so much different and better then my husband which ended up to be all B.S. just to get into my panties. Thank God my husband forgave me for what I did... and I believe we are stronger then ever before because of it. Now we are onto this next step of having a child. But again Saraha, WE both agree 100 percent in what you said, and thank you for sharing in our thread. Please continue posting and we will continue giving updates.


Hubby and I could not agree with you more. I thank god everyday that he forgave me for what I did. Instead of hubby and I talking about it, I made the mistake of telling my personal business to a work associate who ended up taking advantage of me and what I was telling him about my marriage. He made me believe my husband was a real piece of shit for sharing me with other men, he didn't really love me etc etc. I ended up falling for what he was saying to me, and needless to say the co-worker and I, ended up sleeping together etc. I became pregnant, and I believe I lost the baby with all the stress that was going on while I was pregnant and with hubby finding out and us fighting etc, I think it was all too much.
Now hubby and I are stronger then ever. I told the co-worker to stay away from me, that relationship is now over, and hubby and I are trying to have a baby this time with no more lies in our relationship. Just to give everyone a update, hubby today gave his second sperm sample to the lab, and we will find out next week what the story is.
Thank you again for everyone commenting on what has been going on. XOXOXO


Sorry to hear about the diabetes causing problems for your you and your husband.

I believe that it can be cured and your husband restored wholey through lifestyle changes and a little discipline. Here is a link to a documentry of others doing just that. What a wonderful gift for both of you if he fixed this dis-ease for good and you bear his child.

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days | Watch Free Documentary Online

Hope it helps

Reifcedtoe you have received a lot of advice, all good

but I wonder if it answered your question. If I read your iniatial post correctly you desired to know if anyone had any experience and insight into selecting a Bull donner. I have to feel if you have reached this point you feel it is just not going to happen with you and your husband. If her does improve wonderful and I feel it is better to have two children anyway. Your question, how do you choose a bull? Think about the child you wish for and select a person with the intelligence, healthy genes, and athletic ability you want your child to have. Frankly many men who are married do not want to have children like themselves.

Thanks for that info. I'm going to have to watch that tomorrow with hubby and see if it will help. Sounds very interesting. Will keep you updated about it.
Mimi, yes that was also part of my question, and the rest was also if anyone here actually had someone else baby and her hubby was ok with it, and how the family was currently doing since the birth.


Thank you for that info. Its good they gave you some contact just to let you know how things were going. I'm glad to finally here a story from someone who actually did help produce children for a cpl who couldn't together.

Just to keep everyone updated, Hubby took his last sperm test yesterday, we should know more on Tuesday when he gets his results back.

Just an update. We found out today that hubby is able to have children. The doctor believes something is going on with the veins in hubbies Testicles. The Doctor is going to send him for a sonogram and find out what the deal is. Hubbies sperm count and volume were a little on the low side, but still in the normal range to get me pregnant. Will keep you all updated as we find out the results of this sonogram.


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