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Light in the end of tunnel

  • Thread starterAdamMelissa
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New around here...
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Feb 18, 2024
Hello, I don't even know where to start.

I never thought I'd have the chance to create a topic here, but here I am. Starting with a general description of our couple: I'm 26M, slim, with a 12cm dick. My girlfriend is 25F, curvy, which makes her even more attractive. She has large breasts and a nice butt, although she's self-conscious about her looks which to my mind is a big issue. We've been together for 4 years, and I proposed to her last year (she said yes). Early in our relationship, I was jealous and didn't like others flirting with her. However, around the second year, things changed. Honestly, I don't know how it happened, but a cuckold fetish began to form in my mind. We have our special jokes, like how she used to joke about a lover hiding in the closet, or lover who just escaped before I came home and etc. Over time, I started to appreciate these jokes on another level, as you can guess. Over the years, she occasionally joked about MMF or MFF scenarios (not often, maybe twice a year). It's important to note that these were jokes, and if I responded slightly more seriously, she'd either laugh it off or change the subject. She also often makes jokes about my small dick, but always reassures me it's a joke and checks if I'm okay with it.

Over time, there was less and less sex in our relationship.
- For the first 1.5 years, it was several times a week.
- From 1.5-3 years, it was once a week or even less, sometimes once every 3 weeks.
- Throughout the 4th year, it happened less than 10 times, with no sex at all in the last 6 months.

The last time I approached her 5 months ago, she told me she didn't desire me in sex anymore. She has a low libido and masturbates once a week, usually watching MMF or anal (I peeked at her browser history, couldn't resist but I know it’s bad). However, she allows me to pleasure myself while looking at her body or while performing oral on her. That's essentially the only form of intimacy between us.

I know it all sounds bad, but in reality, we deeply love each other and have good communication. We spend all our free time together, joke around, relax, and so on. I truly value her for everything she's done for me in life and for my personal growth, and she feels the same way about me. Sometimes we joke that we live like a brother and sister lol.

About 8 months ago, I confessed to her that I am a cuckold. She wasn't shocked because she suspected such inclinations (she saw my tabs with porn in my phone once, I forgot to close those), but she said that it would never happen.

And here begins the story that prompted me to write this topic and allowed me to believe that my dream can become a reality.
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Ok so here's what happened during last few months (I think I'll break those into 3-4 more posts just for it to be good for readability and well structured):

My girlfriend was supposed to go to another country for work (3 months), along with her younger sister (7 years younger). The first sign was this - two weeks before departure, in the evening, she asked me if it would be okay for her to find someone local to have fun with as she know about my fantasy. I thought it was a joke again and joked back, to which she responded with ironical notes in her voice "I’m trying to be serious with you haha meeeeh".

Fast forward 3 weeks, she's been at work for 7 days now. I don't know why, but I decided to create an account on Badoo (it's like Tinder) and set the location to the town where she works, which isn't large, only 50,000 people… I FOUND HER, you can't imagine the emotions I felt. She had 3 photos, one standard, the second in an unbuttoned suit and a sexy bodysuit under it, and the third in an unbuttoned suit jacket without a shirt or bra (she never wears bra so nothing special). Her status said "open relationship," and it was a pleasant shock for me.

Of course, I didn't show any signs that I knew anything. She still doesn't know that I saw her on Badoo. A few days later, she started telling me how much she wants sex (it's a standard thing for her before her period, her libido gets really high during those days) and why we didn't play around before her departure. I kept checking if she was online literally every hour, and yes, she was online very frequently.

Let's fast forward another week, keep in mind that whole week active on dating app. From now on, I'll provide structured responses with dates, as it seems easier for me.

August 13 - She sent me a funny video with a local politician and a lot of security around her. I joked that she had more security than the president, and she replied that she also wants a bodyguard to have fun with. Below I’ll add small but related part of our chat, I combined small messages into bigger ones to make it more readable:

Me: "If we get rich, we'll definitely hire one))"
Her: "There's a handsome boss here too. Can I have fun with him?"
Her: "I dreamt about him today."
Her: "18+"
Me: "Hahaha, well, only if it's without any romance."
Her: "I'm just joking, are you serious? I'm shocked that you're so easygoing about all this. Doesn't it bother you at all? I'm just curious about your feelings."
Me: "Well, I don't agree easily; it's just that my opinion was formed earlier. It's hard to describe the feeling, what exactly do you mean? 🙈"
Her: "So, agreeing without any negotiation from the first sentence isn't easygoing? Is it easy when you bring someone to our place and set the bed?"
Her: "Can I know your opinion?"
Me: "Well, no, what opinion? I don't want to push you into anything, but if you ever want something like that, I won't be against it."
Her: "You're not pushing me. I'm just shocked that you're so easygoing, no jealousy, no anger. You're not trying to convince me."
Me: "A lot of jealousy))"
Me: "I don't know how to describe it; right now, as I'm texting you, my pulse is racing, like when I'm at the gym. Maybe I'm not normal, there are people who like to be kicked in the balls, it hurts them too, but they're fine with it, so here it's similar, I'm jealous, but it's a pleasant jealousy, I don't know."
Her: "Maybe you'll outgrow it because it feels cringe to me."
Me: "Maybe)"
Her: "Do you plan to do the same yourself?"
Her: "Honestly."
Me: "No, that would be a bit different, I have no interest."
Me: "Honestly, thanks for not getting upset."
Her: “Why would I be upset?”
Me: “Because of who I am”
Her: "I notice everything, even if I pretend otherwise 😃"
Me: "Did you notice it a long time ago?))"
Her: "For some reason, these memories are particularly unpleasant to me now, and they're blurry. I can't remember exactly. I won't lie, it’s easy for me to fall in love, and this could all lead to the collapse of our family."
Me: "I understand, maybe it's better not to try it. That's exactly what I wrote, if anything is possible, it's only without romance because I understand it could work. And I won't find another one like you."
Her: "Well, I don't even know what to say. Damn) If you only forbid me to look at other guys, I'd have a hundred by now. Why am I like this? 😀"
Me: "Well, let's close the topic. Thanks for listening."

Also important note is I NEVER start cuckold related chats/talks with my gf (except that only time when I tell her my fetish 8 months ago). Why? Because I feel that it’s bad to push her to such thoughts or manipulate her and etc, if something like this will happen I want it to be her decision and my acception which she already basically has…

Sometimes she had thoughts of going to the neighboring big city for a weekend getaway, with an overnight stay (ALONE without sister), which she mentioned to me, obviously in our chat it was not related to the topic of sex (although who knows what she wanted there yeah?).

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August 16 - everything is okay, as usual, we're talking, but here's a part of the conversation before bed:

... a lot of chating going on here ...
Her: "I feel guilty about something."
Me: "Because of X?"
Her: "No, something else. Anyway, never mind, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

August 17 - when we were on the phone and talking, the topic turned to city X, where we used to live for a few months. She mentioned a sex shop where we once went to buy a dildo, and they told us they had swinger parties and porn movie screenings. I also remember the phrase, "Will we ever not be bored in bed?"
August 19 - when we were talking on video, she wanted to say something three times but stopped herself because she was embarrassed and said she would write it later. The conversation continued 5 hours later:

… a lot of daily chat ...
Her: "Kittyyy"
Her: "I'm embarrasseeeed"
Me: "Mm?"
Her: "I love you, that's what"
Me: "I love you too 🔥"
Her: "I got invited on a date 😂"
Me: "What do you think about it? 😏"
Her: "I don't know, I just can't imagine how it should go, what to say to him 😂😂😂"
Me: "Me neither 😅"
Me: "Would you like to go?"
Her: "Honestly, just to hang out, have a chat."
Her: "Well, there's also the fact that he's 21 😂🤪"
Me: "Well, you know, I don't mind 😏 If you want we can just discuss some boundaries though 😂"
Her: "Boundaries? 😅"
Me: "Honestly, I don't know, hahaha. I don't have experience 😅 Just go on without any particular romance, and keep me informed. You can share your thoughts on boundaries too, it's not just about me. Because most importantly, it's us, and this is just an adventure."
Her: "Does it smell like trouble to you?"
Her: "I feel some anxiety and fear."
Me: "Well, there's definitely anxiety; my heart rate is over 200 😂😂"
Her: "Come on 😂, we'll always be together, I don't even know if I should go."
Me: "Well, if you want to, you can go, honestly."
Me: "If you keep me informed and see it as an adventure, I'm fine with it. And no super romance to avoid falling in love 🙂. If you feel like you might fall in love after a while, then that's it, it's over."
Her: "You're so cunning. You're only thinking about yourself."
Me: "Well, as I said, you should also share your thoughts."
Her: "You're giving me ultimatums for the first time in your life 😂. Now I feel like I want to fall in love honestly 🥲🥲🥲😂😂"
Her: "Just kidding."
Me: "🥲🥲🥲"
Her: "He's 21, it's the real adventure 😂"
Her: "But I'll probably get bored."
—There were jokes, unrelated things and etc in this gap so I cut it out—
Me: "Well, I said, if you want, you can find adventure on your ass 😂😂"
Her: "That's too much 😄"
Me: "You'll tell me if you come up with something, so I don't turn gray here 😅"
Her: "Bro, are you serious? If something happens, we'll just hang out for an hour somewhere and then decide based on that. Why should it make you go gray?"
Me: "I'll be constantly thinking whether you went somewhere or not 😅"
Her: "Well, I'll tell you, if I don't say anything, it means I didn't go 😂"
Me: "Okay, I get it, good 😘"
Me: "I love you 🔥"
Her: "What would you want?"
Me: "In what sense?"
Her: "In a direct sense 😂"
Me: "Like in a general sense or what?"
Her: "Both, I guess"
Me: "Specifically in the context of such adventures? 😅"
Her: "Yes"
Me: "So that you have adventures 😏"
Me: "What would you like?"
Her: "Nothing special."
Me: "Are you upset? 🥲"
Me: "I see it as us being together, and sometimes there are adventures that can add some excitement to our bed. I get sweetly jealous, and you can have some fun too, but only if you want to."
Me: "The adventures aren't just about sex, sometimes just chatting or going out."
Her: "No, everything's okay, honestly, just tired, and my phone's about to die."
Me: "Alright, bro, if it makes you uncomfortable, we'll close the topic."
Me: "I love you ❤️"
… after that we have another unrelated chatting ...

PS I hope you all see smiles/emojies as those are big part of conversation and emotional tone of the message
August 20 - spending a lot of time on badoo (I see her online each 1-2 hour for like 20 minutes). Another thing I noticed is at 12AM she was online on badoo. Then she called me an hour later and we were speaking about this and that when she mentioned that she’ve just masturbated for a whole hour and get tired because of that (what I want to point out is that she started masturbation around the time she left badoo, which may mean that see got horny when she was online).

August 21 - She says her boyfriends are not replying, and I shouldn't worry.

August 22 - she bought sexy panties.

September 1 - until this day she visited badoo more or less regularly. Sometimes deciding to chat there instead of replying to me (which makes me horny asf). But starting from this day we have a decline in visits.

September 3 - She mentioned that there's a guy at her workplace in a different department who is trying to woo her. I think it's good because it boosts her self-esteem. However, I believe he has zero chances because he throws plates at other female coworkers in the kitchen, which is a strong red flag for her.

September 5 - They went to the neighboring town for shopping, the one with a population of 50,000. She works in a hotel outside the town. She said she's shocked because everyone is staring at her breasts, much more views compared to our home country. I wonder if she likes it.

September 6 - She visited Badoo. I told her a story about my friend who met a girl yesterday and slept with her on the first date. My girlfriend said she had also done that before we met and asked if it was normal, and if I judged her. I replied that it's all okay.

September 14 - A guy from her workplace came over again and tried to woo her once more.Rejected.

September 17 - During a conversation, she says that I am very kind person and perfect BF but I have one downside - I am not sexy.

September 18 - A guy from her workplace bought her flowers, and my girlfriend was very happy about it. I hope it boosts her self-esteem. However, she says he doesn't deserve a date.

September 22 - visited badoo

September 23 - They had a little intimate conversation, but after a few messages, she said that I am boring in that regard.

At the moment, these are all the entries from my diary. I hope there will be more entries, and they will be hotter. She will return home on October 1-2 (a month earlier than planned, but it's not related to our topic). The chances of anything happening this week are close to zero; she doesn't visit Badoo as frequently or for long periods anymore. During this work trip the most important factor is her sister, with whom she works and lives, and even their days off align. She won't be flirting or going on dates with anyone in front of her sister.

I'm curious if she'll delete Badoo when she returns. Will she tell me about her experiences using it? Will she share something else with me that I don't know yet?

What are your thoughts? Recommendations?

P.S. I’m really sorry, English is not my first language and I was translating everything manually, so here and there it may look strange
September 27 - She sent me a screenshot of a conversation between her and some guy on instagram, where he was trying to flirt with her (she sent it because those attempts looked funny). When I asked who it was, she said she didn't really know, that someone just messaged her. They are now following each other, but as I understand this happened after that conversation, so I think it doesn't mean anything. But it's a good sign that she's not afraid to tell and show me how others flirt with her, and it seems like she doesn't mind receiving attention and compliments from others.

September 28 - She deleted her account on badoo, which was expected as she will be back home in 3-4 days. Wondering if she gonna tell me something about it.

October 4-10th - We often have sex now (2-3-4 times a week), the separation turned out to be beneficial in terms of intimacy. In bed, she likes it when I dominate, when I call her a slut. During sex, she loves fantasies about double penetration with a dildo, wants to buy a new vibrator, wants me to take her on the hotel balcony or in front of a window. Overall she has many desires but all are about her being dominated. That is interesting as we both want to be subs and I’m not sure how this can play out in cuckold/hotwife lifestyle because usually wife is dom and husband is sub in such relationships, are there sub+sub couples who were able to dive into lifestyle? By the way we’ve never talked about her using badoo or my cuckold/lifestyle fantasy since she arrived.

During sex I decided to suggest the idea of filming our sex on video, but she said she feels shy about it. I think a good idea would be to gradually incorporate a dildo into our sex life and have conversations about how she's a slut. Ideally arousing her with fantasies about visiting a swinger club or fantasies about her going on a date but I don’t know how to get that far to be honest.

Also unfortunately I heard a small red flag during our sex, when she was trying to arouse me and make me cum (she already came at this point) she was saying all different things that sound hot (in her opinion) like "you have big dick/balls, nice ass etc" but another thing that she said was "only you will be fucking me" and "my pussy is only for you".
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October 11-30th - Don’t have much for update. No penetrative sex, only me fingering her while she is using vibrator on the clit. After she cum I usually lick her pussy and jerk off while she is browsing instagram on her phone, super sexy. She likes it when I stretch her pussy with multiple fingers and so do I. She takes 4 and sometimes tip of fifth, I want to keep stretching her for some time and then start using the big dildo we have but never used after I bought it 2.5 years ago (she tried 2 times but said it was too big for her). I guess that may give her a different level of feelings. Ideally I would like to play with both my dick and that big dildo so she could compare and start fantasizing about big dicks. Even the idea of her choosing dildo over my dick is very hot, imagining she’s saying something like “Wait honey, I want to cum with that toy first, can you help me?”

Laconic yet interesting progress… 🤯🤯🤯

November 14 - We are thinking about living in a different country for next two or three years. We have already lived there for 6 months a few years ago and it was quite good, we’re thinking about moving to the same city we visited before. But anyway that’s not the main point, in that city we visited a sex shop to buy toys and at that time we noticed that there was kind of porn cinema in that place. We never visited it but we both remembered that it exists. And now 4 years later we are about to move to that city and my wife now suggests visiting it. Another point as I understand (and she don’t) is that cinema is probably swinger club with different parties on weekends.

November 17 - We were relaxing in bed before sleep and just casually talking about this and that. She wondered if you need to pass some kind of verification to create onlyfans account and post content. I don’t think that she really wants to do such thing because she is shy and has complexes about her weight but that would be veeeery hot and I would love it.

November 18 - suggested threesome. We had a small talk, where I said that yeah I don’t mind and she was like how should it go? MFM or FMF? Where do we find third person? How to get to the point when all three of us are in bed? I suggested that easiest way is probably swinger club where there’re a lot of people and a big pool of candidates. Also she suggested we should visit sex shop to buy some kind of games to spice things up. I’m thinking maybe truth or dare?

So yeah it’s quite good progress over such small period of time. I’m sure that if we move to different country where no one know me or she we would experience either threesome or onlyfans or swinger club. What do you think? What is the best way to find a partner for threesome? Should we go to swinger club if we never been to such places? We’re in mid 20th and I’m a bit scared that we won’t find anyone our age (my wife has taboo on anyone who is older/younger more than 5-6 years compared to her). If we go to swinger club and start action in threesome with a guy I definitely gonna cum in 30 seconds and just watch he fucks her while I reload which is probably perfect entrance for cuckolding?
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November 24 - She was asking if it’s ok for her to create onlyfans profile, I answered that yep it would be ok. She worried about verification process and photos with ID card, also worried that it can be somehow hacked/leaked and someone can blackmail her.

December 20 - This time she wasn't asking, she claimed that she wants onlyfans profile and if I can help her with verification and so on, wants me to be her "sexy manager". Obviously she wants to do that without face or blurred. I believe it gonna happen in next one or two months, can't wait to publish her nudes online with her approval. I guess that would that very first step into cuckolding, once she start to feel comfortable posting nudes (or even porn) online for hundreds of men she may gain a lot of confidence about her body and defeat some complexes, she may start thinking and acting about visiting swinger club as a next step.
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So far nothing new related to OF as we still didn't relocate abroad and have never talked about it since last time.

February 24 - She was watching tiktoks and one did catch my attention, it was video about open relationships and whe watched full 2 minutes or so without skipping I guess that shows her curiosity

February 25 - We were laying in the bed about to sleep and she started asking me what I would like to try and what I want in sex. I answered that weeell you know what I wanna and she responded something like "are you some kind of cuckold?" and I was like "yep". She told that it's not for her and she wants calm family life.

March 6 - We had PIV sex and I think it was first time in last 2-3 months or so, all other sexual activities we had were my 3-4-5 fingers and her pussy once a week. I failed to fuck her and lost my boner in middle of an action, I was embarrassed but I loved that humiliation feeling. On top of that she told that anyway she just doesn't feel my dick inside her anymore after our fingering games and she don't know what to do with that as she loves my dick but she also loves my fingers now.

I love this, I'll keep stretching her pussy and maybe she'll start deny sex with me at all and just use my fingers and toys
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She is ready and has been for some time,take her to the sex shop and find her a glory hole,she can start by sucking dicks and soon will want a cock in her.
srx said:
She is ready and has been for some time,take her to the sex shop and find her a glory hole,she can start by sucking dicks and soon will want a cock in her.
Unfortunately there're no gloryholes in radius of 1000km and I'm sure that she won't just start sucking dicks out of blue sky even if we visit sexshop with glory hole. But yeah we will definitely visit such sexshop with gloryhole just to see her reaction
AdamMelissa said:
So far nothing new related to OF as we still didn't relocate abroad and have never talked about it since last time.

February 24 - She was watching tiktoks and one did catch my attention, it was video about open relationships and whe watched full 2 minutes or so without skipping I guess that shows her curiosity

February 25 - We were laying in the bed about to sleep and she started asking me what I would like to try and what I want in sex. I answered that weeell you know what I wanna and she responded something like "are you some kind of cuckold?" and I was like "yep". She told that it's not for her and she wants calm family life.

March 6 - We had PIV sex and I think it was first time in last 2-3 months or so, all other sexual activities we had were my 3-4-5 fingers and her pussy once a week. I failed to fuck her and lost my boner in middle of an action, I was embarrassed but I loved that humiliation feeling. On top of that she told that anyway she just doesn't feel my dick inside her anymore after our fingering games and she don't know what to do with that as she loves my dick but she also loves my fingers now.

I love this, I'll keep stretching her pussy and maybe she'll start deny sex with me at all and just use my fingers and toys
She needs a big cock
srx said:
She is ready and has been for some time,take her to the sex shop and find her a glory hole,she can start by sucking dicks and soon will want a cock in her.
I agree, put her in the situation, and she will hesitate at first, but she secretly wants it. She needs a little nudge. Maybe there is no glory hole near you, but what about a “swingers resort” for vacation? In her mind there will be both distance from home/real life and an end point to the vacation. That will give her some safety if it’s not for her. But once she is there, and the men start flirting with her, she will want it.

Have you received cum tributes to her? Is she turned on my random men wanting to fuck her and cumming to her?
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Nothing new really happened, we changed our plans and didn't travel this summer. Just a few hot things - a few days ago she suggested threesome in a joking manner, also telling me that my dick is small every other day (joking around). Next time we have intimacy I'll try to bring up her suggestion about threesome, who know maybe that would evolve into something that is not just a joke.
AdamMelissa said:
Nothing new really happened, we changed our plans and didn't travel this summer. Just a few hot things - a few days ago she suggested threesome in a joking manner, also telling me that my dick is small every other day (joking around). Next time we have intimacy I'll try to bring up her suggestion about threesome, who know maybe that would evolve into something that is not just a joke.
Sounds like she just needs more time to appreciate what a big cock would do to her.Buy her a big dildo and show her how to use it,once she sees you are willing it might nudge her into trying it.

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